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RM-Goetbbels ago

Should voat welcome the anti-soyboys among them?

Yeah sure cuz taking in the Qtards worked out so well for us.

I'm familiar with MGTOW and while I totally support their ideals a lot of them are extremists with nothing to contribute but their own bile and agenda of crying on another man's shoulder.

But hey, if we try and weed out the bad ones then that's Vote Manipulation and we'll be banned like last time when Putt purged us. So welcome MGTOW, come shit the place up like the fucking Qtards did.

Voat needs new blood, posts are down 40% in one year so far and dropping.

You fucking jew. I've heard this before over and over again. Shitty immigration does not solve the problem! It just creates new ones. Look at the UK, Canada and France you fucking retard.


This site ranks: #11,566

90 days ago




  • Insignificant

oaf ago

voat needs more good users soon.

VOAT is provably, without argument, Over 30% dying per year.

Over 30% drop in posts in one year, steadily (look at graph)

Over 30% drop in user comments on voat in one year (look at other graph)

I feel very sad at the following numbers :

Month Submissions Comments
January 60,381 631,360
February 56,315 574,126
March 63,072 668,687
April 57,396 588,857
May 60,095 592,558
June 53,702 541,785
July 51,817 486,214
August 45,524 433,146
September 42,619 375,510
October 43,528 370,285
November 46,996 397,677
December 44,530 400,020
Total 625,975 6,060,225

Graph: Posts per month

Graph: Posts per day

source :

You should check the actual facts, from the server logs themselves, as shown voat needs 30% more per year to not wither and die.