The_Dark_Awakening ago

What's even crazier is that this is one of the three churches in the world who actually teaches the correct doctrine.

Kleemin ago

I don't like to call anyone "hero," fuck man I don't even like most people and I'm about as cynical as it gets.... but even I wouldn't call this old guy a fucking name man. Dude literally saved a church full of whites. I'm even agnostic... he might classify as a boomer but you really think we need to be sub-categorized by age now? White concealed carry stops nigger from killing more whites is a happier headline that "boomer shoots nigger"

Jakedog166 ago

I hate all this boomer/zoomer, doggo, pupper bullshit that has increased on Voat recently. Fuck off and use proper English.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Ok Boomer

torpoolocc ago

Ok cunt


you come of as little bit less crazy if you use natural human language.

TheStapler ago

Your statement that they are burying the story is false. CNN has an article describing all the events.

thomastheglassexpert ago

Per the below a reminder on "how to carry". Lots of ways and my variant is HK 45 and my normal is Yellow so holstered FBI forward carry, 10 in clip and one in pipe, on safety and bob hammer down. All I have to do is pull, click lever to fire and boom. And yes I practice that and was actually told at a gun range several decades ago "you can't practice holster pull here" to which I replied "and how else does one practice for emergency?" Practice your carry/pull/shoot a great many hundreds of times. I agree with the below this fellow certainly a badass with great firing presence. He has practiced this shot one single shot on paper target a very great many times. Then one day he had to use it for real.

Blackmage1024 ago

You pay them more money for their classes.

torpoolocc ago

You said clip, stopped reading newbie

thomastheglassexpert ago

I thought not to reply but why not? "Newbie" said in what manner assuming you are an American fuck? You think yourself to be The Word Police? How's that? "Clip" is a standard where I'm from and what shithole are you from as thought from you I would care? Think before you act as Word Police fuckface as folks like me talk the way we do as where we are from. You Americans do the same to your shame all over this planet. I am New Zealand and talk the way I do and if ya don't like it then don't and fuck right off a cliff. clipclipclip...

he_found_wepon ago

Based Boomer

A6-EGO ago

I have watched the video several times now and that man made a fucking great shot. I mean come on drawing from holstered, moving target, several meters distance, and he hit bang on. That is the kind of fucker you simply do not mess with. Well done to you sir!

Abrahamlied ago

Just saw the story on ABC, are they MSM?

SirNiggsalot ago

Dylan Roof.

DirtPipeMilkshake ago

Watching the shooter, the gun seems to surprise him. Lack of control of the weapon.

penisse ago

May God bless the Hero.

AlternateSelection ago

Damn good shot. Didn't waste a bullet.

superspathi ago

Sig .357 ain't cheap!


ICanSeeYourPixels ago

What was he shooting?

superspathi ago

sig p229

Phantom42 ago

Good intel anon.

Lol, don't tell me you're going to start talking like the fucking Qultists.

"Roger dodger I read you 5:5 fellow anon, MAGA-KEK at grid 230 over and out!"

77777777777 ago

Seven seven seven

fritz_maurentod ago

Active shooter in Germany for comparison. Clear shot from balcony but no guns so the Muslim kid continued killing people:

newoldwave ago

MSM report: OMG he shot someone in church. We need gun control!

BTW...he sure could control his pistol,what a good shot!

ScionOfZion ago

If you score headshots from a Weaver stance, you might be a boomer.

NoBS ago

What if this was staged by the Deep State to elect a controlled asset.

Thing is I might be right while being mocked by triggered bots.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Why would msm bury the story then?

Xax ago

Please take away our guns so we can't defend ourselves. This active shooter could have killed tens of us lemmings.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago


onezeno ago

Sarcasm, probably

dundundunnnnn ago

2 of the members died? I thought it was just 1. See you on resurrection day, brothers in Christ.

