quick_and_dirty ago

Holy shit this is true

manpouch ago

I always saw it as if no one wants to fuck you then it’s nature way of ensuring you don’t reproduce. I don’t think ALL women should have babies. We already got too many fuckin idiots walking around I don’t think we need more of em.

kaloora ago

It is also for single mothers who are soo quick to hate men, as they are, or as a man is supposed to be, and wonder why they're still single.

kaloora ago

I am a married and we have 6 children and our life together is great. We understand our places and roles in our house. Example; my sister, however, is a single mother and not because she wants to be single, but because she's bought into the feminist movement and have become one of those man hating dog/cat owning women, though she may have children, poor babies they'll grow up so confused, she wonders why she is still single. But she will say she is equal to a man and will never be beneath one or serve one or maintain proper balance in the home or any of the like.

Luscious_jackson99 ago

I hate pets. Never had kids. You are an odd sexist.

niggernomics ago

Some women are not maternal and should not be put under pressure in an ideal society to have 20 + children, and pick up the slack, in an ideal society whites would be plenty and you wouldn't need to do that, some women just do not have that maternal side and don't go crazy because they don't want chidlren, I have 3 aunts out of ten aunts and uncles on one side, all three don't have children, they haven't gone mental because of that in fact none of them even have mental issues, I have to laugh when bitter bastards get to theorizing on a woman's life, most are abusive shits and haven't a clue.

sniglom ago

It’s called False Pregnancy or Pseudocyesis for humans. Kikopedia article and everything.

To no surprise:

”It can be caused by trauma (either physical or mental), a chemical imbalance of hormones,[1][3] and some medical conditions.”

”Although rare,[2] men can experience false pregnancy symptoms,[1] called Couvade syndrome or "sympathetic pregnancy" ”

Zipline32 ago

Other women who are crazy who have children murder their children.

clubberlang ago

Holy fucktard screen capture batthey!!

Tired8 ago

Don't play into Their wish to divide and conquer us. Gender roles are different for a reason, but both men and women have a vital role in society. It's not M against F but us against THEM.

For all you saying women don't realise shit I've redpilled countless ppl (men and women) since a group of girls educated me back in 2010. Lots of us know, just like lots of men still don't know.

Tired8 ago

Also look up Europa The Last Battle on bitchute, that'll learn ya about how well we do when we stand United, men and women together, as God intended

Borg80 ago

No, women are not crazy from not having children, their crazy because so many “men” drink too much soy and have dicks the size of acorns.

SheaButterVaseline ago

Absolutely true. I have a childless aunt who tried to indoctrinate one of my sisters into the feminist cult. She also treats me with contempt, and it’s probably because I’m a guy as I have yet to do or say anything that is less than friendly to her. She hates me for breathing.

alacrity167 ago

did your aunt impose herself on the family with all that free time she had?

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GhostBalls ago

Wow. This thread positively reeks of Mgtow.

Like so much burnt TV dinner and cheap-shelf gin.

ISaidit1 ago

True fact

BrokenVoat ago

A quick fix is to declare with these symptoms clinical insane and remove right to vote and right to express opinions.

If this theory is correct then publically becoming a socialist nationalist should make you popular with women.

boekanier ago

They fell short of the demands of nature. It is normal that they have to bear the consequences for this.

alacrity167 ago

and ALL it took was looking pretty *not ugly and getting fucked without contraception. jesus christ that's a failure

darkstar622 ago

If we're so much crazier than dudes then why are you guys the serial killers, school shooters and rapists?

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

Run from this place. Logic has stopped here. It stopped a while ago.

AnotherGrayman ago

If we're so much crazier than dudes then why are you guys the serial killers, school shooters and rapists?

A couple reasons.

First, 90% of the men who do this had to suffer under the authority of a batshit insane single mother who tried to feminize them because she felt threatened by her male child growing out of needing her oversight. Single women ruin male children, they have no idea how to teach boys what it means to be a man, so they just oppressively control and antagonize the boy who gradually becomes full of rage and mistrust due to living under the tyranny of a stupid, crazy bitch.

