Vaccines are routinely formulated with aborted human fetal cells known as MRC-5 and WI-38. The CDC openly lists some of the vaccines that use these “human diploid” cells, including Twinrix (Hep A / Hep B), ProQuad (MMRV) and Varivax (Varicella / chicken pox). FDA-published vaccine insert sheets such as this one for Varivax also openly admit to the use of aborted human fetal cell lines such as MRC-5:
The product also contains residual components of MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein and trace quantities of neomycin and bovine calf serum from MRC-5 culture media.
Even this GlaxoSmithKline vaccine insert sheet openly discusses the use of aborted human fetal cells in its Priorix-Tetra vaccine (MMRV):
Each virus strain is separately produced in either chick embryo cells (mumps and measles) or MRC5 human diploid cells (rubella and varicella).
Yet, amazingly, almost no member of the public is aware that aborted human fetal cells are routinely used in vaccines. The lying fake news media insists such talk is a “conspiracy theory,” even as the CDC, FDA and vaccine manufacturers openly declare the ingredient is being used in numerous vaccines. (See for daily coverage of breaking news on vaccines.)
Now, a laboratory in Italy has carried out a complete genome sequencing of this MRC-5 cell line that’s deliberately inserted into multiple vaccines. What they’ve found in beyond shocking… it’s horrifying. As explained by Children’s Health Defense:
The Corvelva team summarized their findings as follows:
1- The fetal cell line was found to belong to a male fetus.
2- The cell line presents itself in such a way that it is likely to be very old, thus consistent with the declared line of the 1960s.
3- The fetal human DNA represented in this vaccine is a complete individual genome, that is, the genomic DNA of all the chromosomes of an individual is present in the vaccine.
4- The human genomic DNA contained in this vaccine is clearly, undoubtedly abnormal, presenting important inconsistencies with a typical human genome, that is, with that of a healthy individual.
5- 560 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer were tested and all underwent major modifications.
6- There are variations whose consequences are not even known, not yet appearing in the literature, but which still affect genes involved in the induction of human cancer.
7- What is also clearly abnormal is the genome excess showing changes in the number of copies and structural variants.
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TonyTronic ago
GcMaf and Nagalase look it up...
Ken_bingo2 ago
Using hybrid cancer cells and recombinate DNA techniques to make vaccines is nothing new. What is shocking is that these antigens are not then purified. That is criminal.
Cheetah1964 ago
Wasn't there a Q drop about the truth putting people in the hospital? Maybe to be checked for this?
yellowrose ago
It sounds like the "cat is out of the bag" on this one & on Bill Gates. There is hope--especially with Trump for a leader. So it's not the vaccine, but what's done to it that harms?
DirtyErnie ago
Someone want to just run down how DNA from a feral injected cell gets Incorporated into the injectee's own DNA? Seems like the immune system would identify it as foreign and destroy it.
Gorillion ago
My mind went to Rosemary's Baby and The Omen. I know that those were made to spread further anxiety about pregnancy in the goy population, and so encourage easier access to abortion through lobbying and public support.
But this "abnormal fetus" seems to be quite the (((Rock Star))) if they're still using it's cells even now. Perhaps these movies and the popular "Antichrist/Devil Child" genre was them telling us in their roundabout way what they were doing. "The son of the devil, corrupting the world and spreading death and misery" = "Cancer Fetus X giving you all cancer".
Also works as part of the 4 Horsemen lore: Pestilence. With Famine perhaps = Attacks on our diets rather than obvious Africa-tier starvation. Apocalypse/Armageddon via bureaucracy and capture of institutional processes.
Also, congratulations, we're all functionally cannibals and vampires now - just like (((them))).
HistoryQuest ago
This story is so horrific. I just don't even know what to believe anymore. What is true? Who is lying? I'm not sure we will ever have the whole truth.
I'm slowly accepting the fact that we are only thought of as cattle. But I can't trust anyone anymore to know if anyone ever tells the truth.
viperguy ago
As a biologist, all I can say in brief is that ...
The Y DNA with SRY coding and little else, is odd to be in this vaccine but after following the links, its evident that its merely a CELL MATRIX used to amplify and grow virus to then weaken the virus for a vaccine.
