gabara ago

Women can't actually be Christian. Only adults can be Christian. Women just attend Sunday School their whole life.

Cunty84 ago

No they used trannies anally what crock of shit

boekanier ago

'Christian' women? I don't think those whores are very religious.

dummythicc ago

But wait, I'm continuously told on here by you fucktards that atheists are the degenerates, that you fucking christfags are the only ones with morals. You mean christian women are doing porn? But muh jesus? Muh bible quotes?

How much proof do you faggots need your useless hypocritical shitstains on history and humanity.

'member when Larry Flint was a self described "evangelical Christian", I remember.

SirNiggsalot ago

Uhhh, no shit Sherlock

Greensbr ago

It would not have been able to use Pagan women.

Kungflu_Master ago

used Christian women

If they participated in making porn they weren’t Christians.

She2002 ago


CheeBooga ago

Katy Perry came from a Christian fam. Look what they did to her. Miley Cyrus came from a Christian fam. Look what they have that tongue-wagging' skank doing. The jew loves to taint all things holy.

captainstrange ago

Honestly I don't think miley cyrus could ever be described as 'holy'.

Or Katy Perry.

Thats the most hilarious thing I've read in the last three days.

CheeBooga ago

They're hideous now because jews broke them.

Ozzsanity ago

Christian woman are easy and whorish so that is why they used them.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You HAVE to hug your kids, even when they have bad breath.

PLUS (this happened to former boss of mine) you have to let your kid show up at your bedside and announce she doesn't feel well by projectile vomiting into your face, without getting upset.

The more you know. Fornication comes with MANY unforeseen risks.

B166-ER ago

I have a hard time finding porn that fits my unique taste and I think there are MANY others like me and this is a MASSIVE untapped market of men interested in seeing a young orthodox Jewish girl getting drilled by 100 black men with dicks the size of logs.

If porhub is listening I really hope they diversify to accommodate this progressive fetish.

captainstrange ago

they can and will if they legitimately think the demand is sufficiently profitable.

Just because "vampires can't feed on vampires" doesn't mean they won't try.

She2002 ago


AdrenochromePizza ago

@joe_mccarthy knows all about jews in pornography.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I mostly just know there is more to the story than some braggadocio from this porn guy in the OP.

It's pretty funny though. Normally Jew haters treat Jews as incorrigible liars, that you can't believe anything they say - except with something like this which bolsters their confirmation bias.

Fetalpig ago

Ah,the Tavistock discoveries claim,too much and or early exposure to sexual stimuli produces adults whose emotional development is simular to a neurotic child. Men and women exposed to porn are being turned into children,through emotional masturbation by watching excessive porn,tv,movies,dvds. Point blank its a tool to make you fucking retarded and easier to control.

phoenix883 ago

Interesting take. Now remember that black people get into puberty far earlier, between age 6-9 mostly.

That explains a lot.

Phantom42 ago

Ha! Joke's on them.

Those aren't Christian women. They aren't women at all.

Horrux ago

You underestimate the effect of engineered poverty and despair on even otherwise good girls.

Master_Foo ago

Christian Women

Well, what do you expect to happen when you worship a (((Foreign Jew-God))) named (((Jesus)))?

Heil Odin!

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

olay but the christian women willingly participated.

Horrux ago

See my comment above on engineered despair.

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

Every woman i've met is self sufficient, and work for their money.

Engineered despair is area based, and easily avoided.

just go where the niggers aren't.

Tallest_Skil ago

every woman I’ve met is engineered into despair

Okay, you literally just proved his point.

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

they COULD just get married and be housewives.

but they want to work.

That choice is theirs, so your "engineered into despair"

(which doesn't sound that intelligent, or wild. it seems like you are proud of the statement. It's nothing special.)

theory doesn't work.

Linear Free Will trumps your "engineered despair"

Tallest_Skil ago

they want to work.

No, they don’t. They’re forced to.

That choice is theirs

Literally not a choice anymore.

which doesn't sound that intelligent, or wild. it seems like you are proud of the statement. It's nothing special.

