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3xtr3mist ago

A lot of people saying "my sister is a nurse and she says it's chaos" kind of comments. But they come here, give us their promise it not a hoax, and then leave, very carefully to intentionally omit explaining why every OTHER hospital that their sister doesn't work in is dead ass empty. They know damn well if 1/1000th of what they say is true then the entrance to every hospital in these ground zero areas would be backed up for miles with ambulances like a full stop traffic jam. But they're not. So who's lying? All these people posting video evidence online, or all the members on here who have a sibling working in a hospital? It can't be both.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Yeah, but you Aussies are alright, even with your funny accents. lol

SpacemanSpliff187 ago

Maybe it's all the fucking fat retards staying home who would go in for a bandaid or because they have a headache or the sniffles. How many lazy fucks who would spend all day at the hospital to get a paid day off work are just staying home? Plus, lots of places are telling people with mild covid symptoms to just quarantine at home unless it gets bad enough for an ambulance trip. I'm sure this is all being blown out of proportion in regards to the shutdown, but there could be other reasons why hospitals arent completely overwhelmed like some apocalyptic movie.

1F4A9 ago

Of course the virus exists, but they overhype the dangers of it. Actually, there are many corona viruses and the tests aren't that specific. If you would test blood samples from a year ago with the unreliable test kits they're using now, you'd also get positives.

Saying the virus doesn't exist is like those people that said no airplanes flew into buildings on 9/11. Regardless of a possible conspiracy behind it, the simplest way to execute such a thing would be using real airplanes. Plenty of real viruses to give an excuse for what they're doing right now. I don't think they released this virus on purpose, but things like this happen and never waste a good crisis.

doubleanalbypass ago

the test they use is horseshit, I have been following things in italy closely, they like, the media emphasizes on coffins, bans burials, lies about victims, re-tests patiens up to 4 times until the scientifically non-proven test turns out positive. it's a complete shitshow being rolled out on the whole world to impletment global medical martial law as a scapegoat for the financial collapse that was about to happen anyways. if you by now have no gold, silver, bullets or good friends, you are probably going to lose all your rights along the big corona hoax, and might even get force vaccinated and ultimately become a potato.

Lunkerhead ago

CBS stands for Crooked Broadcast Segments

onezeno ago

They're on standby for the virus, which has not parked in the us. Is this really hard to understand?

onezeno ago

A lot of what they're seeing is the secondary stations, like when you see all the empty tents in parking garages. They're prepping for this to keep exploding.

I don't think it's a hoax because of how the media acted. While Tom Cotton was raising the alarm they were calling him crazy and obsessing over impeachment hearings.

SleepyWhore ago

We have stacks of boxes full of tests. Thousands pending. This isn't a fucking hoax. Offsite testing doesn't have lines because they are numerous, and it is a simple swab and go. You don't see the Lab. It is a mess, but we are handling it fairly well. ~ 10-15% of tests are positive, but we are still clogged with every quack recommending someone with seasonal allergies get tested. Faster tests are coming, treatment is coming, we will be fine, just make sure meemaw is staying at home.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Will they survive the sniffles or is everyone in your city now dead?

Master_Foo ago

I work at a hospital. Standard policy is, whenever Rusty Shackleford shows up on location, we all hide and a single person tells him there are no patients.

It's hilarious!

angryspin ago

Would this hospital happen to be in an area encapsulated with 5G?

FoundingUncle ago

You don't leave COVID-19 patients in a waiting room. You put them in a private room ASAP. You don't allow a bunch of potential COVID-19 patients to group together. Imagine people with 3 different causes of pneumonia all cross-infecting each other.

SpitsMonsters ago

It's simple, not effecting urban areas the same as rural...for now.

roznak ago

Why are you reporting what is on the media while you could take your family and friends to one of those hospitals and see it for yourself?

Media lies, YouTube lies, you can only trust your own eyes by going there and the report back.

Selfies with you and your family there or it didn't happen.

SaneandAware ago

Being diagnosed means jack. Only the sick and old die. Most people barely have any symptoms.

Dontpanic ago

Do you not understand that we did a good thing by stopping travel from China? It is a good thing that there are not lines for testing at hospitals. If you truly believe that there is no virus then go donate your time at those hospitals and get us some real evidence. You'll be a hero either way.