Second, men aren't as weak and cowardly as women, so when it's time to do business, they step up to the plate, take what they want, and start dropping bodies. Men would rather die in a fire than suffer the indignities that women will embrace for the slightest bit of gain.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Truer words have never been spoken. All the feminists, and communists who praise single moms are evil, subversive kikes and their goyim slaves.

itssomatic ago



Leveling the gender gap, once and for all!

DavidsHogg ago

That’s an easy answer. All three of those types of men/boys had mothers that were fucked up and ruined their bastard sons.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

And bad fathers.

CouldBeTrump ago

Text version for readability:


A girl recently told me that she hopes her female dog would breed. Otherwise, the dog may have a false pregnancy where she pretends she is pregnant and shows increasingly unstable behavior. This was the first time I learned about the scientific condition in dogs called pseudopregnancy. I was immediately struck by how similar it is to the behavior of adult human women who don’t have babies, especially ones who live in the affluent West. After studying this condition extensively, I speculate that women who don’t fulfill their biological program of having children exhibit the disturbing signs of false pregnancy by becoming insane.

The symptoms of false pregnancy stem from hormonal changes. The female dog, which I will refer to as the “bitch” from this point on, experiences enlarged mammary glands and may secrete milk. Her abdominum swells, she gains weight, the vagina discharges a fluid, and there may be nausea and vomiting. The bitch may even exhibit cravings for certain foods alongside increased appetite.

Emotional changes are soon to follow. The bitch shows overt emotional attachment and even defensiveness for abstract objects like toys or clothing. Her nesting instinct causes her to hoard random objects like tennis balls, and she will often appear confused or disoriented. Other symptoms include aggression, depression, restlessness, and anxiety.

When I read the symptoms of canine false pregnancy, I realized that the majority of childless women over the age of 25 exhibit the exact same symptoms. The most obvious symptom that we can visually observe is weight gain. It is hard, if not impossible, to find a female past her fertile prime that is of normal weight.

Next, the human female shows emotional attachment to objects that are outside of her personal domain of home and family, specifically minorities and Islamic migrants. A childless woman collects animals and third world migrants like a bitch collects tennis balls, as if she is their mother trying to protect them from danger, but of course poor brown people are not her children, and may view her as stupid.

The barren human female also displays aggression against those who threaten her “children.” If you try to take away a tennis ball of a bitch who has false pregnancy, she will attack you. The same happens if you try to “take away” the brown migrants that a human female has coveted. She will be vicious in calling you racist, fascist, literally Hitler, and whatever bad man of history that she happens to remember from her history classes in high school.

Understand that aggression is the most dominant trait of the false pregnancy, because the bitch actually believes that someone is trying to kill her “offspring.” In human females, you see displays so full of anger and violence that even include calls for an uprising that overthrows or kills a democratically elected president. The nurturing instinct, which is useful in women who have children, goes horribly wrong in women who fail to have children.

If a woman doesn’t hoard brown migrants, she will procure a cat or dog and pretend that the animal is a human child. It is now common to see women dress up their pets as if they’re actual humans and talk to them using a baby voice. The motherly instinct becomes hijacked by these furry animals.

The other symptoms of false pregnancy, such as depression, restlessness, and anxiety, seem to perfectly describe childless Western females, who are so mentally ill that at least 25% of them need to be medicated with pharmaceutical drugs. The combination of their sterility and the extreme enabling of their behavior in Western culture has created a perfect storm that is leading to societal mass hysteria.

It turns out that false pregnancy is common in the mammalian world, occurring not only in dogs but also cats, mice, swine, and yes, humans. In human cases, the woman has to think she is falsely pregnant to be diagnosed with the disorder, but I believe that a woman experiences the same symptoms without actually thinking she is pregnant. When reading the scientific literature on female dogs, I had to remind myself that it wasn’t about human females—that’s how similar the clinical presentation of the symptoms are.