Translation: “Shit, I like that and I’m pissy I didn’t think of it first, because there’s absolutely no other reason to be calling it out like this.”

Linear Free Will trumps your "engineered despair"

Nope, it’s not free will.

keep in mind, you people here are mostly over 60. the next is over 30.


and a lot of you don't know what the heart of the beast is like because you don't live there.


I grew up there

Fucking where, goy?

stop believing everything you hear.

Said the guy repeating jewish propaganda that women choose to work.

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

refer to the part about, "they could just get married."

modern women want no part in the new cuckoldry unless the woman is smart enough to see the profit opportunity.

You confirmed you are proud of a really low tier "statement."

and I didn't say free will, I said LINEAR free will.

the heart of the beast is New York.

what kind of qtard are you?

wait...i'm trying to guide a fucking retard. OOPS.

I'm not wasting my time here.

your statement is so LE GEM.

oh yeah pats back SO MIT BRO


lmfao. fuck you.

Tallest_Skil ago

modern women want no part in the new cuckoldry unless the woman is smart enough to see the profit opportunity.

Uh… they all take part in it. What are you even pretending to talk about?

You confirmed you are proud

Learn how to read, please.

and I didn't say free will, I said LINEAR free will.

Ah, see, we’re talking about logarithmic free will.

the heart of the beast is Chicongo, LA, and New York.

And, you know, Hollywood. And Tel Aviv. And Brussels.

what kind of qtard are you?

You’re really, really not reading.

I'm not wasting my time here.

Reply again. I demand it.

your statement is so LE GEM.

If you can’t speak English, don’t reply.

lmfao. fuck you.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong. Women are engineered into despair. They don’t know any other way of being, and society forbids them from being any other way.

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

your reply time is pathetically impressive.

A society by design is limiting anyone who participates.

Thats the price of being comfy.

Tallest_Skil ago

Explain what you intend to do about it. Thanks for doing as you were commanded.

circle__jerk ago

Women aren't forced to work. Men are forced to work. Equality via femnazi gender warfare has women thinking they can handle a male workload. Said equality also has women believing they can be independant and successful without male intervention, meanwhile they have independance and success but still want to kill themselves every birthday because they're single without child. Not forced by any means, just insecure and misguided.

Tallest_Skil ago

Women aren't forced to work.

Economically, yes, they are. The decoupling from gold ensured that. Depending on the lifestyle, only the top 30% or so can raise a family on a single income.


They’re jewish communists.

gender warfare


circle__jerk ago

I answered all this in my comment after this one.

circle__jerk ago

Women working is a result of city living. Stay at home mothers are quite common in the midwest and the south - they don't complain about money (unless they have reproductive habits similar to those of a rabbit). While women are typically more financially responsible, they're also more likely to indulge in big purchases. I've seen women send hundreds of dollars to men theyve never even met meanwhile their fridge is bone dry and their children are dumb, moody and nasty from excessive hunger.

All that goes back to free will though. Everyone have choices, not everyone makes the right ones

Horrux ago

Some white Christian good people are born in poor families surrounded by violence, drugs, and gangs. It's impossible for you to believe there might be temptation in being paid big bucks for fucking that "handsome hunk there"?

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

I grew up in one of those areas.

The girls either submitted out of laziness, or worked a job and survived just fine.

These girls rather fuck than work.

Phantom42 ago

Implying they are Christian or women... Lol

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

claim to be Christian.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Those darned SATANISTS again!

romanstock ago

amazing how well the 'satanist' disinformation program has worked.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Qtards will believe anything.

BurqaFart ago

Download videos from Twitter:

followthedolla ago

The name surely has nothing to do with project monarch

Barfin ago

thank you jews, honestly nice of them

whambamthankyouham ago

These people have nefarious plans but it takes two.

popsikle ago

took me more than twenty years to realize why people from the 50's and early 60's said why music from Elvis and rock and roll in general was the devils music. with the weaker mind that people have these days, rock and roll is a degeneracy that leads to stuff like p0rn

Chimaira92 ago

Coincidentally that weaker mind came from worshipping a pacifist jew as a god.

You can thank christianity for weakining our people.