Mr_Wolf ago

5G site activations? It's something I've seen pop up in places and not really talked about.

immatureusername ago

Those are not a part of the programming, pay no attention to those.

Mr_Wolf ago

I appreciate the downvoats we bo0th got

Mr_Wolf ago

You can get a "confirmed" diagnosis over a video chat

Ozzsanity ago

You guys are so behind the curve with this stuff. The Leader had declared a serious threat and an attack by the virus. So basically your posting this suggests that The Leader is lying. I won't report it but I would be careful if I were you.

Logansrun ago

Two large hospitals near me at least judging by the parking lots and garages are way under populated. I think people are staying away because they don’t want to catch anything

philmchawk ago

Man jews are trying really hard to get people to care more about "big line" then your parents.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

My God, you've been a deep undercover Chinese jew this whole time, just waiting to be activated? My world has been turned upside down! 😁 πŸ˜‚ 🀣

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Someone needs to look up pandemic infection charts, and how they work.

Courtjester ago

April fools day.

Roughpatch ago

The children

Simonsaysgoat ago

I mean aren't people being told to stay home if they are sick? That kind of explains no hospitals being overwhelmed

JohnGaltApproves ago

How many non-Jews have that many doctors in the family? Are the rest lawyers?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The test has an 80 percent false positive rate.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

There is only one reason ((anyone)) would down vote this factual post.


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Because of the stupidity in the title?

Sleuth222 ago

You keep shilling the jew lies.

Sleuth222 ago

I'll be sure to tell my entire family of doctors, my doctors bowling league, and my close personal friend the pope that you're a tool incapable of logical thought.

RealBiggly ago

So many toxic comments by idiots...

Hospitals are clearing space and all non-urgent treatment and appointments, because they understand what 'exponential growth' means.

Sleuth222 ago

And youre a kike shill trying to spread the idea that hospitals are overwhelmed when there is plenty of actual evidence to the contrary. But you know a guy who knows a guy so its obviously all real.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

It's to make room for all the eventual sick people that may happen. There's no conspira-crazy.

Sleuth222 ago

You said the virus is real. It is not. It is a jew lie, propagated by jews. The only thing to fear is the jew not any virus.

You called me a jew, the pilpul is strong with this one.

TheSeer ago

Globalist takeover.

Sleuth222 ago

The jew lie is the virus but no no you have anecdotal stories. You're either incredibly naive or youre a kike shill. Pick one.

flaxom ago

You're either incredibly naive or youre a kike shill

You're literally just some random anonymous faggot calling people liars on the internet with no defense whatsoever for his arguments. You're the definition of a fucking kike shill, moishe.

TheSeer ago

The virus is real, and it is very contagious (there are multiple strains out there right now too). But it is not NEAR as lethal as they have told us. They over-exaggerated the lethality by 3-10x.

RealBiggly ago

What do you think the death rate is? What do you think they say it is?

TheSeer ago

Initial WHO report was 3.4%, I doubt it is more than 1%, if you take asymptomatic cases into account (and that not everyone who has had it was tested, esp. less serious cases).

Then you take into account that they are overinflating deaths by a bit, impossible to say how much, by saying people over 80, with multiple health conditions, are dying of Coronavirus.

RealBiggly ago

OK, let's do some maffs...

Germany is, by far, the best in terms of healthcare, healthy people, excellent supply of ventilators and all that, in fact they're taking in some patients from France as they have excess capacity. So we'll take them as the best-case scenario - but remember this IS the best case, with excellent hospitals working perfectly, not overwhelmed.

So today they still have less than 1000 deaths, let me check.. 856.

We know from infection to death is around 17 days, but let's go from symptoms to death, which is around 14 days. No let's go further, from severe symptoms to death, let's say 7 days, a week. I've seen 10 days in one report but we'll say a week.

Quick caveat, Germany, like the UK, under-reports some deaths, and the do huge amounts of testing, so high case count compared to death count.

So if we go back a week, say the 23rd of March, how many known cases did Germany have?

33,991. Let's call that 40,000.

So to get the percentage we divde the deaths by the cases, then times 100, right?

856 / 40,000 (x100) = 2.14%

And honestly, seriously, German is by far the best case.

