42ent0 ago

welcome niggers

Qispoop4 ago


Qispoop4 ago


Fritzl_Juice ago

Nah, don't think I'll be bossed around by the likes of you.

Have a nice happy life eh!

Fritzl_Juice ago

I'm here all the time, I merely highlighted that the discussion is as moronic as your comment.

It's a shame as there is a need for this website without retarded teenage cunts gatekeeping.

Putzmiester ago

Stop socializing online. There is nothing to be gained.

albatrosv15 ago

Q is just noise creation on voat, so that normal discussion is drown out. It's the same strategy you see on 4chan with all the bot posts of "why white women are like this?" "is X white?" etc.

Mgtow... Well, i was mgtow once. How's that for "no coming back"? It's just a mindset of "the relationship dynamics is so fucked up nowadays it's better not to deal with women emotionally". This mindset can be changed.

albatrosv15 ago

Nah, mgtow incels are far better than qoomer qtards. Everything is so fucked up.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Those guys are just SRS, only powerless to do shit on Voat.

i_hate_sodomites ago

I welcome the chance to call them all "niggerfaggots" and watch their heads explode....

jthun2 ago

Time to up the anti-Jew and anti-Muslim posts.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

They will learn about the jews.

ExpertShitposter ago

on nye 2021

chirogonemd ago

The MGTOW community usually has some decent thinkers that they base their canon on. But it always gets taken too far or out of context. The MGTOW guys are usually fucking insufferable and use real thought about the problem of femininity as a coping mechanism for their own bullshit.

EnsignPossible ago

THey prefer head in the sand to reality. Delusion is their motto. Love kissing their own asses AND having their cake and eat it too. Run their mouths, when the time comes, they will scream victim, despite their previous actions. NO sympathy, no excuses.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

You're going to end up having a mass exodus here anyway. Reddit is now banning users/new users of that sub and there are plenty of links/posts over there directing them here.

satisfyinghump ago

Honestly this just makes me feel bad and empathize with them.

Although I believe we should be trying to procreate and prevent our extinction, it doesnt mean I cant support young men and men in general, who for some reason just cant meet someone.

Honestly, and I say this fully believing we are each responsible for ourself (and those we care for), but when I see some of their posts and read how when some of them were younger, they had an absent father or they were raised solely by their mother, i cant stop myself from feeling bad towards them.

Honestly, ask yourself, as a child, a boy, who doesnt have a proper father around, how do you insure you get the kind of character building and influence needed to carve a young man out of childish clay, especially when a father figure is missing... you may not even be aware that a father figure is necessary! If anything, the mom may have poisoned your childish mind that all men are toxic and that she knows when you become a man, "you wont leave your mother like they did!!!", youll do her e CV ery bidding. And in the process become a complete turn off to most young women...

That being said, we each need to make up on our own how or if at all, we will welcome these refugees.

Before anyone begins rallying the goats to hold the line and not let the barbarians in side, think of this as a possible teaching moment, a turning point in each of these clearly lost and empty vessels. They at their core do not believe in a life without women, perhaps a few, but not all.

Whereas before they had an echo-chamber to feel comfortable within, here, we can make them comfortable with what makes a proper man as well as being comfortable in their own skin and brain. Perhaps we can still have SOME impact on these lost boys?

Cid ago

MGTOW is like a psyop that tricks incels into thinking their inability to reproduce is their choice, and if they think it's their choice they won't be revolting against the modern world. It's an ideological pacifier and tool to further drive the divide between men and women.

Tallest_Skil ago

Who gives a shit about your jewish dysgenic group?

captainstrange ago

Oh god here comes the faggotry.

Time to redpill the unwashed masses and indoc the soy right out of these guys.

Brickman45 ago

lol, many better places than VOAT. They won’t stay long

Brigbjones ago

We never welcome anyone. Full stop. If they try to come they have to survive the filter same as everybody else. Speaking of; we really need to replace it, I've seen a bunch of crap get through lately. You're supposed to clean your HVAC filters every 4 months in case you didn't know.

inzmovi ago


meowmix56 ago

Probably good for the site. The ones that don't get bored or offended will stay and keep the place alive.

Dyedhairshootonsite ago

Everyone knows reddit is complete garbage yet, it’s still the center of attention. It’s like a slutty popular girl in high school where everyone knows she’s trouble but can’t stop paying attention to her.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Should voat welcome the anti-soyboys among them?

Yeah sure cuz taking in the Qtards worked out so well for us.

I'm familiar with MGTOW and while I totally support their ideals a lot of them are extremists with nothing to contribute but their own bile and agenda of crying on another man's shoulder.

But hey, if we try and weed out the bad ones then that's Vote Manipulation and we'll be banned like last time when Putt purged us. So welcome MGTOW, come shit the place up like the fucking Qtards did.

Voat needs new blood, posts are down 40% in one year so far and dropping.

You fucking jew. I've heard this before over and over again. Shitty immigration does not solve the problem! It just creates new ones. Look at the UK, Canada and France you fucking retard.


This site ranks: #11,566

90 days ago




  • Insignificant

oaf ago

voat needs more good users soon.

VOAT is provably, without argument, Over 30% dying per year.

Over 30% drop in posts in one year, steadily (look at graph)

Over 30% drop in user comments on voat in one year (look at other graph)

I feel very sad at the following numbers :

Month Submissions Comments
January 60,381 631,360
February 56,315 574,126
March 63,072 668,687
April 57,396 588,857
May 60,095 592,558
June 53,702 541,785
July 51,817 486,214
August 45,524 433,146
September 42,619 375,510
October 43,528 370,285
November 46,996 397,677
December 44,530 400,020
Total 625,975 6,060,225

Graph: Posts per month

Graph: Posts per day

source : https://voat.co/v/VoatStatistics/3587597

You should check the actual facts, from the server logs themselves, as shown voat needs 30% more per year to not wither and die.

oaf ago

voat needs more good users soon.

VOAT is provably, without argument, Over 30% dying per year.

