FakeNewzIsFake ago

Fake and gay, this is right wing propaganda, unless there is video proof.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

It's called the internet. You can look for it yourself.

AmbrosiaGalt ago

Guess you didn't watch the video huh, Sparky?

kindlyenlightenme ago

“Portland Cops Arresting Female Rioter Get Asked If Female Cop Is There For Pat-Down: Male Cop Replies, 'How Do You Know That I Don't Identify As Female?” At which the suspect asks the cop, how he knows that she doesn’t identify as a male?

beefartist ago

Now THAT is fuckin' funny

boekanier ago

When they get such a response, there must be something very weird taking place in a leftist brain, resulting in some kind of mental short circuit.

kinneys ago




Lock her up.

Fuckinginsanegoat2 ago

Let it be known that for this search I am identifying as a female.

Conduct search

Let it be known for this search I am identifying as a male.

Conducts search

I see nothing wrong with this lol.

all41 ago

grab that pussy and see for yourself.

RevDrStrangelove ago

"Did you just assume my gender?"

AngryInVirginia ago

Holy shit! This is wonderful.

newoldwave ago

great answer

the_old_ones ago

babylonbee.com enters the real world

Civil_Warrior ago

Women's rights include having your ass kicked for unladylike behavior. This twat got off easy. Welcome to The New Normal for all Niggers.

LettItBurn ago


SeanShadilay ago

Use their own bullshit against them and laugh in their faces I say.

truf_tales ago

CC = 33

jesojr ago


Gravspeed ago

Top fucking kek lads

781842_Anon ago

Snap, bitch!

selpai ago


HeavyBrain ago

Besides you can grab her tits anyway as they claim that breasts are not sexual.

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Motorboat those sonsabitches

TheSeer ago

"Rules for thee, but not for me"

That is how they operate. It is straight out of Rules for Radicals. Make us follow our own rules, while they do whatever they want, whatever it takes.

Misskylie42 ago


892012518HEROS ago

Ok that is comedy gold. I never thought I would be on the side of the police in an American civil war

RoundWheel ago

Most people are crushed by idiot bosses. If shit hits, you'll find most sheriffs and police are with you (us).

WD_Pelley ago

Sheriffs seem to get more praise on here, even if Voat doesn't enjoy cops in general.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Were looking at that conversation from a third party perspective. To the woman exercising her rights (and being called a rioter wtf) its a cruel and bizarre response. The cop just wants to feel her up, its disgusting. And the comment comes out from left field. From our perspective watching its like the cop is only capable of call-and-response type thinking, which makes him less than human.

steven_feelsperg ago

That woman went insane from not bearing children. Biological imperatives matter.

gazillions ago

She should get therapy. Perhaps a long relaxing stay in a locked facility so the big bad world she can't cope with won't get her.

She can spend the rest of her life talking a about how her mommy raised her wrong because she is after all, just an empty nothing filled with whatever was programmed into her head. And in the afternoons, she can play with a coloring book.. You can be in there with her and fight over the crayons.

AttackHelicopter ago

No one wants to even touch these liberal "women," much less feel them up. Imagine the smell.

Saltyhymen ago

Fuck off retard.

ConanTheGargarean ago

Looking in vain for human men on voat bro haha i got downvoted too. Were all supposed to cheer women being violated by cops

Rotteuxx ago

proof of molestation?

Or are strawmen all you have to offer?

Kregan ago

Rioting is not a right. Just figured I would let ya know. By the way these people created this state of insanity so I feel no mercy for them.

ConanTheGargarean ago

Targets merchandise < female dignity

Ina_Pickle ago

The stores will raise prices to cover the rioters thefts and damages. Their insurance rates will skyrocket, that cost will be passed to consumers too. So in reality, these rioters are stealing from us.

Humansized ago

targets merchandise > rioter's anything.

you apologist scum. dont fucking steal and destroy shit like a savage if you want to be treated with respect.

Kregan ago

Rioters target innocent people's businesses and have no concern for their dignity. Where is your outrage for these people who've done nothing to deserve their businesses and livelyhood targeted and destroyed. I am not less of a human man for not feeling sorry for people who would have absolutely no concern for my opinions or safety or rights at all. I wish no ill will upon them but simply believe they should reap what they sow ... Just like myself you and everyone else.

Splooge ago

Show me your tits, you eggless whore

ConanTheGargarean ago

Voat is pro govt agent rapist too now? Or totally managed shillchamber in here?

TheDaoReveals ago

You're denying them agency by assuming female officers can't rape. I bet that's why reddit kicked you out.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

@ConanTheGargarean You sound like a retard.

arniecuntingham ago

priceless. he also should have reminded her "gender is a social construct" as he searched DEEP inside her pussy and ass for contraband.

