blumen4alles ago

Thanks for ripping the mp4 and backing it up on catbox goat!

captainstrange ago

The chinese-owned DNC are gonna use the economic collapse they prompted to try and start a race war race black and hispanic gang riots and then blame it on whites in order to justify a crackdown on suburbia and rural areas.

ddumbb ago

There is footage of him while inside the house but news only showed a four second clip. Would be great to see the whole three minutes he was in there. Seems to have picked up a new hammer!

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

The weirdest coincidence in this whole situation is after he died all the burglaries in that neighborhood stopped suddenly


Planetoftheclown ago

The media in this country needs to be taken to task for sedition and treason. They are in no way upholding the interests of this country.

Minkxy ago

Lived in Ga. for 4 yrs. Never saw a black jogger. Nor anywhere else I have lived.

observation1 ago

Reporter trips up narrative at 2.00

Says he was "not armed yet."

cloonbaskets27 ago

Don't focus on this fake ass shit. Let's get back focused on the Elite Jews. This is just another scheme to argue against each other instead of going after the real enemy.

CrowUp ago

He saw the neighbor calling the police and booked it.

fattyfatigue ago

Casually walked in. Ran out. Also, maybe not wearing Timberland work boots, but definitely wearing cargo shorts that go past the knees. Noone jogs in that attire.

KosherHiveKicker ago


WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

They're too stupid to naturally colonize, farm or run a proper society. Speaks volumes and completely nulls any claims for mistreatment or reparations due to their complete lack of intellect and responsibility as an outdated and expired culture for the most part.

1anddone ago

I’m thinking the hammer is all he could find to steal from the construction site

tom9152 ago

Why didn't they show the whole 3 min vid? They're hiding something.

1anddone ago

Got to keep the just a good boy jogger narrative going long enough to whip up all the npcs into a frenzy

observation1 ago

Top comment on reddit right now is '..also the victim's "crime" was stopping during his jog to look at an empty construction site and leaving without incident. '

crossing my fingers it's a troll

shitstartercarter ago

The people who still use that shit site are top tier idiots.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Yunoichi ago

I can just see a children's book of Jogging Jamal stopping by all the places in your neighborhood just to check them out, like the 7-11, the gas station, the mcdonald's, the bank, your house

wifeathome ago

The liquor store?

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

This behavior is so regular, no one blinks twice from the black community. They just start in: "Hes a good boy. He dindunuffin".

ant_earth ago

The only reason he didn’t steal anything is because the construction site was already empty

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

Tools are hard to hide. No wallets left around, so probably took a piss on something and ran off.

ant_earth ago

The workers pick up tools before they leave because they’re used to niggers stealing anything that’s been left out. He did grab a hammer though, which you can see dropped on the road in the original video.

He was in the house for over 4 minutes.

beefartist ago

I don't want to remove their agency like some faggot activist but their current culture doesn't even undertsand what we are going on about...dey be like "Why wouldn't you check a construction site for stuff to steal?". Jews or Canadian Dutch are raised in a way where if you are dumb enough to be taken advantage of there is no moral penatly for ass fucking a sleeping idiot, and it isn't gay

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

yikes. Sounds like they should be put down.

sore_ass_losers ago

Where’s the rest of that video, I wonder. Why just show a little?

Turnagain ago

That nigger was looking for something he could steal.

biggdiccbenny ago

Eh, still doesn't justify getting shot.

killkillkill ago

They didn't shoot him until he attacked them.

Origin_Unknown ago

It justified being persued. No matter how much the (((media))) tries to confuse the story, he wasn't shot for casing the home, he was shot because he charged and attacked one of the men attempting to report him to authorities. What you're experiencing now is commonly called cognitive dissonance.

MessyEnema ago

What about him attacking the concerned citizens who confronted him?

BordelonLoop ago

more criminals should be shot. that would be some real effective deterrent.

Splooge ago

Sometimes when you're < 80 IQ or lower, all you understand is force. I'd peg the average criminigger at around 65-75 IQ, only in the U.S. though. 200+ years of slow bestiality, billions of crime victims and trillions in gibbs has granted them a mere additional standard deviation in IQ, but not much more than that.

gosso920 ago

Clearly, he was jogging. He wuz on his way to chuch!

wigson ago

Maybe he went into the house to hide from those Klansmen who were chasing him for no reason other than being racist against joggers.

facepaint ago

Thanks for the video.

Mr_big ago

He dindo nuffin. He jus tryin ta git paid. Dem white folks owe him dem gibs why dey not leabe a poor black man alone ta do he job

NoTrueScotsman ago

ta do he job

That's a good point. Has anyone claimed that he was working on the house construction and came to put in extra time yet?

