BurqaFart ago

Sounds like the judge wants to be murdered.

minx88 ago

whats the name That filthy kike judge

bonghits4jeebus ago

1,000,000 bail isn't unusual for murder. So 1milx2 I guess. Thing is, most people going down for murder have long criminal records. This guy doesn't.

Rand01 ago

Doesn't that mean his cash bail is 200k?

dampkitty ago

What are the chances a 17 year old is going to run away? Zero. This is the justice system playing mind games by abusing their power. I'd love for a rich guy to call their bluff and hand over a few million. That skanky family of George Foley picked up $14 million for a fentanyl overdose, the Left has a lot of resources behind it

XSS1337 ago

Aaron Schwartz

bingbang ago

Kyle Rittenhouse is having his rights violated. Hope they file a federal lawsuit against the DA, the Attorney General, and the Governor. This is outrageous.

tom47 ago

Is every thing JEW to you? Give it a break!

tom47 ago

When bail is set, #REGARDLESS of the amount, it only takes 10% to a bail bondsman to get bailed out!

thebearfromstartrack ago

His attorneys are not very smart.

clubberlang ago

Must make an example out of whitey to show our solidarity with predominantly white blm protesters!!!

minx88 ago

People come on now those BLM protesters that look white or not they’re Jewish I mean you can see the massive knows behind the mask and how they scream if there are some millennial brainwashed idiots they will learn quickly because the Jews always turn on people because the Jews hate white people because Jews are daemonic shit that cannot help but expose the evil selves

tripacer ago

$2 mill for killing a couple pervs? Is that the going rate or is this kid getting special rate cause he is white?

test_pattern ago

is the judge's name, Sullivan? asking for a friend.

minx88 ago

OK Sullivan that’s good but what’s his first name or last name give us the whole full name that’s all we need is the full name

And then we want the name of all the Jewish judges in every country let’s get that list go in real quick bring it here spread it quick because everyone of them must be disrobed disbarred and fried for accessory to child rape murder And according to their Talmud every single solitary Jew cake piece of shit is child rape her and murder

holaymackal ago

It's a win-win either way.

If he gets the book thrown at him, he will become a powerful martyr for our cause and will redpill normies for years to come.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Any decent attorney can schedule an emergency bail hearing to get it reduced

Ddboomer ago

2 million- the judges in Kenosha must be Demonrats

SpaghettiJones ago

Whose the judge

PizzaphilePodesta ago

is the judge a jew and/or woman?

Valcgo ago

I wouldn't want to be that judge, what with all the cold sweats in the middle of the night. Doesn't he know these things are public record? I bet his boyfriend hates what he did.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

OK goats lets do this, double down! Last time I gave $20.00, this time I'm giving $40. His actions were in self defense, and we can all tell by the evidence we've seen in the many video recordings. If the world is his jury, then I say he is guilty of nothing other than defending himself against a greater foe, a mob of angry violent terrorists, intent upon causing him great bodily harm.

Marku1 ago

Lmao, so in America when the communists kill you, you sit quitely typing on your keyboard....... The tendies are on the left, you cute cocksukcing example to the world.... FreeeeeeeeeeDUMB.... and no I am not a glownigger, i dont mean ..go out do violance...but doing literally nothing means its good the world is collapsing this disgusting American experiment.... You are as retarded as the rest of world thinks of you.

CowWithBeef ago

The kid who turned himself in to the police twice is a flight risk? These judges are absolutely sick.

freshoffyourmom ago

Shows bias. Judge should recuse.

nonanonanon ago

Well you only have to put 10% down, right?

ootz ago

No priors, yet 2 mill bail? Fucking rigged.

minx88 ago

Of course he’s a kid so obviously it’s a Jewish judge because they’re the demonic sadistic vipers with no remorse whatsoever

Mind_Games ago

Bonding is10% ...so he could be bonded out for $200,000.

FukUstillVotingTrump ago

These judges need to die in the coming civil war.

minx88 ago

Yes every Jewish judge needs to be fried for being an assessor he to murder aiding abetting

tastelessinvective ago

Lol. Of course.

friendshipistragic ago

Link? I haven’t found this story

AndWhitesLetItHappen ago

Posted the link to the thread I got this info from in the comments.
https://twitter.com/Barnes_Law/status/1301938069013016576 - Barnes Law has been following this since the beginning.

