19841989 ago

This is the death of Pornhub. LOL.

TripleZ ago

Jews started losing shekels so jews reacted. Fuck jews.

buffalo_fart ago

so now it will just be 30 second videos from pay sites that show drugged out pornstars who only do porn for the money and only say yesyesyesyes in the videos and make slurping sounds. pornhub just killed itself.

Amerikaner ago

Does this have something to do with, chuckle, google going down?

Nicoladepierola ago

They've been getting shit for the child porn uploaded to their site. This makes legal sense.

Tiessa ago


AfricanZionSafari ago

All the cooming-heart liberals who have spent the last 9 months jerking off and collecting welfare have become more addicted then ever to the most degenerate porn they can find, mostly on pornhub. Now they are being cut off from their drug, at the same time they need to fill out the ranks of antifa. With Trump's Presidency in question, the right has their hands untied and can actually fight back as you see with the proud boys over the weekend, and the left knows this.

All the hypno porn on youtube will stay on and probably start sending out messages for the coomers to join antifa or get radical. We need a "Aim for the balls" campaign when kicking the shit out of antifa terrorists.

LordEastwood ago

Done to hide private blackmail videos used by elites. I wonder how many hunter videos were deleted?

CanIPlay2 ago

Scrolled through a few comments. I'm thinking most people didn't know about the non-porn videos on the site. My best guess is this is their way of keeping any political news off of their site.

anticlutch ago

Delete the whole thing.

Pornography is not protected under the first amendment. It very explicitly is not.

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TheGook ago

Internal joo fight. NK should've nuked israel when had the chance.

reason247 ago

Funny. I remember when that was one of the very few places that some (nazi white nationalist) videos could even be posted!

ZKX ago

"You mean the goyim are watching amateur videos instead of our race mixing videos? Shut it down."

drhitler ago

its annudah shoah!

Kleemin ago

in other words no more white on white homemade porn, only commie approved nigger dicks with white chicks and jew produced porn.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

You're free to sign up for the model program and get to work.

RemyLeBeaux ago

No one cared about videos of rape, videos involving enslaved underage girls, or videos taken unbeknownst to the (female) participant until now?

Hmm, wonder how much money was at stake to take these down. Fucking degenerate kikes, and fucking degenerate scum who gleefully consume this "entertainment" knowing that it is their mothers, sisters, nieces, and daughters being violated, raped, and enslaved.

Do you want to know why in countries where porn/prostitution is legal that the amount of sex trafficking goes UP? It's because no one chooses to be a porn actor or prostitute as a first, second, or even a 100th choice. It's because despite the surging demand for women's and girl's bodies, there is very little willing supply. That's why so many must be tricked, stolen, and drugged up to get into the industry.

Bros_B4_Nose ago

Agreed on all fronts except a lot of jewish porn stars - male and female get into porn 'acting' as a career choice. Nina Hartly, James Deen, etc.. Degeneracy is the life blood that runs through the collective veins of the jewish tribe.

anoncastillo ago

And yet corona lockdowns have destroyed the economy so thoroughly that women are signing up for onlyfans by the millions because they have no other way to provide for themselves (husbands, active fathersmade up jobs, etc.).

uvulectomy ago

"You don't "get into" porn or prostitution. You end up in it."

MemeDropAcct ago

This is a smokescreen for them to delete all gun, election fraud, Plandemic, etc. videos.

beefartist ago

and not to be the big focus of the "next" Hunter Biden

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Porn is a jew tool to further weaken White men...do not consooom it.

Gaslov ago

I did notice the lack of pornography on voat.

I hope it stays that way.

Monkstar1 ago

You just aren't looking hard enough. THE LIST (Link sfw)

Anam ago

Most of those subs are dead. I know because I blocked smut as it appeared until there was no more on my front page, and I don't recognize the majority of those links.

anoncastillo ago

There are nsfw subs and more porn used to get posted 2-4 years ago before everyone went no fap and anti-degeneracy.

reason247 ago

Darkshroud... That fucker lol.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

That doesn't stop MaroonSaint from requesting dick pics

uvulectomy ago

Even though he claims to be "blind" now, lol.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

He went blind from masturbation, I'm guessing?

uvulectomy ago

Guess he forgot to stop when he only needed glasses.