The traditional petri dish to grow a virus on is CHICK membrane not simina or human. But researches proved this is similar to HeLa
but not HeLa (female)_ but a different non-litigated-non-lawsuitcrazed anonymous dead or in this case NEVER ALIVE male fetus for the matrix.
The matrix of cells is SUPPOSED to be microfilterred out using ceramics pore gapped to the size of virus and allow only broken cells through.
Somehow these clever people got ALL CHROMOSOMES sequenced and shotgun patterned mapping out a single human male cell, its conjecture that its a fetal tumor cel, rather than a dead or dying kid, but still it is definitely :
1 : HUMAN MALE, and Y dna will spread in tissue throughout female body , 1 in 2,000 cells potentially after a few years.
2 : Defective vaccine design (should have no cellular tissue unless hard to isolate lysed encapsulated virus_
3: CANCER CAUSING!!! A71CB256A sample PROVEN to be ancient cell strain with countless mutations!
This is so unacceptable its unreal.
Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history:
That paper proved Y dna entered and replicated freely from unprotected sex with males into females that never had male fetuses, and that mammals are designed to acquire and replicate free floating DNA.
"Group D were nulligravid (no male fetus) yet 20 out of 100,000 female cells are invader male Y dna !!!!! 20 out of 100,000!!!
If sperm can do that, imagine a injection of a vaccine packed with male Y DNA, and also packed with unfilterred fragments of cancer causing DNA from proven tumor line like the famous HeLa cell line!
TL/DR: ITS COMPLICATED, but instead of a chicken membrane, they switched to a human tissue matrix, do not filter out the particulate matter, and the matter has Y DNA (bad!) and cancerous DNA (worse).
No proof its from a fetus but economically and legally from HeLa lawsuits of a dead families heirs wanting millions from Whitey, I bet it was a fetal sample of a non-born source.
LAWSUITS for stealing cells from the fully born ! :
10s of millions and maybe 100 million lawsuit over a pice of tumor from a blck woman.
So you can be assured this anonymous dead male is a fetus to avoid lawsuits. But the money maker is the immortal telomerase repairing TUMOR aspect of this male cell matrix for virus amplification.
SearchVoatBot ago
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HistoryQuest ago
Excellent. Thank you for sharing your brain.
MarauderShields ago
Keep pushing. There is a truth and it can be known.
LordHuggington ago
All goyim are cattle.
GetWoke ago
Oy vey
Qureaucrat ago
When he said put the entire country in the hospital he meant it. How true is the story that damage done is generational.............
angelCole ago
That's what I said to my husband last night. What if part of POTUS'S "cure for cancer" is stopping these vaccines from being manufactured and given to children or adults. I said it would take several generations to see the long-term results but damn well worth it.
chocolatepatriot2 ago
yes, true but unspoken - we are injected aborted babies into our children.
seems very weird that we are changing our childrens and our own DNA.
or they use bovine which is loaded with glyphosate.
as Bill gates has said over and over quote: We will accomplish population control with vaccinations.
Wake up folks. Time to wake up...... No more vaccinations until we drain the swamp.
ALIENS2222 ago
The military gave me so many vaccines I can't even count them... I am a dead-man walking.
gothicfan ago
Heal your body with nature's super foods raw liver, raw blood and raw seafood. These other commenters are basically telling you to eat toxic plants which is part of the plant based brainwashing.
Winnowil ago
If you are eating raw, which is good, you should be doing a parasite cleanse at least once a year. Also beware of liver flukes from some raw fish. Parasite cleanses, colon cleanse, liver cleanse, etc.
gothicfan ago
Toxins are stored in fat cells so naturally you would detox by gaining weight so at least once a year with fresh fruit (for the sugar) and overeating meat then losing weight to detox. Other than that if you have liver problems eat a liver, eye problems eat eyeballs to heal, etc
Winnowil ago
I still say getting rid of parasites in the gut (and elsewhere) is critical for good health. It can be done naturally. People think because we live in an industrialized nation that we don't get worms and the like, but we do. And yes, toxins get stored in the fat, however when you are detoxing you have to make sure you do the proper things to flush them out of the body so that they don't get reabsorbed.
Wynterwhisper ago
Imagine that effect on a woman in the world military that's pregnant.
Hispeedtim2876 ago
What would u think if I told u some units throughout the military were given something to counter old vaccines and immune for future ones to absolutely make sure we have a fighting chance for what’s about to occur? There are good secret people doing this. Dig, Hint, 50 million of us will be fine and passed on to next generation’s X 3.
