22000180? ago

But we have to save the poor rich ambassador when sand niggers bang on his door! He is so much more important than you are.

21997919? ago

Israel won WWII. We live the life they have created by fabricating history. So now here we are.... Jews make the rules.

21994510? ago

Why are they here? To influence our elections.

21992568? ago

Because the fake msm is lying and blocking them from being "voted" out.

Because the US people still havent killed every single fake msm and big tech executive!

21992455? ago

Yep, get them the hell out of the housing, healthcare, food stamps, running start, daycare, and money programs, then see what happens to our homeless ones waiting for assistance...

21992104? ago

The illegal aliens are the sovereigns. No contract.

21991016? ago

Democrats, RINOs, lawyers, bleeding heart liberals and Obama court appointees.

21990782? ago

Face it, 1/4 of this dump is mexican. lol

21990763? ago


21990723? ago

40 million

21990491? ago


21990326? ago

The shills new talking points are that POTUS is too busy bombing terrorists and not busy enough kicking out filthy beaners.

Not interested in your shit, instant downvoat from me

21990071? ago

30 million is the new low number. It was 20 a decade ago.

21990030? ago

Protecting us and our interests is not their highest priority. Protecting themselves from us is their highest priority.

21990023? ago

American leaders are not able to do much of anything about the invasion. Our whole society is designed around hiding, vilifying, or killing, leaders who might rally us to overthrow the occupation.

The occupation's highest priority is not protecting American lives. On the contrary, it is enslaving Americans, and maintaining their dominion, for as long as the cattle can survive it.

If you ever mistake yourself for a "citizen", consider that the "supreme court" has ruled that the US government has no obligation to protect it's slaves.

You are human capital to an illegitimate occupation, and our leaders are systematically eliminated.

21990955? ago

I'm sick of property taxes going to enable liberals/marxists my state.

21991470? ago

Forced redistribution of wealth is literally dysgenics.

21989852? ago

Why spend billions defending every nation but this one?

21989112? ago

American leaders highest priority is to SUBVERT American interests and DESTROY American lives.

21989047? ago

We don't know what other threats are out there. Maybe nukes hidden in storage containers in a warehouse under Mossad control? I'm fairly certain there are bigger threats out there of more immediate need than illegal aliens. Follow the plan, keep the faith, Trump is still your POTUS and they have tried everything to remove him.

21988569? ago

Depends on which side of the fence you want to be. If you really care then be proactive and get you ass up to contact your bitch of a representative and petition your concern fagging.

21988386? ago

Because for the past 3+ decades, we've had deep state faggots running the country.

All changing now that Trump has won.


21992198? ago

Change fucking faster, theres shitloads of wetbacks voting and soaking up my tax money in benefits.

21990870? ago

After JFK was killed their plans excelerated. The destruction of our education system was first. Integration with blacks without lowering standards in schools would have created a segregation borne of IQ. The politicians ignored our pleas and orchestrated a second "Reconstruction" upon the South. We were vilified as racists by suggesting build up the schools in the black neighborhoods therefore, the community would be invested. But fuck no. (((They))) wanted destruction. Then that rat bastard LBJ purposely micromanaged the Vietnam war and kept us in a losing bullshit action that killed 58,000 of our soldiers. Rinse repeat. Democrats are satan incarnate collectively.

21988597? ago

Mass deportions and a wall would habe been change, not more promises and gun control.

21989928? ago

Gun Control


21999288? ago

"take the guns first, then go through due process"

no statements against the proliferation of red-flag laws

allows regulatory (not even legislative!) bans on certain accessories

allows regulatory reclassification of previously-approved guns as "illegal" short-barreled rifles, which requires owners to turn them in or be felons

"Reeee but that's not Trump, that's a government agency! Reee!"

Yes, my reee-ing friend, but as the head of the Executive branch, those agencies fall under his purview. And he does nothing.

Has he even bothered to state his support for gun rights since the 2016 campaign?

22000381? ago

Many times. He just made a very pro-2A statement within the past month or two. GB2 r/politics, kike.

22007913? ago

Post a link to the statement, then. I'll go look too, just for fun. I could be wrong on that point!

durr u is rebbit kike hurhur hurrrrr

Ok, sure, but do you have a response to the rest of my comment?


22009840? ago

It was at one of his most recent rallies.