Sheetz ago

Pretty sure liberal weak faggotry tried to shoot it up

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He shot that kike dead and i twas glorious.

yids_rape_kids ago

Nice try, boomers. Shooting one single nigger isnt going to make up for the millions of them that you've imported. You still all get socialized oven rides.

Nonymous608 ago

He's a fucking hero

Dragula ago

Notable that several others had been armed. They converged with weapons drawn after the gunman went down. As seen in the video

tholmes4005 ago

Hitting a moving target at that distance with out pressure is an amazing shot. Doing it under that pressure is unbelievable.

badruns ago

The amount of boomers masterbating in this thread is astounding.


Why haven't they release any information on the bad guy? Giving the news a chance to cycle before they show DaKwanTraveous

maaaxheadroom ago

It was a white guy.

whitesilk ago

Are you sure? It looks like a coon in dreadlocks. Look at them flipping around.


Stranger things have happened....

Anon331717 ago

Situational awareness saved the day. That cop knew that something wasn’t right when he saw the black hoodie, and no doubt prepped accordingly

DangersDad ago


fixstuffnowi1488 ago

Any info on the scumbag shooter?? I haven't seen an ounce of info. Cant even tell if he is white or shitskin or what. Coulters(sp) law in effect?

NoMoreScreenNames ago

He's been identified as "43-year-old Keith Thomas Kinnunen, of River Oaks".

fixstuffnowi1488 ago

Thank you. Been away doing life shit and came back to find more on this.

QBoomBoom ago

Notforcomments ago

Definitely something fishy, no name, no race, nothing revealed yet.

whitesilk ago

see Thanks, fellow goat for posting this.

LunaNova ago

What a hero.

TimMasson1 ago

To be fair this is the very first story that popped up under Google news when I just typed it in. God bless this man.

Original_Dankster ago

If you're gonna concealed carry, you MUST train regularly and with increasing difficulty of your firing applications, for as long as you choose to carry.

963189_137 ago


MemeDropAcct ago

Please allow me to correct your title:

Not Surprisingly, MSM buries the story.


Horrux ago

But I want to see the alternative media article on it.

BentAxel ago

Surprisingly? Really? What planet are you from alien?

Leonidas4Q ago

Not surprisingly, MSM buries the story.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

"Surprisingly". The media is anti white, liberal, communist far left propagandist, fake news. Of course they can't make this a huge deal justifying why the 2nd Ammendment can never be trivialized.

Notforcomments ago

You forgot to mention who owns the media...

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Starts with a j...

positivist ago

Is the second letter an "e"?

glassuser ago

You couldn't be waiting on a "w"

jewsbadnews ago


holaymackal ago

MSM buries the story.

Not exactly. As of today (8am, Monday) it's on the front page of

The MSM isn't exactly going out of its way to praise the shooter or 2A rights, but the story is clearly not 'buried'.

ScionOfZion ago

Not buried, just spun.

robot7247 ago

Watching that first guy slow draw is painful.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

He died because of it.

midnightblue1335 ago

He was trying to talk to the attacker. From article:

one of those killed was a security guard who responded to the shooter, calling him a dear friend.

So Christianity got him killed, not his slow draw. He was like "Dear friend, please don't do this- do you know about the good word of the Lord? Let me tell you, for-" BLAM!! "Oh no, halp me jesus, i've been shot, bleeergh!" Fucking stupid. If someone is drawing a gun, it's time to stop talking and start shooting.

Trash_Panda ago

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he was in a Church greeting the person like any other Church goer while his brain was trying to wire together the conflict between this routine he's repeated week after week year after year with this new development of some rando with a gun walking in.

midnightblue1335 ago

No. Read the damned article. So many goats are ignorant as niggers.

The victim who was shot first was a security guard.