DeusVultSaecula ago

It was Martin Luther, a heretic, and the Freemasons to be exact.

popsikle ago

i have been pretty athiest all my life. that being said, with all the evil that has manifested and shown itself as of late, i feel myself growing to a greater good. it feels like something great that will give me the power to destroy, until there is no enemy, but peace.

Ocelot ago

You can sense it too, can't you? I don't hold to any God – I was defenseless before the waves of anti-theistic post-modernism that struck me through years of education – but in past years I feel the divine about me. The sun is holy, the wind sacred, the Earth is blessed, and we're a blessed people beset by evil enemies. Evil, perversion, ugliness. When I was younger I was depressed and despairing. Now I see the beauty – TRUE beauty, not in some faggot use of the word – of life, of the European races, of common virtue and family and unity. Every day I wake up stronger. And I can only imagine that this is how the European man is supposed to feel when not stripped of his ways and his culture.

Maybe you wouldn't call this the Divine, but the white man is born in part of nature, and his earliest religions were aligned with the natural order. This strength is coming from within, and it's coming from nature, and it's coming from people and also from somewhere else. I will not supplicate myself to a god and fawn before him, but I'd be happy to pray to a god that is like a heavenly father if nothing else, and I imagine that no god cares whose name I think before dinner if I am a good man who will destroy the enemy. And if that prayer gives me even greater strength, then I can't call it false and I can't call it wrong.

mattsixteen24 ago

What people?

Chimaira92 ago

Anglo-Saxons, once proud Pagans now reduced to cucks and foot soldiers for Israel.

mattsixteen24 ago

Anglo-Saxons were made up of many tribes. They weren't united.

Chimaira92 ago

They would unite under a common enemy, just as Christians would do so as well. However now Christianity is made up of many hundreds of different dominations. They aren't united anymore.

Last of all, only the winners get to write history and the Jews have been winning for a very long time.

mattsixteen24 ago

Not likely. There were many different tribes with different pagan beliefs. Religion is a much stronger bond than racial or ethnic bonds. Hence why there is no pure bred ancient race of people still alive. Jews dominating the world didn't really take hold until the last couple centuries. In the 1700s the Rothschilds were buying the central banks of Europe. Then the masonic revolutions began which the jews funded replacing Christian Monarchies with masonic liberal "democracies". Freemasons are just blind stooges for the jews, although the highest ranked members are aware they serve the jews. The jews are behind almost every revolution. If you go further back to the 1500s it was the protestant revolution. This fractured Christian Europe.

BentAxel ago

A childhood friend worked in the porn industry for 20 years or so. Pretty much from 1988 to 2011 when he died. He worked for different companies, he always said the companies were Mob related. He had no reason to lie and this was always the source of his stories. He started out as a driver finished as a producer. A couple times, he had to hide out because he pissed someone off in his company. I don't know details, he excelled at pissing off people.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Had a brief stint working with those people back in the 70s. The owner, associated with one of the five families, had The Pagans running the stores, since rivals were firebombing perceived incursions on their territory. He bought a Rolls Royce and made the rounds of all the stores the day after the Philly Inquirer ran a front page story on him. Then he had the Pagan running our store (Joseph Horahan) killed after there was some funny money business, and the friend who got me involved was advised to never return to the state. Owner was later shot in the face, but I believe he survived.

I met murderers and weird fucking people of every stripe. The day after Joe was killed, owner advised me my last paid act would be to put up a CLOSED sign on the front door. I took that opportunity to gtfo and nlb. But you sure learn some unpleasant things about people in circumstances like that.

Floppyhorsecock ago

A disproportionate number of porn girls are Jewish

Barfin ago

i've only ever seen one

Floppyhorsecock ago

look for the nose and the hair

Barfin ago

i do

BoomerHater1488er ago

No, it used white women. They hate you because you're white, not because you believe one of their Rabbi's is their prophesied Messiah.

dundundunnnnn ago

Aren't Jews the Edomites?

Was Jesus an Edomite?

BoomerHater1488er ago

Why do you call him Jesus instead of his given name? His name was Yeshua ben Yosef. Jesus is Yeshua translated into Greek. A more anglicized version of his name would be Joshua,.son of Joseph.