Let's do the same with the worst case, Italy.

Today's deaths, in total - 13,115

How many known cases did they have on the 24th of March, a week ago? 69,175

13,115 / 69,175, x100= 18.9%

You say overinflating but not really, if the person is not tested and proven, dead or alive, then Germany doesn't count them as a C19 death. The UK is not counting those that die outside of hospital for example (I believe that is changing soon).

Last week in the Spectator, a journalist said "Well one way we can tell if we have a deadly disease, has the death rate gone up?"

That's a stupid way of looking at it, because even in Italy only certain areas have been hit, same as it's mostly New York, not Ohio, in America. But one country has done exactly that, it looked and asked "What is our typical number of deaths in March?"

The country was Spain.

Normally they would about about 11k deaths in March, this year 17k. A 30% increase.

This isn't flu.

kakamatyi ago

But one country has done exactly that, it looked and asked "What is our typical number of deaths in March?"

The country was Spain.

Normally they would about about 11k deaths in March, this year 17k. A 30% increase.

interesting. that's what i always wanted to know. i'm trying to jewgle it but all it shows is PEOPLE ARE DYING RIGHT NOW. can you point me a source?

in italy's case what i find said it's still within normal influenza outbreak limits. the mortality i mean.

TheSeer ago

858 deaths. 76k reported cases. In Germany. No need to try make it scarier by taking last week's amount of cases, and today's amount of deaths.

We know there is no way in hell the amount of deaths is under-reported, but it can be over-reported (i.e. if Coronavirus wasn't actually the primary or sole cause of death). The amount of cases is practically guaranteed to be under-reported, as not everyone can and will be tested, esp. asymptomatic. We won't bother to pump it up though.

Basic maffs, just over 1.1%, taking the cases and deaths. No accounting for over OR under-reported.

It is clear that your age and other health conditions are the MAJOR factors in how lethal this thing is, and that there are multiple strains out there. What is also clear is that death rate has been WAY overexaggerated. Between 3 and 10x.

RealBiggly ago

Wait, what? WTF?

" No need to try make it scarier by taking last week's amount of cases, and today's amount of deaths."

No dude, that's EXACTLY what you do, especially when it's growing exponentially.

You can't look at a massive explosion of cases, and then just compare those to the ones already dead. That's idiotic.

If you want such a crude metric, look at the outcomes - of all the thousand and thousands of cases we've seen, what percentage were cured and considered over it, and what percentage died?

On that basis, worldwide, the death rate is 5%. But again, that doesn't take into account the time lag, because there's plenty of people still ill and who WILL die but aren't counted yet.

TheSeer ago

Well, if we are going to look at last week's cases and then today's deaths THEN we do have to take under-reporting of cases and over-reporting of deaths into account. Which just means estimates upon estimates upon more estimates. But hey, if that is how you want it.

Is there a stigma associated with the virus? Yes. Therefore, if you are asymptomatic, would you get tested? Of course not. How many cases are asymptomatic? Supposedly it is upwards of 1/3. Could be more. Could differ by age group. Now take those with mild symptoms. Would they get tested, or be ABLE to get a test? No, probably not. Another 1/3. So now we know there are 66% more cases than verified. That means Germany had 72,000 Coronavirus cases a week ago, and 800 some deaths. Mortality rate? 1.2%

But wait, it gets better, what if just 1 in 10 of those Coronavirus patients was on death's bed already? And they are being counted as Coronavirus deaths? Lets be real, it is probably more like 25% of Coronavirus deaths, those of ppl 80+ were already in poor health and were unlikely to EVER see 2021, Coronavirus or no Coronavirus...

RealBiggly ago

Some known unknowns...

How many mild or no symptom cases go on to become serious or fatal? It's not zero. Time after time when you read of a specific death you read how they weren't so bad for a week or so, and then... etc.

Many tests are being done on possible contacts. I think I can find the percentage for Germany, hang on.. Nope. Anyway you'll like this article:

This article mentions that unlike other places, most of the German cases are young people below 50, and also points out

" On average, a severely ill Covid-19 patient dies 30 days after being infected"

So yeah, forget 7 days. Make it 30.

