WickedVocalist ago

You obviously won’t do your job so I will make you regret that by recycling your ass

WickedVocalist ago

You want me to act like I run the prison world?

I don’t

Patchouli ago

Move the goalposts and make a victory seem smaller. That's what jews do. Hi jew faggot. Your time is running out.

minx88 ago

So he’s discriminating and he needs to die someone fucking kill him or shut his mouth with a firework or something a cenent milkshake with stuff in it like that if I do antifa at his houseor Put a sign of chicken yes or money so the Nager’s can go kill him

Adarcer ago

@AnotherGrayman I appreciate your pure motives. To be honest I was not expecting that ! I cannot remember the last time I witnessed someone trying to instruct others with pure motives, it is refreshing. Usually I find people trying to make others feel small, so they can feel better about themselves. I will take your correction to heart and struggle to be more diligent !

Plus your comment was weird almost déjà vu like ... This is not the first time I have been called out on this, I basically said the person was being petty focusing on spelling and reposted corrected text instead — but conversation off the rails .... and this was a big one, and I was winning !

Sometimes I get in the zone and "riff" or some "inspiration" hits {sentence that you pointed out} those areas are usually where I commonly get mistakes.

AnotherGrayman ago

As iron sharpens iron, so too, does one man sharpen another.

WickedVocalist ago

Maxwell is not getting off the hook

WickedVocalist ago

I watched him lie for three hours last night, whaddya wanna guess he’s LDS??

He’s the real supremacist himself and at one point he even admitted ANTIFA are the FBI

blighty ago

Are they referring to Antifa?

redwing14 ago

This is true though. 70% of america is white.

kishind ago

As it is with any large group, they're not homogeneous. Beliefs have a bell curve of intensity. Understanding creates opportunities.

I want boomers on board to fund the efforts. They had better opportunities and time to accumulate. Boomers were hoodwinked into giving up their country for a cushy comfy life. Now they need to buy it all back.

SDem ago

Someone get me the stats. Someone needs to redpill that faggot

Dogma40 ago

he's not wrong to a certain extent. Imagine the optics if the ALTRIGHT did stand the FUCK UP all at once. that shit would be fascinating. alterative narrative : imagine BLM / ANTIFA would out any white faces.... the optics would be overwhelming... they need the power of the whites to be both quite and submissive or they lose controll of (((their))) plans.

boekanier ago

There are whites and Whites, that much is clear.

NoseSubversion ago

FBI founded by J.Edgar Hoover to combat communism. 2020-FBI protects communism.

Honk honk

Leveraction ago

Fucking hang this WHITE piece of shit wray!

veteran88 ago

I saw one who broke the mold just today.

Boomer age navy vet.

I didn't signal him anything that I am natsoc, i guess other than that well above average fitness and confidence we all seem to share.

He was one of those talkers who just loves to fill the silence. He said the history of the wars is all fake. He even denied the holocaust. And he used to be a shit tier leftist according to a trusted person i was with.

People are waking up, the only internet this old man uses is facebook and twitter. He is soo angry that he keeps being banned from facebook. Apparently he simply asked a question on a holocaust survivors group.

This is the first time I saw someone who woke up without contact with 4/8/voat/the other places. Even with fb and twit censorship a fully left boomer is about ready to Heil Hitler.

clubberlang ago

How much are the Jews paying him? Sorosly.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

That's right motherfucker...and don't you forget it.

So you best not REALLY piss us off.

Dr_strangegov ago

You misspelled traitor to the nation.

Pointyball ago

White people are only a danger to the tyrannical Deep State. He is just admitting it.

FireSauce ago

With this shit. Before too long we will be

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Christopher Wray lives in a suburb of Atlanta named Buckhead.

Some basic demographics-

Atlanta is 51.85% black and 40.27% white.

Buckhead is 9.58% black and 79.53% white.

When I become a benevolent dictator I will do him a favor and forcibly move him to Atlanta, an area with half of the potential terrorists he is so worried about.

SeanShadilay ago

If you’re at risk of having a peaceful prosperous society sure whites are terrible.

captainstrange ago

This is what I call triple-bind demoralization.

  1. if you believe it is true, or you're in the mindset that you're winning, it will demoralize some people

  2. if you don't believe it is true, it comes off as lies and persecution, so it will demoralize some people

  3. if you're unsure but on our side, and you hear it, again some people will be demoralized about it.

The target is: people who believe there are more of us out there than some think, and that we can win

The goal: put the target in a sense of defeat, inevitability, persecution, or uncertainty.

They only ever tell you something if they think it aids them. Always check your gut first, because sometimes what they tell you is the truth.

There ARE more of us than the state is happy about. Far more of us than them.

Ozzsanity ago

I believe that is what a certain group of white people itchin for a race war have been saying for decades. Keep claiming whites will eradicate the ape and then whine if they say you are a danger.

Flint138 ago

What a cuck! The video evidence clearly shows who is burning, rioting and looting. By his metric, you FBI labeled "terrorists" are clearly not living up to your potential!

veteran88 ago

Q has inbuilt defences for when things go differently than what it says.

"Disinformation is necessary"

That is technically true and if you were setting a trap you would want the target to believe you trusted them.

Be ready to catch the Q people, these are people who managed to disbelieve the lying press including fox. They are capable of going the rest of the way if Q disappoints them.

