antiliberalsociety ago

This post was plagiarized by @TexasVet

jesojr ago

son of a bitch, only one clip was needed, but's they alls goodz boyz, wouldnt's hurtz a flyz, shoot them a women christ sakes

noun01 ago

Husband and wife rethinking their stance on gun control.

Conspirologist ago

I wonder why they didn't have a gun? Probably libtards.

Conspirologist ago

Video doesn't work for me.

Conspirologist ago

Thanks a lot.

spaceman84 ago


SkipBrutale ago

What kind of business was this? Owner seems like a pussy.

tom9152 ago

Even a little 22cal would've changed the results.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Coward abandoned his wife over a few hits he never felt. What a fucking pussy.

8483rene ago

Time to shoot these fuckers dead.


Those red suppositories are gonna hurt nationwide.

Poinifie ago

Definately buying a gun asap.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If you're "defending a store" you need rifles or shotguns and you fire them at people who threaten your life.

If you are not using firearms, you're doing it wrong.

tom9152 ago

Pistols or shotguns.

Rifles are long range.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Rfles do more damage than any pistol and are easier to use effectively.

Shotguns do more damage on soft targets but are very weak at penetration.

Shotguns are also more suceptible to user-induced errors than rifles.

Overall, if you need more than one shot, or you need penetration, rifles are the best choice.

0011000100100111101 ago

so apparently the couple that was attacked was not the owners of the store.

they live upstairs in the apartment the red door the lady comes out of is the upstairs apartment.

they were helping the owner of the store barricade the front windows when all this started.

not that it matters much but they were attempting to protect their home in addition the store because they lived above it.

now in a normal state like texas if this shit went down you could remove kabab and be fine. but this is NY.

Guns: you can get a shotgun or a rifle easy in NY. you pass the background check then because of nipples our governor and sandy hook SYOP you can only get a clip that holds like 5 bullets. bolt action if it has a clip same restriction. of course normal NY gun owners ignore this but at sale the gun has to comply. there is also stupidity with how the gun looks and can be equipped at point of sale because liberals don't want scare guns to look scary.

Pistols are impossible, it possible to get an old revolver easier there are grandfathered in revolvers, The state made it so impossible to jump through the paper work, the paper work is also hidden on purpose, it pretty much banned them as it takes years to get a pistol permit then go through the process of actually getting the gun itself. the permit just allows you to try and get a gun. the permits are publicity posted as well so niggers know which houses to hit to get free guns if they need them. criminals have easy access to guns; law abiding citizens do not get them, fantastic lib logic here.

so you get get a shotgun or a rifle but not a pistol because liberals believe pistols are more dangerous lib logic.

There are even more mental gymnastics for guns in NY. like they badly worded a law that makes it illegal to transport a gun in your car to get to a gun range. badly worded in this case means they did it intentionally to make it impossible to legally move your gun around the state. (you know and they keep voting for more libs) shit like guns and ammo have to be transported in separate cars type stuff.

they also changed laws to force gun stores to shutdown after sandy hook. so there is like 2 gun shops left.

Ammo is hilarious also, if you try and order ammo online and send it to your house then you get a call from the FBI happened to a family member. however you can order reloading supplies no problem and make your own ammo. (family member loads his own .308 after all this bullshit, hes a moron however that votes for people like cuomo)

Now if you have a gun.then actually use it they send you to jail anyway. there is no castle doctrine. when a nigger uses one on you then they have to catch the guy when he leaves and good luck, but when a home owner uses a registered firearm in your own home for defense well they have you dead to rights and you go to jail for years then they charge you with premeditated murder. NRA does nothing for you.

so lets say this couple had a gun they would of been fucked in that crowd of niggers they would of had to fire from the apartment into the nigs

then the state would of come down on them like the hand of god and thrown them in jail. if a random super hero gun with a rifle came up and shot all those niggers dead and took off into the town they would of never caught him and he would get away with it compared to the couple legally defending themselves.

that is how fucked up everything has gotten in that you have to break the law for it to be Normal. in this case the only real solution was to abandon the building because that is how the status quo wants it.

astralprojector ago

Let's say hero guy used his own legal firearm. The shell casings would be used to find the firearm that shot them, and he'd probably be caught at a later time. These gun laws were explicitly designed to harm law abiding citizens in situations like this. The only option is to have illegal fire arms, or make sure you pick up the shell casings.