Anyway it's late here, catch you later

TheSeer ago

Sure, today's deaths may be last month's infections. But they could also be from TODAY's tests. Got it? We have no way of knowing if those who tested positive a week ago are those who are dying today. Or if the people dying today were only tested after they died (or were hospitalized).

Most cases might be people below 50 (a strange number to choose, I would divide old and young and an age much closer to 35 or at most 40) but what about DEATHS?

RealBiggly ago

I'm off to bed but by the time I wake up the known cases will be 1 million.

The cases with an outcome? 19% died.

TheSeer ago

And? According to the math, it increases by 26% per day, doubling every 3 days.

But... There were already 17,000 confirmed cases two months ago.

That means it has only doubled 6 times in the last 2 months, instead of 20 times. Closer to a 7% daily increase over that span, even though some individual countries are increasing at a much higher rate.

Bottom line, we are dealing with incomplete data, that can be interpreted to fearmonger, like you are doing, or it can be viewed realistically, and we realize much less than 2% of HEALTHY ADULTS who even get infected will die.

RealBiggly ago

When did I say it doubles every 3 days?

In a post to someone, maybe you, last night I said the best estimate I'd found was twice that, doubling every 6 days. I also pointed out it wouldn't be that bad because people would start taking it seriously, and you only meet a certain number of people and so can't keep infecting at that rate.

You seem to think 2% is OK. If half the 300 million or so of Americans gets this shit in their lungs that's 3 million people.

TheSeer ago

Well... If everyone is gonna get it, why did we shut down the entire country? 2% is not 'OK', the question is, in what way was it preventable.

RealBiggly ago

It's not so much about preventing it in general, it's about slowing it down enough so that hospitals and staff can cope, and buying us time to create a vaccine or effective, safe treatment.

Read this:

TheSeer ago

Decisive action should have been taken earlier to make sure it never got out of China. Period. There is no way we can accept that it was 'necessary' to lock down most of the civilized world, in order to combat this thing.

RealBiggly ago

Probably was necessary, thing is you could have contained it if you locked down much earlier.

Too late now.

TheSeer ago

Locked down earlier OR... Locked China OUT of the rest of the world.

RealBiggly ago

Grrr grrr woof, China bad, OK.

Now wash your hands and stay indoors.

TheSeer ago

You disagree that locking down China in early to mid January would have stopped the virus in its tracks?

RealBiggly ago

I agree it would have, probably, I just don't think that's important right now Shirley.

TheSeer ago

LOL, OK. So instead whatever the globalists suggest, going forward, is what we should go along with?

Sleuth222 ago

Some lies are too big to disbelieve.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

But no, let's just keep "talking" about it and complaining that they "want to take away our 2nd amendment rights" - too late folks, they already have. Now it's just a matter of seeing how much bullshit cum we'll swallow before we do something about it. It appears to be all of it.

All videos like these need to be sent to Trump, and all republican members of congress via their twitter accounts - if nothing else, we'll find out who really gives a shit.

facepaint ago

Yes. Something is happening. Hospitals are preparing for the storm. We know we will drastically short on supplies such as medicine, ventilators, masks, gloves and other medical supplies. We know that it is likely to drastically overwhelm our medical staff. Measures to help reduce the spread of the virus are helping.

In short, we are preparing for exponential growth of the virus.

Get back to me in a week about how all of the hospitals are empty.

Sleuth222 ago

Talk about moving goal posts. Jews are already lying about hostpitals being full when the obviously are not. Now that people are catching on you want to claim its in preperation. Fuck off.

"exponential growth" kike term noted, opinion disregarded.

facepaint ago

"exponential growth" kike term noted, opinion disregarded.

Feel free to ignore what I have to say. But I still suggest you take a look at the graphs on that link I provided. It isn't as if I am not providing data to back up my words instead of just calling it "kike words" to groundlessly dismiss it.

fundie ago

Obviously they are preparing as well. For what? Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps a desperate attempt by the DS trying to burn down the house before they are tried and convicted of treason? War? An asteroid impact?

bezzy ago

I was on the phone today with some folks from a hospital who said they were slammed with covid cases.

That new Veritas shit is boomer cringe.

fundie ago

State of emergency is designed to prepare this country for mass civilian casualties, but not because of Corona

poly ago

Its the common cold.

