Waco? They didn't shoot until the Feds shot at them, and were mostly women and children in an indefensible position. Organized men with visible training get "stand down" orders given to cops, like happens all the time out West in places like Arizona and Idaho, where police have in effect surrendered to them.
Remember, welfare whores don't get paid enough to risk their safety. Feds and police only assault when they have overwhelming force.
It isn't explicitly said, but I think a lot of those people generally only feel that way towards police who do their jobs and nothing more. There is no love for cops who are crooked or tyrants by them.
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strange_69 ago
Looking forward to the return of the roof Koreans.
Crikes ago
Adam Carolla had the brilliant idea of fake roof Korean riflemen alongside of the fake owl. Lol
BlowjaySimpson ago
Roof Koreans were forced, by police, to abandon their shops, and then the niggers burned them down anyway.
The Roof Koreans story is a tragedy, not a victory.
superspathi ago
Should have shot the fucking pigs.
constitutionranger ago
Didn’t know that. Fuck this talmudic earth.
NoBS ago
Natural Selection at it's purest form.
For Civilized Humans who respect children enough to make the hard choices.
fellowwhiteperson ago
Roof Koreans only were a thing because no one can call them racist. If white people tried to enforce order like that, they'd get the WACO treatment.
WhiteChickens ago
In all fairness, whites could win against the police relatively easily, they're mostly just not cut out for it.
Too unpleasant and there's no paycheck. lol
TheManyHands ago
Waco? They didn't shoot until the Feds shot at them, and were mostly women and children in an indefensible position. Organized men with visible training get "stand down" orders given to cops, like happens all the time out West in places like Arizona and Idaho, where police have in effect surrendered to them.
Remember, welfare whores don't get paid enough to risk their safety. Feds and police only assault when they have overwhelming force.
Broc_Lia ago
Yep. Suddenly law enforcement would decide to show up and do their jobs long enough to disarm them. Then they'd disappear again.
HappyMealBullshit ago
Hah you said it. American police wants to make sure white people cant defend themselves and then make sure they have to fend for themselves.
waucka ago
And then the next batch of Roof Whites will shoot cops on sight.
constitutionranger ago
No they won’t. Until I see otherwise, I am declaring white men as cowards, myself included.
Broc_Lia ago
Oh I'd love to think so. Unfortunately a lot of them have thin blue line stickers beside their molon labe.
terminator7 ago
It isn't explicitly said, but I think a lot of those people generally only feel that way towards police who do their jobs and nothing more. There is no love for cops who are crooked or tyrants by them.