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drhitler ago

delife all marxists

BadBoyBubby ago

"father" is a real tranny here, no balls

HeavyBrain ago

Goes off script eh, well looks like there will be another tragic tranny sucide because of socity.

paralentor ago

Charlize thereon and a good portion of hollyweird seem to be making this a standard affair. They need to keep it in the blue states.

Manincornerwithboner ago

I swear a cartoon made a parody of this exact same thing, or maybe it was a comic.. horrible stuff, never expected to find a couple articles about this wish it would of stayed a parody

boekanier ago

that 'mother' should be locked up for child abuse

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago


CrudOMatic ago

Shit makes my blood boil.

poly ago

So by forcing their children to dress, opposite their assigned genetic sex

Stop using the word “assigned”

You are “assigned” a seat in kindergarten.

You are not “assigned” a sex or a gender,

Any more than you are “assigned” an eye color.

Stop buying into their delusional frames.

ImpyLucy ago

A sex is your penis or vagina, and that is absolutely not assigned. However scientifically speaking a gender relies on brain chemistry, hence why we even have different terms. Since we cannot really scan every child's brain they have to be assigned the gender that matches their sex, as is the norm.

AnotherGrayman ago

I love when faggots like you say "scientifically speaking" right before they make a horrendously unscientific statement.

Science means nothing to you, it's just a word you use to add credibility to whatever bullshit you're peddling.

oneinchterror ago

No. "Gender" - as distinct from biological sex - is an inherently unscientific concept introduced by fraudulent hack and pervert John Money in the latter half of the 20th century. It's a junk theory that's inherently unfalsifiable.

Enaashby ago

The woman in that short video should have her child taken from her. Where is the father? Colluding in this absurdity? Liberalism IS a mental disorder for sure.

ketoll ago

Notice the "father" (or whatever pathetic sack of fat shit that male figure at the dinner table is) doesn't utter a single word the entire time.

He just lets this evil woman make all of the nutty decisions in that house. That guy needs to cut off his balls too, because he's obviously not using them. Fuck that coward fatass piece of shit for just sitting by and letting the evil woman do this to a child.

B166-ER ago

You think a crazy unhinged bitch like that hasn't taken full advantage of the skewed laws to basically neuter the father. If he says anything she'd report HIM for child abuse so fast it'd make your head spin. She probably has the paperwork already filled out and ready to file at a moment's notice. You can see the pain in his face, but he has to bite his tongue. She probably only had sex with him twice in their marriage and likely has regular affairs with men and women.

Brick top would sort that cunt out real quick.

HighEnergyLife ago

This is almost every single boomer father. I've talked with tons that are this exact way

hollywood2020 ago

I'd be happy to flog this woman to death

anotherdream ago

Is it wrong that I want to take a medieval battle axe to this kids mom? This shit is horrific. We have to reverse this rot in our country before we lose everything. This young man never had a chance. They took away his future. They took away his chance to be a man and have a family. These sick fucks. The fucking Wiemar is here folks. This sick kike shit needs to be disregarded. FUCK TOLERANCE. FUCK THAT SHIT. - FUCK INCLUDING THIS SHIT IN OUR SOCIETY. These people must be openly discredited and labeled for what they are - COMPLETELY INSANE BRAINWASHED CULT ACOLYTES. ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE. Praying for this boy tonight. This shit has me so angry I can't fucking think.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Women have always been this crazy. Before the Trans and Homo fads these same women would have been Christian fundie bible thumpers. The only thing that kept them under control (barely) was the threat of male violence.

HighEnergyLife ago

This. Women need an outlet for their hysteria. Either its channeled by force or its unleashes chaos incarnate upon society. White men, for various reasoning chose to stand aside and get enslaved by their insanity

knightwarrior41 ago

poor kid parents needs more help than him. i feel for him,what people will do for notoriety

LeeDoverwood ago

The parents are low on lead. There's cheap lead pills that can help.

reason247 ago

Suicide is the only option son...

7_________7 ago

It's the new munchausen syndrome. Mentally ill mothers using abuse of their children for attention.

HighEnergyLife ago

All mothers are mentally ill, its the fathers responsibility to keep everything from going straight to hell

Sanpa33 ago

Stop blaming the women. Instead, take her to Mexico for a vacation. You can get a quickie Mexican divorce for $19.99. She mysteriously disappears in Mexico. You come back to America with all your assets intact. (Damn those Mexican kidnapping gangs.) Other than maybe seeing your ex-wife on pornhub doing a donkey show, it's virtually foolproof.

Canbritanon ago

Note the boy tearing the paper to shreds while talking with the mother. That's a coping mechanism against anxiety.

