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biggdiccbenny ago

Eh, still doesn't justify getting shot.

killkillkill ago

They didn't shoot him until he attacked them.

Origin_Unknown ago

It justified being persued. No matter how much the (((media))) tries to confuse the story, he wasn't shot for casing the home, he was shot because he charged and attacked one of the men attempting to report him to authorities. What you're experiencing now is commonly called cognitive dissonance.

MessyEnema ago

What about him attacking the concerned citizens who confronted him?

BordelonLoop ago

more criminals should be shot. that would be some real effective deterrent.

Splooge ago

Sometimes when you're < 80 IQ or lower, all you understand is force. I'd peg the average criminigger at around 65-75 IQ, only in the U.S. though. 200+ years of slow bestiality, billions of crime victims and trillions in gibbs has granted them a mere additional standard deviation in IQ, but not much more than that.