Over 30% drop in posts in one year, steadily (look at graph)

Over 30% drop in user comments on voat in one year (look at other graph)

I feel very sad at the following numbers :

Month Submissions Comments
January 60,381 631,360
February 56,315 574,126
March 63,072 668,687
April 57,396 588,857
May 60,095 592,558
June 53,702 541,785
July 51,817 486,214
August 45,524 433,146
September 42,619 375,510
October 43,528 370,285
November 46,996 397,677
December 44,530 400,020
Total 625,975 6,060,225

Graph: Posts per month

Graph: Posts per day

source : https://voat.co/v/VoatStatistics/3587597

You should check the actual facts, from the server logs themselves, as shown voat needs 30% more per year to not wither and die.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Comments are not traffic flow.

Just using myself as an example, I am very outspoken and use sarcasm at every opportunity that presents itself and yet at the same time I probably only comment on 1 in ten posts that I read or view.

OR you could look at the view count to further enforce my point although this post isn't as blatant as others but still..........


291 upvotes, 14 downvotes (95% upvoted it) = 305 votes given and just me personally..........I viewed it, commented on it and didn't upvoat or downvoat it.

And again for the subscriber base........

95373 subscribers

~152 user(s) here now

  • so, this post has been up for 15 hours and of the 95,000 subscribers to /v/news there are currently 152 here. I am also not a subscriber of /v/news.

Sooooooo while this observation is not at all conclusive, because I am using using the one example of myself and guessing there are hundreds/thousands of others just like me, my assertion is much more plausible than yours.

yewotm8 ago

Oh great, the boomer version of incels

blit416 ago

oh no... Incel! just what the Lefty shills say.. no don't call people incels... bbut thats what the news media calls guys... better throw everything you got at chasing pussy and putting it on a pedestal.

Naton369 ago

(((PigCow))) Bunch of brainwashed borderline in the closet goys. Now that said, you can't really blame them, many of the issues young men today face are due to our women being subject to Talmudic usury & propaganda to hate men & motherhood, which has destroyed the nuclear family as a whole since 1914.

zubr ago

Dude you've been here for 3 months wtf are you talking about? Voat needs more users and it needs more content.

Steinmacher ago

MGTOW = pussies doing exactly what the Jew wants them to do; not reproduce.

19810708321b ago

I watched a Australian grad student give a presentation on MGTOW at an academic conference. The entire thing was awful. Not a single fact. He even decided to define “toxic masculinity” buy placing a picture of POTUS’s head on a old time weightlifters body.

I took him on about his study in front of everybody and pissed him off royally!

Welcome aboard MGTOW! Glad to have ya!

heygeorge ago

The question is: Are they more retarded than the Q people? Yes, they are incels; but they can’t possibly be as retarded as the Qdiots. Then again, crunchiepoo is actually both of those. Sigh.

Herkules97 ago

It is? Most of what I've heard is men that have had at least one divorce, so they tried to settle down I think.

AnthraxAlex ago

The best thing to do when you make bad decisions is to give up and let the white , race, culture and family unit die. Seems gay.

ginx2666 ago

Exactly. After q-larpers infested us, it's been unbearable, and it's been even worse ever since 40-50+ years old cat ladies got into it. You've Karens and Stacies posting about "trusting the plan". It's as pathetic and cringy as it can go.

steven_feelsperg ago

Men caused jews to have power over their nations and hence, their women.

NoMeGustanLosNiggers ago

hope these omegas never touch voat

beefartist ago

I am ok with GA being banned now...@crensch has turned it into a useless dumpster fire

beefartist ago

It is a two way street

beefartist ago

The last thing you can call MGTOW is pro male. Bunch of weakling faggots who can't figure out how to function as God intended...anti soyboy my ass. We have enough men here who don't believe in personal responsibility and love blaming their problems on others.

Fritzl_Juice ago

The quality of the discussion.... it's already atrocious, can't see how it could get worse.

If quality is paranoid conspiracies mixed with racist terms, then was is bad quality?

Me saying this will get downvoted and have the responses of 'Shut up nigger' or similar, thus proving my point.

beefartist ago

Any fucking idiot who uses the nonsense word "racist" doesn't belong here anyhow and isn't as redpilled as they think

fightknightHERO ago

Time to unload all the redpills on these Reddit Cucks

(((Feminism))) was invented to destroy the nuclear white family structure


by allowing Women to work, vote and do what usually is reserved for men, the jews effectively turned the population against it's itself



Taking their children from their natural environment and putting them in a "jail like" facility where they're browbeaten By Marxian Propaganda


and unfathomable degeneracy



bundled with black on white violence, it is a very effective method to mentally cripple white children from maturing properly


Remember, the jews hide behind words like "equality" and "empowerment" but the only things these <b>jewish feminists</b> do

is poison the minds and bodies of our people

and the only cure to the jewish plague is <b>tradition and nationalism</b>




<b>Jewish women are feminism</b> and work tirelessly to destroy & corrupt our women






HermosoRaton ago

The funny thing is you could find all that in MGTOW subbreddit.

You guys keep talking as if MGTOW has to do anything with incels. News for you, it's not the same thing.

i_hate_sodomites ago

News for you, it is. Incels are just betas who can't get laid, mgtow are betas who expect women to act like men and can't figure out why the women dumped their stupid asses....

Deceneu ago

Excellent Goat.

Replace '<b>' and '</b>' with '**' to get bold text.

ExpertShitposter ago

i am going to kill you with a gun

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Wow so much hate for mgtow on here. You guys complain about how fucked the feminist movement is, how fucked the court systems are, and big of whores women are now, but you still insist that men gamble their entire lives on what jews have created.

Mgtow is the response to the raw end of the deal men have been given. The game is rigged. Participation isn't mandatory.

i_hate_sodomites ago

If you don't have kids you're nothing but a loser. You and the last 50,000 years worth of ancestors. Doesn't matter what else you accomplish in life, you'll always be a loser in the end.

steven_feelsperg ago

It's a response alright, albeit a wrong one. You can't win by sitting out. You win by fighting as if your fucking life depended on it or die trying. MGTOW retards haven't reached that conclusion yet. Some will, with the right influence. Sculpting opinion is the domain of masters. You can let jews sculpt opinion and end up with a shit sandwich, or you can do it yourself and eat hardy and healthy. There's no third shift. Its you or them.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

How exactly are you supposed to fight a 24/7 bombardment from traditional media, social media, her friends, her coworkers, her cucked family? What's the play book for that one?

