SpecterPelt ago

Thank you.

HeebSlayer ago

I only saw a brief clip of the interview on Talmudvision the other day, but from what I saw he didn't outright deny having sex with underage girls.

theoldones ago


hold_this_nut ago

Hahaha! The royals have one of the worst PR people for damage control.

TheEqualizer ago

Prince Andrew needs a visit to the Tower..

ababcb ago

There have actually been many threads on Pizza Express dating back almost three years:

Sophie Dix BBC was accused of raping and eating children in Hampstead using instruments of horror - they allege they were abused in Pizza Express. Prince Andrew just claimed on the BBC that he couldn't have raped an underage girl because he was having pizza with his daugher at Pizza Express.


Frank Giustra is connected to Pizza Express?

Turning 222 Pizza Express Corp. into Gold!: A Frank Guistra Story.


DIG! Two children speak about satanic/pedophile ring, mention Pizza Express - Has a childrens "teaching" program


Pizza Express in Indonesia seemed pleased and excited to welcome Prince Andrew 'nearby' on twitter. Posted it at 5:19am. pic.twitter.com/sqWJJfErsW


SpecterPelt ago

Can someone explain to me what exactly happened here?

theoldones ago

prince andrew is a pedophile

pizzagate. pizza is a code word for child sex slaves

this pizza place was used as his alibi (even if the place itself might be a "pizza" joint if you know what i mean)

SpecterPelt ago

And people think he might be saying that to mess with the pizza gate people?

Steinmacher ago

why did Andrew point a finger at Pizza Express?

is he admitting this is another pedo-pizza place or is this misdirection?

theoldones ago

it could be him being fucking stupid and admitting too much.

Steinmacher ago

if he has an accident soon that will point to being stupid.

theoldones ago

"i am shocked and devastated to hear about prince Andrews tragic, sudden plane crash"

-the queen, probably

Adminstrater ago

It's a great answer to get people like us all riled up. I am not sure what the average person understands from the princes response.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/oLRwa :

PizzaExpress 🍕 on Twitter: "9:00 pm - Switch off computer 🍷

10:00 pm - 120 messages on work WhatsApp group telling you to "check Twitter now" 😳… "

This has been an automated message.