The people who claim this is for the boy's mental health are so ignorant they don't even see the signs of mental health problems, and he's got a severe anxiety disorder caused by his mom.

The dad is clearly cucked. I'm not sure if it's better or worse that he meekly sits by, because she's obviously connected herself with shady pervert politicians he stands zero chance at gaining custody.

FreeinTX ago

Is the dad a cuck? Or a kiddie fucker? Cause he looks kiddie fucker to me.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

The dad is highly cucked and the mom looks like an actual jew witch.

LeeDoverwood ago

That "man" was totally afraid to say a word. He's been trained to have zero input. And yes, I also noticed that paper tearing thing as I used to do it myself when I was stressed out. Ok, I still do it sometimes but not as much. My favorite was peeling labels.

possiblezombie22 ago

what dad?

Judging from the clip that is a fat fucking dyke who's abusing her son so she can parade him around like a show pony.

Faggots have no business raising children.

The nuclear family is what taught boys to become men and girls were taught to become ladies.

Firinmahlazer ago

That's exactly what it is. That kid is her little pet that she gets to tote around and show off to her friends for social credit points.

TrueRuskiy ago

Watching this is really sad. You just know he wants to be a normal kid and instead his "mom" is parading him around like some kind of trophy. Hopefully they haven't started injecting him full of estrogen yet. He might still have a chance.

Canbritanon ago

Hopefully, that'd mean he still has more balls than his dad. I've known a few people who got to normal lives from having a psycho (munchausen, etc) mom.

LettItBurn ago

Think of the shittyist mother one of your friends had growing up. Now imagine if that poor bastard would have been born into a time like this where torturing your child by making him dress like a girl is considered progressive and brave. It really is a satanic mind-fuck that brain dead liberals can latch onto and run with while pretending it's social justice.

I know what's coming next. They're going to start promoting assisted suicide for preteens as "fated abortions". Abortions that were meant to be but were somehow denied. ...and the liberal (white) women will gladly assist in the murder of their own children for the twitter likes and retweets.

obvious-throwaway- ago

THIS is why we need foster care. Foster care itself is a bullshit industry, but if serves any purpose, it should be to help kids that are being brutally tortured by their parents. Also, the people at (((HBO))) who prop up this lie, need to be introduced to the rope.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Sick sick women who abuse their children.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I scrolled to the end of the article and unfortunately found the comments section.

Carla Rodriquez

I agree. The stress that they have put us low income, or homeless people too worry more. I don't wanna have to live with my sister. More rent needs to b like mine. $250 a mo. The one reason y I'm not moving. I can't afford $600 a mo. Even on SSI

What the fuck is wrong with people? Seriously, WTF?

This gimme whore hijacks a comment about a wrong doing to the American people and the punishment that should be incurred only to make it about herself and what she is entitled to and how she feels about all while admitting she's a piece of shit who's sucking at the tit of society.

You fucking people make me sick. We need to purge the useless in this nation. Cut off all social welfare programs and initiate work camps for those who are able and internment camps for those who aren't.

By choice btw, just like the masks. They can either join a work program or get interned to receive their gubmint gibs. Fuck these people.

Tacohell ago

Dude, my husband and I live on one income while I watch our baby because childcare would literally eat my paycheck if I worked and I'm not risking my child being molested at daycare or abused by creepy liberal womyn. We make do with 55k a year and still have a bit of savings. People spend too much fucking money on dumb materialistic shit and go out to eat too much and become fat fucks. You're right, though. PURGE THE LOSERS!!!

RM-Goetbbels ago

People spend too much fucking money on dumb materialistic shit

You forgot, "and expect other people to pay for it" but yeah, that's kind of my point.

Tacohell ago

Oh, I know ALL about it. Worked at a supermarket in the ghetto as my first job. This nigger comes through the checkout lane decked out in a fucking FULL MINK COAT down to the floor and gold jewelry. Did you guess what happened next? Yeah, he whipped out his EBT card and then withdrew money to buy cigarettes. I was sick to my stomach. Knowing my entire town was on welfare while my parents slaved away for us to freeze all winter was the hardest black pill to swallow.

oldblo ago

Oy vey! Shut it down!

AlfredMcCoy ago

Lots of "women shouldnt be around boys/young men" comments but my male children have all seemed to be just fine. Careful who you fuck, gentlemen. Do not stick your dick in crazy. I'd go the traditional Catholic route for marriage but that's just me.

Deflo56 ago

In reality this could be handled quickly with arrest and prosecution of these obvious abusers. Hopefully once the insurgents have been dispatched mental healthcare professionals can provide proper treatment.