Pick the right girl?

Try again?

I think the correct response is to pull back before you make a mistake and lose your livelihood forever. Things are only going to get worse as long as jews run the media, women can vote, and trash is able to get gibs for survival. It's a whole picture that has to be looked at. When community is repaired, relationships will be repaired

RightWay ago

i still wouldn't touch 'em or welcome them here. we're full, they can fuck right off.

RightWay ago

im kinda thinking if they ever were to come here... they will start ripping their incel hairs out over what 90% of this website's content is and demand a change....

...the change to make this place putrify and get subverted into yet another shithole where rules are so vague that you legit cant even say hi without getting banned.

in other words tell them to fuck right off, and we'll be good, i have a odd feeling that this is yet another tricky scheme to destroy this community.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Same as yours. Say no to immigration. I'm making sure to include "older" immigrants like you as well.

doginventer ago

The reason voat is dying is because its full of Eddit

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

This says more about plebbit and the people who are on that site than anything. Utter untermench . If anyting starts getting interesting shut it down, all about control they will take us back to before the stone age ,

DrSelfAppointed ago

Awww, look at that V badge. Your right, so right, that you should also delete your account and fuck off, Faggot. Delete all accounts badged Q, and V.

MysteriousRacerD ago

Didn’t realize most of you faggots were acting like Gate Keepers. Such a shame y’all acting like fucking kikes.

valleysunshine ago

Ur a gay redditard I see through you.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Let us offer these poor boys sanctuary from the shrill cries of the feminist bitches as they punch the air with their tiny fists!

Adrint ago

This. Reddit cucks deserve 100% of any suffering they endure.

illuminalto2 ago

One of my favs from when I first starting coming to voat.

johnmclean ago


More like going on strike until society changes.

Or until you find yourself.

Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tsu all left society to find a greater truth.

Belrick ago

Men Investing in themselves not women.

You don't need investment in relationships to have children. The trad core family unit is dead. We lost that battle. Men have to adapt

Maker_Wolf ago

Is your ideal forum just you posting, and then commenting on your own posts?

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

jesus may have been born a jew but he died a christian. Also, he was jewish in the same way that I'm european lviing in america. PLus i Don't really care man. God is god. he is real. I can feel it. I feel his presence when I worship him. I feel his shame when I don't. He talks to me through dreams. I know it is a christian god.

AnthraxAlex ago

Mary was a blonde hair blue eyed European taken as a sex slave by the Jews and impregnated by God there's no Jew blood to reconcile.

Mr_big ago

Welcome refugees. Lol but only if you are white.

OutragedForNoReason ago

You and all the other lurking glowniggers. Fuck off.

Belrick ago

Retards confuse mgtow with abstinence. Get fucked cuck

OutragedForNoReason ago

Dafuq you talking about newfag? Unless you have some other account I'm not aware of, shut the fuck up with your "quality of discussion" bullshit. Half of the posts on here are nothing but "everyone who disagrees with me is a kike shill', attention whoring posts where they don't finish the sentence hoping you'll click and read whatever bullshit they think is important, and fucking reposts of shit that was posted yesterday. What's a 100,000 more idiots when you're already drowning in morons?

Fancy451 ago

Women won't fuck them. They're not worth having around.

blit416 ago

you sound like a woman.. Fancy451

johnmclean ago


Shame tactics.

You know who uses shame tactics?

Women and communists.

Belrick ago

I'm mgtow. Been here a year and fuck you

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

I started off with this gay movement after a blue pulled breakup and eventually ended up here. It was a good eye opener and intro redpill 2 female behavior, but should not be permanent lifestyle.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Zero fucks given. It's Redditard. Who cares about that echo chamber.

xzars_folly ago

Well spoken, sadly they are on the losing side of the gender wars because the feminists took over media, but I found them to be a very toxic, hateful group of people.

steven_feelsperg ago

Oh nos. The toxic. The hate. The feeeeeeeelz. Have you learned nothing?

smokratez ago

Oh please no. Migtow is ran by jews. It turns men into anti women retards.

xzars_folly ago

Its Reddit, they are censoring anything remotely controversial and right of far left.

Devious1 ago

So why is this news. They should of left reddit a long time ago, when speech 1st started to be censored.

Fuck that canibal flesh eating mofo that is Spez.

Neongreen ago

Just get your nigger faggot and jew pills ready.

ardvarcus ago

Maybe some of them going their own way will come our way.

MarauderShields ago

Can we restrict them to only viewing with no comment ability to v/tradwives for the first three months? They might learn where their penis has gone.

prairie ago

This community is quarantined: It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content.

I don't doubt that men going their own way is shocking and highly offensive to femtards.

Rebooted ago

Let them in. Wake them up.

Racial_Maddow ago

Good that was good

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

I'm actually a christcuck.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

The q fags and great awakening did their damage. One more wave and we might as well be reddit.

Zyklon_Bear ago

Oh fuck no. Those faggots are the male equivalent to feminists. They should just go hump their sex dolls and fleshlights, and stop whining about how some whore screwed them over.

serjsbeard ago

If you dont hate women by now, i dont want to know you.

invisiblephrend ago

The forum was NEVER misogynist

found the problem. men are smart, women are fucking dumb. women are trash these days and it is extremely hard to find even a decently intelligent one who knows her place in a relationship. all while feminists brainwash young boys into being ashamed of merely existing in the world. the amount of women dating men who are lightyears out of their league these days is astonishing. any man who got banned from femmit for admitting biological reality should wear that mark like a badge of honor.

steven_feelsperg ago

find a decent intelligent woman

That's your problem right there. You're looking for a man with a front hole. Stop doing that. Women are sculpted by men. Be that man.

DontBeRacist ago

One thing every woman should be taught is every great man in history had a mother.