If you know a woman who is showing signs of false pregnancy, I recommend you do an intervention to remind her that she is not pregnant, brown migrants are not her children, and Donald Trump is not a threat to her pug. Unfortunately, there is no cure unless she actually becomes pregnant, but that would require her to emotionally bond with another human being and sacrifice for its needs in a way that goes beyond superficial virtue signalling. That may be asking for the impossible, but unless women start having babies, I expect them to continue descending into greater levels of madness.

alacrity167 ago

will i get murdered if i send this to female relatives?

CouldBeTrump ago

Women are unpredictable like that.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Yeah? And women who have children are crazy too. So what's the argument here?

Splooge ago

Separate issue, but that's why every household needs a strong man, i.e. the father.

Mother demonstrates to children care and (often but not always) batshit insanity, father controls the mother, children are resilient and get a balanced learning experience witnessing batshit insanity and how to deal with it while still enjoying control and care.

ManchesterT ago

Humping and fucking are supposed to result in pregnancy. That is the way its been for 99.99% of human existence.

By separating pregnancy from sex, we have removed love from sex, because the purpose of the bond between the two adults was to be a team to raise the kids together.

Biologically, women hate modern men because none of them can get her pregnant. To her hindering, they're all "sterile"- fake men pretending to be masculine, unable to bear fruit... never realizing the problem is HER

burakovka ago

Women aren't good at realizing anything.

DrShitlord ago

Best post since January

tallarn ago

That’s a lot of words to talk around a very basic truth:

Women are designed by nature to be nurturers. A woman’s biological purpose in the world is to birth, raise, and provide comfort to new little lives.

This literally explains everything about female psychology, as well as why women who don’t have kids seem a little nuts. They have to transfer this basic biological drive onto something else. Pit bulls or illegal Muslim migrant rapists, doesn’t matter.

anoncastillo ago

But how are women supposed to find husbands who can provide for them and their kids so they feel comfortable having babies when the kikes steal 1/3 of all of our income through our central bank (and rob us in other ways by other means)? It actually isn't women's fault. It's men's fault for not overthrowing the jewish elite who rob every god damn worker in this country so much that the most productive generation of workers in human history is buried in debt, living in cramped apartments, eating cheap mass produced garbage, and obsessing over entertainment that's cheaper than having kids. Why haven't we overthrown the people who rape our nation's daughters to blackmail our nation's leaders so they can enslave our nation's workers?

RDcritch ago

I'm happy to hear someone say it isn't all women's fault. As a woman I see this situation differently than most here. I think both men and women are to blame - women for wanting to fill the roles of men and men for letting the shift happen. For every whorish dressed woman I see there are at least a few men lusting after her; men who have completely forgotten that they have all the power. They are both pathetic.

Men need to be men. They need to pick back up the mantle and lead their families. I know I've always been a follower, and I will follow anyone with the strength I know I don't have who is able to simply handle things the way I know men can and should be.

AnotherGrayman ago



burakovka ago

Unfortunately yes, it is our fault. Just like it's parent's fault for letting a child fully decide for itself and it ending badly.

White men in their nobleness thought that maybe women aren't children as they thought for a long time, and gave them freedom to decide for themselves.

It was a mistake. They really ARE children.

InTheWideningGyre ago

It is. It is our responsibility to keep things from getting to this point.

AnotherGrayman ago

Well you're a little fucking late.

Now what's done can't be undone and the problem is institutionally enforced and permanent.

InTheWideningGyre ago

Enough with this blackpill shit. I am not giving up just yet.

AnotherGrayman ago

Fuck every one of you sensitive faggots who think pointing out reality is blackpill nihilism, as if the guy telling people it's not possible to stop a tsunami with a five gallon bucket is some hopeless loser who should just try harder.

Some things are too fucked to fix because you need a majority to agree it's a problem before you can even try, which will never happen when more than half the population is completely against the idea that there's anything wrong.