Whatever you want to call Yeshua, he was not European. Why is that so hard to admit?

dundundunnnnn ago


Awe, you're wrong.

dundundunnnnn ago

I see you did not answer the questions. Interesting.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I ignored your question. Edomite? What do I care? They're all semitic sandnigger and none of the various semitic tribes are European. Since the issue here is European vs non-European and they're already non-European, there's no need to further subdivide and classify them.

Horrux ago

Well he was no jew that is for sure. He was Galilean and Galilea was property of the jewish nation of the time, but by the time of "jesus"' birth, recently populated by immigration from non jewish parts of the world. So yes he lived in a place where the mandatory religion was the jewish one, but he had no jewish heritage.

BoomerHater1488er ago


Say it. It's hilarious watching you squirm away from the fact that you are worshipping a Rabbi whom you believe to be the prophesied Jewish Messiah.

You've forgotten your spiritual heritage and been conditioned to hate it. Uncuck yourself, brother. Christianity is not European. It's probably the hardest redpill to accept.

Horrux ago

HOWEVER, YOU must be made to understand that any messenger of the superordinate principle HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.

Such a messenger cannot, by any serious definition of the term, be genetically a jew, since they are absolute corruptors and degenerates.

BoomerHater1488er ago

It does have to do with race, because religions began as ethno-relligion. A foreign ethnicity's spirituality has erased and replaced the spirituality native to our people, and you think it has nothing to do with race?

If that's what you think, move to Israel.

Horrux ago

There either IS a universal superordinate principle, and all true religions are only different versions, fables, allegories, metaphors and other stories about THAT one thing, or there isn't and everything is just an accident and religion is moot.

dundundunnnnn ago

The apostles went to which nations to share the gospel?

BoomerHater1488er ago

It's amusing the lengths you'll go to to pretend that Christianity is European. Why not just say that you admit that it isn't, yet you believe it anyway?

dundundunnnnn ago

Where did the apostles go to preach the gospel?

BoomerHater1488er ago

An irrelevant question. They could have skipped the entire middle East and gone straight to London, Rome, Berlin, Paris, etc and that wouldn't make believing that Yeshua ben Yosef was the prophesied Jewish Messiah a European belief.

dundundunnnnn ago

Whites are the Israelites. Ha.

BoomerHater1488er ago

When people say "white", 99% of the time they're refering to ethnic Europeans. There are a few rare cases, almost exclusively Christcucks like yourself, that refer to all Caucasians as white.

Yes, Semites and Hamites are Caucasian. No, they are not European.

It's still amazing that you can't admit it. You'll do any amount of mental gymnastics to avoid saying that Christianity did not originate in Europe.

dundundunnnnn ago

I thought it was a given that Christ was not born in Europe. Christianity bloomed in Europe because it wasn't accepted where Jesus was from. What is your point?

BoomerHater1488er ago

"Bloomed" is an interesting choice of words.

Are you not aware that monarchs converted their populations by force because Christianity makes for a meek, passive, and easily manageable population?

Christianity was spread through violence.

dundundunnnnn ago

meek, passive, and easily manageable population?

So does a vegan diet, television, drugs, etc. The controllers will use any means necessary to subdue the natural spirit. This doesn't negate the divinity of Jesus Christ or his work on the cross. Christianity was not spread through violence. Christianity defended much of Europe from Muslim invasion. You were publicly schooled, weren't you?

Horrux ago

Oh he certainly wasn't European and contrary to your arbitrary assertion, I do believe that the story of "Jesus" was at least in part made up by jews as a way to subvert us.

Look up the story of Horus, I wonder if maybe THAT gave the Jews some ideas? Well, it obviously did, it isn't difficult to see. And even to see where they deem Christians as "astrology believers" through that connection. And their Talmud says, enslave the astrology believers, which the Romans were too, and it all got rolled into one.

Typical kikes.

ForgottenMemes ago

Actually they use quite a few jewish women. They're vastly over represented especially in the more degenerate porn. Jews have no problem debasing and destroying their own kind along with everyone else.

veteran88 ago

Ban porn.

