srsh ago

Republicans never push to increase gun rights. All they do is hold the line while Democrats constantly try to push them backwards. Trump and all these other Republicans should do more than just call out the Dems. They should actually try to push legislation to increase gun ownership.

Because power swings back and forth, it's only a matter of time till Dems get control of the House/Senate/Presidency and then they will push hard against the second amendment. People like Trump let me down when the only thing they do is point fingers while they have power to enact change.

CeasarSalud ago

And Zion Don lets them.

RustyEquipment ago

Hey Mr shabbos goy president. What are you doing to help your citizens?

Ahhh. Yesss. Nothing. Matter of fact, you probably like it

nouseforaname ago

And Trump is a faggot who took away bump stocks from us being able to legally use them as a fun range toy...

Sosacms ago

They will and always have ruled by decree.

DOCornelius ago

We've only been trying to tell you for the last 30+ years the Democrats were going for confiscation.

Maybe now folks will listen. 😑

TheTruthTheFacts ago

and the cops let them take away our rights and the cops will shot any American for shooting a politician. No where in our constitution does it say for the govt to provide a police force.. COPS/PIGS are unconstitutional. They are unionized. Unions work for the democrats.. Let that sink in.. Democrats-->union-->police union......

BeeBop71 ago

I mistrust criminals and all police. I respect rattlers as beneficial, but don't want them around me.

watts2db ago

"Hey goys see Dems are taking ya guns now Make Isreal Great Again schaloms"

KingVindbarr ago

The only thing I see any evidence of is that Trump won't do anything to stop it.

tonberry2 ago

You can stop it by voting for him as Democrats are trying to disarm the population, and he isn't. That's his point.

Inquisitioner ago

We voted Trump and we're losing the guns anyways. That's why his point is invalid.

KingVindbarr ago

We can't vote our way out of today's problems.

Charilko ago

You can’t shoot your way out if the Democrats get your guns while we angst about why Trump isn’t a Nazi.

GuacMerchant ago

or you can not be a zioshill and realize that 1) trump wants your guns taken away, he couldn't give a shit less about the 2A but is waiting for re-election to campaign for red flag laws/'94 style assault weapons ban 2) any true patriot will not follow any jewish gun laws. if you ever turn in a rifle to the government you're a shabbos goy. if police start coming door to door to collect then the time has come and its revolution or die. no one with an ounce of pride is giving up their guns willingly

Mortifera ago

Stop it? He's helping it. Banned bump stocks. Banned binary triggers. Supports red flag confiscation. Doesn't support due process.

Hyst ago

As others have said, he didn't ban binary triggers. We also have no real idea if he supports red flag confiscation or whether he doesn't support due process. He says all sorts of shit. He says things like that to throw off his opposition and take ammunition away from them in their constant political witchhunt against him.

I'm not a fucking qultist but it should be clear to everyone at this point that the words Trump says aren't always indicative of what he actually thinks and feels-- and honestly, with the position he's in, that's a good thing. If he put all his cards on the table, well, the ZOG has been preparing for this now for decades.

BeeBop71 ago

Keeping people off balance. Actually keeps the minority that idolizes him in check. We should be questioning him and every other politician we support. Blind obedience is dangerous.

Hyst ago

I totally agree with you. We should question him and his actions. 100%. I'm not promoting blind faith.

Mortifera ago

Sorry, people's rights aren't political bargaining chips to be given away to placate the left as the "lesser evil". I don't care who thinks bump stocks are toys or useless. The fact is that they were protected by the 2A. It doesn't matter who liked them or not or who considered them useless or not. Also when someone says they support red flag laws and to take the guns first go through due process second it's impossible to misunderstand that. If he didn't mean it he shouldn't have said it. As president when he says shit like that he's going to be believed.

Hyst ago

I'm getting tired of this. Great man. Throw Trump under the bus. Let's elect Biden. See how that works out for you. Like Jesus Christ. Do you have any alternatives to offer up? Yes it's a lesser evils issue.

He didn't commit to red flag laws, it's been what a fucking year now since he said what he said? Care to bring up a full quote of what he said? Or would that just destroy your fucking narrative? Because I can't remember it word for word but he said something along the lines of that he would consider it. Which means nothing.

I love how you completely fucking ignore how you were spouting an outright lie about the triggers though. Anyways, continue on campaigning for Biden. Your lot are directly assisting the people who will make our lives significantly worse all because the guy on our side said something off the cuff that isn't being enforced or taken seriously in any way shape or form.

Again, you offer no solutions. No alternatives. Just throw Trump under the bus. You're a fucking child.

Mortifera ago

Like I'm gonna bother reading all that nonsense. He violated his oath to defend and protect the Constitution. My rights aren't his to give away. Go have your little fit somewhere else.

Cockboy ago

He didn't ban binary triggers.

The other stuff you said is on point though.

Mortifera ago

You know any good brands and where to get them?

Cockboy ago

Franklin Armory has a good one that works in just about anything called the BFS III. Fostech just came out with a new echo trigger that's around 200. They both seem to work really well. I know for sure the BFS III does. Search and just buy from the cheapest seller.

Mortifera ago

Thx man.

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flaxom ago

You're right about everything except binary triggers. Get em while they're hot.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

Rather have the extra 1k rounds of practice

Mortifera ago

You know any good brands and where to get?

flaxom ago

In my research the Fostech Echo II was very well reviewed, and from time to time can be found on sale for about $300. I put a build together around one of these but haven't had a chance to break it in just yet

Mortifera ago


Mortifera ago

I was told they were included in the same ban as bump stocks.

nouseforaname ago


Cockboy ago

You were told wrong.

Mortifera ago

Good to know.

pby ago

"Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia. That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away. Republicans will win Virginia in 2020. Thank you Dems!"