Fuckwads like you don't help anything with your useless platitudes. "It's our responsibility to stop things from getting to this point!" does NOTHING when you've already fucking failed and can't turn back the clock.

You're in damage control mode now, dumbshit. What's done is done, all that's within your control is to make sure the generation after you understands what's happened, and how to avoid being caught up in the bullshit brainwashing.


yousir ago

Haha dumb bitch

Quaintarrow303 ago

Ive been enjoying seeing the posts of these eggless women in their 30s growing their hair back out and losing the piercings trying to get a husband. Those women have had more hot liquid dumped into them than your average coffee cup, don't give them a chance.

burakovka ago

The problem is that you don't have much options to choose from. What is the ratio of redpilled men to redpilled women? I'm betting no less than 5:1. Many of us will have to be happy with a converted whore or stay single and childless for life, adding to white genocide.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

There is no such thing as redpilled women. Women don't think independently from the rest of the women herd. They are more related to cattle animal, and I would gladly say this to any women who's open ears.

Quaintarrow303 ago

You can't turn a whore into a house wife. You'll loose her, the house, and the kids. Trust me don't do it.

alacrity167 ago

red flags whoredom, what are they?

Quaintarrow303 ago

Tattoos, single mom, countless selfies, a lot of male friends, came from a broken home, every outfit she has is built to attract male attention, hoop earrings, wears a lot of makeup, addiction problems ect... those are some examples.

Derpfroot ago

Biological urges are buried deep. People can try to deny them but everyone wants to procreate like a normal person.

CeasarSalud ago

Sent this to my childless sister in law. For the 4th time this month she's not speaking to me, until she needs something.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Be careful. She might actually dox you to AnTifa

anonymous111 ago

I know women who've had kids that are this crazy, I'm related to one.

Whatevahh ago

TY God they don't breed.

ardvarcus ago

There's a reason we had Christian moral values imposed on us for the past fifteen centuries or so (give or take). We need them. We never realized that in the past, but today, when those rules have been lifted from society, we see how it does without them and the picture isn't pretty. Moral degeneracy is destroying us. White women are no longer getting married, no longer having children. Many of them have been convinced that they are lesbians and that they should hate men -- fifty percent of the human world. This is as crazy as the Democrats hating white people -- more than fifty percent of the population. Our society is seriously fucked up, and it is because we have abandoned God, abandoned Christianity, and abandoned moral law.

AnotherGrayman ago

Civilization existed for thousands of years before Christianity, one religion or cultural philosophy is as good as any other, as long as the moral framework is solid. Your dead jew on a stick isn't the world's only source of correct behavior.

DontBeRacist ago

Biologically women really are just baby-making machines.

Women were taught by Jewish communist media to focus on themselves. They were told that fulfilling their biological role they were built for was actually use and abuse. Then they were told they need to have a career and go to work, and I guess in some cases they were single and needed a shitty job to survive. Normally, women produced children, took care of children, taught children, took care of households (cooking and cleaning), and even took care of the elderly. They tended to function as a collective and would cover for each other when necessary. Now that women have abandoned their role, what has happened to all of this stuff.

Child bearing has been replaced with open borders. = Shitty brown people flooding in that hate us.

Child care has been replaced with day care. = Commercial/industrial bare minimum care by random women that could even be niggers.

Teaching has been replaced with public schools (private school if you've got the money). = Communist brainwashing centers.

Cooking has become McDonalds and Pizza Hut. = Unhealthy garbage.

Cleaning is either neglected or shared by men and women; however, a study found women lose respect for men who do house cleaning.

Elderly care has become nursing homes. = Similar to childcare and may involve random niggers providing minimal care with a possible side order of abuse.

AnotherGrayman ago

This is all just reinforcement of the blackpill, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't want to put up with an animal that can't think rationally and will silently lose respect for me because I'm helping take care of my own living space, while that same animal refuses to do the job it will stop respecting me for doing.