Yes the common cold is caused by a real virus

sir_andy_of_bad ago

David Iche for the Win!

ConcreteGaloshes ago

Don't forget the Lizard People!

That one's my favorite.

CuckedAmericans ago

Don't forget the Lizard People!

That one's my favorite.

A shekel has been deposited into your microchipped controlled Global money account fellow goy! Rejoice! Your (((social credit score))) has gone up 0.01! Keep shilling for the tribe...oops....I mean....

Yes yess fellow goyim reptiles don't exist David Icke is just an antisemite reptilians don't exist lol thats so silly they sure as hell don't do rituals and sacrifice goyim children and drink their blood.

White people are more like reptiles.

Slipstream ago

I hope so but somehow I doubt it. The inbred "elite" families have been in control for thousands of years. I don't think they're on the threshold of losing it now.

poly ago

We all know what crisis actors are now

Slipstream ago

You would think. I was discussing the red pill with my wife who is seeing through this crock of shit like she's never seen through anything other than 9/11. She's more upset that her friends and colleagues DON'T see through it than anything else.

TL;DR - People are stupid. Also propaganda is more effective on "educated" people.

AR47 ago

They are not testing at hospitals.....they are testing in makeshift clinics or parking lots.....WTF are you trying to get at?

It was relayed to my father and I that our aunt died in Louisiana from this covid thing, but we don't give a fuck about her so didn't really feel bad.

What is weird is that we didn't even get word that she was sick. Her husband said it was damn near immediate. Also that she was induced into a coma to facilitate the intubation....which I don't get because he claims she was fine until she started coughing.

Something is weird I won't doubt that part.

ViperCarbz ago

Every US city ins't NYC obviously.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Governor Nipples

Slipstream ago

Because they're psychopaths? That's my guess.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Our hospital (barring merger) is going out of business soon. I BET they are ALL over that $2 trillion in potential aid from fed.

totes_magotes ago

<sigh> Because it only takes a minute or two to do the swab and shove it in a fridge.

Do you want it to take longer? Like really just make mad, sweet Q-Tip love to your nasal passages and massage the brain a little?

POTUShasnoballs ago

There are too many commas in your title you dumb nigger

Cockboy ago

People are misdiagnosed constantly. They probably weren't even tested.

dodgesbullets ago

Okay, the empty ERs don't make sense but maybe the testing centers were empty because of what time these people arrived.

Nothing about this virus is making any sense to me.

Sleuth222 ago

It makes sense when looked at as a lie.

But why lie? I think you know the answer...

petevoat ago

The only virus are democrats and their zombie horde.

maaaxheadroom ago

Are the tests free? If the tests cost money people probably don’t want to pay.

maaaxheadroom ago

They seem to make the assumption that corona deaths will grow unabated. Also they put it in the past tense when the data shows it’s a future trend. I’m not impressed by this article. I do take corona seriously though.

rspix000 ago

I like this site that lets you drill down to the county level.

maaaxheadroom ago

I use this one. Similar idea.

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

At this point, I'm glad I've been using the N95 masks and latex gloves I bought months ago for work, covering my self from head to toe, wearing goggles, and touching everything with paper towels sheets sprayed down with glass cleaner for the past month when I run down to my mailbox at dawn. If the Kung Flu is indeed real, I've no plans to be that dumb bastard who found that out the hard way. I knew of people who died from HIV/AIDS, and heeded the warnings to avoid that, I think I'll do the same here.

Frankly, I'm ok with this. I've gotten a jump start on long overdue home cleaning, among other things.

World_Peace ago

better safe than sorry

Roughpatch ago

Are you gay?

fundie ago

Kinda sounds like it. Unfortunately for all of the germophobes who have been sanitizing EVERYTHING so that they don’t come into contact with those nasty germs, when they are finally exposed to the common cold they will die because their immune systems will be non-functional.

Roughpatch ago


sir_andy_of_bad ago

Contrary to voat's belief, HIV can be spread via heterosexual sexual contact.

Sleuth222 ago

Contrary to jewish lies, AIDS is not real. Testing does not exist just as corona testing does not exist. Testing for x number of antibodies that many people have from other versions of a virus hardly constitutes a scientific approach.