/QRV/ is a good place for guys like you to influence them. Don't go for a direct attack of you want to get thru to them. Spread the truth about these jewish supremacists to them, and holocaust truth.

There is an annoying jidf presence so it's hard to get those threads flying but I've seen it work quite a few times. All Q people must know holocaust truth to break jewish control of them and you know where that leads.

bcboncs ago

This is nothing new from what he espoused a year ago or so...

Meanwhile Fox News was selectively believing Twitter admins that whites from expired supremacist organizations infiltrated Antifa's Twitter account to tweet their fag weakass excuse of an army to move into the suburbs.

In case it wasn't clear then, let me reiterate.

The left is obviously anti-white.

The right is positioning any alt-Trump platform (Nationalism) as "White Nationalism" thereby auto-assuming supremacy.

So you essentially have the commies and Zionists squeezing the white race into voting for ZogEmperor.

You fucking QAnon people are so pacified.

"This is the year for the October Surprise!"

"Trust the plan, you don't understand..."

"...he's Saving Israel for Last!"

Nothing is stopping the momentum of the Marxists and their pedophilia, armies (Antifa, BLM, media), manufactured race wars and so much more.

As for the actual retards here on Voat who fell into the white supremacy trap, your goal should be exposing racial supremacy (Zionism, Judaism), not perpetuating the same fucking garbage without the power.

Nationalism is the way. It is why the Jews intentionally conflate it with White Nationalism ergo Supremacy.

itssomatic ago

What do they know of Europa, that only Europa knows?

captainstrange ago

Nationalism is the way. It is why the Jews intentionally conflate it with White Nationalism ergo Supremacy.

All bite. Go into detail.

bcboncs ago

If you think about it, the Jews are weaponizing the Blacks before they catch on. If the Blacks recognize the Jews are at the forefront of issues like some have in NYC, the Jews are absolutely fucked. Why? Well the Jews know... we know... but we don't learn.

Blacks, as a whole, are not very intelligent yet are very reactive. Jews weaponize this - it is why they manufacture race wars with their arms (media, blm) against Whites via Kaepernick, Floyd-Chauvin, Smollett, Bubba Wallace.

Us White people are intelligent but so pacified and lack real organization. Any non-Jewish-interest white-led organization is infiltrated by Jews/Government with the intention to destroy. FBI's recent meth deal to entrap 3 white supremacists is a great example.

Jew Playbook for Blacks (& any other minority/fringe group) = Distract, lure, use, promote virtuously against a "privileged class."

What black person wouldn't like the idea of SF's mayor giving $1000/mo to pregnant black women? Whites should be smart enough to recognize the nature of Blacks but we engage the Class Warfare trap then pivot to supremacy as a defense mechanism.

But we love the idea that they are niggers and it's funny how low IQ they are. Doing this creates more enemies and we distract ourselves from the controllers.

We now engage the meta-level of politics with common sense.

Blacks and Whites... sure there's some tension but it's extremely polarized right now thanks to the domestic terrorists of BLM and Media.

The ethnostate is a fantasy solution for America. We need to advocate for a real solution to transition to. Blacks aren't our enemies, in a lot of cases they're our neighbor. Why would we want to be enemies with our fucking neighbor? & if you're telling me you never had fun or a good relationship with a Black person, you're sheltered. We can coexist but we fall for the class warfare bait. We would position ourselves best if we do something similar to the following:

1. Declare All Races Equal (expunge all racial/"preferential treatment" policies; Jewish supremacy immediately recoils and will be discovered naturally)

2. Grant access to a new (optionally remote) national educational curriculum based on truth and allowing science to evolve.

3. No dime to another country without providing clean drinking water to every American citizen.

4. No dime to another country until our homeless/vets are given shelter.

5. Affordable/free healthcare to all.

6. Our infrastructure is pathetic. European countries have bullet trains.

Why should we lose track of money given to other countries for their hardships when we have our own? We still feed billions to Israel under the context of basement rockets being built and tossed their way as they imperialize the Middle East and afford free healthcare and college to their citizens. We also pay the Jewish clerics.

Take care of your own first before others and lead by example. This is Nationalism. Some will want to shift toward or label as National Socialism but stop playing into their hands. Just call it what it is at its most basic front, stop letting them tie you to Hitler. The uninformed will immediately reject the principles because they have been psychologically conditioned to do so. We must be smart enough to recognize this.

Babadookk ago

as long as we continue to compromise we will not be safe and secure in our white identities. they will always be threatened and we wont do anything for fear of coming across as too extreme

bcboncs ago

No. The problem with race relations is that they're exploited in efforts to gain "fairness."

Good luck getting a mass exodus of non-whites from the USA.

& Good luck being a powerless supremacist against an entire race of powerful Jewish supremacists.

"Daddy, why is u/Babadookk a supremacist? Because he hates other supremacists."

veteran88 ago

White people are the founders and majority of the country. We can't be threats to this country.

The only wheat that is possible is of we have a hostile occupation government. Therefore he is a traitor and deserves the rope for treason.

Chimpfighter ago

Yeah , what about the 6 % that commit 60% of murders ?

AKA niggers

AgentSakura ago

The Three Pillars of the Globalist Communist Genocide against the White European races.

Mass Covert and Overt Warfare against our peoples. It all ties together horrifically.