They're just not worth the headache when every aspect of the system around them is turning them into pieces of shit who want everything but contribute nothing while actively refusing to obey common sense ground rules or basic relationship roles.

DontBeRacist ago

So many women are like children and the world is just a big playground.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Fact: even women who DO have kids go crazy. They are all fukn NUTS.

NoseSubversion ago

Hormone swings my fren. And they can get away with it because we still want to fuck them.

AnotherGrayman ago

Only after you're past the point of thinking pussy itself has any value, do you become capable of seeing women for what they are and treating them the way they deserve based on their abhorrent behavior.

Many of the people being called "incels" are actually guys who've romanced & fucked enough women to figure out their true nature, and have become disgusted, disillusioned, and disinterested as a result.

alacrity167 ago

you become capable of seeing women for what they are and treating them the way they deserve based on their abhorrent behavior.

im close to harnessing my true powers.

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Mr_Wolf ago

post partum depression which can lead to them killing the baby in the crib which then gets classified as sids. they want the public to think that its a mysterious cause of death but thats what it really is.

Serigal ago

It's vaccine damage you fucking fag.

BowlOfWeedies ago

I would like to see numbers on this, but I would suspect both vaccine damage and PPD murders happen.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

It's also a symptom of women being druggy, media addicted faggot whores who will leave their baby alone for hours to choke on its spit.

AnotherGrayman ago

I'm in my thirties and I've almost drowned in my own spit while asleep due to airway position, I can imagine this happens to babies more frequently than anyone has numbers to verify.

HappyMealBullshit ago

If I wanted to read faggot message boards I would read faggot message boards. No need for screenshots kid.

AnotherGrayman ago

Calling people kid to boost your self-esteem while you're using one message board to pretend you're too good for another.

Kill yourself nigger.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Go back to reddit turncoat faggot. Voat doesnt need anymore whiny kids.

AnotherGrayman ago

Oh look, it's gatekeeping now too, its life must be empty.

CrudOMatic ago

message board

Jesus fucking Christ.

0rion ago

Found the triggered feminist.

GeneralDisposition ago

There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough: The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough.. proverbs 30. Barren wombs usually become whores searching to be filled.

Diggernicks ago

Bad news

All women are crazy, children or not

Some just hide it better

iamabrokenbanjo ago

Which is why, as a man, you need to be crazier and put the fear of God in them. Hold their feet to the fire when they fuck up and hammer them so hard the next time they want to throw their dainty little weight around, they're reminded of how long and brutal the last ass chewing was. If they can't adjust, dump them with no emotion, and move on until you find one who is more pliable.

AnotherGrayman ago

You can't do this when they have no fear of your authority because they can just call the police if you try to regulate them, and they can cry victim to get away with stealing your children, your home, and your income by cucking you via the state.

You can't put fear into them, you can't beat them, you can't do anything but threaten to leave them, which means nothing because they can swipe right on a screen and hustle their pussy to simps for whatever they want instead of letting some sexist with common sense tell them what to do.

iamabrokenbanjo ago

If the only tools you have to control a woman is yelling at or beating her, you're a bitch who knows nothing about women. Frame and disagreeableness are more than enough to keep a GOOD woman in check. Maintain a masculine presence and never be afraid to lose her, that's how you circumvent the government trying to parent your relationship. Don't date shitty women just because they look good, and never sacrifice your manhood for the sake of anybody, never mind a woman.

AnotherGrayman ago

If the only tools you have to control a woman is yelling at or beating her, you're a bitch who knows nothing about women.

Or you're dealing with a woman who has lost her mind and become an insufferable cunt who refuses to acknowledge wrongdoing, and can longer be kept in check because she has no care for consequences.

"Being manly and shaming them" only works if they have a concept of shame.