But since the tv said everyone was gonna die of AIDS people believe it just as they believe the tv now with corona. STOP WATCGING YOUR JEW SCREENS!

midnightblue1335 ago

I've heard about this.

I can't recall the name of the doctor, but he was essentially disgraced by the medical community for publishing his research about HIV/AIDS.

His conclusion- AIDS wasn't caused by a virus. It is simply a compromised immune system, caused typically by just partying way too hard, bad diet, and a number of other factors.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

The people I personally know who work in hospitals are saying it's chaos in their locations. All in major cities though

Turn_Coat ago

Small rural area: I have family in medicine, some of their coworkers are diagnosed and now suffering from the coronavirus. Doctors treating doctors.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Ask them to go there and film the parking lot and lobby. People prefer actual evidence over hearsay and random shit people make up on the Internet.

They'll be famous, it would be the first of it's kind video.

Oh_Well_ian ago

which cities ?

BlackGrapeDrank ago

you can find chaotic ERs at any time all over the US. especially in bigger poor zip codes.

lanre ago

Same with relatives working at hospitals in France.

Mobius_racetrack22 ago

Some hospitals are on standby.....everything elective is shut down. Many others are either getting swamped or retrofitted for incoming. Know this first and second hand. This is not a fucking hoax.

abwydyn ago

Magicians take their performance very seriously. Doesn't mean they're not still just doing magic tricks.

BentAxel ago

Very well said

Social_Construct ago

No youre both retarded

onezeno ago

And gay

Slipstream ago

Aren't hospitals in major cities normally chaotic with all the dindus and sheeeeeit?

Pepper-theDoctor ago

It's comparatively much worse

obvious-throwaway- ago

Post evidence.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

yes. exactly.

and 1 doctors opinion of a situation at 1 hospital doesnt = global economic chaos

Sleuth222 ago

And then add hypochondriacs flooding in and you've got your 6 oclock news clip to scare the goys into believing.

Slipstream ago

You hit the nail on the head brother. I'm working from home and had an e-mail exchange today with a co-worker who is sure the world is ending due to corona.

I told her the media was hyping it (didn't go into globalism or agendas or anything super conspiratorial) and she was super incredulous. SMH.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

98% capacity is the norm

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Mass hysteria. And with everyone staying inside, they have nothing to contradict the propaganda.

mattsixteen24 ago

becuuzzz it's uh still in da beginning stages derrrrp. heheh. It's a big fat scam and conspiracy by the jews again. Why else does the jewish press do what they do?

blumen4alles ago

Great compilation video, thanks OP.

Coronahoax is now bigger than the Holohoax.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

But why are we watching stories about the kind of people who watch television?

Sleuth222 ago

The Holocough.

Lundynne ago

No it's fucking not. When some tribe gets their own country out of this, then it might be.

blumen4alles ago

Where you alive when the Holohoax supposedly occurred? I wasn't. So this is the biggest hoax (for me).

When some tribe gets their own country out of this

Shit, have they every been satisfied with their own country. Haven't they been constantly expanding their borders?


TheSeer ago

This was what they settled on, to try bring in their NWO. People don't get it yet. For the life of me, I can't figure out how supposedly smart, skeptical (of authority) people still can't figure this one out. Either they are Boomers, that are in fear and panicking about their 401ks, or they have just never paid attention to one of these 'pandemic that will kill us all' stories before (swine flu and Ebola after that, for e.g.).

Many people thought it would be war or 'climate change' or more terrorism, that would be used, but no... Looks like pandemic and quarantine work just fine.

For example, they are telling cashiers that 'cash is filthy'. Where do you think that leads?

blumen4alles ago

Mass Hysteria is really the only way to explain this. Those jews are quite clever with their media, I have seen news articles of an event a day after I post videos of it here. Nice crisp clear photos and video. Much of what we are seeing from the Zio-media is completely staged.

They are taking down videos of people debunking their BS too.

TheSeer ago

It is interesting that they have convinced Boomers that Coronavirus caused the stock market crash. Of course, it was the first domino, but it was WAY overpriced, and just waiting for an excuse. For years now the market went UP on bad news and down on good news! Which was of course always rationalized, at the time.

Now, instead of protests, and anger at banksters for bailouts, we just sit at home, trying to sift through the bad info and 'fog of war'.