0011000100100111101 ago

CSI does not exist like this in real life. when you buy a gun they do not ballistics test the gun create a data base for the serial and tie it to the weapon.

they would have to take the casing, then find the guy with the gun good luck unless the gun is used years later in a crime and they happen to ballistics test it at that point.

next you have to tie the gun to the shooter. he could toss the weapon in a marsh and again good luck.

all this gets thrown out the window if the person knows fire arms and simply hones the gun which change the marks of the barrel . you can also have the barrel swapped. you can buy barrels online no problem i've swapped barrels on numerous rifles because you want to try one that is longer or you want one that will spin the bullet with more or less force chane twist rate. so all that bullshit aside if a rando ran up wearing ATIFA shit shot them all dead and ran off good luck. same shit when some nigger mugger shoots you in and face and runs off with your wallet in the city and the crime is never solved..

now of course the gun laws are by design to fuck over citizens because it helps them push over the constitution which is a hindrance to the commie rule they want and have been after for over 100 years.

as for the options to solve the issue well good luck as they say don't hate the player hate the game or you can hate the rules but the rules are the rules.

areyoumygaffer ago

niggers again. this is why you should be armed. and they should be in the ground.


Wont load

TheNiggerFaggot ago

I wonder if tyrone is going to complain on yelp:

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Going viral on twitter now. Had to clean up the h264/aac with ffmpeg because it choked twitter upload for some reason.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Too bad the Safe Act inhibits him from obtaining a gun that could have prevented this. Too bad he lives in such a shithole dem state that actively tries to disarm him year after year.

19810708321b ago


jiftyshew ago

They look like antifa who called whites racists and celebrated diversity.

Jiggggg ago

I've been watching all kinds of videos these last few days but this one makes me the angriest. Always carry a gun and defend yourself

DemonNancy ago

Three SSS rule for wolves and other vermin...Shoot Shovel Shutup

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Feral bantu invader mother fuckers

ddumbb ago

LoL niggers be niggin

drhitler ago

world over same behavior, no matter if you're country that had nothing to do with africa or if you've had them around for generations

they will just blame you for their own behavior and be jealous of you and try take what you worked for, they are not compatible with western civilization

lets just get this over with, short term pain long term gain.

theBreadSultan ago

Let's end racism by making people racist for life....

It's almost like you would need a sub 80 iq to do this

HiJoker ago

With every attack they get away with they get bolder and it will snowball.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

The "man" in this video doesn't deserve that title. Complete idiot and pussy. He let the girl come out and try to chase off their attackers rather then do it himself. When the obvious result happens, did he transform into a spartan and charge into the fray like a berserker heedless of his own safety to protect his own? FUCK NO, he cowered and retreated multiple times from the blows aimed at him. The fact that he did not have a gun at the ready alone means he is a weakling fool. The fact that he allowed his WIFE to step outside into this means he doubly so.

SirEel ago

Fully agree. I would never let my wife step foot outside in that situation.

cantaloupe6 ago

And he yells when they go after her, which notifying everyone around to go after him, instead of just silently taking action.

newfag322 ago

Shit, my wife would be shooting with me. How the fuck do they always find the most cucked whites to beat?

AngryInVirginia ago

Because they turn away and are afraid to fight when they encounter non-cucked whites.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

They've both had a diet mainly consisting of Soy products for decades. At this point he has lost all testosterone production, and the woman is all hopped up on estrogen.

constitutionranger ago

The woman has more T than her husband, sad....

Splooge ago

The part that makes me angriest is the husky white kid that’s with the niggers, standing there, watching and doing nothing.

You can practically hear his thoughts as he awkwardly clutches his board. ”I’m... I’m not racist... I... I check my privilege and they obviously didn’t... so why does all this feel... wrong?”

Finally he lets the board fall with a clatter. And now he’s at a crossroads. He can continue down his traitorous path, eventually working up the courage to beat his own people with his nigger buddies (until they decide it’s his turn), or he can go the other way... and pray that redemption is still possible.

AngryInVirginia ago

It may be a wakeup call for him and he may learn to avoid the groid because of this event in his life.

Splooge ago

Could go either way for sure. I hope he wakes up, but you never know. We've lost countless young men to the jewish virus.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Western society personified.

antiracistMetal ago

Yeah, but what about slavery?

LettItBurn ago


Chimaira92 ago

I'm seeing a disturbing lack of Americans utilizing their 2nd amendment rights.

AngryInVirginia ago

I agree with this post.

Qsnoop ago

Funny how fast CNN "reporters" were released from jail with apologies under their 1st Amendment cries. Apparently the first amendment supersedes the 2nd Amendment by a lot...