If they become an entitled brat who thinks it's fun to cause problems, your only option is drop them.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

So were posting posts from 13yr olds on Reddit as science now huh? Isn't that what got us into this fucked up state of affairs to begin with?

indoctrophobe ago

Yea, downvoted for posting this in v/politics instead of v/4chan where it belongs.

kishidan ago

Are there actual people who moderate this sub or what?

SocksOnCats ago

It doesn’t matter if they have kids or not.

Women still go crazy. It’s in their physiology.

RedSkittles3605 ago

At least Mothers have something meaningful to focus their time and energy on. When they get older and lose their looks, there is still meaning and value in their life. There's nothing sadder and more pathetic than a childless 40+ woman

alacrity167 ago

so is that why a certain childless older woman in my family does everything she can to associate with younglings? shit I guess that's obvious given the false pregnancy thing

Usernamenameuser ago

Yeah but if they have kids their craziness is directed at the children instead of tearing down society.

yewotm8 ago

She seeks Islamic conquest because that's the best thing for her fertility. As a cat lady, 0 children. Sold naked in chains on the auction block after Islamic conquest, considerably more children.

Only when her social status is no longer artificially inflated and she is returned to her natural role as property, and the choice is no longer hers, can a woman of one of the higher races successfully reproduce. You don't need to treat them quite the same as Moslems, but you do need to make it clear that they will have one man, who is chosen for them, for the rest of their life; if caught with another man they will die. You will find suddenly she has an overwhelming urge to bear that man's children.

KikesOnTrikes ago

What a terrible way to treat women. Women follow men. Women are attracted to men. There are ways of doing what you want without ever using hands. You fucking bitch.

kevo7777 ago

but you do need to make it clear that they will have one man, who is chosen for them, for the rest of their life; if caught with another man they will die.


asdf0987 ago


noob_tube ago

White sharia when?

DontBeRacist ago

Pet dogs and cats are property. If I took someone's dog or cat and blew their head off, they would be really angry at me. Even if I offered them a replacement with $500 cash for vet expenses, they would still be upset with me even if it was an old, nearly-dead pet. I'm replacing their property with something more valuable. Why are they so upset?

Just because women are considered property, it has nothing to do with whether they are treated well or not. In the current situation where they are not property, they can be treated like shit. In the property situation, they could have been loved and cherished and treated very well.

Ultimately, women have been conned into passing up being a good man's beloved wife in order to be everybody's ho.

SearchVoatBot ago

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StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago


-ly based

Obrez ago

I'm torn on how to deal with terrible women in the time of revolution, most will try to jump ship to the winning side after the first couple of battles, and almost always they will come running to their conquerors. In our case we cannot accept them as we might accept our own women, all women are untrustworthy but the difference between our women and these whores of babylon is the difference between a child and and a serial killer, neither are trustworthy in the truest sense but one will kill you in your sleep and try to eat your brain and the other is expensive and breaks shit out of incompetence and emotional turmoil.

My feeling is that we just recruit the incells who are victims of todays sick society and give them the terrible women that they might do as they please with them. Once every incell has a basement wife I figure millions of these feral whores will still be left. If I could just send down mandates in the current social order maybe we could solve the problem by replacing these whores and cat ladies with a new generation.

Situation is fubar; women's rights, never again.

tastelessinvective ago

basement wife

I guffawed.

ManchesterT ago

I'm torn on how to deal with terrible women in the time of revolution

The exact same that you should be treating them in peacetime: if they're on-board with your mission, your family, and your goals then great. Come along for the ride. First sign of any duplicity or reluctance, goodbye

The only difference is the impact to her... your goodbye during the Loo means she gets to become a warlord's prostitute.

tallarn ago

Ban birth control.

Obrez ago

Not until we kick the shitskins out.

anonymous111 ago

Actually a genius comment.

clubberlang ago

Yes semi coherent. Most of the ideas were expressed in context.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

May StBlops2cel guide and protect you

jobber ago

The judiciary is hopelessly corrupt and the cause of all of this.

Diggernicks ago

That's because it's mostly brainwashed Catholic nwo puppets who need gassing