He wasn't greeting anyone. This was mid-sermon. Did you watch the video? The freak stands up and steps aside and starts talking to a different security guard while scrambling to pull his concealed shotgun out. This is when the first victim notices, and begins his agonizingly slow draw while trying to deescalate verbally. He's talking to him from like 15 feet away, thinking that he can talk him down... and BLAM!! Shotgun blast to the fucking chest. Mist of blood sprays out of his back, it's goddamned horrifying- and all because of Christian doctrine of "love thy enemy" instead of "kill thy enemy before they even get a chance to kill you".

Christian doctrine killed this man. You think an armed muslim security guard would try to talk some White shooter down? You think a kike security guard at a synagogue would try to deescalate? Remember that video where the kike guard shot that tranny just for standing outside menacingly? Yeah, this is a Christian problem.


Can't wait to see the mental gymnastics of you Christfags for this one.

Repent ago

Luk 22:36

Then said he [Jesus] unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

The Bible teaches that we may engage in self-defense if necessary.

Trash_Panda ago


Are you retarded? The difference between Christianity and secular society is Christianity assumes the worst of people.

Socialism, democracy, communism, libertarianism, progressivism, are all utopian philosophies based on people playing nicely, respecting each other, and keeping themselves informed.

You are ass backwards and upside down.

DrPlant ago

Yeah, but I doubt he couldv'e been quick enough against an already drawn weapon and with the shooter looking at him.

robot7247 ago

I don't disagree but would bet this kind of response would be typical from way too many CCW holders. Never gotten past the fact that they carry and nothing beyond that. No practice, no muscle memory, no forethought as to how they might respond, zero What if?. I am sorry the guy is dead and for the hole in many lives he almost certainly leaves. I also readily admit I have no idea how I would respond with a gun already drawn on me. (I do know how I've responded in the past prior to things ever getting that point and I lay that completely at the feet of Massad Ayood and his book "In Gravest Extreme".) He does not start to draw until he is fully standing and then presents the widest possible target to the shooter. No evasion or trying to minimize his profile by turning to the side. His entire demeanor shows he was not taking it seriously but more like "OK now, hold on just a minute." and then he was dropped. If someone has a gun pointed at you they mean to shoot you. There is no other way to comprehend it.

Ocelot ago

Dunno, he had a good ~3 seconds. Not a lot of time but if he could draw in 2 he'd at least have gotten a shot off perhaps.


Never draw on a drawn gun no matter how fast you think you are. It’s Suicide.

Ocelot ago

Right, but since he decided to do so, it would've at least been better had he been faster.


Yeah... if you decide to jump off a cliff, it’s probably better if you have a parachute. Maybe

WickedVocalist ago

Youre talking the the grandchild of a nazi vet shill who has been filling golden parachute on his daddys taxes as a dependent for 15 years


Thinks my ww2 vet grandpa is still alive bless his sweet summer child brain

Ocelot ago

I don't understand. Are you saying I'm the shill, or he is?

Ocelot ago

Glad we understand each other!

RustinKohle ago

Thanks, boomer.

Hussite ago

How about just thanks guy.

963189_137 ago

You have got to own the boomer is not meant to injure you once you accept it as your reality.

Hussite ago

The boomer meme is gay as fuck. Memes are also gay as fuck. All this new age blabber is gay as fuck. All these fuckers starring into their phones all day are gay as fuck. I'm in the gen x category I wonder what we're accused of? I don't own or laugh at gay shit I put it down.

963189_137 ago

Alright non gay xer...what will you be doing tomorrow other than coming back on voat to bitch about memes.

Hussite ago

I'll be working in my trade, something you fagots won't do Unfortunately my generation gave birth to you limp-wristed, two-left handed fucks that are so weak minded it's painful to see. I guess that's what happens when you don't spank your kids and give out participation awards. By the way what will you be doing tomorrow other than pointing out peoples generational category and wearing your skinny jeans? :)

963189_137 ago

Eating bonbons and making jews smell my farts.

Hussite ago

Sounds pretty gay, just like using the word "boomer" and "owning" some shit. Sounds like something a fagot would say, no offence.