AngryInVirginia ago

It does actually. They were written in order for a reason. That doesn't mean that the Second Amendment isn't just as important it just means that the one single line that you absolutely do not cross is the First Amendment. When the First Amendment right is stifled you are very clearly not living in a free society.

fartyshorts ago

Blue state riots

kayakbassfisher ago

Why does anyone need a 30 round magazine?

AngryInVirginia ago

This is exactly what keeps going through my head. I'm not ready to start carrying my rifle with me to and from work but I think it might be time to bring out the 33-round Glock magazines.

Why does anyone need a 30 round magazine? This is why.

Tallest_Skil ago

2.1 year old account

I’m going to assume you’re joking. Don’t make my assumption wrong.

jackofdiamonds ago

I mean, popping one off from a Mossberg would have sent these rats scampering off.

AngryInVirginia ago

Birdshot as the first load or two followed up with 00 buckshot would probably be the best thing. The birdshot can be used to scare them off from the very back of the store and then you'll know if you have a serious threat that requires the use of deadly force if they attempt to enter after hearing two gunshots.

Is a Mossberg 500 even legal in New York?

SirEel ago

What model kayak do you use? I have a Native Titan

DemonNancy ago

Fit an AR-14?

Qsnoop ago

For groups of 15?

CritKhan ago

You need a drum mag

Phantom42 ago


Splooge ago

So you can shoot five niggers six times or make an example out of one thirty times over.

AngryInVirginia ago

Or possibly and more realistically miss half the shots, hit some extremities, possibly some vitals, but keep the gunfire sustained long enough that their dumb brains have time to react to what is actually happening to them. I would be okay with both outcomes but not everybody with an AR-15 needs to be able to put two in the chest to be effective, especially if you have a magazine with enough rounds to spare.

Intrixina ago

Also, the door/window would have served as a choke point to fuck them up one at a time.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

That's not how you do it. One to the chest and one to the head. Then you light it on fire. Whoever comes around to put out the flames also gets a double tap. Didn't you people learn anything in kindergarten except how to fellate a gay cucumber?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thats not how you do it either. Pelvic or stomach shot will make more noise from the nigger and bring in a better harvest of vermin. They wont be able to move and you'll get lots of attraction out of it.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

True enough; sorta like this.

MuricaPersonified ago

The doubletap is efficient and you should train for it, but it's not what you want to defend in court. Much easier to defend a bunch of general center of mass shots while claiming you feared for your life.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

What part of my post is defensible in court? Some of you have no idea what is coming. Good luck!

MuricaPersonified ago

We also know we have to play by the rules because our side is the one held accountable. Play by the book until everything is utter chaos, then go ham.

Phantom42 ago

Play by the book

Or make like the bright young men in the Hitler Youth and begin burning jewish books...

Fuckle_Chucks ago

True enough.

892012518HEROS ago

Best answer

LargePeter ago

That’s why we carry.

Smokybubbles ago

You don't need guns, citizen. The police are just a phone call away.

LibertarianForChrist ago

"If someone is robbing you, do you really think a gun would stop them? Call the police" I think is what that one really stupid cartoon said.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

You know the old saying: When seconds count, the police are busy helping a misgendered miscreant with hurt feelings.

fritz_maurentod ago

I see a minigun on the roof of every business in the future... it solved the nigger-issue with the sea piracy.

Splooge ago

Can’t steal, kill, rape or rob if you’re completely ventilated.

Reverse-Flash ago

But wait, we need the ventilators for all duh covads.

Zyklon_Bear ago

2 things in common in all of these videos:

1 Whites getting destroyed by niggers.

2 Whites never have or use guns to defend themselves.

ChosenUndead ago

They don't use guns because they are retarded liberal faggot whites that live in democrat run cities. They probably voted for all the diversity they're now enjoying. Fuck them.

newfag322 ago

They are Democrats, enough said.

Belrick ago

Whites are about to be reforged like Narsil into Anduril

CheeBooga ago

Libtard areas. Let these niggers try this shit in real white America. They know what will happen. Its why they stay in the city under gov protection

i_am_triggered ago

real white America

You know this is shrinking, right? It used to be just "America"

CheeBooga ago

I just worded it that way for maximum lulz

369693936 ago

Hey man at least whites are winning the optics war /s

Stubbabubba ago

Guns are good.

NoseSubversion ago

Try getting one in NY

JogandHammer ago

If you live in NY you have enough money to move somewhere else after saving for only like 2 months.