Charlez6 ago

Fuck off. Bottom of the barrel untermenschen. I could hardly think of a group I less want here; I'd honestly take feminists and trannies over them if I had to choose. God help Voat.

johnmclean ago

Are you married?

Charlez6 ago

No. What's your point?

lurkerforgotpassword ago

Self censorship by not letting anyone see what you have to say? Sounds like a fishbowl, free speech isn't saying whatever the fuck you want in private, it's saying whatever the fuck you want in public. Bring it one, make them cry, some will become goats

beefartist ago

That isn't what free speech is...free speech is supposed to mean the government doesn't arrest you for talking a shit about them. Free speech doesn't apply to coming to someone's neighbourhood, saying the wrong shit, and getting "removed"

Ocelot ago

voat needs new blood

Ok rabbi

boekanier ago

Merely being pro male (they are on reddit) isn't a sign of having the 'right' papers to join voat, I should think.

oaf ago

They are also ... very ANTI-feminist female, and very ANTI-feminist male. (basically ANTI-feminist).

Voat is basically ANTI-(((feminist)))

most (51%) of their 140,000 users belong on voat, i suspect

OhBam84 ago

If registrations are open, you can't stop them. If they're not, I have no idea what the fuck we're even talking about. The last banned user shows 6 months ago. Can we even get new users? I thought the Junkermann shit messed the site up so there were no new users.

I came over with FPH, deleted my account, and now I'm a Q Tard. I don't know what it is, but I have an idea it's some stupid divisive shit by you Redditors. Play in your dwindling echo sandbox with top posts from 3.8 years ago. Say MGTOW don't belong, even though you yourself are a pissant former Reddit refugee. Absolutely every single one of you. They'll just leave over time like FPH, Canada, Gaming, etc, anyways. So what are you nervous about?

I just didn't think we could get new users is all, and now you're all acting like Israeli's in Palestine. You're all refugee's here. This was set up specifically for that. You utter retards. Don't pretend you're not ex-redditors, you are, now you pretend to be better than a subreddit with parallel ideologies in many cases. What a joke. You act like they're r/politics, or r/canada, or every other fucking subreddit. They're targeted for removal for wrong-think. They're a lot like you were, remember?

Shill me to the bottom, Israel's got nukes. Pussies.

OhBam84 ago


I must be right, and you're wrong.

Sorry pussies.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Yeah, faggot, I'm no reddit refugee. The last fucking forum I used before Voat, in the early 00's, was Slashdot. Got too busy after that to spend much time on the internet - you know, real life and shit?

And clearly you haven't figured out that we haze all the newcomers. We have since Whoaverse turned into Voat. Nigger faggot.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

You didn't delete your account after doh got banned. If that were true you would have a 4+ year old acct. Why are you lying on the internet about when you joined something?

steven_feelsperg ago

you're migrants

Nah. Maybe it's either/or for you, but that's not the case for everyone.

RightWay ago

i don't care. i still wouldn't welcome them.

PraiseIPU ago

-User for 3 months

You don't shit

ALIENS2222 ago

No we gotta get them all to realize that its the JEWS that turned their women against them and that just kicked them outta their homes?

Ocelot ago

Those guys are a bunch of faggots.

Harry_Areola ago

I'd happily trade the MGTOW retards for the Q retards. They're fucking insufferable. This website was so much better before those conspiratards came here.

ggolemg ago

As long as they're white, hate Jews, and love our people regardless of male/female bits, then I could call them brother.

OhBam84 ago

Are registrations open again? The banned user list shows 6 months ago as the latest.

Dindu_nuffinman ago

The one useful thing about mgtow in my opinion is convincing men to get more into something: a hobby, passion, or interest. Of course, this should not be done to hide away, but to attract women. Women are attracted to purposeful men; You can only attract what you are willing to walk away from. The getting away from women part is the psychop that provides comfort to incels.

John22 ago

Don't worry Voat. They won't need women to procreate. We just clone ourselves.

PeacefulAssassin ago

If they have not joined yet they are not welcomed, they have had plenty of time

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

You mean reactions to truth?

Valcgo ago

Another group of people gets censored from reddit? That site is a fucking shithole full of twitter faggots.

nathanrosegoldberg ago

Quarantine doesn't do anything. When they get banned in a year, 20% of them will migrate here and 10% of those will stay.

oaf ago

It blocks the group on the glass device apps, knocks it off reddit main page and searches, cripples the groups survival, and removes its statistics such as its membership counter whish was at 145,000 now 0, and many other things.

Its also typically banned in far less than one year, and sometimes mods are just silently replaced with kike reddit employee shills prior to kill it off.

NiggadermCQ ago

Goats seem divided on MGTOW.

it seems MGTOW started fairly inline with goats. But attracted the loser incels and became a shitty group.

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

If they find they aren't ready for voat.co, there's always poal.co.

Astupidname69 ago

oh boy, more redditards, great.

8butternut ago

Welcome aboard.

Common sense is one of the greatest attributes. It used to be common

Not so much any more.

More power to ya, men taking back your power mens.

Goys-R-Us ago

February 2020, the fifth wave of incoming redditards. Oh well, I too was one once.

JastheMace ago

Hi, wo-man are still cool....

ForgottenMemes ago

Just more subs to filter. Q and MGTOW shit.

Let them deal with 50+ subs spewing real red pills.

popsikle ago

Silence any unification that may oppose (((them)))

clamhurt_legbeard ago


They didn't care the first thirteen times Reddit censored their brothers. Now we are supposed to let them in here?

Fuck those cucks. They don't share our values.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Male feminism. That is so accurate.

DontBeRacist ago


Ken_bingo2 ago

MGTOW is complete capitulation and gamma faggotry. May as well go to war against their own people.

They should learn how to be men, lead like men, and figure how that applies to women. Or maybe just give up and watch porn or whatever it is they do.

johnmclean ago

So teach them how.

beefartist ago

I spend my time on voat trying to do just that. Personal accountability is not something these people are interested in; they love blaming their problems on others just like their mommies and daddies always did

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Browse voat, and 87 other tabs.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Not reproducing is gay

LurkedForever ago

Depends, if your IQ is less than 90, not reproducing is fantastic.

