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strange_69 ago

Looking forward to the return of the roof Koreans.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Roof Koreans only were a thing because no one can call them racist. If white people tried to enforce order like that, they'd get the WACO treatment.

Broc_Lia ago

Yep. Suddenly law enforcement would decide to show up and do their jobs long enough to disarm them. Then they'd disappear again.

waucka ago

And then the next batch of Roof Whites will shoot cops on sight.

Broc_Lia ago

Oh I'd love to think so. Unfortunately a lot of them have thin blue line stickers beside their molon labe.

terminator7 ago

It isn't explicitly said, but I think a lot of those people generally only feel that way towards police who do their jobs and nothing more. There is no love for cops who are crooked or tyrants by them.