Magonia ago
I was only a dependent and received a course of 6 shots for anthrax. I can probably snort that shit like cocaine now!
Wynterwhisper ago
What years did that occur in? I'm asking because I may be affected.
Hispeedtim2876 ago
They did our unit in 2003-2004. 65 men. No diseases or cancer to date. I believe they been doing this for awhile to make sure we have a surviving chance against evil. Pray!
Codyhbgbrb ago
That’s when my son got his MMR, and autism diagnosis exactly 2 weeks later.
ALIENS2222 ago
Hint... you have been here for a year and have triple digit numbers... Soooo DELIVER THE FUCKING SAUCE. no response of course.
grace8 ago
For cancer to happen you need parasites and abnormal cells. Take tumeric or curcumin of good quality, to kill parasites to prevent or slow cancer. Look for websites on this for dosages and success stories. I know people who have slowed their cancer by doing this. Prevention is easier than cure. I do it preventatively for 2-3 months a year.
Crpowell821 ago
Also check out nascent iodine. Cleanses the body of all toxins
369693936 ago
The best solution for parasites is pine gum spirits taken with sugar. It was the cure all for everything in the 1899 Merck Manual, before Big Pharma took over.
Jiggggg ago
I've made pine needle tea* for years to combat colds and sniffles. Works every time! It's probably not a potent as what you're talking about, but it's along the same lines and I can definitely vouch for it.
*Steep green (not brown!!) needles in very hot water for about five minutes, till water is golden and smells like sweet pine. Drink immediately. If you boil the needles, the water turns black and very bitter.
KinkRaven ago
I'll have to look for a scan of that, I've never heard of that book before.
Thanks for the tip, this type of knowledge is I valuable.
369693936 ago
The one person I know of bringing the information back to the mainstream is Dr. Jennifer Daniels.
KinkRaven ago
Solid, sounds very similar to the magic mineral solutions and how it's been used to cure malaria.
I'm going to do it myself as the symptoms of people I'm reading about match some of my own.
369693936 ago
Best wishes with it! This looks like an archive of her book with the instructions:
KinkRaven ago
I'll report back in a couple months with my results.
Poohwhisperer ago
I was going to make a PineSol joke.
Wynterwhisper ago
It needs to be taken with peparine or black pepper. That increases it's efficiency.
SkyeVeritas ago
Plus a saturated fat: coconut oil, for instance
Winnowil ago
MarauderShields ago
Can vouch for this.
Winnowil ago
mom2nine ago
The best course is to start detoxing ASAP. Get some nanozeolite spray to use a few times a day. It detoxes and sends the foreign stuff out through the kidneys. Milk thistle helps clean the liver, too.
Skulati ago
The human genomic DNA contained in the Priorix lot vaccine. n. A71CB256A is evidently anomalous, presenting important inconsistencies if compared to a typical human genome, i.e. the one of a healthy human being. There are several unknown variants (not noted in public databases) and some of them are located in genes involved in cancer. What is also apparently anomalous, is the excess of genome that shows changes in the number of copies (CNV) and structural variants (SV), such as translocations, insertions, deletions, duplications and inversions, many of which involve genes.
The potential contribution of the numerous variants (not present in the scientific literature and in public databases) to the phenotype of the cells used for the growth of vaccine viruses is not known.
Belrick ago
If there is a plan afoot to sterilize and exterminate whites then public vaccination programs are a great vector.
brandnewset ago
Wth over
Q20191776 ago
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts
Issued on: October 4, 2019
Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:
The following individuals to be Members of the National Cancer Advisory Board:
Anna D. Barker of Arizona
Howard Fingert of Massachusetts
Andrea Hayes-Jordan of North Carolina
Susan Vadaparampil of Florida following individuals to be Members of the National Cancer Advisory Board:
Anna D. Barker of Arizona
Howard Fingert of Massachusetts
Andrea Hayes-Jordan of North Carolina
Susan Vadaparampil of Florida
Should these people know this?
angelCole ago
I believe Q said they have it all and alluded to vaccines being an issue. There is not too many things going on that the white hats are not aware of.
LeeDoverwood ago
What if they already know this and that's why they are being placed in key positions?
Jewed ago
Why wouldn't they? You are the guiana pig, they are the lab managers.