Nukeisrael ago

“Mental healthcare professionals” are psychologists who think putting you on meth is good as an 8 year old.

Deflo56 ago

Those are the insurgents. Someone is going to have to suggest anti-psychotics for the gender dysphoric.

Wheatstone ago

They are gaslighting all the victims of this abuse and drugging them!

They should be the first to get the rope!

tourgen ago

Women with unsupervised access to young men is degenerate and very damaging to our young men.

Moon_Central ago

This is very true.

The way of the warrior.

pdpbigbang ago

It's the same child in this "historic" article

Child abuse, plain and simple.

PaoHater ago

Women are the cause of the destruction of our entire society. And weak men allow it to happen. That man (if you can call him that) is a pussy, he should be ashamed of himself for not having the testicular fortitude to stand up to that psychotic cunt of a wife. Back in the day, that bitch would have been drawn and quartered, hung, strapped to a watermill, or a myriad of other ways designated to kill witches. That is what she is; a spawn of Satan that should be fucking cleansed with fire.

xenochrist15 ago

I guarantee that ugly wife threatened to kill the kids and herself. She probably has manipulated his empathy to the point he feels trapped. Or he’s just a faggot.

DocterDildo ago

Women are the cause of the destruction of our entire society

Women and weak man are only the tools. jews are the cause.

LeeDoverwood ago

Totally agreed.

TrueRuskiy ago

History makes a lot more sense if they were killed for these reasons. I always felt like the argument for how they were killed for "witchcraft" made no sense.

LeeDoverwood ago

Some of the so called witch trials were just scapegoating for the ills of the society. Some of it was real nasty people society was wanting to rid itself of.

DBExactor ago

I'm an atheist and I agree 100%. Well that's a lie, I have 0 beef with Christians and Buddhists and I like going to church once in a while because you meet decent folks there. It's a hypothesis I think is a big stretch but I know for certain our consciousness benefits for eternity by helping out our fellow man. I've gone on enough out of body adventures.

WD_Pelley ago

I have 0 beef with Christians and Buddhists and I like going to church once in a while because you meet decent folks there.

Same here but that can usually depend on the type of church. More traditional churches are better than those megacurch cargo cults. Eastern religions are pretty interesting too.

IronCrusader88 ago

You mean the Jews? I'm not gonna lie that women shouldn't really have that much power or influence but really it was the Jews who opened the gates for this bullshit. Women are who they are by their nature and they should be put on a strong but fair leash.

Wheatstone ago

Transgender kids = narcissistic abuse from the parents!

This is a psychological rape of child. Satanic ritual humiliation!!

redwing14 ago

they are using the transgender topic to highlight that white christianity has a segment of delusional lunatics. No black, mexican, muslim or asians are doing this.. at least not at these numbers. They are literally culling the population by making the insane not have offspring.

DocterDildo ago

You think atheists aren't the ones turning their kids into tranny faggots?

redwing14 ago

many christians are pretty much atheist.

smokratez ago

Atheists are dumber than niggers. Don't compare Christians to that.

ilovejuices3 ago

It’s called munchausen by proxy

VoatsNewfag ago

I believe that munchhausen doesn't capture the full horror.

Because there is a very strong sexual component to transgenderism.

She is forcing her son to wear makeup. If you struggle to perceive women as pedophiles, imagine a grown man forcefully applying makeup to a child (perhaps not even a teenager yet) such that afterwards he looks like a blowup doll or cheap hooker.

That is fucking creepy as hell.

There is also a very strong focus on analsex for trannies. Afaik most keep their genitals and just have anal.

Now imagine this mother talks with her son about sex and masturbation. That's already an awkward conversation with normal parents! But she's used to violating his boundaries and wants him as a girl. Will she be like "honey, let me teach you how to masturbate like a girl."?!?!

And when she decides that he's old enough to have a boyfriend, who will be attracted to a child that looks like a blowup doll?

Wheatstone ago

Unfortunately this is hardcore truth.

SocialCredit_Nil ago

A triggered MBP mommy or soydad downvoated you. Lol. These kids are going to go full berserker on their MBP parents when they realize the brainwashing and abuse they have put them through for narcissistic attention.

AlfredMcCoy ago

What did narcissistic abuse from the parents look like before transgenderism was trendy?

I'm thinking Munchausen by proxy, pageant shows, etc.

DocterDildo ago

Atheism, veganism, progessiveness, communism etc.

AlfredMcCoy ago

Yes, yes and yes.

AnotherGrayman ago


Here goes another christcuck, suggesting that not believing their fairytales equates to narcissistic abuse.

DocterDildo ago

Cope, jew slave.

