SelectAllImagesWith ago

hope you make it to freedom brother

RisePatriotDotCom ago

Canada is ripe for invasion. A couple busloads of Boyz from Downtown Detroit probably could handle it.

AgentSakura ago

Criminality seems to be normalized, we've been subverted for well over 100 yrs from organized groups across the West. I get your point though.

skullfuku ago

Deutsche Bank is now fucked and has 29 x times the German GDP as total exposure. Your suffering will end soon; we will all be free. The U.K. won't have a brexit, because the E.U. will be over before anyone will make a decision.

RisePatriotDotCom ago

Check out my world. After parking evidence at local FBI in attorneys did a legal hit job. Meet me in a SWAT police car handcuffed and talking. Hear cops in my home and in their Hq setting up false arrest. Hear legal court audio of what amounts to holocaust.

Gopherurself ago



RisePatriotDotCom ago

There are at most 15 million Jews worldwide, mostly in Israel and NYC. Few are rich.
Meanwhile, there are about 1 billion Christians and another billion Muslims many who are vey rich and powerful. So why do you blame Jews when the motivation and numbers of non-Jews are so obvious ?

Gopherurself ago

Rothschild central banks and the speeches they write for our Hollywood actor presidents.

derram ago :

The New Living Language, Brainwaves & Babel - YouTube :

Silent Sound Mind Control Explained Parts 1 & 2 - YouTube :

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes - YouTube :

Abuse In Psychiatry: The Truth - YouTube

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RememberTheAyyLmao ago

I want to live in an igloo, with a smaller one to poop in.

MrPim ago

An outgloo

RememberTheAyyLmao ago

Even cowgirls get outgloos.

MrPim ago

There's a salve for that.

RememberTheAyyLmao ago

All you need is snow.

MrPim ago

lol I just got your name.

RememberTheAyyLmao ago

You’re probably the first. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.

virge ago

@gabara @bushchuck @clamhurt_legbeard

Hey guys I found another Canadian.

BushChuck ago

Yeah, lot's of us have a touch of the MK Ultra, eh?

clamhurt_legbeard ago



virge ago

You jackass you made me think I typo'd his name.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


no i just love him

BushChuck ago

Everybody does.

It's the sexy grammar.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

There he is!

Ah hahaha