DontBeRacist ago

If you think about it, that kinda makes Voat gay.

AnthraxAlex ago

Most of the people who are older than 25 on voat are married with kids from what I can tell.

DontBeRacist ago

I am older than that and not married and no kids, but my life is a story of nothing as it seems.

Herkules97 ago

I think Voat would be closer to an incel, wants to reproduce or not, but when they come here they leave right after.

DontBeRacist ago

Alright, that's better.

Voat: I'm not gay; I'm incel.

Reddit: I'm not white; I'm Jewish.

8butternut ago

Maybe they can learn from a strong steady influence.


Incels and cucks inbound. Turn niggerfaggot defense system to 8

murface ago

140,000 more people to wake up, except some of the faggots on here who were on that sub too.

Penguinpecker ago

Most of them will clutch their pearls as soon as the see us calling kikes kikes, and niggers niggera. A couple will stick around, maybe give up MGTOW and seek our a trad wife. Maybe.

Ina_Pickle ago

This is true, but it’s still no reason to ban them. The fem bitches are still allowed and their man hate eclipses most full blown misogynists.

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh god. We don’t have an admin to fix it when the server inevitably fails as it always does with a mass migration. This could very well be the end. It was nice occasionally interacting with you @expertshitposter. I never told you before, but you are my favorite goat. I love a good shit post and yours are always top tier.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well thank you very much Ina. Is this our end?

Nah. If the servers crash, then thy will say voat sucks and leave. When they leave, servers will un-crash.

Ina_Pickle ago

Voat's immune system is next level.

Seventh_Jim ago

If we're getting really gay with it, @maroonsaint , I choose you!

Maroonsaint ago

I’m still looking for my first gay experience. I have high standards

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Gotta collect all those dick pics first huh buddy?

oaf ago

For him, "There can be ONLY ONE first time, so it needs photo proof of perfection"

Its a methodical search.

... and a game of numbers.

Reverse-Flash ago

If the site goes down, I want you to know that I think you're a fucking faggot. But in the event that it doesn't, I wish to retract my last statement.

version7 ago

They should have been here a long time ago. They can fuck off. We're full.

BentAxel ago

But. Delete any bleeding cunt forum and see what happens? You ever notice that Feminism only exists in America? Look at Latin countries. Italy, Spain, Mexico, All of South America. Women take pride in dressing as hot as a woman can be. Sometimes too much. Ask a woman in Cuba, Colombia or Puerto Rico to wear a Pussy Hat? Get ready to get insulted. Women in France? Fashion Capital of the world? Not gonna happen.

Its here in the West. Canada and America. None of the women I know agree with that shit. They all take pride in being a woman.

phillyjoe ago

Sounds like a bunch of useless niggers.

fuck off, were full

Reverse-Flash ago

They will be saying, "How can you laugh at a man being shot in the head? That makes you as bad as them. Don't you have a heart? What the hell is wrong with you people?"

Not_a_redfugee ago

Load your meme cannons with 14 words, gentlemen.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

RED FUCKING ALERT!!! Every goat called to action! We must CHAD-pill the mgtows!!!

invisiblephrend ago

let the keyboard warrior boomers and christ cucks die off and maybe this site would stand a chance against that happening.

i_hate_sodomites ago

"christcuck"? What the fuck is a high school brat doing on Voat? Does your mommy know what you're doing on your computer?

invisiblephrend ago

you worship a fucking jew. don't waste my time.

No6 ago

It's just another group that defines themselves by who they hate. They'll blend into the background noise.

oldzeke ago

Are we innocent on that count?

i_hate_sodomites ago

Hating kikes is self-preservation. Hating women is self-destruction.

oldzeke ago


beefartist ago

I work hard against EVERYTHING being blamed on the jew here and people fucking spiral. The point isn't to let the jew off the hook it is to move past the realization that they are behind so much and put that energy into something more useful than complaining. Many of the things jews "do to us" are consensual to an extent and a convenient excuse for weak men to have a scapegoat for their weak behavior. The message isn't well received and MGTOWs would make it way worse.

steven_feelsperg ago

That's because you're doing it wrong. You never win by defining yourself against something. You have to define yourself for something. Obviously, you're not offering something to stand for, or fail to elucidate what it is you stand for. Strive for clarity and brevity.

beefartist ago

Your focus on flowery wordplay doesn't help that you are missing the point. Do you even know what a scapegoat is? Fuck off if you aren't going to pay attention

No6 ago

Not sure. Who are we?

oldzeke ago

Goats tend to have a common and pretty clearly defined enemy, in my experience.

Goys-R-Us ago

Oh shit, I just completely lost my identity. Than you No6, I've reached enlightenment!

ketoll ago

Or we could actually populate subverses as they are intended to differentiate topics of discussion instead of posting 90% to /whatever. Most of the subverses here are ghost towns.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

v/all would need to be disabled. I haven't been IN a sub in ages.

obvious-throwaway- ago

You mean, 140 people and 139,000 fake bots.

SparklingWiggle ago

Prepare the immune system! Break out the memes.


RightWay ago

back when Hiddenlol was still alive. we usually had a more aggressive means of telling the newcomers to fuck off, and those means are basically gore.

DontBeRacist ago


SparklingWiggle ago

Thank you, kike.

dirtydyno ago

Welcome!!! to the basket of deplorables! But, look at this cartoon first ... GOOD JOB!

oaf ago

AWESOME! I never saw that before.

prairie ago

There's another of the earlier ones like this, but with bigger drawings and fewer goats in the box.

Hellion ago

Great, so now those creepy incels are probably coming here...

invisiblephrend ago

as you unironcially use the term incel. go back to reddit, faggot.

Hellion ago

Did I upset you and your sensitive feelings for being an incel? Hang yourself faggot.

invisiblephrend ago

anyone who doesn't respect mu wamen has clearly never stuck his pee pee into one before

nice high school level logic, faggot. you sure showed us.

Hellion ago

What the fuck are you even arguing? I never said, nor do I care if you respect women.

Hang yourself and save the world, cuck.

oaf ago

MGTOW claims they are the OPPOSITE of Incels.