AnotherGrayman ago

Hahahahah, christcucks literally worship a jew sacrificed by other jews in order to poison goyim into servitude.

DocterDildo ago

You mistakenly assume I am a Christian. That's because atheists are inbred mongoloid jew slaves.

Both atheism and Christianity are jew cuck cults for white people. I don't belong to either. I am a free man. Unlike you. Who is a jew slave by choice. What a pathetic faggot.

77377 ago

I am a free man

No, you're not a man, you're a narcissistic punk. And you're certainly not free, as believing in God but not zombie Jesus is Judaism in its purest form.

AnotherGrayman ago

You mistakenly assume I am a Christian.

No, I didn't, that's why I said "christcucks" and not "you"

YOU mistakenly assume that I assumed. That's because you're a self-important fuckstick who isn't half as smart as he thinks he is, and survives on inhaling his own shit fumes.

DocterDildo ago

What inbred faggot would upvote this mongloid 3 times? Jesus, atheists are the niggers of the white race.

7777777777777 ago

Shut the fuck up, smokratez. You're so dumb you can't even spell doctor.

smokratez ago

I am right. Why should I shut up? Atheists are dumber than niggers.

AtheismIsAJewCult27 ago

Thanks for admitting you're hiding behind alts again.

DocterDildo ago

Here goes another christcuck

You wrote this in reply to something I said. Own your mistake, you pathetic jew slave.

Wheatstone ago

My mom is a malignant narcissist. And she made my childhood an absolute hell!

She started a fight between me and my best friend. Then she manipulated him to turn my whole school against me. Even to the point that she would come to school to spread slander about me to get everyone bullying me.

One kid saw it happening one day and since he was feared he was able to put a stop to it by just threats. The hell ended for a few months and they killed him at nine years old just to start it all up again.

The cops knew it was my family that did it and they looked the other way.

As I grew up they moved onto other sadistic shit. Drugging my food and handing me over to the masons for satanic ritual abuse and rape.

Imagine suddenly having these memories hit you a day or two later and realizing what happened to you and that you have no idea what happened or who the masked people where! It was fucking terrifying and traumatic.

In mason families they chose a scapegoat that gets destroyed for narcissistic supply and money. They convince everyone else that you are a problem case and insane and they consume you like a vampire.

That's what is being done to these transgender kids. That's why they kill themselves.

If the kids speak up they get absolutely tortured and terrorized for daring to expose their abusers.

All the family members look the other way because the psychopaths will destroy them if they stop or expose them.

Going to the police will just get you targeted by the masons. They will never rescue the victims or stop the abuse because they are psychopaths too and they think it's funny!

PuttItinIsrael ago


this account is farming for voats.

AnotherGrayman ago

Yea, I don't believe for one second that adults murdered a nine year old because he was preventing them from bullying another nine year old.

PuttItinIsrael ago

this is what q tards want life to be about.

boomers are mostly pedophiles.

Deshy ago

This is utterly demonic in nature. I feel grieved reading this but honored you shared it as this shows you are healing and looking at things objectively, which brings relief.

I know it’s not my place, nor my fault but I feel sorry this happened to you. It kinda breaks my heart that these things happen in the first place and I no longer wonder at the miserable state of affairs. I want judgement to come upon these people for the terrible things they do to people/children like you.

Wheatstone ago

Validating and healing words fren. Thank you!

My greatest desire is that some day I will get the file they kept on me all these years and will finally know how many of my nightmares where in fact memories!

Seeing justice done would be fucking insane level euphoria for me at this point!

Deshy ago

Seeing justice done would be fucking insane level euphoria for me at this point!

I am a firm believer in the fact that every dog has it’s day, hold on my friend! Hold on!

Check on things in 3 weeks time, let me know what you see.

Hugs because freagin heck pure brotherly love is a mighty healer!

Wheatstone ago

Hugs back fren.

I'm holding the line and firing back as always.

Deshy ago

You are freagin beautiful mahn! This soppy ol’ goat is here, if you ever need me!

Wheatstone ago

You helped me just now fren.


LeeDoverwood ago

Religious families pull similar tricks for mind control. My family for years used me as a scapegoat to distract from their sexual, emotional and physical abuse.

Wheatstone ago

That resonates very deeply with me fren.

I hope you are in a better place now.

LeeDoverwood ago

I'm single but emotionally I feel free and very aware. I'm not bitter against all women but I've learned to spot the untrustworthy types. I can spot emotional manipulation, never taking responsibility for their own actions, constant drama and blame. Vindictive control when they don't get their way. How they put on a different "face" depending on who they are talking to and the constant gaslighting.

