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ScottMAGA ago

The idea behind a multi-cellular organism is that all of the cells help each other out by doing specific jobs. Single-celled organisms have a different approach: For the most part they don't work together, the goal is simply to reproduce as much as possible. You can think of the cells in a multi-celluar organism as being well-mannered nationalist Whites, all working together for the good of the nation. Single-celled organisms are like niggers, just thinking about themselves.

Cancer is when a cell in a multi-celled organism reverts back to the single-celled lifestyle. Rather than doing its specialized job, it just makes a bunch of non-specialized cells. They become a burden on the organism and eventually kill it.

Now lets look at what happens when a fetal cells are cultured in a petri dish or test tube. Do they become a nerve or muscle cells? Well maybe, but the ones that don't have an advantage. The ones that revert back to the single-celled (nigger) lifestyle have the advantage and soon the whole group of cells are living the single-celled lifestyle.

So it is pretty much inevitable that a cultured cell line will evolve into essentially cancer, and it shouldn't be too surprising that the same mutations are common to both. This doesn't strike me as an insidious conspiracy, just maybe something that should be researched more.

Sunnybrooke ago

A comment by user viperguy on this post, explains it much better.

urp ago

someone downvoted you because your link was an error and should have been :