Incels CANNOT get sex easy, but MGTOW can, and have starter homes, good jobs, and a decent car and a few expensive hobbies.

MGTOW is opposite of Incel, because MGTOW can get sex easy, but dont want spermjack or divorce court.

CREEPY? Possibly. MGTOW do tend to be loners. Very independant loners.

ScottMAGA ago

MGTOW is not the opposite of incel, but they are a few steps higher. Incels think that they can't get any girl. MGTOW think that they can get a girl, but that she wouldn't be worth it. For a lot of men that is true; they can only attract fatties and sluts looking for beta bux.

Hellion ago

They’re fuckin incels that claim to not be incels.

johnmclean ago

About 50% are.

The rest are divorced guys and guys sick of not being able to get a good woman because society has put women on a pedestal and has demonized masculinity.

uvulectomy ago

"Psht... I'm not some loser incel. I can totally get a girl any time I want. I just don't want to because women are sloots and not worth muh time."

Hellion ago

Exactly, and clearly we’ve already got some here based the people defending these beta fucks.

tokui ago

Nope. It's the sbbh kikes stirring shit after every influx, dragging us down to their jidf level.

ExpertShitposter ago

shut up nigger

John22 ago

Yeah, a bunch of red pilled males seeking a free speech platform going to drag down Voat. Good story.

Acerphoon ago


You clearly missed how OP in the title said that they WEREN'T misogynists.

The fact of the matter is that all waves of feminism were bad. - Only a housewife is good. And supporting white genocide is cringe.

beefartist ago

MGTOWS aren't redpilled...they are weak men who wouldn't lead their women away from the work force because they were hooked on the income. They continually make bad choices and then complain how the system is against hem like weak losers

derram ago

He means they will post things that aren't about jews or blacks.

We let these dudes in because of our commitment to free speech, and they have been steadily chasing everyone else away and now dictate that only their speech is valid. Every time a new group shows up, they throw a massive hissy fit because posts from the new group are "forum sliding" by not pandering to their view.

Rotteuxx ago

So... closet fags ?

John22 ago

Naah, just men not being pussy whipped like you.

okimaracist ago

feminist closet fags

Monte_Carlo ago

It's a bunch of older guys with bad divorce telling college kids that marriage is stupid and that paying prostitute is less expensive and better overall. I think they are morons, not fags. But hey, they could be both.


Oy vey fellow frustrated white male, how about we don't reproduce ? Just masturbate to degenerate things and consume products.

Who could be behind this.....

JastheMace ago

Correct, but they are defining the women according to the standards put forth....from those who yo are afraid to name...

Octoclops ago

We should welcome them and redpill them. They are ripe for the truth.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Yeah, that worked so well for the Q-tards and those faggots over at fph....

RightWay ago

''oy vey lets welcome these brainwashed beasts to subvert this small community and eventually destroy its originality''

Octoclops ago

Are you forgetting that we have the facts on our side? No matter how many leftists you dump into it, every free speach platform swings right eventually. There is a reason for that.

steven_feelsperg ago

To be fair, there's nothing you can do to stop them from joining voat. Besides, desiring comfort is weak. Seek blood. There will be more noise, but you'll get more practice. Some of them will leave, others will cry, a few will listen. There's no downside.

RightWay ago

i dont have to do anything. at the moment if im not mistaken, the log in is closed.

Octoclops ago

Yeah Putt is doing his new job making sure young white men don't come to voat.

Herkules97 ago

Couldn't one downside be attention? Not just from mgtows but from people that have the capability of ruining the site?

Not saying you should cower for it, but you said NO downside.

RightWay ago

you could easily shut them up by downvoting their comments till they're hidden

SparklingWiggle ago

Like the Qtards? Fuck that.

Octoclops ago

Not really. Qtards are mostly older, almost entirely christian civnats with a cult like leader they don't question. These "mgtow" guys are angry young men who've already been censored and vilified for questioning the leftist narrative. They are nearly ready to accept reality.

CowWithBeef ago

The only influence I notice from that group is the occasional normie tier pro Trump news post. They're mostly contained. On the other hand, goats post race realism comments on Q boards all the time.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Hahahahaha. How many are now kike-pilled???

ex-redd ago

fuck off, we're full

Acerphoon ago

They're also like: "Yeah, I'll be alone forever. Yeaaah!"

And then make excuses, "sexually liberated" feminists use. "I won't be alone. I have my cats and friends!"

Fucking dumb.

Solstiare ago


John22 ago

Tamest of taboos? Dafuck you trying to be Shakespeare?

beefartist ago

"DAfuck" you tryin' to be, a nigger?

memik ago

There is no shame in doing something well.

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Mr_Wolf ago

Do black dogs or cats count as these "friends" ?

naughty_skunk ago

Dogs have an average IQ of 100. Nignogs have an average IQ of 70.

ex-redd ago

more so than niggers do for "people"

"I'm not racist, I have plenty of black 'people' as friends"

anticlutch ago

Damnit no please. MGTOWs are race cucks and at BEST civnats.

Most of them are just fat numales who expect something from a girl because they were nice. I side with women on this one.

Intrixina ago

"Nice" is the bare minimum expected of people common courtesy-wise.

If that's their only defining trait, one can very quickly see why they devolve into whiny babies when someone rejects their advances.

smokratez ago

Still ruining your health with coffee?

John22 ago

You sound like a male feminists cuck.

gazillions ago

"Feminists" Communists. That's the truth they're too stupid to see about themselves. Help them see by using the correct nomenclature.

RightWay ago

you mean kikes?

John22 ago

MGTOW is communists? Dafuck dude and you side with the feminists? Feminists? That is unfukingforgivable, so fuck you, you gender traitor.

mehwah ago

MGTOW is the flip side of feminism- both selfish people who think they can survive on a diet of whine and cheese

https://www.bitchute.com/video/N-GjgQZ2vP4/ is how they end up

Penguinpecker ago

MGTOW=Men Grabbing Their Own Wieners.

That being said, more than a few might be ready to learn the truth about the kikes.