Vc83 ago

Thats not porn. Its a private transaction!

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Send me a pussy pic

AntiMason ago

Boo hoo wankers 😭😭😭😭

Hoppes9 ago

Pornhub is removing all videos uploaded to its site by unverified users, millions of videos in total, as part of a crackdown on user-uploaded content after two major payment processors suspended service ... Uploads now have to come from official content partners or members of Pornhub’s “Model Program,” which requires age verification to sign up.

At first I couldn't figure out why the jews at the credit card companies would wage war against the jews pedaling smut, but now I understand. They're not. They're waging war against user-generated porn content that competes with their degenerate nigger-filled commercial porn. They want to verify users so they have a list of people to blackmail.

yewotm8 ago

Pornhub is not profitable. Fucking YouTube isn't even profitable based on just ad revenue, how could pornhub possibly be when they don't even have real ads (nobody except other porn sites will advertise on porn)? You really think there are that many boomers putting in their credit card info to get "premium"?

Pornhub exists to collect data on users and nothing more. It's very valuable data too, since it shows you exactly what every user really desires. You know exactly who's a closet gay, who's into tranny porn, and so on.

chirogonemd ago

I think there's a massive effort to get people onto services like Onlyfans. They're addicting people to a certain novel kind of content (well, relatively novel within the past several years). We might think this is a good thing to see Pornhub being punished, but in the end, what they're doing is creating an establishment out of porn. The efforts they take now to clamp down on content and create clear domains for users-generated porn (using an Onlyfans kind of model) is going to pave the way for a 'legitimate' digital sex work industry, and greater and greater social acceptance. "See! They really got this thing sealed down tight. They went LEGIT."

Porn has always been money laundering, and the vast majority is owned by just a couple companies.

Pornhub got itself into hot water when it started verifying users because it wanted to move toward something a lot more like Onlyfans, a paid, user-generated content creation platform. They're moving the industry toward being supported by young girls everywhere, in surburban America, selling themselves on the internet from their bedrooms, and these sites just skim money off the top. They just used the loss leader model to get everyone addicted to it and to turn this country into a porn culture.

Think about it. Now they don't have to go to the gutter to get their porn starlets, or put ads in papers to attract daddy's little runaway to their weird LA studio. Nope, they've got millions of willing whores who will use their mom and dad's house or their dorm rooms as a porn studio. Millions of guys who will watch her finger herself in front of the camera and then send her donations for some 'special content', like a folder of fucking feet pics or something. And it's all so "hot" because they feel "so close" to this girl. She said their name while she was doing it all.

Pornhub fucked up by verifying users and getting sloppy. They had some obviously criminal content get verified. So we can expect the days of the wild west in porn to be behind us. It's turning into an industry now. Of course, there will always be fringe sites out there that steal content, but the big players are all moving the way of becoming the Youtubes of porn.

Bros_B4_Nose ago

It's communism. jews are trying to kosher tax the fuck out of day traders right now because a lot of them have beaten the track records of most (((fund managers))) on wall st. They don't want you making ANY money, hence the rush to chip humans and digitize (((currency)))

anoncastillo ago

Can't put a black cock in every white vagina if it's some amateur white couple making home vids. Now they can deplatform you for racism if your porn is pro-white, by which they mean anny porn with multiple whites and no non-whites. Mark my words, we will see thots getting deplatformed for refusing nigger dick within 2 years.

reason247 ago

You see clearly! You have recognized advanced jewing, the jewing of jews by other jews. Next up Super Dooper Advanced Jewig! The jewing of god himself.


tourgen ago

Yes. This is precisely correct. They want nigger dicks and cuckolding at the top of every single porn site.

kishidan ago

If that was the case, why didn't the Jews at pornhub just do it themselves? Seems overly complicated for something they could do themselves.