Mind Control

Mainstream Media & News, Theater, Cybernetics, Brain Implants, Neuralink, Brain Implants, Remote Neural Monitoring, Voice to Skull, Project Blue Beam, Jedi – (Digital Remote Viewing), Synthetic Telepathy, Remote Electro Shock, Monarch Programming, Minority Report, Future Crime, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Mind Rape, Neural Viruses, Mind Plagues, Soul Catching & Siphoning, Intelligence Theft, Cognitive Liberty, Mental Privacy, Neural Ethics, Perception Management, Reality Hacking, Psychological Profiling, Brain Mapping, Predictive Programming, Behavioural Science, Behaviour Modification, Behavioural Management, IIA - Interactive Internet Activity, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Torture, Bio Hacking, Mass Surveillance, Constant Surveillance, Psychological Warfare, Hypnotic Induction, Hypnotic Suggestion, Hypnotic Trance, Psychic Driving, Indoctrination, Communist Reeducation, Public Struggle Sessions, The Human Connectome Project, Compete Brain Emulation, Shadow Games, Mind Tricks, Psychobabble

Population Control

Chemtrails, Sustainable Development, Agenda21, Globalist International Genocide, Eugenics, Contact Tracing, Implants, Mass Surveillance, Geo - Engineering, Soft Kill, Brain Drain (The Discrediting or Elimination of Intellectuals), Desensitization, Marxist Dysgenics, Flouride, Cancer, Disease, Vaccines, GMO's, Pharmacological Drugs, Birth Control, Hyper Sexuality, Pickup Culture, Abortion, Miscegenation / Race Mixing, Gender Dysmophia, Homosexuality, Fake Wars, False Flags, War on Terrorism, Gun Control, Poison Shelves, Human Trafficking, Desensitization, Sex Wars (Feminism), Gender Inversion: Demasculanization & Feminization of men, Defeminization and Masculanization of Women, Demoralization, Behavioural Science, Psychology. Psychiatry, Mental Health, Neurology, Transhumanism and Pharmacology are all heavily involved in destroying society with Medical and Technocratic Communist Tyranny.

Poison, Rape, Murder, Torture and Remote Control of Free Human Beings.


AI, 5G, Mass Surveillance, Neuroscience, Psychology, Psychiatry, Targeted Individuals, Targeted Individual, Gang Stalking, Electronic Harrasment, Cybernetics, Electronics Experimentation, Skynet, Judgement Day, NanoTechnology, Nanotech, Transhumanism, Posthuman, Posthumanism, Anti Human, Transcendent Man, AI Takeover, Synthetic Biology, DNA Manipulation, Biometrics, Bio Surveillance, Invisible Enemy, Molecular Bionic Hybrids, Scalar Weapons Abuse, Brain Machine Interfacing, Self Assembling Machines, Transfection, Luciferase, Hydrogel, Gene Drive/Extinction Technology

Sexual Warfare

Sexual Imprinting, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Monarch Programming (Split Personality), Adrenochrome,Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Abuse & Torture, Generational Sexual Trauma, Homosexual Rape & Torture as Mind Control, Sexual Bullying, Forced Prostitution, Molka (Hidden Cameras), Cybersex Slavery, Black Mass Rituals, Pedophilia, Save The Children, Child Sex Trafficking, PizzaGate, Pedogate, Child Pornography, Torture Porn, Snuff Porn, Adult Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, Pimping, Adult Pornography, Grooming Gangs, Rape Gangs, Ethnic Sexual Conquest, Ethnic Warfare, Communism, Gender Wars, Red Mafia, Police Corruption, State Corruption, Media Corruption, Business Corruption, Sexual Psychological Warfare, Sexualization through the Media; Music, Television and Movies

Jews are mostly gay because they have been tortured into it by their parents and the jewish community. Ever wonder why they are all the same and have a strong in group preference? It's because they are under satanic mind control through ritual sexual trauma starting with the orthodox circumcision ritual. They feel deep shame from having been sexually molested and then further abuse others to make themselves feel better about their molestations. It's called generational trauma and the jew use this psychological and sexual weapon against their prey namely straight white Europeans to further their agenda of White Genocide under the Kalergi Plan, Eurocide, Genocide Operation.

Dysgenics through Miscegenation, Gender Dysphoria and Psychological and Sexual Warfare programs, The Gay Agenda etc. It's all part of their evil plan for Global Communist Domination. 5G Neuro Weapons, Neurology - Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuralink, AI, Cybernetics, Mass Surveillance and Nanotechnocracy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Psycho Analysis, Pharmacology, DNA alteration through forced vaccines are also a part of the plan.

The Serpent has been caught !

Being a jew is almost a guaranteed & automatic gayification. The ritual homosexual traumatization begins with the foreskin removal ceremony in the Orthedox sects and also the generational trauma, bullying and abuse inflicted upon them from their families and pears.

That's how they control most of their people; though satanic ritual abuse and trauma based mind control.

It's the same thing with the Satanic Illuminati and Free Masonic Cult and other secret societies, Skull and Bones etc

They all use ritualistic homosexual and depraved sexual trauma to break the mind and shatter the psyche.

The worst part abount it is that they believe that it is a good thing and that it makes you stronger, very evil stuff...

For a personal account regarding Trauma Based Mind Control read Thank for the Memories:


Warning you will never be able to forget her trauma after reading this, it's extremely disturbing material but very important to understand and I think all adults should read at least the first section detailing the techniques on how ritual trauma, torture and mind control work and how it is used to shatter the psyche to control the victims.

What the Globalist Cabal of Criminal Communists are doing is a completely planned out meticulously implementation of Global Genocide.

