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21988386? ago

Because for the past 3+ decades, we've had deep state faggots running the country.

All changing now that Trump has won.


21988597? ago

Mass deportions and a wall would habe been change, not more promises and gun control.

21988687? ago

Mass deportions and a wall would habe been change,

Which has happened and continues to happen

not more promises and gun control.

Has not been happening from Trump.


21988869? ago

tbf, trump did come out in support of red flag laws after el paso. unless you’re saying that red flag laws are a form

of gun control.

21988918? ago

Let me know when he signs any bill that has anything to do with red flag laws.

Until then, you are just pushing fake news.


21989704? ago

Well he did ban bump stocks, binary triggers, and put heavy limitations on suppressors. However by all means, continue to believe the guy who said he wants to take the guns first then deal with the legalities later is somehow pro gun.

21990106? ago

Did he ban binary triggers too? Fuck.

21993396? ago

Binary triggers was in the same bill as the bump stock one. They also pushed for all aftermarket triggers but I don't think that one made it through.