Truly, it's exhausting being around these people. They are like spiritual vampires, sucking your soul. When your eyes become opened you suddenly realize there's no upside to the relationship. You can't "win" anything and everything you do for them they will portray as a curse or bad behavior even when they were the ones pushing for it.

Case in point, shortly after we married I got into the routine of taking her and her son to the casino on the reservation because the food was awesome and cheap and she didn't have to spend the weekend cooking. I'm so nice, right? So, this is up around the Oroville in California. Keep in mind she's from Russia, a new immigrant. I wanted to show her every hospitality and good thing our country had to offer. First night I got her here in USA straight off the airplane I took her to see the Golden Gate Bridge. At the edge of the parking lot was a juvenile raccoon. We fed him and enjoyed the experience. She was duly impressed I think. So, a couple months later on the way to the casino there's a raccoon on the side of the road that had been struck by a car that morning. She demanded I stop and skin it for her as she wanted to save the fur. I'm a country boy and even though I was hungry and not in the mood to get my hands dirty I did as she asked. She's pleased.

Fast forward a few months and I am fighting all sorts of delays and problems bringing my case to a final hearing. Two years go by. Final hearing part of her attorney's attack was about that damn raccoon. She claimed in her testimony how vicious I was when I skinned the raccoon. How eager I was to just jump out and skin it, delaying our meal for my own selfish gory reasons. Seriously? When I got on the stand and told my side of the story and how SHE took the skin with her when we separated it kind of killed the her narrative. Then I issued a further challenge: Bring her son in who was waiting outside and ask him for his version. He kind of hated to be coerced into lying and had often countered her lies. LOL. They never brought up that lie again.

Income tax? She offered to file my taxes for me as I had to be out of town every week. So, rather than take a day off work I gave her my papers and let her go in to my accountant. She goes in and claims to be single and head of household with her son as dependent using her maiden name. She then files for me as single with no dependents. I ended up OWING the IRS money while she got $1500.00 after not having worked a single day in USA.

ON her testimony she boasted how kind she was to file my taxes for me while I was out of town. Such a loving, caring wife. I already knew about the scam and had brought documents to show the judge but it really surprised me SHE would volunteer that lie on her own. PERFECT. I showed the documents. Unfortunately the IRS didn't care and never let me resolve the issue.

There were dozens of lies told in court and some very outrageous. Like, claiming I tried to kill her and showing photos of scratches on her neck as proof. She even went to the hospital but the insurance showed she was there BEFORE the photos were taken and the physician noted she had no visible injuries and sent her to a psychiatrist for medication for hysteria. The bill was $7,000.00. The photos were time stamped for a Wednesday. I was out of town four hours away at a job site the entire week. She further claimed I had chased her and her son out of the condo and they were fleeing for their lives and she called the police. Police had no record for her and she had no police report. In actuality I had walked out, then returned for my phone while her son exited one door and she exited another door. She refused to give my phone back so after calling to her to return it and hearing her say loudly, "Oh, you're going to kill me!" I realized she was trying to frame me and simply left and purchased a new phone to transfer my number. Came back home and they were gone.

In court my attorney asked her son about it and he at first tried to claim I had tried to kill his mom. "What did you do". Her son: "I walked out". LOL. Attorney, "Did he ever hit your mom?" Her son: "No, never". Story ruined. Oh, ya, I left because it wasn't the first time she had pulled this shit. One day she called the police to claim I had beat her after she had been punching me. I literally put my hands in my pockets and walked out. She claimed I ran out because I didn't want to get arrested. No. I just walked out of the room, into the garage and emptied the garbage and trash and came back in. She was still on the phone making up her stupid story and I started laughing. She got angry, hung up and asked me why I was laughing. "Because, you're calling the police on yourself". She called them back and said it was ok because I apologized and hung up again. I then called the police and demanded they come out to see this crazy woman. They arrived, listened me and heard her cursing in Russian and asked her to pack some clothes and leave. Oh the curse storm that started.

And that's how I lived for 11 months. Every visit home was drama and games.

Freedom tastes like peace and quiet.

Deshy ago

Yikes what a terrible experience to have...

This part really stood out for me...

Truly, it's exhausting being around these people. They are like spiritual vampires, sucking your soul. When your eyes become opened you suddenly realize there's no upside to the relationship. You can't "win" anything and everything you do for them they will portray as a curse or bad behavior even when they were the ones pushing for it.

I can totally relate, may I ask where she was from?

LeeDoverwood ago

Tried to respond last night but Voat shut down my comment. She's from Shakhty Russia about an hour north of Rostov. After I won in court she was eventually deported as was her son. Not deported specifically based on my report to ICE and the court record of fraud to become married but on both their own actions later. He was picked up for disorderly conduct and public intoxication. Too bad they didn't bust him for selling drugs he and his mother imported from Russia.