The jews and their lackeys are systematically exterminating the white races and are making a killing off of it literally while they torture and rape our little kids, are young men and women in their diddle caves everyday.

It is a Sexual Warfare Bolshevik Zionist Communist Psyop to destabilize sexual relations; feminism and MGTOW included.

The people conducting these operations are Biological, Chemical, Neurological, Psychological, Sexual & Social Secret Communist Guerilla Warfare Agents conducting Terrorism for the Zionist Occupational Governments and their leadership who control all aspect of modern society.

Imagine being one of their victims; brainwashed to race mix and hate their race and gender, stolen and raped by pedophiles and subhuman non whites, to have them cut off their dick off and then they realize they were fucked over then they kill themselves.

Now imagine that there is a kike subversive communist agent in government and media promoting race mixing, homosexuality, transgenderism and transhumanism.

Are the two connected somehow?

Now consider was this a murder or a suicide?

It is White Genocide.

Stop the Mass Murder & Mass Rape of Gentile Whites and then we can save the other races too.

God Speed!

AgentSakura ago

Contact Information

Patrick Latham

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: 7059851488

To become any of the following agents please contact me with a brief description of who you are and what your intentions are.

From there I can direct your activities within my organizations.

Thank you for your support.

Bene Gesserit Chapter Member

Civil Informant Volunteer

Freedom Party of Canada Membership

Life Coach Client

Martial Arts Student (Limited Space)

Mentat Guild Member

Militia Member

Philosophical, Intellectual and Debate Club Member

Social Media

For more content, news, opinions and political updates follow me on





Bitchute: AgentSakura

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/o8mJAKbD3Yph/ (Parody Band)

https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/uIAzfqeVYlY8/ (Documentary Links)

Freedom Party of Canada

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/freedompartyofcanada/ – (Political Decrees, Speeches & Statements)

https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1124398731114508288 – (Political Announcements, Decrees, Platform & Temporary Website)

Minds: PatrickLatham

https://www.minds.com/patricklatham/ – (Journalism, Political & Social Commentary)


https://voat.co/u/AgentSakura – (Journalism, Political & Social Commentary)

XboxLive: GT: AgentSakura1488 – (Add me for Halo MCC!)

Youtube: Agent Sakura1488 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOCbRH5dPjcY4zM74gBj-g?view_as=subscriber

Projects and Organizations

You can donate to my cause and help crowdfund my projects at:

End Cybernetic Experimentation

(Campaign Deleted by Gofundme: Finding new crowd funding platform)

End Global Human Trafficking

(Organization Under Construction)

Freedom Party of Canada

Membership is free and so are your lives, that is my intention. To free you all from bondage and captivity.

Contact me for volunteer outreach and membership / enlistment instructions.

https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1124398731114508288/feed (Temporary Platform / Website)


Patrick Latham - Targeted Individual Personal Fund

(Organization Under Construction)


Save The Children

(Organization Under Construction)

Stop White Genocide

(Organization Under Construction)


All donations can be made though Paypal: paypal.me/agentsakura or you can contact me directly for cash drops and alternative funding methods.

Thank you all for your supports. Hang in there, help is on the way.

It's time to rescue our hostages.


Chill, Jam and Train

Sakura Dojo

Budo Ninpo Kung Fu Research Academy

Hello my name is Senpai Patrick Latham, I run a Kako Gumi in Innisfil Ontario.

I teach Ninjutsu & Kung Fu.

Cost for one month training / two classes per week each class lasts 2 hrs. (Only 20 student spots are available.)

For inquires & schedule contact me at 705 985 1488 or email [email protected]


I'm also the lead vocalist in three musical acts and have several projects currently ongoing.

If you want to jam with me or try out for one of my bands call or text 705 985 1488 or email [email protected]

Agent Sakura - White Nationalist Folk Parody Vocalist (Scouting for Female Vocalist for Duo)

Never Surrender - Extreme Technical Death Metal (Scouting for Drummer, 2 Guitarists (Lead and Rhythm), Bassist, Keyboard)

The Mind Rapers - Sarcastic Depressive Suicidal Black Metal (Scouting for Drummer, 2 Guitarists (Lead and Rhythm), Bassists, Keyboard)

Intelligence Topics

Children's Safety / Sexual Warfare

Sexual Warfare, Sexual Imprinting, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Monarch Programming (Split Personality), Adrenochrome,Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Abuse & Torture, Generational Sexual Trauma, Homosexual Rape & Torture as Mind Control, Sexual Bullying, Forced Prostitution, Molka (Hidden Cameras), Cybersex Slavery, Black Mass Rituals, Pedophilia, Save The Children, Child Sex Trafficking, PizzaGate, Pedogate, Child Pornography, Torture Porn, Snuff Porn, Adult Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, Pimping, Adult Pornography, Grooming Gangs, Rape Gangs, Ethnic Sexual Conquest, Ethnic Warfare, Communism, Gender Wars, Red Mafia, Police Corruption, State Corruption, Media Corruption, Business Corruption, Sexual Psychological Warfare, Sexualization through the Media; Music, Television and Movies

Covid19 / Biological Warfare

fakevirus holocough coronavirus covid19 coronavirus fakenews fakehospitals biowarfare psychologicalwarfare fakemedicine criminalnegligence westernmurder