Execute the producers directors and other human trafficking positions.

ShootinSpics ago

How many times must Hitler be proven right?

boxofcrackers ago

6 million times

Diggernicks ago

Fuck yeah porn!

bfriend13 ago

Looks like he OD'd or killed himself in 2016. Now he knows what real antisemitism feels like.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Slipstream ago

Why do jews have to destroy everything decent?

Seriously why?

Sometimes I think they are an alien race in eternal competition with humans.

freedomite ago

"Always Chaotic Evil Races are Unrealistic!"

Let me tell you about the jews...

lululu ago

Some of them resemble a lot like neanderthals..

anticlutch ago

Because they're jealous of Whites.

They aren't really alien. They are demons of Satan.

voatuser1128 ago

Why do jews have to destroy everything decent?

Even Ancient Romans hated them.

AlphaOmega ago

Judaism is basically a massive Megalomaniacal ego trip multiplied by hundreds of years. Their culture has trained its people that Jews are supreme and gods chosen. They have no moral boundaries about fucking over non-Jews because it does not violate their culture.

We’ve heard so much shit about “white supremacy” but white supremacists can’t hold a candle to Jews. They are the poster child for just how malignant supremacy actually is.

CheeBooga ago

Not alien. They are demons from hell. Jesus Christ said so I would bet aliens hate them, too.

mattsixteen24 ago

[13] For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God that be in Jewrie, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things of your own lineage, as they also of the Jews, [14] Who both killed our Lord Jesus, and the Prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men, [15] prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to make up their sins always. For the wrath of God is come upon them even to the end. [1 Thessalonians 2:13-15]

rubberdougie ago

Synagogue of satan. Jesus called it. I don't think it's all of them but it's enough to be our greatest problem.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Reverse psychology ("Please kill us!"), but people are failing to understand.

Horrux ago

It's in their nature. Uncle Adolf had some thorough experiments performed and he found absolutely NO WAY WHATSOEVER to separate the jew from his degeneracy. There is no way to make them even UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

They're missing a piece of their frontal lobe, almost. It's that outside of their character.

Horrux ago

That would certainly explain it.

Also, they are descended from Neanderthals, whereas actual people descend from the Cro-Magnon.

thewhiteturk ago

They are evil just for the sake of being evil. They are jew.

Sloppy_Joe ago

Satan's Chosen People

Lagmonster ago

They are pure evil, do you need any other reason?

Can we fire up the ovens yet? There is a lot of them and its going to take more than a couple of years.

Slipstream ago

I want THE TRUTH!!!

Sedatedinsomniac ago


Lagmonster ago

Jews rape kids, there I said it. Are you happy now?

Slipstream ago

No. That makes me sick. I was just playing with that line from a few good men. I don't understand jews other than seeing them as pure psychopaths playing a game with the goyim. As someone who has/had a lot of empathy for the suffering of others, I can't reconcile in my mind the idea that other that look and act like me are in fact not like me at all. I think we see others as reflections of ourselves. That is the white man's downfall.

refugee610 ago

Ovens are wasteful. Wood chipper and use the resulting paste for fertilizer.

Qqqqqqqqqqweeds ago

Feet first... in meincraften.

checks-out ago

Mein Krepft

satisfyinghump ago

I really think this now. Before it was more of a fun comedic 'hatred' of them. And now it's more a hatred stemmed from wanting my people and myself to survive.

un1ty ago

Have you ever seen "Spirit Science"? Its a pretty long series that goes into kabbalah stuff and alternate origin theory - atlantis, all that jazz. Not that I follow occult stuff, I do find it fascinating.

Anywho, part of their theory which is apparently based on some channelings or something, Jews are actually an alien species from some other either planet or system.

Slipstream ago

Is that something I can find on jewtube? Download?

Doglegwarrior ago

ya they live was actualy a documentary

Horrux ago

Haven't heard about it, what was its original producer or network of origin? I want to have a look!

satisfyinghump ago

i really love the Spirit Science series! It's great. and what's hard to ignore about it, is that many of the things i've read, seen, and in general learnt before i saw that series ended up being used in Spirit Science in a way that didn't negate it or disprove it but rather make its belief in it stronger...