Enaashby ago

What a bastard judge!

reason247 ago

St. Kyle will not survive this sadly.

reason247 ago

Why not 6.million judge?

critias ago

Where does it say the judge raised it to 2 million?

AndWhitesLetItHappen ago

I posted the link to the thread I got this info from in the comments.
https://twitter.com/Barnes_Law/status/1301938069013016576 - Barnes Law has been following this since the beginning.

Warnos44 ago

This is how leaders are made. He started on the other team, they're showing him what reality is. He should have more anger after this fiasco than many, and when he begins his journey of enlightenment, that anger can grow into a focused fury.

Opposition and negative experiences make us.

Tennis123 ago

Welp, kid is screwed. Rogue judge will undermine the constitution and every turn. Do I dare ask his ethnicity?

stoicmanchild ago

it sure be be awesome if some redpilled billionaire like Peter Thiel would bail Kyle out.

I would if I had the money..

lacrimamosa ago

Can anyone bail out any other person, assuming they have the cash?

ForgottenMemes ago

Before you freak out:

  • He's still in IL, his extradition hearing is set for the 25th.
  • Bail of $millions are common for serious felonies. There is often no bail for murder charges.
  • Bail wasn't set earlier because only the public defender showed up for his first hearing.

This is actually reasonable all considered.

minx88 ago

What’s the full name of the judge

PriMerovingian ago

Judge Jewbey Bronsilverbergman

AltUserMe ago

He turned himself in.

DeadFox ago

The judge has a name and an address

Almighty1776 ago

This guy gets it.

Civil_Warrior ago



Whos the judge? KOSMAN? Berkowitz? Goldman?

pdpbigbang ago

Cash bail is a fucking extortion. They take away the power of people to use force to defend themselves and make themselves rich at the same time.

mr_anthrope ago

In theory I agree, but NYC got rid of cash bail this year and you can see what's happened there.

pdpbigbang ago

It would make more sense in a red state with less gun control. NYC gun control is one of the most restricted in America. So under no cash bail, criminals can keep committing crimes while normal citizens have little means to defend themselves or others in trouble. I'm sure they deliberately did this specifically in NYC because it's doubtful that they'll ease up on the gun control.

Soyboy69 ago

I'm sure this judge will give a fair trial...

blumen4alles ago

He may be safer where is he at. If they release him and his location gets leaked they are going to need to move him or have lots of security.

beefartist ago

You faggots don't know how bail works, do you? You only need a percentage

belrial ago

The bail was set at 2mil from the get go. Let's not rage before we have the facts.

israelmossadjewgold ago

A judge ordered him held without bail. they are just now setting it that high=

BentAxel ago

What happened to blind justice?

AndWhitesLetItHappen ago

Communist visions.

TheGook ago

judge is dirty bitch of whore round eye.

Dannath ago

What is with people posting a claim and then linking to an article that doesn't source that claim?

Why are you wasting our time?

AndWhitesLetItHappen ago

I posted the link to the thread I got this info from in the comments...
https://twitter.com/Barnes_Law/status/1301938069013016576 - Barnes Law has been following this since the beginning.

tankingwrong ago

Fed up yet?

Ready to start listing the names of judge, DA, arresting officers, all people involved along with their families, friends and known associates?

This is not going to be solved by playing their games.

WickedVocalist ago

Well it won't be helped by you suggesting people commit a federal felony either

tankingwrong ago

cool story fed

minx88 ago

yes very good give us the names of all the Jewish judges we can see who the Jewish politicians are even if they pretend to be Christian or get their nose done we can see everyone of them because there’s other ways to tell a Jew not just by the nose people do the research quickly spread it around tell your friends to your family inform your children because these Jews want to kidnap your children and torture me like them from the public schools

Under the guise of sleepover day or school trips

Spread the word protect the children from these demonic vampire and I don’t mean vampire like Bella Lugosi in a suit I mean like vampire jew jack the ripper

smokratez ago

I have a huge list of jews who have to die first. I am not a fan of saving pisreal for last.

dampkitty ago

Identify the ones near you, you may get cancer one day and want to tick a few off (in minecraft)

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

That's going to be a long list of jews.

tankingwrong ago

Then call me Oscar Meyer Schindler. Because I've had enough of the bologna and it's time to compile information purely for the purpose of having them shit their trousers. In Minecraft.

dampkitty ago

The Left compiles lists of Right wing figures of interest to them, because they are following the Maoist play-book of ideological cleansing once power is achieved, and we thought cancel culture was bad

veteran88 ago

(((who))) is the judge?