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Yea just dig out the expander thingy, get the flashlight and cave spelunking equipment and climb in for one hell of an adventure.

arniecuntingham ago

now you're talking. there's no telling what they might find in there.

fuckyourownface ago

More crabs than joes shack and lazy sperm weakened by soy, opiates, and the inhospitable conditions of an unwashed moldy vagina

Rotteuxx ago

You need help

arniecuntingham ago

what kind of comment is that? that's like some asinine, ad hominem comment often found on reddit. i expect much more intelligent criticism from voat.

Rotteuxx ago

Far from an hominem or of an asinine nature.

Why did you put emphasis on DEEP ?

arniecuntingham ago

"AD hominem" (look it up).

oh, it was the "deep" that upset you. okay, they should just check half-way up her cunt and ass. happy now?

Rotteuxx ago

You're moving the goal post.

Why was putting emphasis on DEEP so important for you?

arniecuntingham ago

it wasn't "SO IMPORTANT" it was just a more descriptive way of saying something. why are you so obsessed with my use of the word "deep"? does pussy scare you or something?

Rotteuxx ago

Why don't we talk about your fetishes?

arniecuntingham ago

why would you be interested? how fucking gay are you?

tankingwrong ago

First of all, how dare you {squeezes tit}.

Secondly, did you just assume my gender {grabs by the pussy}.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago


ingeedingee ago

It's time to turn EVERY one of their narratives and tactics back on them. NO MERCY - we must retake our nation by any means necessary.

itssomatic ago

Novel insight, you bot-upvoted newfag-nigger.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Saying "jews" is offensive. They prefer the term "people of satan"

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Im IN, 100%.

Some one said its time to be heard! Flood gates open. Every opportunity and then some, make your own.

The deniers and news followers will not have a excuse, we have been telling them all the time. Don't let up, text people. Piss em off. Don't name call, call out the behavior, they need to be told just like a spoiled brat needs to be told.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Yeah, I don't think capitulating to their ideas and trying to co-opt their terminology really bothers them.

ingeedingee ago

Are you kidding? The diversity crowd relies on double standards for everything. They push for lgbtqp ideology, tell you their preferred pronouns, push for mentally ill pedos to have free access to kids and then cry for a woman to pat them down? Nope, one standard for all.

PygmyGoat ago

Yep. They want to defund the police but when a conservative points a gun at them... They start yelling for someone to call the police.

123456788 ago

If someone gets angry you are not wearing a mask and confronts you, get equally as angry at them for not respecting the 6' social distance rule.

Nichtlustig ago

I've seen that play out in a video.Wouldn't know where to find it now but I think it was a guy going into home depot, telling the person berating him about a mask to "please stand 6 feet away from me" and the person was so confused and started to back up.

rejectedfromreddit ago

They're just projecting their able-bodied privilege. My disabilities aren't visible, so if you can take your chihuahua down the produce aisle, I can go without your fucking mask.

yesvoatno ago

There is a problem with this logic, usually, people who wear masks are out to protect themselves, while those who don't are usually dumber and prone to hurt themselves or others.

MrGruffles ago

Found the retarded kyke

WireResource ago


awildbanannaphone ago

what happened to my body my choice...

when they respond its about other people too.. i think you know the clear response (its about the unborn babies too)

HighEnergyLife ago

They don't have principles, only pretenses

Trash_Panda ago

My concern would be that it would just result in conservatives turning into whiny SJWs too. Like at first it's just about using their own tactics against them but over time it's literally like, that's the argument.

Guernica ago

You are right, but in a pinch, it's a good disarming tactic. According to their own rules, they can't say shit or even question your identity.

In the long run, that's what they want and we need to fight back. Laughing in their face seems to work pretty well.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Game on!! It's thier game, it's our reality, we rule. We out number them. Fuck them.

cannon want more of that, then sit down and shut up. And fuck you

ingeedingee ago

I disagree - they are using our laws, which were designed for intelligent whites in a homogenous society, against us. This is war, we can suspend the constitution and play on a level field through the storm and then restore the USA as a non-corporate entity with a constitution focused on human sovereignty as the founders intended with uncompromising protections against bolshevism.

WD_Pelley ago

Absolutely this. No mercy and apparently anything goes.

Ozzsanity ago

Too late!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yeah conservatives already are whiney SJW

Ozzsanity ago

I don't know about the SJ part.

Mittermeyer ago

"DemocRATS are the real racists"

"Democrats are the real homophobes"

And what's already on the way with these trannies in MAGA hats "Democrats are the real transphobes"