TeddyJackson ago

Space is fake. Sitchin is a lying fraud. Atlantis is greenland. Greenland is not covered in ice. Barrow alaska has open sea during summer so how is greenland all covered in ice?

noz ago

This is hilarious. I skimmed through some of these out of curiosity and in some points the site mentions how 'gravity doesn't exist' and a couple point later it states multiple times that NASA uses 'Zero-G planes' to create fake footage.

So does gravity exist or not...? Lmao. Imagine not only having such low IQ that you believe in shit like this but not even being able to go 10 sentences without contradicting yourself.

TeddyJackson ago

Nice try, rabbi. Current scientists still cant prove gravity exists. Go ahead, find a source that it does. Gravity it not things falling to earth, gravity is every particle of mass being attracted to every other particle.

You picked the most dumbest hill to die on you retarded jew shill. Oh, youre an alpha account with barely any activity. Yep, shill.

Slipstream ago

Here's a question for you. How does gravity act instantaneously through space if the fastest thing in the Universe is light?

This guy is no slouch in the credentials department. I'm not suggesting the site mentioned above has any merit. I'm just asking a simple question.

whyamIevenhere ago

Gravitational forces are transmitted at the same speed as light. They are not Instantaneous but they travel so fast that they seem like it. Also, light isn't the only thing that travels at 'c'. We just call it "the speed of light" because it's an easy thing to reference. 'c' is just the maximum speed that anything can travel through space. Space itself, of course, expands much faster than 'c'.

Slipstream ago

You still have to address Van Flandern's paradox stated thusly:

"If gravity from the Sun propagated outward at the speed of light, the transmission delay would progressively increase the angular momentum of bodies orbiting the Sun at so great a rate that orbital radii would double in about 1000 revolutions. Direct measurements of the directions of bodies and their accelerations show that, while light of any wavelength undergoes aberration as an immediate consequence of its finite speed, gravity has no such aberration or propagation delay at a detectable level. Dynamical studies of binary pulsars show that not only the position and velocity of a source of gravity are anticipated without light-time delay, but accelerations of the source are anticipated as well. Indeed, Newton's universal law of gravity, to which general relativity is supposed to reduce in the low-velocity, weak-field limit, requires infinite propagation speed for gravity. These paradoxes are supposed to be explained by general relativity's curved spacetime interpretation of gravity. Yet that interpretation leads to new, equally unresolvable paradoxes, especially acute in the case of binary black holes."

whyamIevenhere ago

I don't have to address anything. Do the work yourself. A simple Google search would dispel this nonsense. I'm not here to do your thinking for you.

Slipstream ago

If gravity from the Sun propagated outward at the speed of light, the transmission delay would progressively increase the angular momentum of bodies orbiting the Sun at so great a rate that orbital radii would double in about 1000 revolutions.

Of course you don't, because you can't nigger.

TeddyJackson ago

Prove gravity exists, you'll get a nobel prize for it since no one else has proved it yet.

Shituar ago

I'm open to alternative views. I can believe NASA faked all that shit in the 60s. I think it's really possible we're in a simulation. That all being said... do you or any other non-sphere-earth-believers have an diagram of what you think is actually going on outside with the stars and planets we seem to be looking at?

TeddyJackson ago

The dome rotates above us. Stars are not suns. The sun and the moon are the same size.

Shituar ago

Thanks for the reply. I think the people being hostile to you are acting like children who have only recently gotten the opportunity to mock people and think thats still original. Funny enough it seems that people who talk about Simulation Theory are somewhat respected. I've seen lots of big names talk about it and then people like Joe Rogan are all like "ooooh wow youre really tripping me out now!" thats totally cool to quesiton everything being a computer simulation which of course means no Sun, Moon or Solar System as we know it. But the minute a guy like you comes around and says "hey what if all these stories and packets of data that NASA hires computer CGI artists to compile into propaganda are bullshit?" suddenly youre the whack job and the nut. Funny how that works eh?