Historical Revisionism, Truth, WW2


Function Creep



Mind Control

Mainstream Media & News, Theater, Cybernetics, Brain Implants, Neuralink, Brain Implants, Remote Neural Monitoring, Voice to Skull, Project Blue Beam, Jedi – (Digital Remote Viewing), Synthetic Telepathy, Remote Electro Shock, Monarch Programming, Minority Report, Future Crime, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Mind Rape, Neural Viruses, Mind Plagues, Soul Catching & Siphoning, Intelligence Theft, Cognitive Liberty, Mental Privacy, Neural Ethics, Perception Management, Reality Hacking, Psychological Profiling, Brain Mapping, Predictive Programming, Behavioural Science, Behaviour Modification, Behavioural Management, IIA - Interactive Internet Activity, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Trauma Based Mind Control, Ritual Torture, Bio Hacking, Mass Surveillance, Constant Surveillance, Psychological Warfare, Hypnotic Induction, Hypnotic Suggestion, Hypnotic Trance, Psychic Driving, Indoctrination, Communist Reeducation, Public Struggle Sessions, The Human Connectome Project, Compete Brain Emulation, Shadow Games, Mind Tricks, Psychobabble


Counter Informational Warfare, Counter Psychological Warfare, Global News, Independent News, Informants, Real Journalism, Whistle Blowers, World News


Civil War, WW3, UN Takeover, UN Invasion, Human Rights Human Rights Violations, Crime, Freedom, Liberty, Social Engineering,, Communism, Technocracy, Future Crime, Thought Crime, Free Speech

Population Control

Chemtrails, Sustainable Development, Agenda21, Globalist International Genocide, Eugenics, Contact Tracing, Implants, Mass Surveillance, Geo - Engineering, Soft Kill, Brain Drain (The Discrediting or Elimination of Intellectuals), Desensitization, Marxist Dysgenics, Flouride, Cancer, Disease, Vaccines, GMO's, Pharmacological Drugs, Birth Control, Hyper Sexuality, Pickup Culture, Abortion, Miscegenation / Race Mixing, Gender Dysmophia, Homosexuality, Fake Wars, False Flags, War on Terrorism, Gun Control, Poison Shelves, Human Trafficking, Desensitization, Sex Wars (Feminism), Gender Inversion: Demasculanization & Feminization of men, Defeminization and Masculanization of Women, Demoralization, Behavioural Science, Psychology. Psychiatry, Mental Health, Neurology, Transhumanism and Pharmacology are all heavily involved in destroying society with Medical and Technocratic Communist Tyranny.

Poison, Rape, Murder, Torture and Remote Control of Free Human Beings.


AI, 5G, Mass Surveillance, Neuroscience, Psychology, Psychiatry, Targeted Individuals, Targeted Individual, Gang Stalking, Electronic Harrasment, Cybernetics, Electronics Experimentation, Skynet, Judgement Day, NanoTechnology, Nanotech, Transhumanism, Posthuman, Posthumanism, Anti Human, Transcendent Man, AI Takeover, Synthetic Biology, DNA Manipulation, Biometrics, Bio Surveillance, Invisible Enemy, Molecular Bionic Hybrids, Scalar Weapons Abuse, Brain Machine Interfacing, Self Assembling Machines, Transfection, Luciferase, Hydrogel, Gene Drive/Extinction Technology


Anonymous, The Truth Movement, Qanon

blit416 ago

this is a problem I have with Q business : “trust Wray” when he’s been locking up right-affiliated guys for defending themselves from black masked assailants. Absolute traitor, this guy, and absolutely naive, Qanon. (in this glaring case).

antijewsolidarity ago

sick of how every single ''authority'' and establishment jew cock sucks are against us.

AdaptOrDie ago

Ha! No, but we will be. Soon enough.

thebearfromstartrack ago


AmericanWhiteMale ago

Im starting to seriously want whites to be as dangerous as I keep getting told we are. I'm so done with this shit. When do I get to go burn some shit down.

mendelbot ago

When do I get to go burn some shit down.

Or, you know, build something. But hey, if you're all about burning and looting, join antifa.

AmericanWhiteMale ago

No, antifa and BLM are burning all the wrong shit.

mendelbot ago

They're burning what is at hand. That's all they're needed for.

AnotherGrayman ago

When do I get to go burn some shit down.

Literally nothing is stopping you but your own fear of consequences.

That's why Europeans will go extinct; they're so pacified they'll let themselves die while waiting for permission to resist their attackers.

AmericanWhiteMale ago

Yes. Other white men would arrest me and put me in prison, then my white kids would grow up in government housing and be raised by the state. So because I care about raising my and providing for them I'm going to go extinct. So then you got any ideas?

AnotherGrayman ago

I can't tell you what to do, but realistically, if a group of people are being genocided via indirect means, and no one in this group does anything to stop that process because of consequences to their own individual family unit, then the group as a whole will inevitably be destroyed by inaction caused by desire to avoid harm, which itself enables greater harm in the long term.

It's a shit sandwich all the way around. I don't have the answer, but I know that people eternally waiting for permission to stop their own destruction is the same thing as those people consenting to be destroyed.

AmericanWhiteMale ago

Even if I did do something. The only outcome I see is me being painted a racist far right terrorist and my actions being used to further attack my people. Unless it's a large enough group to actually accomplish something big all that would happen would be counter productive.

AnotherGrayman ago

Translation: if we do anything to stop the people who are genociding us, they'll use it as an excuse to keep genociding us.

