Awesome. This was one of my favorite features on the reddit equivalent of this, and this will be helpful in finding new nsfw subreddits. Of course, later as voat expands, some renovations might be due, and some details being added could be helpful, but seriously, thank you. This was exactly what this sub needed.

jamestownhistory ago

/v/dirtychats - not porn but NSFW chat/roleplay

LuckyL00ser ago

I have another one: /v/ifyouhadtopickone

LuckyL00ser ago

Hi, I am the mod of /v/cuteembarrassedgirls and would like to ask to be kindly included in your list, I guess under general.

These are the kinds of submissions I am looking for:
Breast pressing with a smile
A clap for the gap
A cute Rubbermaid caught in her natural habitat

Cheers, LuckyL00ser

danceswithnarwhals ago

Awesome list thanks for putting it together PornWatcher. I made a subverse that may be of interest to some here /v/bootyandsole

pm_me_firearms ago

Can we make these a bit more organized?

PornWatcher ago

Not tonight, but I might work on it tomorrow, now that I have an initial set.

Oire ago

I made this sticky for all the right reasons.