21936131? ago

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21936130? ago

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21931634? ago

Thought I would leave this from the Lewis cancer thread >

Just some things I observed in the message from Lewis and I thought I would share.

BTW I think there is more in this and I will reply again when I have more. <

No wonder Corney and Co. hate me so much... >

Quote >>

"“I have been in some kind of fight — for freedom, equality, basic human rights — for nearly my entire life. I have never faced a fight quite like the one I have now,” Lewis said in a statement.

32 words total [Freemasonic code > Skull and Bones]

Sentence word count broken up as follows >

These denote the heiphens -

8 - (2,1,3) - 5 - 13 > thus

8 - ({2 +1} - 3) - 5 - 13 > yields

8 - (3 - 3) - 5 - 13

33 = Freemasons. <

13 is the chaos number. <

13 appears twice in that 8 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 13

The 5 breaks down as 3 + 2 which is 32 again.

The word fight is accentuated and is the key word here, and was tweeted by Obongo, and Bill Clinton et al today too. Fight is the key to this message cipher. <

“This month in a routine medical visit, and subsequent tests, doctors discovered Stage IV pancreatic cancer. This diagnosis has been reconfirmed,” he said.

Notice the roman numeral IV? >

Also stage has 5 letters and precedes IV (4) thus 54 the mirror of 45 is revealed.

The IV implies a 4 and also a 5, as the V is present > Thus another ciphered 45 is revealed.

“While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of caner treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance,”.

There are 45 words in that last statement from Lewis. <

The heiphen appears at the fourth and fifth word > 45 <

Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer (cancer affecting Pan > Satan > Baal) <

Stage is five letters and 4 = 4 obviously, thus yielding 54 or 45 mirrored. <

He is sending a message to the [DS] letting them know they have something in the works to remove their Trump cancer problem. More Peach Mint FUCKERY?

It was a coded message. <

Who knows, maybe he was on Death row, having been told he faced the death penalty, and has been released? > Clear-eyed > Means in the clear for the all seeing eye? > Prognosis? A coded phrase referring to the state of the situation <

Something is up here for sure.



21931534? ago

What in the fuck?

21931367? ago

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21931135? ago

~Symbolism will be their downfall~

21930915? ago

Found one obvious error (on purpose, for an agenda?). Grafton Thomas was the NY perp's name not the name of the perp in White Settlement TX.

21931866? ago

That is exactly what is written.

Are you retarded?

21930895? ago

Like lincoln/kennedy

21930546? ago

Chill out, goy, it's just a little cohencidence.

21930522? ago

Oh Wow!! <

21930495? ago

As soon as Q started talking about Seth Rich and Trump was dominating the news cycle, 2 attacks happen.

Not a coincidence.

21930344? ago

Wow. FF, indeed

21930216? ago

They love numerology and symbolism. There are things that are secret for a reason. OPs meme displays that we are becoming aware of the secret. There are many.

21929861? ago

is there any possible way this could be a choencidence? it seems way way to unlikely

21929855? ago

strange. Good catch. Proves there's an agenda under these things? @NMBRFAG What you think about all this?

21930549? ago

This came up in my latest Gematria analysis of James Comey this time.

Reply to James 8 Corney's Tweet > Decodes will continue > Shove it up your Jurisdiction <


It was a warning. <

Then only hours later, these FFs happen.

This was a notable result considering the news >

Anders Breivik 1035 822 137 28

My Commentary:


Now this guy was the Norway shooter.

Comey heralding the attack. <

21930532? ago

Just saw it, and blew my mind. <

21929841? ago

What do you think it means?

21929891? ago

Well, are you familar with the book Simulacron-3 yet?

21932077? ago

I'm not. Should I look into it?

21941137? ago

Yes, i´d recommend it.

21929938? ago

13th floor is a great movie

21929987? ago


I think that´s the direction where this is going.

Q-drop 749 seems fitting in this context.


21931655? ago

Media fakery is all you need to simulate reality.

The media is 100% controlled at the top. These shootings are all fake.

21941238? ago

You´re right..

It´s about selling official stories to the sheep on the one hand and flashing symbols/magick words (which tell the "real story" and/or are a call to action) to initiates on the other hand.

E.g. things like 9/11 couldn´t be arranged via a WhatsApp-group or something like that.

21930047? ago

I don't know that this existence can be anything but a simulation. No matter what religion or theory you subscribe to it all boils down to it's a game of some sorts. An illusion in which figuring out that nothing is as it seems is the entire point....where to go from there I have no idea

21930081? ago

The "bad" way would be to enter freemasonry, where you will learn, degree by degree, the "cheat codes" aka SYMBOLS.

21931517? ago

But is it the ((right)) door?

It is not. IMO we were put into this world (simulation) by the Father that we might grow in wisdom and learn humility. Being witness to the evil/chaos inherent in a world where “do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” is another reason for our being placed into this world. And you are right, the Freemasons and other groups that seek out occult (hidden) knowldege are just looking for the hacks and the cheat codes to this life. As a side note, illicit drugs and psychedelics are another means of hacking the system, they are illicit doorways into other realms...God put barriers in place for a reason, these things are better left alone...

21935964? ago

“do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” - is in itself one of these cheat-codes as it is adopted by you once you advance high enough. That´s why the elites do all these pedo-stuff and that, it´s all covered up by the brotherhood.

It feels like a kind of magick as by simple symbols youre able to hide high-level-crimes.

This goes up to even the vatican. The pope openly calls the roman-catholic believers "sheep", while at the same time, he does sinister things.

What you said about psychedelics is correct - it´s a way to have a look behind the curtain. But not everyone can handle that.