963189_137 ago

I am happy all the time...enjoy 'work' while I don't do anything except what I feel like doing tomorrow.

Hussite ago

I'm sure you're very an autistic, retarded type of way.

963189_137 ago

Envy...such a wonderful trait in an adult male.

Hussite ago

Very weak. Pick up your participation award on the way out, thanks for playing.

963189_137 ago

Did it ever occur to you that I just don’t feel like trashing you for whatever reason? It is bad enough that you think you are ‘working’ and not a slave for your enemies.

Horrux ago

That just plays to the divide and conquer strategy of our enemies. Generational divides are artificial an unbelievably toxic.

963189_137 ago

If you laughed it off, it would lose its power. You only feel bad about it because you are worried that it is legitimate. Everyone worth knowing knows that the older generation is there to protect them via their experience. It helps when you all act like men though and display your power in your community. That is where the real problem lies. Boomers are selfish and rather than hear a legitimate complaint you want to pretend that it isn't true. You have the least to loose in a shooting situation because you have already lived a full life and YOU should be the first people to protect and ACTUALLY SERVE your people. Then you would be revered again and nothing could separate our people.

Horrux ago

Laugh off the banksters and the jews' influence as well, while you are at it.

963189_137 ago

God you guys are a bunch of fagS

Horrux ago

Spoken like a true entitled clueless pro generational divide millenial. Well done, snowflake.

Notforcomments ago

Exactly, the fact that boomers get so triggered legitimizes the meme, and makes me laugh, a lot. If they embraced it like how Trump supporters embraced 'deplorables' it would definitely lose its power. Triggering boomers is one of my favorite pastimes. I love when they respond with "listen kiddo... "

Notforcomments ago

I see I am triggering the boomers by the downvoats...

steven_feelsperg ago

Boomer defenders have a point. The White race is under attack in earnest by jews and their golems once again. What is needed now more than ever is unity in the White race against their enemy. Stirring anger for the lulz within your ranks is fake, ghey, and reeks of attention whoring. Why don't you sign up for a boxing class and get that animosity beat out of you? After you're nursing your wounds, maybe you'll realize the D&C game only works for your enemies. Stop being a namefag and do something with your life.

Notforcomments ago

You do realize that your 'stern' response to me and painting me to be a pathetic little kid only makes me laugh more, you got triggered, just like a boomer does. My point was if boomers DIDN'T respond with boomer responses, the meme would die. But when you are clearly triggered, it legitimizes the meme. You hit all the key stereotypes, implying I am young, implying I just need my ass kicked, implying I am weak and dumb. It's fucking hilarious, I think I will screen shot, thanks.

Notforcomments ago

You assume a lot.

Horrux ago

Division isn't helping the cause. You are the enemy.

Notforcomments ago

Remoob ko

963189_137 ago

IKR. it makes them cute and pathetic at the same time.

Sheitstrom ago

Wow that is absolutely unbelievable accuracy under the worst conditions imaginable.

glassuser ago

Definitely believable, but definitely commendable.

Rizzo9000 ago

unbelievable is right. is there video of the headshot guy getting up and walking away, yet, like the london bridge suspect?

OsoCovfefe ago

WTF is wrong with you people?

karmatic ago

Oh, he's dead.

The church is a well-known church and they livestream their sessions. That guy ran a pro-2A firearms training place for over two decades.

Dude picked the wrong church to shoot up.

Horrux ago

There is gore on the wall in front of the security guy after the shotgun goes off. It's real.

NoseSubversion ago

Oh it’s real. Why do you think it is getting buried?

cohSh8Ca ago

Not likely. Watch the vid. Perp's hair flew up and only explanation is dome shot.

cohSh8Ca ago

'Kinnunen was believed to have been wearing a disguise, including a fake beard and wig, when he stood up from a pew during communion, pulled a...'