Hoppes9 ago

I don't think they're that coordinated. I think the jews in the porn industry hold some major influence over the jews in the payment processing industry and enlisted them to help battle against Pornhub.

SyncStatus ago

That's a better theory than mine. I thought it might have been copyright jews vs smut jews. Of course that makes no sense for this to be the result, so it must be, like youtube, which near-purges independent news outlets in favor of blue-checkmark kiked official sources as the only source the public sees. In terms of porn, like you said, it's about it now being black cocks and white women, gay AF, incest and unironic cockoldry.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

" Uploads now have to come from official content partners or members of Pornhub’s “Model Program,” which requires age verification to sign up." must have missed this, it takes about a day to get approved, and anyone of age can do this very easily. So I guess I am an "official" source?

NiggadermCQ ago

can i send them my wrinkly balls for age verification?

maybe maroonsaint would like a job there.

oldblo ago

Im guessing this is the soft ball version of the porn pass. The sooner they die the better.

Deshy ago

They want to verify users so they have a list of people to blackmail.

Blackmail means shekels! Makes perfect sense...

obvious-throwaway- ago

Jews literally live for raping, murdering and in general destroying children mentally and physically, who at this point would dare to have the balls to stand in the way of their favorite pastime?

Jiggggg ago

I would like to print that last sentence on a banner


Many tolerated the status quo until the case of the 13 year old being raped and whom was verified by pornshit. Her abductor and pimp repeatedly raped her in dozens of videos and even had a video Q&A with the 13 year explain it was all consensual. They were verified by pornhub. These videos had amassed millions of views, and it was in essence child porn and non consensual rape. From descriptions she cried and screamed during her videotaped rapes. Her abductor claiming it was just a fetish and all consensual

In reaction to this event million upon millions began to sign the petition to ban pornhub and have DOJ seize the domain, many of these people were religious. Payment processors began to shit the bed because they were being contacted by tens of thousands of ppl demanding they seize enabling human rights abuses.

Some guy recognized the girl and contacted the mother of the girl, whom contacted pornhub to remove the videos and she contacted the FBI. Pornhub did NOTHING after repeated mails with proof that that was her abducted daughter and pornhub even hung up on phone calls.

The kike smut peddling jews over at pornhub in essence became a publisher and not a platform by adopting the 'verified' stance. They could have just hid on the FTC laws by not 'verifying' anybody and just allowing user content to be uploaded and immediately responding to any reasonable complaint to remove any video that reasonably speaking could be infringing upon copyright or other criminal laws. Which is what other smut sites are doing and for good legal reasons.

obvious-throwaway- ago

All _____ deserve worse than death, in Minecraft.

Kike_Slayer_88 ago

Kikes must be exterminated to total extinction.

Xenxaytax ago

More and more people come to that conclusion every day. I cannot wait for critical mass to be reached.

dragon_-_son ago

Hmmm (((really))) surprised they let that happen.

Ulfghar ago

Except it's videos on step dads sisters brothers moms

GutterTrash ago

Remember, it is antisemitic to assume that they are behind this deliberate push of incest that specifically features white people

Ulfghar ago

Not to sound anti-semitic but I think all pedophiles should be shot

derram ago

https://archive.ph/wip/liorK :

2020-12-14 | Pornhub just removed most of its videos - The Verge

'Pornhub appears to have wiped out more than 8.8 million videos as of this writing. '

'Pornhub is removing all videos uploaded to its site by unverified users, millions of videos in total, as part of a crackdown on user-uploaded content after two major payment processors suspended service. '

'Motherboard said the site boasted 13.5 million videos on Sunday night; it has 4.7 million as of Monday morning. '

'Motherboard reports that all previously uploaded videos are now being pulled “pending verification and review” beginning in 2021. '

'More than 8 million videos have been wiped out“This means every piece of Pornhub content is from verified uploaders, a requirement that platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and Twitter have yet to institute,” Pornhub wrote in a blog post this morning. '

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