BentAxel ago

Four minutes in. Ive seen enough. Its almost as if they want the public to rise against them.

I think a strategy should be put in place. But a smart strategy. And one that removes them all from their power. There's a growing war. But it isn't with an invisible virus. I think its much closer to home. The paid media, politicians. I'm just spitballin' here.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

They know we won't.

People wonder how communism takes power, you're looking at it folks. It's insidious.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Buy guns and ammo

BentAxel ago

I was told this some 40 years ago.

Only when Americans have no TV (now internet) will they rise up. Basically take away all our freedoms and all of our luxuries then and only then will we fight back. This is why I said a strategy needs to be made. They have the upper hand They have the advantage They are doing what they know how to do. We need to use that knowledge to our benefit and fight with it.

chirogonemd ago

As long as people can eat and masturbate to internet porn, they aren't going to do shit. Most men probably don't even realize how much fight is taken out of them by porn.

Roughpatch ago

I agree

SparklingWiggle ago

Just start shooting. Aim for Jews. (I'm just kidding, you traitorous glowniggers.)

BjornIronside ago


SparklingWiggle ago

Sorry, autocorrect tries to fix it. I catch it most of the time.

BjornIronside ago

Turn autocorrect off.

It's part of a jew plot to make you illiterate.

Anarchy99 ago

its a cover for death by jew doctor. jew doctors kill more people in 24 hours. They are killing the elderly in hospitals and blaming a virus. Its all bullshit.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Yellowstone volcano about to blow?

2fat2move ago

Yellowstone volcano is about as real as coronahoax. They love their spook stories! Stay scared, goyim.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

They feed off the fear, quite literally. It makes their magic spell stronger every time you feel fear, even every time you type out the name of the fake virus.

Charilko ago

If Yellowstone goes up, most of the country is dead within hours.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'm supposedly just outside the far western edge of "the zone", but those are just lines on a map.

Fetalpig ago

We had a 6.5 earthquake in Idaho yesterday,and that was the 1st thing that came to mind.

deadindian ago

Different fault system

SparklingWiggle ago

Nah, fat people heard there was free cake.

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

Nope, welfare checks came and it was a rush to get toilet paper that wasn't there.

AmericanJew2 ago

Exchanging one form of toilet paper for another, the American dream?

uvulectomy ago

I heard the Belgian Health Minister was in town and she tripped.

blumen4alles ago

We felt that one.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Coronahoax... plain and simple.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Which part is the hoax? Because I'm seeing massive retardation around this. Video at the top is a prime example.

dellip_der_ ago

Good pill to wake the normies up with though.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The normies are more woke than 3/4 of the fags on this site who have fallen for the jew hoax and are frantically defending it.

derram ago :

More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won't! - YouTube

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AllInAllNo ago

It's agenda 21 globalist coup. Like all their BS movies prepped everyone for.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hyper-inflating US dollar

Turn_Coat ago

gold bugs and crypto bois are not going to be upset about this.

peacegnome ago

Very few still have their stash after a series of boating accidents and hard drive crashes.

AllInAllNo ago

Making cash virus yucky, so it's all digital and your social credit score determines if you are allowed to use money.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Currency, not money (which has value)

AllInAllNo ago

All of it is based on a working system. My point is they are moving for more control

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Digital currency is their end game + martial law + un-arming citizens

AllInAllNo ago

Exactly. And they are doing it now.

Maybe with 5g rollout at the same time where they can blame any health problems on virus to further enforce the lockdown

TheSeer ago

Yep, death of the USD as world reserve currency. Right now we are still in the "get me USD so I can buy commodities/pay off debt" phase, but when this continues, we will soon reach the "USD printed out of thin air, give me anything but USD!" phase.

There should have been bankruptcies, deflation, and the USD would have lived. But that would have meant big banks and globalist companies going out of business. Can't have that.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Kikes gonna kike

mememeyou ago

How much do we hear about Zionist Trump?

AllInAllNo ago

I see plenty about this on forums like this. But the Z word isn't mentioned in public

fuckinghell ago

Got any more info?

AllInAllNo ago

Too much sadly. Basically it's World Domination by making the UN or something like it run the world, because bations are bad, mmkay.