21929538? ago

Oy vey...

21929531? ago

We really are living in a simulation.

21931636? ago

I think they just want us to believe that instead of realizing the level of coordination they have.

21930203? ago

Our thoughts create reality.

21930372? ago


21929452? ago

Anyone have a link to the video? Can't even find it on bitchute

21929049? ago

So what are you trying to say?

21929069? ago

We are living in a Matrix!

21928772? ago

These Satanists think they are clever...sick bastards...all of them.

21930529? ago

Not clever enough.

21928729? ago

Also the church shooting was in White Settlement, Texas.

21928692? ago

Looks like attaching churches is far more deadly - amen!

21928432? ago

What the what?!?

21929300? ago

This is the only acceptable response.

21928374? ago

Beat me to it

21928291? ago

Oy Vey!

21928216? ago

Thinking out loud

The word cues mentally strings these incidents together psychologically building a subconscience narrative that an individual isnt actually aware of.

21931121? ago

Like the medical examiner from Sandy Hook being named "Carver" (just saw the story of his death and started remembering how convenient that was)... it is like they are taunting us.

Some other coincidences: the Stoneman Douglas shooting was in Parkland, FL... the hospital Kennedy was taken to in Dallas was Parkland

The Parkland kids happened to have a trip to Christchurch, NZ shortly before that shooting.

Survivors of Vegas were also at the thousand oaks shooting

21930200? ago

Machiavellian, huh?

21930323? ago

That and a few other isms and ians

21929586? ago

Plus the germatria/sympathetic/numeralogical thing of power words, and certain words/numbers in certain years have more power.

That and "building a subconscious narrative" is pretty much the key to all media. Well, 99% of the stuff you are allowed to find. That random band on bandcamp etc is likely not in on the con.

21930066? ago

Question, why so obvious.

These coinkidinkys are bold and in your face.

First thoight .....

Using the enemys tactics against them.

Could this have been a white hat operation. To dramatize and sensationalize the matter for public opinion and redirect the narrative following the attacks in NY.

21931771? ago

No I think you just saw a false flag operation get stopped by brave patriots.

21931409? ago

These satanists have become so derranged and obsessed/ neurotic with their symbolism thinking it gives them extra power or smth.

Satan is the liar in chief, so everything he tells them is a lie, and the puppet satanists think it gives them real power, while his only objective is blood, hate, misery, death, destruction...

21972168? ago

^^^ yes yes yes. What you said. While the short term results of some of this really suck, you are absolutely correct. Satan cannot create. Can only copy. Can only pretend. I like that "Liar in Chief." And the demonic entities look in the mirror while accusing others. The people doing the bidding of the Dark Side actually really and truly believe they are in the right!

21972466? ago

That's right, satan does not create, since creating in this world comes with karmic good or bad consequences, and satan and demons are not incarnated and also don't want to bare the consequences, they will let people create and come up with ideas, after which they will start working to pervert these ideas and try to use them for evil, trying to trick and deceive people into accepting the devil's perverted version and lies, and so again then the karmic responsibility lies with the encarnated of this world... only idiots believe a word the devil says, since all he says is lies and deceit and focussed on destroying souls...

21930526? ago

No. This was a Black Hat Operation Gladio event. <

21930556? ago

No. This is clearly white hat.

21931466? ago

Then why did someone die? <

21927919? ago

Also, Tarrant's second target was the Linwood Islamic Centre. Lin Wood is the name of the Covington boy's lawyer, who is suing the MSM for traducing the kid. Remember the Black Hebrew Israelites?

21931443? ago

My nascent understanding of occult practice tells me they fight their wars by weaponising words, which are energy, and by employing numerology. Linwood the lawyer going after the media is somehow "neutralised" by bringing negative energy to Lin Wood the site of a false flag shooting (although in fact Tarrant was apprehended before he could carry out that part of the plan). The 666' elevation of this latest assault on the human race is no coincidence either.

21972116? ago

Remember the first words in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible... "In the Beginning Was The WORD."

Words creating realities, manipulating, pushing, pulling... [they] know exactly what [they] are doing

Also - FWIW I had another thought about the shootings and it's tied into abortion and child abuse/trafficking: [They] are telling us all that our lives are worthless. That we don't matter. We don't count. [They] can do whatever the hell [they] want because we are just cattle to be farmed and used in whatever fashion suits [them.] If you understand that mentality, then the abortion clinics, the "legal blood sacrifice" of our firstborn, the rapes, kidnapping, child sacrifice, false flags, and all the rest make sense.

It's all just sport. These people are having a little fun at our expense. It's like the people who tease and torment cats or tip cows for fun. Go watch "They Live!" one more time. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=6i_msSDvzbg

That, my fellow Patriots, IS THE REAL PATTERN.

21931479? ago

Neurotic psychologic deranged behaviour, it's just some demons pulling some strings in dimensions we can't see making their satanist sinner puppets believe in hocus pocus number magic to commit sins...

Don't believe them, they got no real power, just wear the armor of God and keep walking straight ahead, nothing can touch or stop us!

21931763? ago

Here’s where you are wrong. How does the armor of our God work but theirs does not? Don’t be fooled their magic has power. It’s been working for the last 6000 years! I’m sorry but they would not put so much effort on if it did not carry a power of some sort. Fuck their magic... but their shit works. Obviously

21928350? ago

Holy shit you're right!

21927815? ago

So Q is a mass murderer?

21930562? ago

Q isn’t but he’s directing people to commit mass murder it seems.

21929010? ago


21927814? ago

21927806? ago