You see how fucked this logic is, right?

AmericanWhiteMale ago

Is the logic incorrect? Name 1 person I can kill or place I can bomb that wouldn't end up giving them more power.

AnotherGrayman ago

Nice try, FBI.

AmericanWhiteMale ago

Damn, I've been made. Boss is so going to fire me this time.

edwardbernays ago

how this cocksucker can say that with a straight face i'll never know

IAmTheOptimizer ago

I hope me and my family are a danger to (((democracy))).

smokratez ago


Here bro. A nigger faggot arrested for child porn.

smokratez ago

Yeah, Trump has been locking up jew pedos. That's why there is an uptic in faggot inbred pedo jew activity on voat. They are scared. They know time is running out and their power and incluence is getting weaker by the day.

Enaashby ago

Wray is DS and part of the Hussein gang. He needs to be removed ASAP, and patriot Richard Grenell needs to take his place.

SheaButterVaseline ago

“FBI cocksucker” seems a bit redundant. It’s like saying “feline cat” or “canine dog”.

Xenxaytax ago

He's not entirely wrong. Whites will be the ones to put all these fuckers in the dirt for good and they know it.

Anarchy99 ago

FBI sucks jew cock

lordvain2 ago

I don't believe in the FBI. It's been gone since J Edger Hoover.

smokratez ago

Trump is locking up satanic pedos. You are out of the loop of reality?

Planetoftheclown ago

Meanwhile the animals are burning your cities, raping your daughters, killing your sons and beating your grandparents.....but oh wait nvm...satanic pedos are going to jail.

smokratez ago

Always try to make a victory seem smaller. Spoken like a true jew

Planetoftheclown ago

Oy vey, glownigger, ya caught me.

smokratez ago

You can always tell a jew. Just from the stench alone.

itssomatic ago

I know, right? The Foeter Judaicus of your posts always wafts through the internet tubes.

Patchouli ago

No, he was calling planetof the clown a jew. I know you jews are inbred, so I gladly explain reality to you.

smokratez ago

White people ended slavery and don't accept fucking children. That's why they are the real danger to satanic faggots like this guy, and his jew masters.

Day_of_the_rope ago

“I don’t have the numbers for you,”

tury ago

Q's job was to pacify the white man.

It worked.

While the FBI gets up in front of the public and warns them of the dangerous white man.

voatuser1128 ago

I should really join the FBI. Too many BLM and Antifa sympathizers in the federal agencies.

Warnos44 ago

We are the real danger.

To them.

gazillions ago

This. Are we supposed to believe Trump doesn't know what Wray is? Or that he's playing quadruple X chess. The way Wray stopped the entrapment drama against Flynn was... oh yeah, he fucking did nothing and was not fired.

Fuck I want war. And why the fuck not? UN policy has created more white men dead from drugs than in any war. Fucking insane cult group thinks they don't deserve to be on trial for planning a genocide? There's no backing out anyway. They won't budge without losing a war.

smokratez ago

Fuck I want war. And why the fuck not?

No one is stopping you from going out there and start shooting jews and niggers. Be the change you want see. Be a man.

Planetoftheclown ago

Okie dokie, glownigger!

smokratez ago

Excellent projection.

canbot ago

There are actually quite a lot of people stopping him. And you pay their salaries.

gazillions ago

Of course it's you.

One person doesn't make a war and you know it. If it did we would have cleaned up this fucking mess a long time ago.

smokratez ago

One person doesn't make a war and you know it

Have you tried? This is why you never accomplish anything. You don't try to get the things you want. So pathetic.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Hey at least the underbrush is cleared out and we have good clear lines of fire. These faggots getting smoked out of their spider holes is all that’s been needed. No more cover, especially from the top.

keksupreme ago

he's clearly a kike defending his tribe

FireCrackLover ago

Your name will go on ze list.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

I watched the hearing and every single black politician brought up White supremacists.

No mention of BLM, NFAC, Antifa, or the killers that shoot 100 people every weekend and kill into double digits every weekend.

Gangbangers are killing people all day, every day, but a white guy who wants to be around white people is the greatest threat to the nation.

Wray is highly disappointing.

clubberlang ago

Its like huey Newton in reverse

Planetoftheclown ago

DHS's latest report as of Sept 2019 called out White Supremacists 8 times, whites 11 times, black anything once. It's clear who our security agencies are targeting and who they're giving free reign to. The incredulity of the situation is unbearable.

maaaxheadroom ago

Well with that GS-15 FBI salary plus cost of living adjustments he can afford to live in the White neighborhood.

Babadookk ago

Flipping the script

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Very cool that he is in such a high position. Thanks!!

AltUserMe ago

Sure know how to pick em.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

So much for draining the swamp. He keeps refilling the motherfucker.

AltUserMe ago

He's taking his time

Octoclops ago

He's going backwards.

SaneandAware ago

This clown needs to be fired, NOW.

I am sure this is more of their bullshit - Black violence on whites or property cannot be terrorism because of past systematic racism/inequalities... They rig everything so whites are the only ones accountable for anything.

HiJoker ago

The entirety of the FBI should be getting waterboarded at Gitmo for their treason. White people are smart enough to realize this, niggers aren't. This is why you're the 'terrorist'. The only people we threaten is crooks. FBI is obviously fucking full of them.

