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a 52 year old bus driver in France retires with 3700 Euro's net a month.

a 67 year old bus driver in Netherlands retires with 2600 Euro's net a month.

The EU is a failed and failing system.

UberMenschen ago

Let me play devil's advocate for just a moment.

We don't know when the 52 year old bus driver started his job. How much was he paid during his career? If it was not enough to save anything beyond what he brought in, his pension actually sucks. 3700 Euro a month (even assuming a COLA) kinda sucks. What is the median income and supply and demand for drivers? If you paid these people garbage wages (likely), the only way anyone would stay in the job would be for the retirement benefits. Assuming he spent the last 30 years transporting african migrants all around french cities he is both lucky to be alive and deserving of some type of compensation. No one would stay for long if they didn't have a carrot at the end of the stick. You would have massive turnover and higher training costs. It is essentially slave labor.

There is always more to look at and I think it goes beyond the few numbers we are usually given.

I still think its too high and too young, but I would never want to be a bus driver.


I would not have simplified it as that if there was any difference.

They both have pension contributions, the dutch amsterdammer contributes more every month then the French.

The French has 34 years of employment and lower pension contributions overall.

While the Dutch Amsterdam bus drivers works 49 years and has higher pension contributions throughout their life.

Even if you make the years the same by cutting 15 years from the Amsterdammer, the Amsterdammer would have still paid more. in the 34 years of employment.

Thus, the dutch bus drivers pays a heck of allot more contributions and gets far less for it in return.

Public transport pensions in France basically get their pensions paid by everyone else. This is not how solidarity is suppose to work where some get preferential treatment over others.

Funny how the EU claims to be for a common united single market but the massive discrepancies between wages and pensions in Europe can not be reconciled.

And so the EU set out to make their own pension product:

Pan-European Personal Pension Product

PEPP will be a safe, transparent and cost-effective long-term retirement savings product that will offer pensions savers new savings opportunities for future retirement income within a European personal pension framework. It is a powerful tool to encourage personal pension savings for individuals and to enable important long-term investments. The design of this personal pension product framework, in particular through its standardised elements, can reap economies of scale and help to increase transparency and consumers' understanding. In addition, it will provide a level playing field for providers, encourage competition, increase trust among consumers and cater for the European labour market. The PEPP will not replace existing national personal schemes, but will be a complimentary regime alongside national regimes.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Nope. The EU is there to destroy the Union of Europe, by destroying the cultures, the nationality, the races, and the bloodlines. Why? Because it is an arm of the UN, which intents (it already has) to unify all nations under their own control; into a one world government of organized crime. What you're witnessing in the EU and the rest of the west is them systematically breaking away the old, for the control system that they build underneath to emerge (from the ashes like a phoenix). It's the enactment; the play called "order out of chaos" disguised under economic catastrophes, migration (invasion), racial tension, religious warfare, loss of freedoms, and the usual 24/7 fearmongering. And the reason why we are semi-allowed to know about all these things; is called the act of "enlightenment".

These criminals are staging history using the same playbooks they used for millennia.

midnightblue1335 ago

Heh, that sentence is funny:

"The European Union is there to destroy the Union of Europe."

Are those actually two different things? Is there an EU and a UoE?

Blood-is-Nature ago

I meant the unification of Europeans by culture, nationality, race, family units and bloodlines. That's what the EU wants to destroy; that is its sole purpose.

Is there an EU and a UoE?

Well, there is the EU, a private corporation trying to consolidate all power of the individual members states into their corporate control, while utilizing this criminal infrastructure to steal away the freedom of all the Europeans living under their tyranny, and on the other side are the Europeans who are under attack by the jewish mafia from every direction. And those people were robbed out of any representation on legal or moral terms. They are slaves in the way of a mafia, trying to survive on land robbed from them.

generate ago

The EU is a failed and failing system.

Why? s it not enough for a pension? You can live pretty much anywhere except Los Angeles probably with 3700 EUR per month

Broc_Lia ago

The problem is much much deeper than the amount of any french pension. When people ignore an invasion of their country and squabble for more money for their little corner then their country is doomed.

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lipids ago

Crab mentality. We have more wealth than ever before in history but the rich are looting it.

ShutItDownGoyim ago

The (((rich))). This whole “eat the rich” idea might not be so bad after all.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

You'll never get the vile taste of jew out of your mouth.

tentra ago

I don't like soy.