Now, a laboratory in Italy has carried out a complete genome sequencing of this MRC-5 cell line that’s deliberately inserted into multiple vaccines. What they’ve found in beyond shocking… it’s horrifying. As explained by Children’s Health Defense:
The Corvelva team summarized their findings as follows:
1- The fetal cell line was found to belong to a male fetus.
2- The cell line presents itself in such a way that it is likely to be very old, thus consistent with the declared line of the 1960s.
3- The fetal human DNA represented in this vaccine is a complete individual genome, that is, the genomic DNA of all the chromosomes of an individual is present in the vaccine.
4- The human genomic DNA contained in this vaccine is clearly, undoubtedly abnormal, presenting important inconsistencies with a typical human genome, that is, with that of a healthy individual.
5- 560 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer were tested and all underwent major modifications.
6- There are variations whose consequences are not even known, not yet appearing in the literature, but which still affect genes involved in the induction of human cancer.
7- What is also clearly abnormal is the genome excess showing changes in the number of copies and structural variants.
560 cancer genes, abnormal DNA, genetic “modification” of potentially hazardous genes, yet mandated to be injected into every child
What’s clear from this genetic sequencing is that the vaccine industry is inoculating children with engineered cancer. As CHD explains, the vaccines are deliberately formulated with cancer-causing genes which have been specifically modified to promote cancer tumors:
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urp ago
Bad filtering. The virus is amplified on a eternally reused vat of loose cells in a large slurry, but they did not pay for proper micro filtration of DNA fragments, so researchers could "shotgun assemble" complete genome of this lawsuit immune (NOT henrietta lacks Henrietta Lacks heirs have used jew lawyers to collect nearly 100 million from science researchers using that dead negroes DNA. The solution was to use a FETUS, the problem is Y dna is now injected into females, and another problem is that loose DNA fragments are absorbed and copied in multicellular organisms, though spooky, and these improperly filtered (for size) fragments have over 500 different cancer causing gene anomalies.
Its basically CANCER and Y DNA injections, albeit it mostly fragments, and mostly low cost africa-bound vaccines.
This scandal is company-ending level scandal.
All could have been avoided if they merely filtered out the DNA fragments using proper filtration used in most small batch labs.
So nothing to see here, just don't get vaccinated white folks, because i certainly wasn't, thank fuck for my 'woke' parents on the jew problem.
No need for population reduction when you can kill off the majority in their 20s untill 40s because of a vaccine giving in their baby or teenage years. The assurance lies in the telomerase tumor repairing gene which makes the majority of cancer cells immortal, the immune system would have otherwise killed, and eventually these cells build up until a tumor forms and cancer spreads and slowly or rapidly kills the person. Because of the Y-DNA the women will give some of these genes or all of it to their children. All of it unable to be traced back to the vaccine, this is a level of evil even i couldn't come up with, but it's a great solution to the nigger problem.
ScottMAGA ago
The idea behind a multi-cellular organism is that all of the cells help each other out by doing specific jobs. Single-celled organisms have a different approach: For the most part they don't work together, the goal is simply to reproduce as much as possible. You can think of the cells in a multi-celluar organism as being well-mannered nationalist Whites, all working together for the good of the nation. Single-celled organisms are like niggers, just thinking about themselves.
Cancer is when a cell in a multi-celled organism reverts back to the single-celled lifestyle. Rather than doing its specialized job, it just makes a bunch of non-specialized cells. They become a burden on the organism and eventually kill it.
Now lets look at what happens when a fetal cells are cultured in a petri dish or test tube. Do they become a nerve or muscle cells? Well maybe, but the ones that don't have an advantage. The ones that revert back to the single-celled (nigger) lifestyle have the advantage and soon the whole group of cells are living the single-celled lifestyle.
So it is pretty much inevitable that a cultured cell line will evolve into essentially cancer, and it shouldn't be too surprising that the same mutations are common to both. This doesn't strike me as an insidious conspiracy, just maybe something that should be researched more.
urp ago
HAh! You should be on PBS science specials.
Cancer cells in this case are a FEATURE... they wanted hardy cells that can live in a big vat slurry and self reproduce, not just 32 divisions total before mortality apoptosis , but FOREVER! FOREVER living on planet, like
So these are NIGGER acting cells, but zombie immortal NIGGER acting cells.
fun fact : NIGGER acting cells like divide not just 32 times like human cells, but forver because they majestically rebuild their telomere tips (the fuse of life) to be immortal nigger lifeform, and yes...
Henrietta Lacks was a actual NIGGER
Sunnybrooke ago
A comment by user viperguy on this post, explains it much better.
urp ago
someone downvoted you because your link was an error and should have been :
Sunnybrooke ago
This wasn't a very good explanation, but thanks for trying at least.
ViperCarbz ago
You should teach cancer biology.
mirimar ago
Only a fool would ever believe such a story as this fanciful one.
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
Only a fool would trust a multi billion dollar industry run by jews
Maroonsaint ago
Send me your nudes
Non_NPC ago
Natural News is a reliably truthful site. They have been right on so many different subjects. Might be wise to take it a little more seriously.
goathunter ago
You can tell that they're truthful by all of the snake oil ads on the side of their page.
Because the jews at google, mediavine, facebook or amazon really want to display their ads that expose their fellow nepotistic jews their schemes.
RedWolfTheAnimal ago
Gotta find the site somehow, sheep.
DanglingGoatBalls ago
The vaccine companies do NOT deny using aborted fetal cells.