TeddyJackson ago

Did you watch the video i linked yet?

also this is the best simulation hypothesis video ive found

whyamIevenhere ago

I think what you're trying to say is that no one has found the particle that transmits gravitational force - the so-called 'graviton'. However, gravity is a very obvious and well-understood phenomenon that we see all over the universe and right here at home. If you had studied even basic physics, you would know this and see how empty your argument is. And you would see how many other ways we can see gravitational interactions in nature. You exhibit sloppy thinking.

TeddyJackson ago

However, gravity is a very obvious and well-understood phenomenon that we see all over the universe and right here at home.

None of that is true. Particles do not attract to each other. No experiment has found this. The aether pushes objects.

killkillkill ago're being serious?

satisfyinghump ago

yes. yes, open your mind to the idea that maybe you've been lied to all the time you were in school and later and now is your chance to learn for yourself, the truth. just try it. i was in your exact position about 10 years ago, and i got there because of how hard i was trying to prove to myself that aliens are real. before i know it, i go from laughing at people that believe in 'that' to realizing what a dick i was to laugh at them.

killkillkill ago

Space is fake? The Earth doesn't rotate? Lmao. Explain to me how you rationalize that.

TeddyJackson ago

Prove it rotates around the sun while spinning while also spinning around galactic central core while also moving towards other galaxies while also keeping the North Star in the same position for thousands of years.

You are either a jew shill or a retarded jew lover.

killkillkill ago

I can definitely do that, but explain to me first what you think the actual reality is. How is "space fake" and do you have your own explanation for the North Star?

TeddyJackson ago

You shills are too stupid, try shilling on reddit instead you retarded kike.

killkillkill ago

Here you go. North Star explained. It's pretty simple. Congratulations on being functionally retarded and possibly autistic.

TeddyJackson ago

What's it like being a retarded jew shill?

killkillkill ago

I love that you can't understand the most basic astronomy in the world and have no explanation and say "space is fake" and then call me a Jew...because Jews are the ones pushing an agenda of true astro-physics...or something...lmao

TeddyJackson ago

LMAO. So you're siding with Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world over Israel?

The Jew hate here is real.

Yep, Jew confirmed. Too obvious you pedo ADL shill.


nice try but no the burden of proof is on you killkillkill because the fact that North Star is in fixed position is self-evident. You explain to us "real space".

killkillkill ago

Wtf are you saying?

Horrux ago

Explain tides, the coriolis effect and eclipses, and then you'll have my attention for a minute or 5. But frankly these flat earthers all come off as low IQ types without enough neurons to understand basic physics. But I do want to see clearly, so if there is something to be learned, I'm all for it.

So far, none of your cohorts has succeeded. They all fumble with the "uh, ah, you know, the um, yeah, so yeah, well fuck you if you don't believe me then."

TeddyJackson ago

You think the moon causes tides? prove it lol. That is so obvious that it doesnt.

How does the moon show 11/2 full in daylight? Why doesn't the shadow change during the night as it moves?

low IQ types without enough neurons to understand basic physics

You shill retards are so stupid. Y

Horrux ago

I don't know what to say dude, I feel sorry for you.

TeddyJackson ago

You don't know what to say bc you are too stupid and brainwashed to realize the truth.

Horrux ago

Yep, that would fall squarely in the above-predicted "well fuck you if you don't believe me then" category.

So predictable.

TeddyJackson ago

The irony is hilarious :)

Also coriolis is fake lol. Good luck explaining moon phases during the day.

Horrux ago

I don't even know what you mean by "moon phases during the day". The moon's phases relate to the position of the moon and Sun relative to the Earth. The moon rotates around the Earth in 28 days, so there are no phases during the day, since one day (well half a day since the other half is the night) is 1/56th of a moon cycle, way too short for a phase.

TeddyJackson ago

so there are no phases during the day,

Of course you have to resort to outright lies.

Horrux ago

Wow. Just... wow.

Horrux ago

I'm behind a 60 minute unskippable advertising wall on Youtube. Also, I'm not watching a long-ass video.

Granite_Pill ago

uBlock Origin blocks ads on YouTube. The video is worth your time, I promise.