If it isn't a kike it is a pedo being blackmailed by them.

It should be removed from power and replaced. It is not human. It is the enemy.

No one involved with this attack on a white teen forced to defend himself from jewish terrorists should walk away. In fact they should suffer publicly to set an example to our enemies.

minx88 ago

Exactly we need his name is most likely jew

Because if it’s a white guy that’s manipulated by the Jews they could still never be as sadistic and daemonic as the actual demons the Jews

In fact get all the names of the Jewish judges let’s pass this around we have to get them disbarred and disrobed and sent to prison for assessor he to murder and fried nice and crispy

SearchVoatBot ago

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ingeedingee ago

Next time you're forced to kill a leftist in self defense, make sure to do it in a state that has eliminated cash bail.

Eualos ago

Which states?

PeckerwoodPerry ago

New York is one. Target rich environment as well.

FroglipsJones ago

Soros lives there. Top of list.

Eualos ago

Thanks peckerwood

ingeedingee ago

This is why the vote numbers must be fudged on election night - this way when Dems present their harvested ballots to "win" despite the landslide for Trump ... ooops, we found a bunch more ballots and you didn't hoax enough to win.

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

You know what would be an awesome trick? Require states NOT to count the in-person ballots until AFTER the mail-in ballots have been counted and certified.

Whatcha gonna do now nigger kikes? Hope you estimated the right number of cheating ballots ahead of time.

prairie ago

And if they estimated too many, they are exposed. Good idea.

ingeedingee ago

YES! All ballots should be counted at one time all together - pick a date whether Nov. 3 or 10 (preferably the 3rd, there should be a minimum cognitive function / ability required to vote anyway) or whatever - if not in by then then they don't get counted.

PygmyGoat ago

They should make the mail-in deadline 2 weeks before the date of the actual election day. Gives time to count them and have the number added to in-person votes on election night. There should never be any delay in knowing the results.

Misskylie42 ago

WHY would he say that

Thoutzan ago

controlled opposition

Misskylie42 ago


ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Burn. Time to get new attorneys, with tact.

happyfacemcgee ago

Setup a bitcoin address! bypass all this bullshit!

tankingwrong ago

Then you need another source to convert it.

Anyone wanting to convert a million dollars of bitcoin and seeing you're in need to do it is also going to demand a higher percentage fee for doing it. We're just not set up for this sort of thing yet.

observation1 ago

This is what cracks me up about bitcoin fanatics. Every time its met with a real life scenario, we see exactly how feeble it is - they continue advocating for it anyway.

version7 ago

Never ever state the amount of money you have available for anything ever.

WickedVocalist ago

Kyle doesn't even have that money he's in jail how would he even access it its money in the custody of prosecutors because he is that's why you idiots need to learn that the newfangled crowdfund thing ain't it

clubberlang ago


StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Never relax around blacks

NoBS ago

They know the (((exact))) amount that has been donated. If the lawyer lies then he loses his license and the revoke bail.

Clubbooradley ago

I thought it was 10% of total bail amount required?

$200,000.00, no?

NoseSubversion ago

I thought that was only after a certain amount of time. Until then it’s 100%. And besides, they are trumping up charges on this kid to begin with

MelaniaBuiltMyHotRod ago

Instantly gone forever, whether you walk or catch time

VAT ago

yup. its still fucking jewish

Mind_Games ago

^^ Correct.

Most people don't know this because most people are decent and have never been jailed.

It_was_the_juice ago

Yep, don't use a bail bond. You lose that money permanently.

ChiCom ago

Bail reform is only for terrorist foot soldiers?

nowhat ago

If you lie about money they revoke bond. See zim zam as an example.

Aerofox ago

Never show your hand unless it is absolutely necessary AND you have already won.

illuminalto2 ago

Lol I got approached by some "electronics off the back of the truck" guys at a gas station a month ago.

They were like "dude! This entertainment system is like $6000 retail, we cant bring it back to the shop or the boss will just take it, we'll sell it to you for like $500."