21992389? ago

Red flag laws, bump stocks, more ATF overreach, hasn't said a fucking thing about the mess in Virginia or ANYWHERE else with insane gun control policy

21996854? ago

red flag laws are state enforced.

bump stocks are toys for gay faggots.

yeah the atf sucks, but nice hyperbole anyway.

most of the virginia stuff is 100% fakenews pushed by shitty little blogs/homemade sites.

21998795? ago

Entire post is absolute horse shit. Both Trump and Pence promoted red flag laws.

Bump stocks are just the start and anyone that isn’t a total moron should see that. ATF is NOT congress yet they can set policy that lands you in prison.

Virginia? Are you kidding me? The bills are out there, the Governor is pushing them, snd they have the numbers. How is that fake news?

21999290? ago

B...but Trump is so based and I believe everything he says and he's gonna be our savior and anyone who disagrees is a SHILL REEEEE

21988687? ago

Mass deportions and a wall would habe been change,

Which has happened and continues to happen

not more promises and gun control.

Has not been happening from Trump.


21992421? ago

Show me where he has spoke out FOR gun owners. Has he said anything about Virginia? Republican Presidency and Senate and they aren't doing jack shit for 2A.

21988869? ago

tbf, trump did come out in support of red flag laws after el paso. unless you’re saying that red flag laws are a form

of gun control.

21990320? ago

That's just 3D chess right there. BLORMPH 2020!

21990303? ago

You guys really need to understand political rhetoric.

Supporting it only brings support to him. No one with a brain is walking away over that. So it costs him nothing and wins much. It completely deflates the insane on the left and removes it as a political device.

Of they pass, he knows they are unconstitutional. With a scotus in place, it means legal precedent, establishing it is illegal. Which completely removes it from play. Additionally, cops get killed which makes it wildly unpopular. Law enforcement heroes to hate the left and their political leaders.

It's absolutely brilliant and wins in every way on the long game.

Sadly, too many people refuse to think and only feel; feeding only upon empty rhetoric.

Like it or not, things are different more. Things work differently now. The effort is to restore rule of law. Only shills take issue with any of this. Which is not to say discussion is unwarranted. But shills cry about indisputable facts, strictly to push falsehoods. All in efforts to keep people blind. The entire world is changing. Forced by trump and the great awakening. The awakening is real.

21988918? ago

Let me know when he signs any bill that has anything to do with red flag laws.

Until then, you are just pushing fake news.


21989704? ago

Well he did ban bump stocks, binary triggers, and put heavy limitations on suppressors. However by all means, continue to believe the guy who said he wants to take the guns first then deal with the legalities later is somehow pro gun.

21994263? ago

You guys really need to understand political rhetoric.

Supporting it only brings support to him. No one with a brain is walking away over that. So it costs him nothing and wins much. It completely deflates the insane on the left and removes it as a political device.

If they pass, he knows they are unconstitutional. With a scotus in place, it means legal precedent, establishing it is illegal. Which completely removes it from play. Winning. Additionally, cops get killed which makes it wildly unpopular. Law enforcement grows to hate the left and their political leaders. Winning.

It's absolutely brilliant and wins in every way on the long game.

Sadly, too many people refuse to think and only feel; feeding only upon empty rhetoric.

Like it or not, things are different more. Things work differently now. The effort is to restore rule of law. Only shills take issue with any of this. Which is not to say discussion is unwarranted. But shills cry about indisputable facts, strictly to push falsehoods. All in efforts to keep people blind. The entire world is changing. Forced by trump and the great awakening. The awakening is real.

21996987? ago

No one with a brain is walking away over that

A lot of people have and are. Just because you unquestioningly support someone who takes away your rights because they say pretty words doesn't mean everyone else does. If you left the echo chamber you would see there are a lot of disgruntled voters that voted for Trump in 2016 and don't see a reason to vote in 2020. Trump needs to rally his base, not cuck and sell our rights down the river for whatever bullshit you claim we get out of it when we get nothing but more restrictions.

With a scotus in place, it means legal precedent

It would take half a decade before it would finally hit their desk. Unconstitutional shit gets passed all the time, the patriot act was just renewed for example. You just keep repeating that losing rights is somehow winning because you think X could possibly happen, even though X hasn't happened, and when Y happens instead you will still claim it was for X. Then when Z comes along you will forget X and claim Y was secretly part of the plan. You go through the same loop repeatedly and it is entertaining to watch at times, and aggravating at others.

Law enforcement grows to hate the left and their political leaders. Winning

Why would they hate the left for the right and trump pushing for the gun control. You took a huge logical leap where there is no explanation for. The topic was Trump wanting to take the guns, and you jump to the left doing it which is a completely separate subject. It's interesting to see into your mind though. If Trump personally sent police to take your guns, you would blame the left and say it is all part of Trumps master plan.