RightWay ago

that could be done OUTSIDE of voat, before they even step a foot in here. cuz you dont want them bringing their faggotry here, and dragging the rest of their retard friends here to potentially bitch and moan about our content.

ados ago

oh snap, i was wondering when it would happen

oaf ago

This group should have been deleted first by feminists :


It shames demanding unappealing single moms with half black kids, and 40 year old single professional women seeking a man to marry now that they are barren.

MGTOW had 140,000 users, and therefore pissed off feminists more though

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I heard they brand themselves to show loyalty to the cause.

oaf ago

I find no imagery of such thing (branding) in internet searches.

Maybe you are thinking of Bronies , who brand and tattoo?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

The girls that sell cookies?

Reverse-Flash ago


oaf ago


Not Brownies... Bronies.

The degenerate "Bronies" (22 year old , semi autistic , loner males who watch "My Little Pony" and wish they could live in a happy childlike universe of simple joy.)

there are about three long documentaries on Bronies.


and :

The Brony Chronicles - A Documentary on My Little Pony and Bronies (Part 1) and (part 2)



I teased a brony I met and asked if he had a brand on his ass, and he flashed a actual My Little Pony tattoo he had got on his butt cheek. He was proud of it. He had a bronie tattoo like the animals on the show!!!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Holy shit that is weird. So what up with MGOW? They just hate women?

oaf ago

They repeat endlessly that they DO NOT HATE WOMEN, they just want to not be demonized or abused by feminists and feminist judges or feminist managers at work.

They seem to often , very often claim, they just want to "go their own way", and decide later at age 35, when wealthy and able to snag any quality girl, if they want to stay MGTOW or not. Many others claim to be MGTOW AFTER they had kids and went through divorce court many years ago. Its a mix of men.

johnmclean ago

That's a pretty accurate description.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Seems pretty based. I shall check it out.

tokui ago



BlowjaySimpson ago


No, these guys are the male version of the modern feminist. And are almost as cancerous to a society.

But they are already red pilled and pipelined, so I think it will be a net benefit once they swallow a few more.

tokui ago

Why do faggoats think they're gonna educate everyone?

You're dumber than a door nail if you think mgtows need to be pilled. They shit black pills, you faggot.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Yikes, struck a chord, did I?

Let me guess, instead of a purple haired childless cat lady with a wine bottle,

you are the dualist MGTOW fedora'd childless dog gentleman with "fine hwhiskey"?

Everyone shits black pills from time to time, fuckface.

Rotteuxx ago

Aren't they just like incels except that they claim to get laid if they chose to ?

i_hate_sodomites ago

Men who can't tame women. They expect women to act and think like men, and get pissy when the women act like women.

madmardigan ago

I think mgtow is divorced men who lost everything. Incels are anime weaboos. Both are cry babies.

Rotteuxx ago

I can see that from the downvoats in this thread, they're pathetic. We've always had a few around, i hope it stays that way.

ant_earth ago

They’re a bunch of coomers

Feldorai ago

Not necessarily completely true. I do feel like a vast fucking majority of these cucks are exactly as defined as incels, but I've known through a ton of stories where dudes just legitimately get beat by their spouse afraid to stand up for themselves because society would just shaft them in the court system if they did, stories of men also appear quite often that lose custody of their kids even though it's obvious that the mother deliberately screwed him or even accused him of abuse/ rape, etc.

Just saying we shouldn't completely ignore the real aspects of this. But the fuck-ton majority of men who exploit this style of living "choosing" to abstain from relationships with women because it's a convenient excuse to not get shot down, due to some exterior ugly inferiority complex, are exactly as you've described.

I have my dating preferences, I legitimately just hate all Western women, they disgust me through the experience I've built up just from dating the very few that I've had the displeasure of knowing along with the displeasure of learning through objective observation.

As a late teen and during my early 20's, I eventually came to question asking myself why the fuck do all of these women only want me for sex? And dude, don't get me wrong here when I say this, but this led me to criticizing the fuck out of even myself because it isn't like I don't want to get my dick wet, I just grew to hating how all of these women I came to know only wanted to use me for nothing but sex. You can imagine why this would piss me off, or maybe not, but let me be clear.

The women I courted, I courted with the intention of eventually settling down with them. When the subject came up, none of them wanted to commit, the relationship would linger for maybe a couple months after that if not only lasting for a few extra days, but seriously eventually they'd just leave me with some lame ass excuse saying that I'm "too good to be true" or some shit -- like what, am I not allowed to actually be a decent guy? I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't use/ abuse or deal drugs, so I honestly don't get it. Honestly all of it just led me to, well to you, it's probably "irrational" but to me it seems perfectly rational to absolutely hate all Western women.

Some of these women are now in their thirties and every time I view their facebook or twitter timeline all they're doing are sitting there hating & blaming men for everything and asking "why is it so hard to find a good man?"

Can't help but laugh at the irony.

So, my dating preferences are towards the severe, admittedly shortage minority of Western women who aren't like the whores I generalize being the majority, and East Asian women because at least these women have not completely abandoned femininity and actually do want & intend to commit at one point or another to grow and build a family.

Whether it works out for me some day or not I honestly can't tell right now.

AR47 ago

They claim they won't play the game with women....

Honestly they degrade them as much as possible and say it is about focusing on their own self esteem or something. Really they are bitter husks with a limo dick till they watch porn and think that is the woman they want.

Too stupid to realize it's a fantasy that will never happen.

I don't get how porn isn't a phase in males life.....I of course watched it in my teens because of courosity. Thing is that it never seemed real to me. Ain't no woman going to fuck the cable guy, and never the plumber.

Humanity as a whole is doomed as a species.

Acerphoon ago

Yep. They also support White Genocide.

Everyone who supports this, is either cringe or a traitor.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

MGTOW always felt to me like a Frankfurt-School/Mossad/JIDF operation designed to keep White cocks out of White front holes, as a means of even further reducing White total fertility rates.

Nothing is more defeatist [in this existential war for survival] than refusing to put WHITE BUNZ -> WHITE OVENZ.

johnmclean ago

It's not just whites.

I'm subscribed to that subreddit.