His mother I am not sure of why she was deported. Perhaps something to do with labor laws and prostitution or running an illegal massage parlor? She tried to set up several businesses and had her license revoked each time.

Back in Russia I have lost the thread of what she went on to do to support herself but her son tried to set up a house cleaning business apparently then there was no further activity. Strangely enough both their names appear in the lawsuit for the shooting at the Harvest Celebration in Las Vegas. What puzzles me is that to my knowledge both were out of the USA and back in Southern Russia by 2015. So it's puzzling as to what they are doing. Were they actually back here illegally? Perhaps. If so they are leaving no further trace online.

Deshy ago

Some say you dodged a bullet, but she was literally a nuclear bomb!!!

Yeah, the voat downtime and the hour of our convo was difficult. I’m just glad you got out of that. Your freedom must be sweet compared to that oppressive controlling behavior,

I know trusting others will be hard for you now but I do pray you get the opportunity to love and be loved and even teach others of what to look out for. Just please don’t give up hope, because then darkness wins. We cannot let that happen.

Take care of yourself! I have had a busy day, exhausted, probably doing dinner and passing out soon! Byes for now!

LeeDoverwood ago

Truly, I love people. There are so many people I make friends with and reach out to in an effort to give hope, console, teach what I know, and be a blessing to others. In a way being single I am more free to make my own decisions and alliances with friends and neighbors so I've never felt lonely.

I do have to watch myself to not fall prey to such people but not being of the mind to be subjugated to another person I do feel very free. Doubtless I will be tested in the future and am currently kind of letting my life be on hold until this mask madness and political war is over and look forward to a time when I can once more go out on construction jobs and enjoy high pay again.

Wheatstone ago

Sorry to read the shit you went through fren.

They are sick pathetic cunts of the lowest order.

LeeDoverwood ago

Hey, at least it motivated me to research and learn about narcissistic behavior and about personality development and why some people fall into the role of being a victim of these people. Early childhood abuse normalizes abuse so the person grows up and doesn't see the pattern as something to avoid but rather sees himself or herself as being responsible for another persons abuse.

Happily, through self education a person can learn how to deprogram themselves and reject abusive behavior and the gaslighting and blaming the victim that goes with such behavior. Once one of these people get the idea that their abuse will be rejected forcefully, it usually stops and the relationship ends quickly.

SocialCredit_Nil ago

This is horrifying, God bless you!

The FOP is a masonic org, and I don't think that many new cops, who haven't yet had their decency and values compromised, even know they are joining the subversive, satanicbmafia of masonry when they join an FOP, and then it's too late. LE does attract psycopaths, but there are more good and decent men that go into le who are quickly groomed into performing sociopathic deeds, lying, stealing and much, much worse by their masonic co-conspirators.

The FOP should be disbanded and cleansed of all freemasonic elements. As it stands, their oath to protect their masonic "brothers" supercedes their oath of honor to protect and serve the people of their communities. The police forces in the US are not awful because every cop is a natural-born sociopath, but because freemasonry is satanic and has totally permeated the police force of every community in the country.

Wheatstone ago

Many true words here!

SocialCredit_Nil ago

All of my best thoughts and prayers are with you, you are a very strong person. I'm curious if you've ever watched the West Memphis Three documentaries? The theme of these docs is about the "satanic panic craze" in the 80s which we now know was a highly funded disinfo campaign to discredit victims. The doc is a trilogy and I can't remember which one it's in, but in one scene the fathers of the murdered boys are sitting around drinking beers and doing all sorts of masonic hand gestures and call-and-answer masonic sayings to each other. The fathers were, without a doubt in my mind, personally responsible, or guilty of covering up the gruesome murders of those boys by fellow masons, not the teenage boys who they convicted. The families acted bizarre and phony in their grieving throughout but this scene was an eye-opener and what went down there finally made sense.

Sunflowerz ago

I am so sorry to hear about this. SRA is real and so fucked up.

Have you ever read Brice Taylor's Thanks for the Memories? Very wild book about her life as an MK Ultra asset- very mind blowing.

Wheatstone ago

Just researching her now thanks.

OyGoy ago

You sure are special

AlfredMcCoy ago

Yeah we reported sexual abuse in the neighborhood to the police and they told us to keep quiet. I've always suspected Freemasonry and grooming gangs being behind this whole thing. If you are a boy reporting sexual abuse they will laugh in your face and tell you the other boys are just silly or playing games. We've run into this problem with day-time-only Christian Summer camps for our children. The amount of looking-the-other-way makes me think there is something bigger going on. NO FUCKING SHIT this Summer camp sits on the same acreage as a giant Freemason lodge. We obviously stopped going to this facility once we learned about Freemasonry and saw a pattern of grooming behaviors being done to our children and others. We have dealt with so much unwanted touch that it starts to make a person feel crazy.