I was like, "Ah, I just dont have that much money"

They were like "we can go to an atm, how much do you think you can pull out?"

I was like "Let me see" thinking really hard "Probably five dollars".

They got all stank faced because I made them pull ALL the shit out of their van - tvs, "amplifiers", speakers, tablets.

I wasted like 30 minutes of their time bullshitting them.

Then I let them talk to another guy got like 10 kinutes and right when he was pulling his wallet out I drove up and said "Its a scam dude" and the two guys went ballistic like a couple meth heads who couldnt get their fix on time.

Feels good.

BentAxel ago

Never become so desperate you trust the untrustworthy.

Zooope ago

What the fuck does this mean in this situation?

Or are you just trying to sound smart with some little phrase that doesn't mean shit

Reverse-Flash ago

He trusted that his revealing what funds he had would not affect the judge's setting of bail. We will never know what the bail may have been had he not revealed this information, but the fact remains that you cannot trust the system and he should have kept the information private.

BentAxel ago

When did they start letting niggers on Voat?

Phantom42 ago

Sir, my hand, both hands, are White and only blend in with snow. Are you suggesting we wear gloves all the time?

minx88 ago

the enemy has been pretending to be us for centuries

Plavonica ago

Should make for a fancy new fashion.

Trope_ ago

Gentlemen, this is great advice. I am a fairly young man and learning the Christian values of staying out of kike-usury debt. I greatly appreciate this sound advice which I will one day teach my sons and daughters.

Fuck man, you don't get this kind of wisdom from reddit comments/responses. Have a great weekend, goys.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, I think you replied to the wrong guy. 😂

But for real, do what Cleft said. Net+ number of Whites=Good

CleftFootAmanita ago

Marry white, have lots of white babies.

Trope_ ago

For you, Cleft, I will have several babies with my blonde wife. I should like to raise them well.

CleftFootAmanita ago

God speed.

ggolemg ago

ok, but he only has to pay 10 to 15% of that.

jimibulgin ago

If he pays it all, he gets it back when he shows up for court.

Dannath ago

no, you need 10 percent to get a bail bond. Assuming a bond company will bond you. Then there's financing for that.

crazy_eyes ago

No, they have to come up with it all, in cash. There are no bail bonds in Wisconsin. Bail Bonds are against the law

OoklaTheMok111 ago

You doing alright where you're at, crazy? Keep your head on a swivel and be safe. I haven't even seen a nigger since February.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah I am all right. There are more and more niggers here in town where I live every day. How the hell do you go without seeing a nigger for 6 months?

OoklaTheMok111 ago

I live in a tiny village. We don't even have cops here, just a bank a bar and a post office and no stop light.

Splooge ago

Sounds comfy as fuck.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

It was weird at first, but I've been here about 8 years now, so I'm used to it.

minx88 ago

jew going back to hell.

Back into the ass of the demon that shat m out

minx88 ago

Yes please someone list the name of this Jew his full name that’s all we need

OoklaTheMok111 ago

Brown and black people don't come here. About two years ago, one tried moving in the village. Well this dipshit thought he could get away with dealing out of his house. Wrong. The county sheriffs raided his ass, he didn't last long. It was hilarious.

crazy_eyes ago

Oh cool. I used to live in a tiny village back in the 90's it was mostly cottages and people would only show up there on the weekends, I think the population of the whole town in the winter was like ten people, in the summer a couple hundred people were there. That was great I loved it there.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

That's cool. I'm from a tourist town with basically the same thing. The cops were bored assholes though. They would fuck with people constantly in the winter, so I moved out of that town and bought two houses in the country. It's awesome. The neighbors keep an eye on each other and very pleasant. Hell, I mow two of my elderly neighbors lawns for them. The only thing that sucks is that I have very little privacy. As soon as I step outside, I have a half of a dozen eyes on me, but that is just people looking out for each other. All are armed and most are veterans, so I'm good with that.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats kind of wierd to think that your being watched all the time. I don't think anybody notices at all when I step outside. Im in a city but the spot i am in is where I have one neighbor, an old man, who loves to mow the lawn every day, even in the rain, so he might notice but he's not going to watch me. Other than that where I live theres nothing but woods around me and the only people just go driving right on by without even noticing me. One of my friends came to my house when I first moved in here and said I drive right by this house on my way to work every day for the last ten years and I never even noticed this place was here.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