Rizzo9000 ago

yes, that was my point, he moves his head and wig slips

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm with you man. Another psyop.

Horrux ago

Nope. Look at the gore on the wall. If this were a psyop, it would be a pro-2nd amendment psyop. So... Whut?

Goys-R-Us ago

Yeah I may be a bit too cynical. The fact is that we're manipulated by the media all the time with fake events.

1_Northerner ago

There is a video of the London bridge guy walking away ?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

We all need to reach his level of calmness and accuracy for the civil war against the anti American leftwing liberal criminals that are trying to destroy our families, white culture and the United States.

whitesilk ago

My husband has been teaching me to shoot.

WickedVocalist ago

Then youre a spook and he married the enemy

MarauderShields ago

Take the kids too, when it's time.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I can do it with a rifle no problemo, but I've never even touched a handgun...I need to change that.

ihatechoosingnames ago

True. I was a great shot on rifles, but once I got used to a handgun, I find myself to be much more precise on my (closer) targets. Plus they are easier and faster to draw and aim. It took a little while honestly, but I personally like them better.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Always make sure your weapon is unloaded and conduct draw skill training when you can at your residence. The wars to come against the far left will be easy but will require our proficient use of our machine guns and side arms as we eliminate the communist, left wing, liberal menace that is threatening the Republic.

recon_johnny ago

Yeah, me too. I usually am a bit high and to the right--have been to a range several times, but really not caring about it, just having fun. I don't have pistols, just long guns.

You're right--I need to change that.

tripacer ago

Get an NRA instructor to show you what is happening. If you are consistent then you already are a good shot, all we need to do is fix a minor glitch-sounds like in the trigger/finger pressure area. IOWs, probably easy fix.

recon_johnny ago

Thanks, man. Appreciated.

whitesilk ago

I have to aim a bit high and to the left, but I'm new at this.

GasTheYikes ago

Are you left handed?

recon_johnny ago

No...just seem that’s where I consistently miss. If I play the hook, I hit middle. But aiming there isn’t on target.

I just figure it’s more practice.

WickedVocalist ago

Im the same hair off

GasTheYikes ago

You may need to adjust the sights. Also ammo has a big effect on accuracy. Also right handed people typically shoot high left, so i was just wondering.

fixstuffnowi1488 ago

No time like the present. Good deals abound

963189_137 ago

Revolutionary war, but yes.

ados ago

a counter-revolution restores the republic and US Constitution and Bill of Rights while a revolution is basically what the communists will try.

WickedVocalist ago

We let them make the first move then artillery and the Active denial machine comes to the happiest place and beaches on earth

SmokeyMeadow ago

That was one hell of a nice shot. It sucks that the other victim now appears to have succumbed to his injuries. I believe he was the second man down, who initially engaged the suspect before the first victim pulled a pistol. On video, you can see him get back up momentarily after being hit. News is now saying he flat-lined and was revived, but died later on.

speedisavirus ago

I've watched the original video a dozen times now. That guy is a hell of a shot. Wonder if he does any competition shooting or is a veteran.

karmatic ago

He ran Target Firearms Training Academy until it burned down in 2016.

Rizzo9000 ago

soooo....the security guy JUST HAPPENS to be former FBI?

WickedVocalist ago

8 real people hate you and your upvoat bot cabt save you

Rizzo9000 ago

Obk kby, voomer

maaaxheadroom ago

Yeah... I agree. He glows. The whole event is fucking weird.

Slashcut ago

What do you mean just happens to be? Who do you think is drawn to that kind of job? People in law enforcement or the military already are predisposed to that "protect my family" attitude so I mean it really shouldnt shock anyone that a former law man wants to be a law man still.

WickedVocalist ago

No shit.

I sure as fuck dont want him shunting me out of representation

RustinKohle ago

A time before diversity quotas and such I'd imagine

Jehoshaphat ago

God Bless Jack Wilson. Luckily, he may not experience any anguish at having to dispatch a psychopath. He sounds right level with the reality of his duty as protector.