TeddyJackson ago

60 min lol, not watching proof. You faggot jew shills are all the same.

Horrux ago

Right? "Explain tides, explain eclipses". You and I could do it in 2-3 sentences. These guys have a 60-minute video with the promise that somewhere in there is an answer. You can never get a straight answer out of them. You gotta get brainwashed for 768 hours and then YOU WILL SEE WHAT IS TRUE.

No thanks.

TeddyJackson ago

Kill yourself you retarded shill.

Horrux ago

Wow, now you make really soundly thought out arguments that speak particularly highly about your convictions. /s

TeddyJackson ago

Explain tides, explain eclipses" You and I could do it in 2-3 sentences.

Still waiting, shill.

Horrux ago

Really? Wow. We have a real one in you. Amazing.

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, and to a lesser extent, the sun. Technically everything in the universe participates as well, but those are by far the two most important factors. This is why the highest tides follow the path of solar eclipses: that's when the moon gets between the Earth and the Sun. These bodies being aligned, their gravitational pull combines and makes for the highest (and lowest, on the opposite side of the Earth) tides.

Voila. Any additional questions?

TeddyJackson ago

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, and to a lesser extent, the sun.

They aren't. Go find supposed proof they are. Why would the tides of the sun be less than the moon when the earth supposedly revolves around the sun?

You are so god damn retarded it passed up being funny.

Horrux ago

It's easy: record ties follow the trajectory of ECLIPSES when the moon and sun align perfectly. THAT PROVES IT. That you are unable to grasp that it does prove that demonstrates your limitations. Also, YOU explain why if not through gravitational pull.

Oh and the moon is more important for TIDES because it is TIDALLY LOCKED to the Earth, whereas the Earth is not tidally locked to the Sun. It simply orbits the Sun.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

They provide the most ridiculous explanations for stuff, they're not worth engaging because they will not engage you. They'll just down vote you into oblivion en masse. I've never gotten one to respond, except one time a guy told me the reason we can see the curvature of the earth outside an airplane window, is because they apply some electromagnetic film to the window that they then engage at altitude. These people engage in a tactic known as "poisoning the well". They forum-slide good conversations into something about flat earth every opportunity they get. I used to believe these people were just stupid, but honestly, is anyone that stupid? Now, I believe them to be malicious.

TeddyJackson ago

Explain how the north star is still there in the same spot while the earth, sun, solar system, and galaxy are rotating.

MrPim ago

I've met some IRL. So not all of them are. Some people actually believe it.

derram ago :

Nick Steel on Twitter: "Back in 2013, Michael Kulich, the (now deceased) Jewish founder and chairman of the porn company Monarchy Distribution revealed that the porn industry was "pretty much founded by the Jews" and that the business side is still controlled by them.… /3wP9eXoVh2"

This has been an automated message.

suckcoke ago

How did we let this happen?

dundundunnnnn ago

Everyone has been demoralized Yuri Bezmenov.

NarrativeControl ago

(((Porn is free speech)))

romanstock ago

didn't Putin just ban it? he knows what's going on.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Putin also banned ((( Soros ))) and his many tentacles from even stepping foot on Russian soil.

Horrux ago

Didn't he also ban the Rothschild? I mean, Putin seems like the real deal, kinda makes me want to emigrate to Russia.

NarrativeControl ago

I wasn't aware!

PagingDrBenway ago

Endless conspiracies against us to destroy our minds, our communities, our understanding of our reality generally.

Tallest_Skil ago

Can we get a proper source for that video that isn’t twitter (because it can’t be archived)?

Revelations2_9 ago

AntiMason ago


Diggernicks ago

We need to oven America's true enemy catholics

Nomowo ago

You get an upvoat for catching me off guard and making me laugh.

AntiMason ago

Okay dumbass

Justasinner ago

gas the jews and the coal burners

AntiMason ago

Without Jews out lying to white girls about how great niggers are coal burner rates would plummet.

satisfyinghump ago

imagine a world that didnt have all those nasty movies, posters or advertisements....

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

We should transport the coal burners to coal burner island

IsaacJan ago