Yeah, I got nosy neighbors, but they are just bored and starving for conversation. It's kind of like the twilight zone. If you talk to someone, within 10 minutes you're being invited to dinner or a party. Just today I've been invited to 4 different parties. Two of which are from my home town, but fuck the cops there. I'll stay where I'm at because most of the village will party this weekend.

crazy_eyes ago

I can't stand those damned nosy cops. I was actually arrested in the past for telling a female cop that she would be totally gorgeous if she would grow her hair. This was at one of my friends house one of the neighbor called the cops cause the birds were chirping too loud in this tree. Seriously, there was a tree full of birds and it was noisy as hell. But call the cops. Then arrest me for that? I am like you in that I try to avoid those bastards. I would stay in the new town and party with them too. No worries there.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

Oh, and the ticket he gave me, I was doing 27 in a 25 speed zone.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

In my hometown this weekend, the cops will be pulling a shitload of people over. I'd be supersized if they didn't have dui check points set up tonight and tomorrow. If you get a dui on a holiday weekend, the fines are doubled. It's a small town, so I would get pulled over as soon as they ran my plate. The chief has a hard on for me. When he was the drug cop, this asshole would pull me over every single night when I got off work. The last ticket he gave me, I took it to court and I informed the judge of this and he put a restraining order on him. He was livid. I don't even drive in that town anymore after dark and I take the woman's car because she has a different last name. I haven't been pulled over since and it's been like 20 years now. I moved from one village to the next and now this one and I like living here. The people are friendly and no cops.

crazy_eyes ago

DUI check points? For real? There is nothing like that here. Well they do DUI task force where they get 30 or 40 cops to patrol one area pulling ever car they can over for any minor violation, but most cars if everything is legal and all the light bulbs are working they cant stop you for no reason. And it really sucks when a cop has it in for you. All you can do is move out of town. I had a friend who was harassed like you were years ago, all he did was mention to a cop on a routine speeding ticket or something stupid that his brothers wife babysits the cops kids, and he was going to go on to say how he had always heard what a nice guy he was but before he could the cop was attacking him. He was taken to jail and when he got out the cop would sit across the street from him in his cop car all day and pull him over as soon as he left. The only time he got a break was when that cop was off work. He had to move out of town to stop the harassment. He tried to call the police chief and tell him what was going on but that just everything worse

HelpAcct123 ago

Just saw Robert Barnes say in Wisconsin they have pay 100% of cash bail. This is some BS

Magonia ago

But he is currently being held in Illinois, correct? Because his extradition hearing was pushed back 30 days... Anyone know how that would work? Should he even bother paying bail in Illinois if he’s just going to be extradited anyway?

jackfraser ago

Sure, he can afford to lose the money, that’s what the donations were for in the first place. That and lawyer fees. We don’t want him in the can where someone can shank him.

wipeyournose ago

Dummy you have to pay 100% of bail in all stares all the time.

But most people would go to a bail bondsman. Pay the bondsman 10-15% and they post the full bail amount. When you show for court, the bondsman gets his money back from the court and keeps your 10% as a fee.


Bond_Villain ago

When you call people dummy like that you remind me of my dad. Wait a minute... Dad?!

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

That's why bounty hunters are a thing. You skip bail and the bail bondsman is out their $2 million, so they pay someone $200,000 to hunt your ass down.

Timur9000 ago

What happens if they skip bail and then show up later is the bond still forfeit

noworldorder ago

Bounty hunters don't exist in Wisconsin because Wisconsin made compensating a surety illegal in 1979.


crazy_eyes ago

Bail bondsmen are illegal in Wisconsin.

wipeyournose ago

Go eat your daddy’s shit from the toilet you faggot


crazy_eyes ago

You are the one who is absolutely incorrect.


Eualos ago

Wtf seriously?

ScottMAGA ago

Good. In states with bail bondsmen they just set the bail to 10x what it would otherwise be. The suspect still has to come up with the same amount, but now he doesn't get any of it back for voluntarily returning to court.

Eualos ago

Kyle still got a retardedly high bail set...

Shacky_Rustleford ago

They say experience is the best teacher.