Sadly, too many people refuse to think and only feel; feeding only upon empty rhetoric

That's exactly what you are doing by saying you feel that people won't get sick of getting screwed over and will sit out on 2020. Then saying that if Trump takes the guns, police will get shot and the left will be blamed.

Things work differently now

Not much has been changed honestly. My country is still being flooded with 3rd worlders, my rights are still being taken from the government, and my taxes are still going to Israel.

Only shills take issue with any of this

There it is, the thought elimination line that can only come from someone who never looks out of their hugbox.

But shills cry about indisputable facts, strictly to push falsehoods

That's literally what you did. Trump pushing gun control was the indisputable fact, which you then cried about and pushed falsehoods and potential theories where some don't make sense and the others are clearly not going to happen.

21990355? ago

See my post above. Completely applied. Bump stocks are toys and hold no militia or military function. They are not in standard issue. Their is no loss.

Take this commentary into my other comment on political rhetoric.

21999243? ago

"It's ok to ban a thing because I didn't care about that thing anyway."

I wonder what you'll think when Trump's government bans something tou do care about.

Trump's silence on recent events in Virginia is deafening. Coupled with his previous statement about taking the guns first and going through due process later is doubly concerning.


There, I did it for you. Respond intelligently, please.

21993399? ago

Good to know binary triggers and suppressors hold no uses. Glad an experienced Israeli such as yourself could show us the way.

21994270? ago


21990106? ago

Did he ban binary triggers too? Fuck.

21993396? ago

Binary triggers was in the same bill as the bump stock one. They also pushed for all aftermarket triggers but I don't think that one made it through.

21999252? ago

Don't forget the recent reclassification of a couple previously-approved guns as "short-barreled rifles" thereby making those weapons retroactively illegal and anyone who keeps them a felon.

21989747? ago

That's OK. Sounds like you are right.

Go register Democrat and vote for Biden. He will take care of you.

21989784? ago

Standard shill fallback. Lesser of two evils. You sure lost that argument.

21996080? ago

You sure lost that argument.

OK anon.

21988358? ago

FORGET ABOUT THAT, GOYTARD! Iran just attacked us!!!

21988394? ago

^^^ Goytard shill!


21988537? ago

^^^^Low T jewish fella who fucks kids

21988187? ago

Immigration has gone up under Trump, wtf.

21988076? ago

Because none of our leaders give a fuck!!! And they see those third world parasites as Americans just the same, Patriot!!!!!!


21988857? ago

kikes and other socialists the brain, the jihadi kebab the dumb zombie horde ... the game is played? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3591702/21987985

21988041? ago

We need someone to pay the future social security payments

21988085? ago

Problem is...........they won't be able to pay it....

21987839? ago

It’s not.

Priority is to enrich and serve Israel.

21989023? ago

kike and kebab both support genital mutilations? https://voat.co/v/politics/3591599/21986274

21987823? ago

Soros and jews are why.

Fix the jew problem in America, the rest will solve itself.

21997243? ago

Soros and jews are why.

Fix the jew problem in America, the rest will solve itself.

I disagree

One Of Many Jewish Patriot Is Laura Loomer :)

• President Trump’s tweet in support of Loomer’s candidacy for Congress at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/president-trump-tweets-in-support-of-laura-loomers-candidacy/

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They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


21988641? ago

Good point, but you are missing a key part of he cabal globalist triangle.

The Rothschild crime family are certainly more powerful and deeply entrenched in the systems of global power than Soros ever was.

Soros is just a lot more visible and blatant about the chaos and destruction he causes across the globe.

21990772? ago

The Rothschild family is jewish.

21990366? ago

Soros is a rothschild or paysers (sp) puppet.

21988416? ago

You mean Soros and the BDS shills are why. You do know Soros funds the BDS movement, right?

Eliminate Soros and the BDS faggots and the rest will solve itself.

21988796? ago

BDS is a not a key part of the big picture.

That's like pointing out a bunch of weak-wristed enemy foot soldiers and saying "if we just stop this one recruitment center we will naturally win the war."

Also, keep in mind according to Q, Soros is at most 1/3 of the cabal's power structure that we are actively fighting.

From everything I have read Soros is a relative new comer to the game and lower in wealth or underlying power than any of the major globalist families.

21988825? ago

No, but it is the BDS faggots here shilling, I love pointing out to them they suck Soros cock.