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Stubbabubba ago

Guns are good.

NoseSubversion ago

Try getting one in NY

JogandHammer ago

If you live in NY you have enough money to move somewhere else after saving for only like 2 months.

Drunkenmoba ago

NY isn’t NYC. The other places aren’t flowing with money.

Stubbabubba ago

Try not living in a shithole

ChosenUndead ago

Make one then.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Yeah they are. Shame they are all being wielded by spineless white Americans to afraid to actually use them.

Start the fire american, every other European/white country is just waiting for America to start this race war so they can join in. No other country can start a race war, because the moment they do America will just invade them on a so called "peace mission". But you know, enjoy your blacks america.

constitutionranger ago

This isn’t our war FBI. Maybe you and the other agents should actually do something good for once.

Tallest_Skil ago


Another fed proving him right.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Accusing me of being FBI doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of taking action. Stop being such a coward.

reason247 ago

New account glownigger

Tallest_Skil ago


You proved him right.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Account age doesn't have any bearing on a comments credibility. You spineless coward.

reason247 ago

So... You are jew here?

DicklessAndAfraid ago

If you say so. But you are also a Jew and an FBI Glownigger.. So, what's your point?

reason247 ago

Oh I'm just trying to DV you to oblivion by getting you to keep responding.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Lol you're a loser.

reason247 ago

Um hmm... Suuurrreee. Your username is spot on.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

OK loser. Keep sucking black dick you homosexual.

SirEel ago

I make a new account every month, I hear it constantly. As if shills and glow worms only use new accounts or something. It's an ad hominem attack meant to call the opinion into question.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

How long have you been here? I've been here for 5 years now. Still use that account from time to time. But its at... -140 comment points I think. Can't make new threads and all that.

SirEel ago

I've been here on and off for 3 years with various usernames.

JJNova ago

You're glowing.

Tallest_Skil ago


That’s three faggots proving him right.

JJNova ago

Get to it. We'll follow your lead.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder, shlomo. You’ve proven me right, too.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Cool. Doesn't invalidate my point retard.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Kill anyone slightly tan. Kill all feds. KILL KILL KILL1!1!!1!!!11

AmericanJew2 ago

Rochester is in NY. Try getting a gun in NY, it’s like pulling a camel through the eye of a needle.

JogandHammer ago

Is it harder than California because people talk about how shitty our laws are but it's still easy to get a gun, we just have limits on clips and barrels and dumb shit.

Tallest_Skil ago

Try getting a legal gun in NY

Fun fact: all guns are legal in New York. Any piece of paper that goes against the Constitution is not a law.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Lol just drive across the state line or buy one illegally hahaha. Americans needs shit drawn in crayon don't they.

Drunkenmoba ago

Its not illegal to buy guns in other states.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

There you go. Even more reason to start a civil war.

BentAxel ago

Bet it gets cleared up soon. California is changing gun laws thanks to the Covid freak out. When liberals can't get guns, they change their minds.

clamhurt_legbeard ago



Yes, the rioters are following the law and so must you.

SirEel ago

True for handguns. Rifles can be bought same day after a NICS check comes back clear.

AmericanJew2 ago

Fair point, still, it’s harder to protect your property with a single shot rifle than a hand gun with 9-12 round clips, unless you go rooftop Korean barbecue.

Sum-of-Nun ago

hand gun with 9-12 round clips


SirEel ago

That account is a bot. "Roof Korean Barbeque" ? Wtf. Also they keep editing their comments when I call them out. It's an AI bot.

SirEel ago

2/2 don't try and larp that you know anything about guns, you clearly do not.

AmericanJew2 ago

I know a little. It too much. I’m learning, have permit, took some lessons.

Are you saying it’s legal to buy an AR 15 overnight in NY?

SirEel ago

English is not your first language is it? What kind of 'permit' do you have?

You can buy a NY Safe Act compliant AR 15 variant within 20 minutes in NY state as long as you pass a FBI background check, known as a NICS check. No waiting period on long guns in NY.

AmericanJew2 ago

Handgun permit, I live in a shitty libtard state, took 2 months to get permits after fingerprinting, background, etc. total bs.

I didn’t know that about long guns. I will look into purchasing one here. I’m not in NY

SirEel ago

What state? I have never heard of a state where each handgun needs a separate permit.

Fuck_SRS ago

There are a few. North Carolina for one, without a ccw you have to purchase a permit t buy a handgun.

SirEel ago

Don't twist my words. I said nothing of a single shot rifle. Rifles can have up to 10 round MAGAZINES in NY and are semi auto in most cases.

Qsnoop ago

Leave no witnesses is a great motto in this situation! I hereby deputise Myself.

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