I am really sorry to hear about your abuse. I am not at all surprised. I hope God can replace for you everything the devil stole. Your parents sound possessed. The suffering you have endured in this lifetime is a free pass to Sainthood if you accept Jesus Christ as your savior. God can take our suffering and make us saints. Think about that.

Have you heard of Jessie Czebotar? She was being groomed to be the Mother of Darkness. Rather than the scapegoat, she was a prodigy and they abused her, too. They would bring children to the lodge at night, strip them naked and play hide and seek. Children who were found were raped by men dressed in weird costumes.

I hope all of the victims will come forward. You will be believed. I will die fighting Freemasonry and the spirit behind.

God bless you.

Wheatstone ago

I was a Christian but this destroyed my faith completely. Especially since my church mocked me to my face.

I have spoke up so many times and been mocked, blamed and laughted at by everyone I ever told. I have never been believed.

Now I am being gangstalked. This has gone on for four decades now and I have written to everyone I can think of. It only results in more gaslighting and attacks.

I once went to rape counselling and the bitches reenacted part of my rape in the waiting room. One counsellor upon hearing I was raped as a kid said I must be a pedophile now and nothing I said would make her recant the statement.

These devils are in all these key positions to destroy the victims and put you on the gangstalking list.

My life is in absolute ruins after four decades of this satanic ritual abuse. And now the government is doing it to me.

I can't even describe the hell this has been.

AlfredMcCoy ago I'm listening to this specific episode and it's all about what we're talking about.

I HIGHLY recommend this book called "My Catholic Faith". Please do not be thrown by the title. Please. There will be a chapter about suffering and saintification. It was written for this. I believe it will speak deeply to you.

Boocheus ago

at what point dont you just say fuck it and leave the country. even illegally.

Wheatstone ago

I move continents but since Canada is pedo mason central I fucked up and condemned myself to this shitty game.

Deshy ago

I think it’s everywhere to be fair but the level of intensity of the varies houses may vary.

May I ask roughly whereabouts you are? Are you safe there?

Wheatstone ago

That's very astute of you. Yes, the level depends on how deep the family as a whole is in this sadistic pathological behaviour!

The more extreme and more in numbers the psychopaths are makes for a far more dangerous and controlling environment for the victims and the truth tellers.

I'm in Canada and it's fucked beyond belief here. So no I'm not safe at all.

I'm in the gangstalking programs so every interaction with the police, government, medical system and so on is just an opportunity for these psychopaths to stalk me more and turn my world upside down.

This is what happens to the victims of the pedophiles and traffickers. They are gangstalked for decades to destroy and kill them. Because when they hit the 40-50 age range they start remembering and understanding what happened to them.

The gangstalking programs are designed to destroy every aspect of your life and drive you to suicide. This is what is causing the veterans, whistleblowers, survivors, truth tellers and transgenders to kill themselves. It's psychotic fuckery beyond anything you can imagine.

Torture a person till they break and you have hacked their subconscious mind. You can now just tell the person who they are, what they believe, think, want and say!

That's why we have walking babomets everywhere. Most are mkultra victims but some are pedos hiding among their marionettes!

This is why we have 8 million kids go missing each year and virtually no stories of them coming home!!

KillKillary ago

All true. The males in my family on Father's side were all Masons. A lot in your story is similar to mine.

Deshy ago

This is just horrific... I hate getting into these things as I feel the despair of it so greatly.

I believe in goodness beyond measure because I know evil exists. A dark, horrifying evil that plaques the land, but I believe goodness; however few in numbers we are; are so much greater.

I believe in a time where 300 men could outweigh thousands and thousands of evil, degenerate ones and overcome them and their ways.

Fighting language I know, but these spiritual entities plaque and inhibit these people even beyond themselves. Their hunger for all things dark; i.e fear, anxiousness, doubt, insecurity, despair, unrighteous anger, loss and general disdain for all things good is what fuels and drives them to constantly want to consume.

Yet, good remains greater and the power of pure love is indeed the greatest power that we have access to.

You are truly blessed to share this and you have protection available to you.

I genuinely pray your enemies become at peace with you and that you find a way through all this.

Please forgive me, if all of this unsettles you. I am genuinely touched by your story and I genuinely want you to find your way through this.

