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Master_Foo ago

The Chinese use rhino horn to cure stuff. So, when your wife says "it's getting used in China for the virus" you should have a healthy helping of skepticism with that.

People, you don't need to stock up on vitamins. Just eat a healthy diet, you know, the kind of food with vitamins in it.

Brawndosaurus ago

High dose IV vitamin C inhibits cytokine storms which are the nasty end of having Corona virus

9NaughtZ ago

People don't understand superdoses. I'd like to know how I can get ahold of this myself tho. In case i can't get that treatment and i can't get care if SHTF.

Newmemba ago

lookup liposomal vitamin C

9NaughtZ ago

I'm taking that now. I use it when i travel.

Keep spreading the word! WE have to outlive the rats and apes.