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Tallest_Skil ago

However, in the event that there is any money remaining after the litigation, any remaining funds will be donated to the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This was the site of the antisemitic mass shooting which occurred on November 27, 2018.

Eat shit and die, Alex.

Nosferatjew ago

Yup, when I heard that, I was done.

blumen4alles ago

Good catch goat, I didn't see that! Hopefully he will cook the books so he breaks even or shows a loss like the jews do with all their movies.

I guess he thinks he has to virtue signal to prove he isn't antisemitic. Pussy faggot.

blumen4alles ago

yeah @Tallest_Skil pointed that out to me

it reminds me of PewDiePie saying he would donate money to the ADL

maybe we can change Alex's mind

Gigglestick ago

Nope. I got banned for “anti-semitism”

blumen4alles ago

Can't do it through reddit channels. Someone popular needs to say it in a bitchute video or something. Or if you do it yourself you have to be clever or sneaky, not say it directly.