Saint_Clementine ago

State capitalist, not communist. Stop defending capitalism, boomer faggots. It's just yet another side of the same shekel.

It_was_the_juice ago

These "Smart Home" devices have all kinds of security issues. Many of them create their own unprotected network on the same channel as your wifi network, ensuring that there's both an easy entry into your network and that it'll run slower.

bloodguard ago

I need to find a list of non-cloud straight ip security cameras.

And a list of TVs and monitors that don't send pixel maps of what you're looking at to the cloud.


The list is getting endless.

spaceman84 ago

Who cares when Amazon and all kinds of intelligence agencies also have access? The Chinks are the least of our concerns.

TheStapler ago

Misleading, schizophrenic title. It's not Nest cameras, it's one guy's crappy Chinese camera. China doesn't give a shit about your sleeping baby anyway.

Uncle_Slob ago

Precisely why to avoid these "smart" house devices.

xzars_folly ago

Part of this A ring keeps package nabbers from grabbing my shit. I am nobody of any possible importance. Why cares of the chinese could look up when I go to work. They don't care about me.

Now if I'm gonna start a personal mission against china, sure, I'll throw the thing out. Also Ring is outside my house. Its the Echo that is the problem given its always listening inside people's homes.

torpoolocc ago

So you don't think tracking your coming and going is as bad as listening to your fucking dribble? You are a retard.

Drstrangepepper ago

and our enemies hate us. and some of them cant help but taunt us, their hate is so strong. its unsettling.

SteffisCute ago

Google should be seized by the government and broken up.

B3bomber ago

The government is using it. Google doesn't need to answer to Congress or FOIA requests.

dirt_reynolds ago

Anyone dumb enough to put this shit in their home gets exactly what they deserve.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Nothing Google does is an accident.

Gorillion ago

Isn't it already past time for these fucks to be rounded up and shot?

squishysquid ago

If it picks them up by "accident" it can almost definitly be set up in a targeted fashion. Computer systems always behave consistently there is no "oopsy poopsy I did a random".

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Project Dragonfly

"AI is a military technology" -- Peter Thiel

JonReed ago

Random! It's not intentional it's so random

illbrbwithmyflipflop ago

Technical glitch!

RebelJohnny ago

I’m more concerned about Google having it than China.

blumen4alles ago

Anyone that has a device with a microphone and camera connected to the internet is an idiot. Closed circuits, private networks, only.

ketoll ago

Oh but it's so conveeeeenient to access it from the cloooooouuud! Technolojee is kewl!!!

blumen4alles ago

Not being in control of your own data makes you an idiot too. It may serve as a decent backup as long as you encrypt it, but I give bigtech as little information as possible.

MemeDropAcct ago

They forgot to mention that the real name of their spy devices is "Hornet's Nest"

GenderPronoun ago

There ain't no "accidentally." Gaggle is treasonous to the government, and their users.

xzars_folly ago

Google was established by the CIA for the express purpose of subverting and then controlling the internet, and its goes it job wonderfully.

ChiCom ago

People look at me like I'm crazy when I question why the hell they want a nest or ring camera.

They don't realize that other countries can subvert them long distance through influence in every university and major city.

You say some shit in front of yourcamera and next thing you know your kid is mysteriously rejected or failing out of university.

MinorLeakage ago

Your cellphone is already doing this though. Why would they downgrade to using the microphone in your doorbell over the one you carry in your pocket at all times?

Don't get me wrong, they are still retarded, but anyone with a cellphone shouldn't feel too high and mighty about not having one.

ketoll ago

Not a downgrade. 1080p video hard-wired to electricity and 24/7 pointing at a neighborhood, installed at every few houses on every block. You now have a full surveillance camera infrastructure on any neighborhood at your disposal. Cell phones can be blocked with tape, put away, stuffed in a muffled purse, etc.

dirt_reynolds ago

A Project Mayhem type individual could hit these external cameras with a 1 second blast of spray paint.

Neongreen ago

Probably a dozen even more permanent solutions available.

MinorLeakage ago

That is a great point actually, but I would still say my last point holds true.

Actually the worst part of scenario you described is that it doesn't even matter if you participate. If your neighborhood does, you do by default.

ChiCom ago

Your cell stays in your pocket and you put your cell phone down and then it can't video record you. The ring and the nest give a lot more information about your household and patterns.

Don't get me wrong, I voted to pass a PhD student's dissertation on an AI model for determining activities through cellphone sensors.

Both are dangerous for different reasons. Together they nearly complete the puzzle about your entire existence.

MinorLeakage ago

I figure video is the least important part. Your phone reports back to Google everything from measurements of your individual rooms to how many shits you've taken this week. Your phone is packed with sensors that offer you some random 'convenience', but seem more like obvious spying tools.

I don't think I'm really disagreeing with you anyways, just saying we've already had this problem and no one seems to care enough to not participate.

ChiCom ago

Only because they haven't been fucked in front of their face yet.

They know to pick us off opportunistically until the levers of control and dissent are safe in their pocket.

Then the rape ratchets up and we become China or worse. Chinese folks are so cucked they will literaly snap this line at you:

I don't care who governs me.

whatisbestinlife ago

google calls the places I work at to report my internet activities if they hire me. my guess is that its a small black division of google that work in secret.

ChiCom ago

They are as bad as the child support Gestapo. You can't work anywhere in the US without them finding you a week later.

MrDarkWater ago

Maybe it's because we literally have our phones (apps) permission to do all if that spying. But, I'll bet they gave their nest/ring permission too.

GenderPronoun ago

Well, they are for sure caught recording everything on the servers. I think it's at least a system to post-investigate people (((they))) don't like. Linkage is easier than ever. The Gulag Archipelago outlined what the soviets did when they found letters, imagine the treasure trove they've got now.

ChiCom ago

Well it looks like they're going to use that information to take away your kids.

GenderPronoun ago

Yeah, I saw this. Linkage is real. I've been telling people for ages.

ChiCom ago

We all think " I keep my nose clean. I don't do anything wrong. I am tough. They can have whatever info they want on me"

Then they use your info to fuck your kids.