Mr_big ago

Ya all be trippin he job aint ta build dat ting it be takin he stuff an be sellin it foe cash ta buy dat foods he kids wanna eat He be a gud boy feedin he kids an shiiit. :)

NoTrueScotsman ago

Right, but it'd make a great fake sob story for the news!

Bushtaco321 ago

I remember when I was working with a crew of guys on a construction project. There was one black guy on crew. No one wanted to work with him long story short lazy as fuck. Anyway we were eating lunch and black dude left cause he had to get high every day and always came back with fast food and was 10 min late every day. So the crew was talking about him and the getto ebony slang he always used. I was relatively new to the crew so I just listen. They were clowning on him cause he would say "bouff". Other guys were laughing and I was like what did you say and he responded with "bouff". Guys started laughing, I did not get it. Then he said dude I will put it in a sentence. Can "bouff" you guys come help me. I fucken lost it.

beefartist ago

The whole dialogue of "The bodyguard" with Kevin Costner had to be re shot because that crack addicted nigger Whitney Houston couldn't pronounce the word "ask".

DeadBeatNigger ago

When I was in AIT (army school house for my MOS), I was at the shoppette (small army store), and two Mexican pilots were waiting for some nigger bitch to ring their shit up. She was taking four or five times longer than most humans, and would just slowly drag an item across the scanner. The look on the Mexicans faces was comedic. They looked like douchy English royalty who'd just witnessed a drunken idiot eat cat shit that was writhing with tape worms; absolutely disgusted.

After waiting for fucking ever, one of the Mexicans randomly blurts out, in her face, "Lazy chongos." (Chongos is Spanish for monkeys). I let out one of those uncontrollable laughs that you make when you can't believe something absurd has happened, and you know that you don't wanna get caught laughing, but it happened, so you can't help it.

Granite_Pill ago

Not all, but most black people can't form the "th-" sound with their mouths. If a word begins with a th sound, such as the or they, they substitute a hard "d-" sound.

Similarly, they also can't form hard R's.

That nigger over there has been in the game for a long time. becomes:

Dat nigga ova dare has been in da game fo a long time.

UlyssesMcGill ago

Is it their prognathism that makes speech more difficult? Or their nigger lips? Or is it simply the lower capacity brain "making things easier"?

MBB ago

They can't say "s" either. I wanna axe you a question

dekrak_pype ago

Yes they can. They can pronounce Escalade (as in Cadillac) with no problem.

MBB ago

Axalade.. lol

Alt_Account_No_738 ago



_ _ _'s= _ __ (child's/kid's mother=baby momma)

Ocelot ago

Had a professor in college who specifically went out of his way to talk about how the old English word for "ask" was both "ascian" and "acsian" and that "aks" is derived from that, so blacks are just using a different traditional variation on "ask". Some high level cucking there.

Firevine ago

I view this as laziness. Black friends I've had over the years spoke perfectly normally. Not speaking proper English, whether you want to call it "Ebonics" or whatever other shit, is pure and total laziness. My buddy who works two jobs, both at top tier companies for their particular industries, and still finds time to do mission trips sure as fuck doesn't talk like that.

It's their way of being different from whites.

collin6173 ago

Exactly. Nearly every black I've ever met knew how to speak proper, they choose to speak ghetto. Their speech changes as other blacks change theirs also. For instance, growing up, blacks had no problem saying "looked". Then over night, they all started pronouncing it "look-ted". I've seen lots of other examples of the same phenomena.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I have met black people that can talk like a normal person, too, but I think it really is harder for a lot of them. I've had telemarketers and survey takers call me that were obviously black and obviously laboring hard to get the words they had been coached to say out. Many black people have much thicker lips and tongue, but some don't. I assume the variance is due to the expression of the roughly 30% European admixture African Americans have.

Harry_Areola ago

So you're a niggerlover?

TypicalVoaters ago

See your just a fucking retard

Harry_Areola ago


MikeNelson ago

Meanwhile the rest of us have absolutely no problem "adding a hard R" to one word in particular....

NoMeGustanLosNiggers ago


thelatestme ago

thats great at a drive thru speaker i got "poofofoyoto"

turns out this was "pull forward for your total"

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Your food was spit on.

beefartist ago

You are 3/4's of the way to a cuck when you let other people make your food...especially "you people"

TypicalVoaters ago

So that makes every person I've ever met in my life 3/4 of a cuck then. You must be the only real man in American. Golleeeee it's a real honor to be in the same thread as you.

beefartist ago

It is hilarious that you say it without a hint of irony. Yes! You actively consort around a bunch of faggots if they aren't staining their soles with dirt or producing their own isn't a comfortable reality for any of us to realize we should be doing different

anticlutch ago

Wonder if he's going to get a low quality (((lawyer))) that will throw him under the bus like the Charlottesville guy - James Fields? - got.