Half the posts are multi racial.

All races are having problems with their women.

The_Impaler ago

that is because of Face fucking book

and insta fuck gram

we cant be all millionare influencers and they want all to be princesses

johnmclean ago

Half the posts on r/mgtow are what you just said.

Honestly, I'd say 80% of mgtow long for the good old days.

jackfraser ago

100%. Beware anyone who tells you to be a lazy bugman and not breed- they’re telling you to waste every sacrifice your ancestors made for your own pleasure. Only a self centred bugman could possibly think like that.

So it costs money. Make some fucking money, you lazy git.

John22 ago

If only our wonderful economic system did require $150 000 per child to just to bring them up to college age. You go GOPpers, more winning.

Shotinthedark ago

You don't have kids do you?

beefartist ago

That's a disgusting lie and you are a disgusting faggot. I have two young kids and am working on another; single income household 50K/yr.

pcdude ago

Seems like a pretty good investment to ne

John22 ago

It's a good investment, if you can afford it in terms of money and time. The cost of living are forcing many mom's to work, and fertily rated among whites are very low.

TransAthelete69 ago

I knocked up my wife, twice then got snipped, the solution to her not getting pregnant right away was more fucking, I was willing to make that sacrifice.

beefartist ago

EXCUSES EXCUSES EXCUSES. Only women and faggots used words like "forced" when that isn't the reality.

MurkSquatch ago

It's 150,000 over 18 years dude. That's not shit when you break it down by month. Get a real job and you can afford it no problem. Go get a CDL.

mehwah ago

you dont need as much as that.... whites forgot how to be poor and greed made them weak

OyVeyShoad ago

Nobody needs a college degree to make good money

John22 ago

That is the cost before College.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Yes. But with anger and alcoholism.

Solstiare ago

I support both, but not together.

Rotteuxx ago

Ah !

So incels are college aged while mgtows have had more time to develop issues & go bald.

John22 ago

MGTOW is not incels ffs.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Yes, usually at least one ex wife and substantial child support.

tokui ago

Anyone can ascend.

Chuck_Brown ago

i like your optimism, we can use that here.

we_kill_creativity ago

It's a double edged sword at best...

The best thing about Voat is that is was/ is so small. The Q influx damaged that. I'm a Q enthusiast by the way.

The larger a community becomes, the more retarded it gets. This happened with every subreddit I followed and is what led me to Voat in the first place. All those people here won't mean that they all "become Voat". A percentage of them will do that, but a percentage of them will dilute what made Voat great in the first place.

This was always inevitable, because Voat was/is aligned with the truth. Reddit was always going to fail, and Voat was always going to "win out". But that comes at a cost...the cost of what made Voat special in the first place: the fact that it wasn't mainstream. So ends the age of Reddit, so begins the age of Voat.

And so begins the end of the age of Voat. Now we need to find the next Voat...or make one ourselves. Or figure out some strategy to prevent Voat from going the way of Reddit...and this isn't all bad. Think what it means. It means that we won. That we're winning. That our days of being in the shadows has paid off. Voat is becoming, and has become, "mainstream". Some people will accept that, some people will start looking for their "new Voat".

I'm happy regardless. Voat has served it's purpose. We've moved the Overton window so that what we wanted to discuss is acceptable to discuss. Job well done friends! I look forward to meeting you on the next battlefield.

Hellion ago

I don’t think a bunch of faggot incels getting banned from a shitty website, means we made it...or that we’re mainstream

oaf ago

I feel its far different than just that.

I think normies become more RED PILLED if they hang out on voat! The ones that linger and stay become very aware of many topics voat users care about, and cannot be found on many forums.

You claim it tames voat, but It also goes other way too, the ones that come learn a lot about things they were not aware of.

we_kill_creativity ago

You claim it tames voat, but It also goes other way too, the ones that come learn a lot about things they were not aware of.

I claimed exactly that, actually. But the more people that are here, the more "dumb" it gets.

oaf ago

Ah. But thats true of any large growing social site. lower and lower "normal IQ" people join, and younger and younger join.

divineketchup ago

I disagree. This influx of bluepilled men will lead to a bluepilled hive-mind where all J-woke discussion is downvoted into oblivion, just like Reddit. The Voat Overton window will shift inexorably to the left.

HermosoRaton ago

MGTOWs bluepilled? you have to be kidding. You guys are talking without even knowing the subject of discussion.

Gimmethelolz ago

Then we must prepare the memes.. It will be our best defense and offence.

22347977? ago

The incels are already starting to congregate in /v/mgtow. I already scared one into deleting its account.

Best to start sooner than later.

HermosoRaton ago

mgtows have nothing to do with incels. All this messages calling them incels or cucks are so stupid and baseless. They are exactly the oposite. You are making an imaginary picture of people with out even doing the minimal research.

22356243? ago

Fuck off incel.

HermosoRaton ago

That's all you can say? damn obese muricans... I think all that fat is clogging your brain.

MrPim ago

Well this could be interesting. I want to watch this unfold if they actually come. I wonder what the immune system response will be and if Putt might return because of a large influx?

Hellion ago

@puttitout is gone for good. My theory is he prepaid for the site and it’s just running till the money runs dry

Monte_Carlo ago

That'd be sad.

Memediana_Jones ago

Ive heard that multiple times, does anyone know that for sure? He posted a month ago, but he seems to go 6 months between posts.

Ina_Pickle ago

Link his post please if you remember where it’s at. Somehow I missed it.

BB-3 ago

I'm sure he's lurking around here somewhere. Disappearing for several months at a time is like his favorite pastime.

Ina_Pickle ago

It’s been over half a year.

BB-3 ago

No it hasn't. He commented like a month ago. And he was gone like 8 months one time.

Ina_Pickle ago

I asked another person, but Link please. I saw Atko post about a month ago but missed one from Putt.

BB-3 ago

Go to his user page and click comments

Ina_Pickle ago

Now there's an idea. I blame lack of sleep.

Hellion ago

As far as I know, no one on here knows him personally. There are theories that @peaceseeker is @puttitout alt. I used to agree, but I’m less inclined these days

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