Drunkenmoba ago

NY isn’t NYC. The other places aren’t flowing with money.

Stubbabubba ago

Try not living in a shithole

ChosenUndead ago

Make one then.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Yeah they are. Shame they are all being wielded by spineless white Americans to afraid to actually use them.

Start the fire american, every other European/white country is just waiting for America to start this race war so they can join in. No other country can start a race war, because the moment they do America will just invade them on a so called "peace mission". But you know, enjoy your blacks america.

constitutionranger ago

This isn’t our war FBI. Maybe you and the other agents should actually do something good for once.

Tallest_Skil ago


Another fed proving him right.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Accusing me of being FBI doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of taking action. Stop being such a coward.

reason247 ago

New account glownigger

Tallest_Skil ago


You proved him right.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Account age doesn't have any bearing on a comments credibility. You spineless coward.

reason247 ago

So... You are jew here?

DicklessAndAfraid ago

If you say so. But you are also a Jew and an FBI Glownigger.. So, what's your point?

reason247 ago

Oh I'm just trying to DV you to oblivion by getting you to keep responding.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Lol you're a loser.

reason247 ago

Um hmm... Suuurrreee. Your username is spot on.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

OK loser. Keep sucking black dick you homosexual.

SirEel ago

I make a new account every month, I hear it constantly. As if shills and glow worms only use new accounts or something. It's an ad hominem attack meant to call the opinion into question.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

How long have you been here? I've been here for 5 years now. Still use that account from time to time. But its at... -140 comment points I think. Can't make new threads and all that.

SirEel ago

I've been here on and off for 3 years with various usernames.

JJNova ago

You're glowing.

Tallest_Skil ago


That’s three faggots proving him right.

JJNova ago

Get to it. We'll follow your lead.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder, shlomo. You’ve proven me right, too.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Cool. Doesn't invalidate my point retard.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Kill anyone slightly tan. Kill all feds. KILL KILL KILL1!1!!1!!!11

AmericanJew2 ago

Rochester is in NY. Try getting a gun in NY, it’s like pulling a camel through the eye of a needle.

JogandHammer ago

Is it harder than California because people talk about how shitty our laws are but it's still easy to get a gun, we just have limits on clips and barrels and dumb shit.

Tallest_Skil ago

Try getting a legal gun in NY

Fun fact: all guns are legal in New York. Any piece of paper that goes against the Constitution is not a law.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

Lol just drive across the state line or buy one illegally hahaha. Americans needs shit drawn in crayon don't they.

Drunkenmoba ago

Its not illegal to buy guns in other states.

DicklessAndAfraid ago

There you go. Even more reason to start a civil war.

BentAxel ago

Bet it gets cleared up soon. California is changing gun laws thanks to the Covid freak out. When liberals can't get guns, they change their minds.

clamhurt_legbeard ago



Yes, the rioters are following the law and so must you.

SirEel ago

True for handguns. Rifles can be bought same day after a NICS check comes back clear.

AmericanJew2 ago

Fair point, still, it’s harder to protect your property with a single shot rifle than a hand gun with 9-12 round clips, unless you go rooftop Korean barbecue.

Sum-of-Nun ago

hand gun with 9-12 round clips


SirEel ago

That account is a bot. "Roof Korean Barbeque" ? Wtf. Also they keep editing their comments when I call them out. It's an AI bot.

SirEel ago

2/2 don't try and larp that you know anything about guns, you clearly do not.

AmericanJew2 ago

I know a little. It too much. I’m learning, have permit, took some lessons.

Are you saying it’s legal to buy an AR 15 overnight in NY?

SirEel ago

English is not your first language is it? What kind of 'permit' do you have?

You can buy a NY Safe Act compliant AR 15 variant within 20 minutes in NY state as long as you pass a FBI background check, known as a NICS check. No waiting period on long guns in NY.

AmericanJew2 ago

Handgun permit, I live in a shitty libtard state, took 2 months to get permits after fingerprinting, background, etc. total bs.

I didn’t know that about long guns. I will look into purchasing one here. I’m not in NY

SirEel ago

What state? I have never heard of a state where each handgun needs a separate permit.

Fuck_SRS ago

There are a few. North Carolina for one, without a ccw you have to purchase a permit t buy a handgun.

SirEel ago

Don't twist my words. I said nothing of a single shot rifle. Rifles can have up to 10 round MAGAZINES in NY and are semi auto in most cases.

Qsnoop ago

Leave no witnesses is a great motto in this situation! I hereby deputise Myself.

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