Niceballsnigga ago

Fuckin ace shot

threesevens ago

Guy drew from the back and fired within 5 seconds at a laterally moving target under the most stressful conditions with nerves of steel. No panic spraying. No erratic movements. Just one smooth shot from across the room to the dome of the assailant. Legend.

Glipglup ago

Front page of CNN. This is being covered by every major news network. Why did you lie in your title?

threesevens ago

Because I felt like triggering little faggots like you. What now.

penisse ago

2 secs.

g0nzo007 ago

Why no blood splatter on the wall?

MarauderShields ago

Ammo type and calibre.

Based Boomer apparently owned a gun range and knew what he was about. He had loaded a type that would be less likely to create gaping exit wounds and splatter. Likely lower velocity and (others correct me if I'm wrong here) soft point that would enter, deform, and then bounce around a bit inside the skull to make a mess of the brains, but be stopped by the second later of bone. Advantage is that Boomer Mama has less to clean up after, and its much lower risk to others.

torpoolocc ago

And you forgot the body bag millennials call hoodies. It caught all the brain splatter.

GasTheYikes ago

This isnt a movie

WickedVocalist ago

Damn right, it isnt its our lives

glassuser ago

Hell I shot a hog a couple of months ago and there wasn't even an entrance wound.

ardvarcus ago

It was a beautiful thing to see. A perfect shot. But it wasn't within 5 seconds, more like 2 seconds.

binrobinro ago

2 seconds is within 5 seconds.

auchtung ago


Cat-hax ago

Now if only cops could be this good

fnbs010 ago

Cops are still 5-10 minutes away and not even guaranteed to enter the building once they get there to confront the shooter

weak_penis ago

They'll show up and surround the place to kill any of the the europeans fleeing being massacred inside.

Dave_ph ago

He owns a gun range

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Many of us do.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Many of us do

weak_penis ago

Double comment.


Based boomer

Dave_ph ago

It's not like a millennial would do anything but cower

CantDentTheBrent ago

Lol they'd just get raped by all the niggers you guys bred and housed for cheap labor lololol

Dave_ph ago

Well we knew better than to rely on millenials to get work done


They'd tweet about it while bleeding out

"Just got shot, fuck DRUMPF"

Dave_ph ago

Why carry a gun when you can carry a selfie stick

BoomerHater1488er ago

I grudgingly agree.

TradMan ago

Not all boomers

Timmy2 ago

Most are, at least until they're in their mid-80's.

SirNiggsalot ago

Not this one

AshesAshes ago

Glad this guy's on our side.

Rizzo9000 ago

i seriously doubt he is... former FBI? he needs some looking into.

AshesAshes ago

Preventing catastrophe isn't in the interest of FBI. He did a great thing retard.

SteffisCute ago

just found the Jew

AshesAshes ago

Retarded kike fed alert. Don't you have an infant to sacrifice to moloch you genetic failure?

SteffisCute ago

fuck off you fat kike fuck. one day you'll be in an oven burning alive while i read the bible under your whore mother's skin lampshade

AshesAshes ago

Aww look he got his fed buddies to pile on. The rope is coming for you.

steven_feelsperg ago

Projecting jew found. Fuck off, Moshe.

NoseSubversion ago

“White Settlement” - named by Native Americans

“Elev 666ft” - what better place to have a church?

“Church of Christ” - you know how many these there are???

“Las Vegas lane” - Las Vegas was carried out by a left wing Antifag

TheKalergiFan ago

Las Vegas was carried out by a left wing Antifag

Saudis dude, look into it more

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Objection on the last part, there is no information on the Vegas Shooter besides his name. It's likely it was carried out by the FBI.


Objection on the last part, there is no indication it was FBI. That they helped cover-up? Sure.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Possibly, but there's more evidence of it being the FBI over the supposed shooter.

IsaacJan ago