Clarity of mind, the preservation of your soul and the comfort of knowing that every time you stand against this destruction; even if just in your mind, you are standing for something far greater then you can imagine.

You need to find a network of trust, I pray you are able to have the wisdom in recognizing these people. You are not alone.

Oh mahn, thank you for this. You have blessed my soul this evening, more then you can ever know. I need to go to bed though. Keep in touch!

PS; Is all of Canada screwed? I was hoping to visit :/ for real...?

Wheatstone ago

You are welcome. I'm just trying to educate people so that this evil will be recognized and stopped for good.

It's intergenerational and my kids will be next to suffer if this isn't stopped.

Canada is fucked!

They have played this narcissistic rape game with all the First Nations for several generations.

They snatch all the kids with fostercare, alienating them from their families, communities and culture. Then they age out of it and are dumped on the reserve like aliens.

This is why their suicide rate is off the charts. This is the aim of the abuse. Genocide.

I truly hate these ham glazing fucking pedos now.

Challenge them about this and they will only justify this evil.

I came here to get away from this shit and rebuild my life only to be targeted even more. They stole my business and destroyed my life again.

The victims are seen as soft targets and these people have no empathy. They hate us because we refused to destroy our conscience and become like them.

We are the living proof that these cowards had a choice. That they could have said no and they hate us for that.

MisterIdealInLead ago

By leave the country do you mean go full on saint brenton on the pedo camp? Cause that is whats needed. Abused kids to commit to full slaughter. Those kids are the only ones who actually know who the monsters are.

Boocheus ago

in minecraft

WD_Pelley ago

Holy shit you guys sound like you went through literal hell. I would ask for more information but I don't want to dredge up bad memories for the sake of easing my curiosity. I'll read that link though.

Nukeisrael ago

Women are literally fucking crazy. Yup, call me an incel for being a literal man whore in high school and get it over with. Nope, women are literally children and giving them the same rights as men was seen as insanity for all of history for a reason.

WD_Pelley ago

No argument here. Without guidance women run everything into the ground and make everything hell. They bicker, whine, project, delude themselves, and drag everything to a base level while still thinking they're all goddesses. Toxic masculinity? Please, unleashed female nature is far worse.

Nukeisrael ago

Imagine giving children the vote and equal rights. Have you read “the authoritarian personality?” That’s what kikes want next. Your kid to vote you out because you didn’t buy him icecream.

WD_Pelley ago

I think it was Nixon who helped lower the voting age. Terrible mistake.

Your kid to vote you out because you didn’t buy him icecream.

Like any of these fat little fucks running around need any more ice cream.

Nukeisrael ago

Dude you haven’t seen the depths of evil until you read frankfurt school publications. I couldn’t finish them. They want no family at all and kids to be free to be fucked by adults and the father to be a cuck. It’s like a more fucked up brave new world. They want zero order and pure chaos because they think that’s the ultimate liberation. Children liberated from their “fascist” parents. They should be able to fuck strangers at age 10 they say. Seriously dude these are the kikes who are trying to make the world into their sick twisted hellscape and they need to be removed.

WD_Pelley ago

I read a screencap from /pol/ (back when it was actually good and not Boomer Central) and it argued that the Frankfurt School were descended from the Zevi/Frank line of Judaism; they were this mystical sect that broke every taboo they could so that - in their twisted logic - they could usher in a utopia and put God back together (tikkum olam).

They were disgusting freaks. Wife swapping, shit eating, group sex, pedophiliac, faggot worshipping monsters. It's no surprise to me that they want to turn the earth into their paradise, which means it's our hell. I'm just terrified of the details I have yet to discover.

Nukeisrael ago

You’re talking about the sabbatean frankists. Robert sepehr has an entire book on them.

WD_Pelley ago

Robert Sepehr

Funny story, because I've been watching his YT vids about ancient Aryan history. I think there might be something to this Atlantis stuff. The Celtic peoples, Basque, Amazigh, and Guanches seem to have similar roots. What am I saying? I think that there really was a pan-Aryan empire way back in the day, stretching from the British Isles into western China. Maybe something.

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah it’s fun to think about. I don’t know but it’s possible. He’s right about human origins though, we didn’t evolve from niggers. They are hybrids with literal erectus.

WD_Pelley ago

They are hybrids with literal erectus.

Beast-men. The sodomite apelings. Beasts of the field. They're definitely not us and that also goes for a certain small hat tribe that are probably descended from homo capensis.

kishidan ago

Any links to some? Tried searching in google and not hitting up anything notable or stuff I don't already know.

kishidan ago

Pfft, right there in front of my face, thanks.

Nukeisrael ago

“Raising your kids is evil and makes you an incel goy.”

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