capicua ago

so he's going to put this in all israelis? go for it

observation1 ago

Even 6 years ago I didnt think I would see this headline.

That moved fast

VognerDuke76 ago

It makes sense that The Synagogue of Satan would push this first.

canbot ago

Starting with Israel. Then the rest of the Jews. Then we will reassess the situation.

Window8866 ago

Jesus this comes from infowars? Gtfo

anticlutch ago

Any nonkike [controlled oppo] [something a normie would read] source?

captainstrange ago

This is about israel adopting the mark. This isn't about pushing it on goyim.

Don't kid yourself. They're doing it, and that will be enough for them to push it on us. Anyone resisting it (along with the vaccine) will then be labelled a "paranoid antivaXXEer ebil notsee antisemite!" and persecuted accordingly.

anticlutch ago

No shit they're pushing it. However that's the jew Bill Gates doing such. That has nothing to do with Benji.

captainstrange ago

That has nothing to do with Benji.

They have their hands in everything.

China was aided in it's rise by Maurice Strong, and Henry Kissinger, both jews.

Wall street is jew central and the pharmaceutical industry stands to make a lot of money off the vaccine hype.

You are suffering from myopia if you believe otherwise.

Explain to me why I'm wrong, not a trick question.

anticlutch ago

Yes. jews do. This specific case is very clearly specifically for kikes in kikedom.

This won't pass in israel. At all. just like most things bad for health don't pass in israel. It's just a show.

The problem is the title of OP implies it's being pushed currently outside israel by Benji. That's not the case.

captainstrange ago

My question then is, why is Benjamin even pushing it during a critical election year for him then?

How does he benefit by risking his political position?

Unless hes figuring something is coming down the pike, one that will cement his victory so he can get away with other things.

--Something like a massive new war the u.s. will support or at least approve of.

Damn. Thats it, isn't it.

Another major middle east conflict.

So when can we expect the false flag?

anticlutch ago

When can we expect something that isn't a false flag?

We're living in a false flag right now.

toobaditworks ago

We're living in a false flag right now.

Dude. I might not agree on some of the things said in this thread but what you just said I totally agree with. Completely. One hundred percent.

captainstrange ago

We're living in a false flag right now.

Damn, that come back. So easy to get caught in the news cycle and not apply the correct categorization of events as a whole.

And here I thought you were myopic.

HoKogan ago

Chip the juice? Okay.

DrHatchetWound ago

when you chip the yids, start with the kids

toobaditworks ago


TheSeer ago

OOPS, it makes people sterile.

Sorry about that.

MikeNelson ago

So would we disproportionately sterilize liberals?

I mean, if so, let’s hear him out for a second…

TheSeer ago

Leftists will never settle for only THEM being miserable. They want YOU to be miserable WITH THEM.

veteran88 ago

Not to protect them.

It's so they can harvest easier.

RakerKey ago


Stubbabubba ago

Try to touch my son. You'd bring about the end of the world.

noob_tube ago

You're overestimating your abilities.

Stubbabubba ago

You're childless.

noob_tube ago

Your son will be raped by a foster parent because you got angry at a government official.

captainstrange ago

Your son will be raped by a foster parent because you refused to actually protect him

No, because I and others will be standing there to warn anyone away from unlawful action against an American citizen.

Stubbabubba ago

What a joke. Just like you.

noob_tube ago

The suffering that will be inflicted upon your children is your own doing.

uvulectomy ago

He's a degenerate, oven-worthy pedophile.

Exhibit A

"Under the legislation, a 24-year-old grown man would be able to sodomize a 14-year-old boy and claim it was “consensual.”

You don't need legislation for that. Only retards want to believe that consent can only exist if they personally agree with it.

Of course, 14-year-old children cannot consent to sodomy — or vote, smoke, drink, drive, sign contracts, and so on — because they are children,”

Wrong. They can't "consent" to these things because they are the slaves of the United States government, who also do not allow grown men to "consent" to trading firearms for example.

“No sex between a 24 and 14-year-old is consensual,”

Wrong. Your permission is not required for someone else to give consent.

Exhibit B

Statutory Rape

Isn't rape.

Stubbabubba ago

Why have I been getting sucked into nonsense fucking arguments on here lately? Am I the only goat left?

uvulectomy ago

No sense in arguing with degenerates like him. Best to just see him for the oven-fodder he is and stay aware.

Stubbabubba ago

He isn't the only one. Seems like every comment I make I have the kikes up my ass. This site has soured

gazillions ago

"In China, the communist regime uses a social credit system to control how its population makes purchases"

Fuck off Alex Jones. For 40 years we've had a credit rating that controls every human being in the West form cradle to grave. Until then credit ratings were only for businesses, not human beings.You didn't need a credit card or credit rating for one single thing. Everyone's visa card is the mark of the beast.

toobaditworks ago

Alex has been warning people for years. You say fuck fuck alex jones as he is vindicated.

gazillions ago

Oh I get it, your tribal leader can't be criticized, so everything he says is wholesale correct. Don't think for yourself.

toobaditworks ago

No it's ok to criticize but he has been talking about this stuff for as long as I remember. And he is criticizing israel. What other "jewish shill" is doing that?

canbot ago

You don't need a credit score if you don't want to borrow money from Jews. It is not the same as what China is doing, and it is not the same as going to a digital national currency.

gazillions ago

You aren't getting on a plane without a credit card. You can't rent a car or a hotel room without one and your credit rating is going to be checked when you try to rent an apartment or apply for a job. All of that happened in the last 40 years.

Humans lost that one.

canbot ago

None of that is true. Some jobs will check your credit score, or rather your financial delinquencies, to see if you are in severe debt which could lead you to steal etc. Not having anything on your credit history would not disqualify you. Renting is a case by case situation, with every landlord deciding what they want, and most would be reasonable if you can simply show your income and don't have a history of not paying your bills. For planes all you need is an ID. Not sure how hotels work, but I'm sure you can Air BnB without a credit card. Just about all banks these days have debit cards that use credit card networks to function and essentially work just like a credit card.

Having a way to verify how likely you are to pay your bills is entirely different than scoring you on your political beliefs. Those two things are not at all related.

gazillions ago

The majority of landlords aren't some guy that owns a house. They're apartments and they all use the same rental package forms. Seriously, with all the difficulties landlords have, how many guys with houses do you imagine would rent with no credit check? Why would they not do that when it's so easy to do that? Do you live in a small town or something?

Airlines need a credit card. Maybe you're thinking of some regional milk route. I don't fucking know where you're coming up with what you're saying. You pulled it all out of your ass.

nubyplays ago

Don't forget how much Trump sucks Bibi's dick

CheeBooga ago

This piece of shit is a war criminal, and in an honest world not controlled by demon jews, he should be arrested the moment he sets foot in Europe or America..

toobaditworks ago

I don't usually double post but I wanted people to see this.