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Master_Foo ago

The Chinese use rhino horn to cure stuff. So, when your wife says "it's getting used in China for the virus" you should have a healthy helping of skepticism with that.

People, you don't need to stock up on vitamins. Just eat a healthy diet, you know, the kind of food with vitamins in it.

satisfyinghump ago

You would be right 50 years ago. Unfortunately when they do tests on freshly grown vegetables and fruit they discover that the minerals & nutrients are much lower vs what they were 50 years ago. The soil is depleted and places which do internal farms / hydrofarms/etc, are not adding necessary minerals to their feed/soil/mist/water/whatever. So the vegetable never absorbs it, meaning we never absorb it.

Octoclops ago

Eating healthy is good but it's not gonna save you from coronavirus. Not being exposed in the first place is the way to go. Quit buying junk from China, don't go to Chinese restaurants, avoid the liberal cities and homeschool your kids.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Yeah but when SHTF there are going to be food scarcities. When you're eating rice and beans you're going to want those multivitamins.

Master_Foo ago

I get that. But, if you are a prepper, you should be accounting for your food storage to be... You know... Food. With the vitamins you need already in it. Otherwise, what is the point?

If all you've done is stored rice and beans, you've failed.

The rice and beans are just to keep people happy with a full stomach. Get some 5 gallon buckets of freeze dried fruits and vegetables and jerky as well.

DishingShitLikeA ago

I've got a year supply of food. Some of it's freeze dried. Also hundreds of pounds of rice and beans, just for crude carbs and protein to keep the wheels greased. And a couple years worth of multi vitamins. I would say my stock is about 80% of where I want it to be but it's good enough.

A freeze dryer would be nice to have.

Master_Foo ago

Freeze dryers are like $5,000 and take up enough space for a washer / dryer unit. They are for hardcore mode preppers. If you don't plan to use them all the time, it's cheaper just to buy some buckets from someone else.

Food Dehydrators are pretty cheap though. The food won't last as long as freeze dried, but buy some mylar bags and some desiccants and they'll keep for at least a year.

Rotteuxx ago

Started building a smoker/dehydrator at the shop, based on this model :

I figure I just put an electric heating coil in the bottom, thermostat on top with a fan I can hook up to the charcoal box side vent to make it a dehydrator.

That 2300$ price tag is ridiculous, no more than 400$ of materials & about 10hrs of work.

Chimaira92 ago

I think avoiding population dense areas will do more then taking some vitamins. I haven't been sick in as long as I can remember and I don't take supplements or have any fancy diet.

tokui ago

After I left office work, I've been sick once in 10yrs.

Brawndosaurus ago

High dose IV vitamin C inhibits cytokine storms which are the nasty end of having Corona virus

LaRiver ago

Drink some chlorine bleach as well-it kills corona like bitch.

Brawndosaurus ago

Like bitch?

satisfyinghump ago

I wonder if fat soluble vitamin C has a stronger impact...

Brawndosaurus ago

I don't think that exists

Brawndosaurus ago

It's not fat soluble. It is liposomal. A phospholipid sphere with water soluble vit c inside

prairie ago

I'll be sure to add vitamin C to my IV drip.

satisfyinghump ago

Sadly they specifically made the sale of IV style Vitamin C in America, illegal.

Imagine that.

That alone should spark peoples interest in learning all the benefits vitamin C holds.

Brawndosaurus ago

There are clinics. Google it. 50 bucks

nathanrosegoldberg ago

The dosage range used for that is exceptionally high. 50g doses iirc. Generally people never take more than 3g 3x/day (oral), and even that will cause kidney stones if sustained.

LightestHour ago

V-v-vitamin C gives you kidney stones!

There are literally no sources for this, people have been looking for decades.

9NaughtZ ago

People don't understand superdoses. I'd like to know how I can get ahold of this myself tho. In case i can't get that treatment and i can't get care if SHTF.

Newmemba ago

lookup liposomal vitamin C

9NaughtZ ago

I'm taking that now. I use it when i travel.

Keep spreading the word! WE have to outlive the rats and apes.

Master_Foo ago

You don't need an IV to get your vitamins. Just eat more oranges and less cookies.

But, if you are too lazy to peel an orange, instead of buying vitamins, buy some packets of "True Lemon" they are really good in tea.

PinkiePunk ago

Fewer cookies, not less.

whipcracker ago

Go back too reddit

PinkiePunk ago

*To reddit.

registeretakes10s ago

*To Reddit.

whipcracker ago

No shit retard, it was an obvious mistake and your faggot ass took the bait. Back to reddit nigger

PinkiePunk ago


whipcracker ago

The point being if you understand whats being conveyed only a faggot degrades somebody for spelling. Its not a good look.

abwydyn ago

Let's not be niggers

DishingShitLikeA ago