Shotinthedark ago

No evidence, no statistics but this will be taken as truth by all the leftist fags. And our cocksucker in chief will do nothing

Planetoftheclown ago

Meanwhile ignoring the riots.

Norrmanfranklin ago

Defund the FBI! We wouldn't miss them one bit. Terror may even decrease as they have a hand in almost every false flag ever. A long storied history of fuck ups fucking shit up and blaming it on white men.

Donald_Trumpstein ago


Nukeisrael ago

We are the real danger to ZOG. They are telling the truth.

kishind ago

Yeah BLM Antifa are funded by the same people funding politics. They take commands from a different branch of the same folks commanding police. It's theater.

Critical race theory serves ZOG, that's why they used it to break up the occupy movement who was calling out the (((bankers))) and web of (((quasi-elites))) that ran media and government. Got too close to exposing reality, oy vey shut it down.

hollywood2020 ago

FBI is the motivated terrorist in this country, and we all know they are working everyday to bring down POTUS

ruck_feddit ago

Find his offshore account filled with <insert jew source> dollars and put him in the big house with all the Tyrones.

Grunge ago

Meanwhile blacks commit over 50% of the violent crime despite being 14% of the population.

White people just want to live their lives and are one of 2 races that have proven that it's possible to live in peace, that's what they call danger.

tonberry2 ago

“I don’t have the numbers for you,” Wray said admitting he has no evidence whatsoever to back up his insane claims.

There is a tendency for this to happen when you are just making things up for political gain.

SearchVoatBot ago

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newoldwave ago

When will Trump fire him?

Cucky_Sanders ago

trump hired him.....

trumpstein isn't stupid he knows shit like this fires up his base, but also his jew masters / corporate overlords really do fear whites waking up

dampkitty ago

Right wing "terrorism" hasn't existed since the Crusades. The only reason it even exists now is because the jews arranged for mass migration into White lands, and the Left began co-opting low IQ niggers into inciting their marxist revolution. WE DID NOT ASK FOR THIS.

If the FBI did its fucking job and rolled back these violent disruptive groups, the scary "right wing" would have nothing to talk about other than what was the best way to keep the front lawn looking green...

fuck my life, these people are fucking morons...

captainstrange ago

If the FBI did its fucking job and rolled back these violent disruptive groups, the scary "right wing" would have nothing to talk about

wtf I love the FBI now!

Adarcer ago

lol are they calling the crusades "right wing terrorism" now ? More like cause and effect

Adarcer ago

I trust very few ...

reason247 ago

Make sure you pay your taxes. THE FBI needs that money to get rid of white people.

minx88 ago

Fuck off jew

reason247 ago

More of a black pill imo.

xobodox ago

Make sure you keep a list of all of these communists. 50USC-841,.. apply to them. They will be executed.


reason247 ago

Dude... I hope so.

puggy ago

Can Trump dissolve the FBI and start over with all new people?

jewsbadnews ago

New people? It would just become corrupt again like everything else, idiot.

hitlerist ago

Trump is there to tell you a bedtime story while the Feds hold the pillow in your face, der ewige boomer. How anyone didn't figure that out after he appointed these kikes in the first place is unfathomable to me.

clubberlang ago

hopefully a brave black trans jew

Diggernicks ago

The opinions of nwo loving boot licking ausfailians aren't relev6

silic0n ago

Trump is their guy.. why would he?

bcboncs ago

He should've done that the moment it was clear McCabe Strzok Page and Priestap committed documented treason.

But instead he appointed Wray.

Wray is jewmanfoo.

Can Trump dismantle the FBI?

Why would he? He has jewmanfoo in there so he can absolve his hands of all responsibility like he does with the "deep state."

Do we not remember election day 4 years ago?

Either Trump, the NSA, and all intelligence consists of the most incompetent people or this is being intentionally allowed.

It is not too difficult to figure out the patterns of Presidents who would love to be considered incompetent vs. the clear charge of treason.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Dissolving the FBI would have been political suicide, blocked by both parties and probably gotten him removed from office. This isn't checkers.

bcboncs ago

Treasonous leadership and their constant involvements with mass shooters is enough when presented to the American public.

But that would require the will to expose.

This does not exist for Trump.

It must be 4D chess, right?

Diggernicks ago

Wray is catholic and needs gassing

WickedVocalist ago

I knew he had to be either LDS or Catholic

captainstrange ago

Wait, he appointed Wray after that happened?

Holy shit. If I'd known that I wouldn't have supported him at all.

Broc_Lia ago

Can Trump dissolve the FBI and replace it with nothing at all?

FTFY. The FBI have no mission that is not provided by another federal agency, and it's questionable that anything they do is permitted by the constitution.

reason247 ago

Still not Constitutional. Again, read the 10th.

Ken_bingo2 ago

This is how we know the federalists were frauds. They assured us the commerce clause wouldn't be used that way. The Constitution was a sham and a scam. Anti-federalists had the real plan. They were over-powered by the force of greed and avarice.

Broc_Lia ago

I would have figured "general welfare." Both clauses were huge mistakes, the anti-federalists should have fought them harder.

Moose_of_Reason ago

The Anti-Federalists fought tooth and nail for over 200 amendments to the corporate constitution, only 10 of these became enshrined as the Bill of Rights, which the rulers have also subverted to destroy since before their infancy.

Broc_Lia ago

Did they? Huh, I thought they gained power pretty much immediately after the federalists instituted the constitution, but they were too conservative to seriously challenge it other than the bill of rights.

Adarcer ago

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Thursday said “white supremacists” make up the largest share of racially motivated terrorists in the United States.

Entirely false I don't see aryan brotherhood or KKK (KKK [D]-Next play ?) burning down cities and forests all I see is spoiled brats and entitled criminals who believe they should be able to shoot at cops but cops cannot defend themselves or its "raysis" ... considering the facts that only a small percentage of "white people" are actually white supremacists (most of a certain political persuasion), and the fact white people are becoming a minority. Anyone with a shed of logic and proper information this is just part of the "raysis" narrative.

Don't worry Wray your time is almost at hand for the "one who knocks" but it will not be a "white supremacist" it will be military or law enforcement .. I wish I could see the look on your face when that happens.

itssomatic ago

My Hopium dealer said the whole city was dry. Who's your connect?

Adarcer ago

Gods Word has sustained me it is better than hopium ... fear not it will get bad, then something great happens (wonderful/terrible works,signs,plagues), short rest/intermission, armageddon, judgment, then one of two destinations. It is freeing to fully believe none of these evil people are going to escape justice !

itssomatic ago

Very well, but be wary of placing trust or faith with bureaucrats like Wray.

AnotherGrayman ago

They falsely think there playing a live action GTA ... and their mad that there not given cheat codes

Jesus fucking Christ. Someone needs to sort you out on the difference between there, their, and they're.

You ready?

THERE indicates a location, either in physical reality or as the subject of a statement: There is the answer. There are two people. There is no way anyone will listen to a retard who doesn't know this.

THEIR is the possessive form of they, used to associate something with another person: This is their house. That is their car. Those are their dumbass online comments.

THEY'RE is a contraction of the words they & are: They're not home. They're in jail. They're a stupid nigger who doesn't understand English.

Anyone with a shed of logic and proper information

Don't talk about logic and information when you struggle with first grade literacy.

Adarcer ago

Spellchecker shows no problem, damn it really should have seen that. Here let me fix that for you manually "they're" "they're" "they're". Thanks but I already knew this and will fix just in case I run into another "Grammatik-nazi" :P

AnotherGrayman ago

Only faggots and retards use smiley faces and emojis.

If you're going to rant about how other people are stupid, you need to be well beyond criticism, yourself.

If you can't even be bothered to effectively command your own language, you have no grounds on which to pretend you're above anyone else, nor to expect any of your thoughts to be taken seriously. Expecting someone who makes claims of mental superiority not to communicate like a fucking moron doesn't equate to Nazism.

Adarcer ago

It is a common term, and I am only playing ... don't take the nazi part to heart. Sometimes emojis can have context which in this case it did ... it meant that was meant to be playful not hurtful. I agree with everything else it was a common mistake and I will try to be more careful !

Intelligence does not spring solely from language and grammar, it demonstrates the person’s attention to detail.

AnotherGrayman ago

It is a common term, and I am only playing ... don't take the nazi part to heart. Sometimes emojis can have context which in this case it did ... it meant that was meant to be playful not hurtful.

I'm not interested in playing with you.

Intelligence does not spring solely from language and grammar, it demonstrates the person’s attention to detail.

You're correct, there are plenty of people who've mastered the rules of English who don't know their ass from their elbow, but at the end of the day, if you're going to make a point about other people being mentally deficient, you have to be absolutely bulletproof. The slightest mistake on your part invalidates your entire argument to all who are watching you criticize.

The purpose of calling you out on communicating like a fucknut isn't to assert that I'm smarter than you, it's to prevent someone else from disregarding your views, which I might share, in the future when they see you making stupid, easily avoidable mistakes in how you express them. You can't talk about someone else being a dumbass when your own commentary is riddled with typos, and unless you're a teenage female or a cock-munching soycuck, there's no place for a pictogram of a tongue sticking out to convey your intentions. Use your fucking words. Some future change might literally depend on your ability to articulate an idea without being disregarded over trivial bullshit.

B3bomber ago

1 correction: worldwide, whites are the minority.

Planetoftheclown ago

The only way this makes sense is if the FBI and DHS support the marxist overthrow of the government. Then and only then are whites the most dangerous threat to THAT plan.

nowhat ago


Reverse-Flash ago

Then and only then are

HighEnergyLife ago

The correct interpretation

Adarcer ago

They have many agents within governments around the world.

ingeedingee ago

LOL. Let's hope he makes that statement due to time travelers from the future. White people need to BECOME dangerous now that they're being openly hunted.

kissaki ago

Law of attraction. Everyone gets everything they want. Like the old gypsy curse...

"May all your wishes come true."

WickedVocalist ago

I heard some theory once where if you give everyone what they want all the time eventually resources will dry up and then a percentage of whoever is left won’t get anything but everything they did not want as that would be all that was left in free trade commerce

I forget what it was named though

Phoenix21 ago

If anything, hidden behind him saying that is a seal of approval that white people are waking up.

VoatBug ago

Any chance he just left off the "fellow" from white supremacist?

TheGook ago

Bolshevik terrorist? Good. BLM? Good. white online shitposters?? MOST DANGEROUS!!! Joo funny.

Planetoftheclown ago

This is the most infuriating bullshit coming out of the FBI and DHS right now.

ingeedingee ago

Alas, we can only wish it were true.

Chingchongtingtong ago

Caprion for thumbnail: "So Mr Wray, if you put all the dicks end to end, how much do you think you took this week?"