Witsend ago

He had already been found guilty and was in and out of his little sabbatical by then. ABC can suck a dick, but they are liable for nothing in this case. Much much higher. The law knew, the public chose not to know.

sunshine702 ago

Hey Epstein researchers. Do we know of any Disney or ABC executives in any black book flight log or court document? Names and titles please.

USAF_Patriot ago

Sounds like she was more worried about her story than the girls getting abused. Otherwise, she would have either left ABC and taken the story somewhere else, or she would have given her story & source to another journalist to break. She cared enough to sit on it for 3 years then get pissed that she didn't get to break it.

She also said "and Epstein didn't kill himself." Basically... lol


What story? Everyone know about it for years

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

They wait until it is politically expedient or necessary. That's why it's called "blackmail".

TheKalergiFan ago

I love project veritas and all, but the only thing they've gotten is arrested for exposing crimes. we really have no justice in the US

Ozzsanity ago

If someone had knowledge in any way of Epstein molesting girls and did nothing they are just as guilty.

SearchVoatBot ago

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user9713 ago

dEcEpTiVe eDiTiNg

rspix000 ago

I wondered about this too, but posted it for ya to check out

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Voat/pizzagate knew about Epstein before the 2016 election. When it finally came out in the press, I remember thinking "Are you reading three year old news?"

The neoreactionary circles get news at least three years ahead of everyone else, and you can get low resolution predictions much further than that

tentra ago

Voat/pizzagate knew about Epstein before the 2016 election.

I saw talk of Epstein on Reddit back when /r/Conspiracy wasn't glowing. Anyone that was into Satanic Ritual Abuse or Child-Trafficking had at least heard of the name. We just didn't know anything about him at the time.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

I don't know when I heard of Epstein first but I feel like it was open knowledge for at least 5 years but I want to say it's been on conspiracy radar for well over a decade. I find it similar to George Soros now where everyone knows he purposely tries to influence economic de-stability to make money off of financial collapses.

SIayfire122 ago

That's not unique either. There's been several times I saw something on Voat, then a week later it goes mainstream and I think Voat's just reposting old news.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Jews doing jewish things.

rspix000 ago

ABC said in a statement: 'At the time, not all of our reporting met our standards to air, but we have never stopped investigating the story. Ever since we’ve had a team on this investigation and substantial resources dedicated to it. That work has led to a two-hour documentary and six-part podcast that will air in the new year.'


13Buddha ago

and NOTHING will be done because constraints on a president—not just from Congress but also from the bureaucracy, allies, and international institutions—have been eroding since the Constitution was written and implemented. What worked in the 1700's in a mostly agrarian America with a population of only 4 million people, does not work now.

Our government is essentially immobilized and ineffective. Even when it tries, solutions to the horrible problems of this nation never occur. Congressional policies are not designed to provide effective solutions. Perfect example - the tax policy which isn't a policy at all...or government actions on healthcare which are constantly messed up by the vested interests of insurance companies, hospitals, drug companies, etc. On and on it goes.

This government is a mess, and it will not last much longer if drastic reform isn't taken. Insurrection is likely, no matter what happens in election 2020, and then we take it from there.

user9713 ago

Are we thinking about the same president that congratulated a Democrat for beating corruption charges, whose DOJ dropped charges on that same democrat at the federal level, who did not prosecute the Tea Party scandal, the VA scandal, the Email scandal, the Clinton Foundation scandal, who's been friends with the swamp for most of his life, and has praised them on numerous occasions and helped put them in power?

Yup, they're sure trying to stop him. You fucking clowns are part of the problem.

13Buddha ago

I'm not thinking about any single president or politician. I'm thinking about all of them plus the ineffective, corrupt form of government that we are under.

Oilguy55 ago


irelandLost ago

Why don’t more US states look to secede from the union? I’ve always found it strange that secession seems to be talked so little about in the US, it even seems to be more common in Europe in more historic nations (eg scotch in the U.K., basques and Catalans in Spain, northern Italy).

13Buddha ago

100% agree. Been thinking the same thing for years.

bloodguard ago

Poor Amy Robach. Replies to her banal "good corporate minion" promo tweets are hilarious.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

I'm deeply saddened to hear about her suicide scheduled for tomorrow.

SealofApproval ago

The first thig that needs to be down is for Amy Robach is to get everything online, all the video files, it is her only protection. Just look at Julian Assange who has been trussed up like a christmas turkey .

blumen4alles ago

Did you goats catch the 27's in (((James Goldston's))) phone number? 34 [72] [27] 7710

I really hope the normies out there start realizing that all of these assholes are jews. Epstein, Goldston, they have to start making the connection that these pedophiles and sex offenders are jews and are being covered up for by jews.

sunshine702 ago

Wynn. Real name Weinberg.

irelandLost ago

The US has spent the past 17 years waging war exclusively on israel’s neighbours with increasingly unbelievable excuses to do so and of no tangible benefit whatsoever to the US. Many Americans noticed this trend, even as the body bags have been flown home? You have too much faith in the normie I fear.

blumen4alles ago

Faith and hope are two different things...

green_man ago

Epstein: JEW

ABC key people:

Dana Walden (Chairman, Disney TV Studios and ABC Entertainment): JEW

Karey Burke (President, ABC Entertainment): JEW

James Goldston (President, ABC News): JEW

ABC Owned by: The Walt Disney Company which is run by:

Bob Iger (Chairman and CEO): JEW

Hmm, just a cohencidence goys.

brandnewset ago

Wikipedia says they are white. So the holohoax was white genocide.

Goys-R-Us ago

So tight knit they won't turn a pedo in. They are Satan's chosen.

Chimaira92 ago

Every day it appears like satan is hard at work, empowering the Jews and bringing humanity down. What the hell is the lazy deadbeat Christian god doing?

Goys-R-Us ago

It's all God man. God created the polarity of the Universe. God encompasses the polarity. Something, something free will. It's truly a mystery.

Chimaira92 ago

Maybe, or maybe this entire universe came into existence last Thursday and every memory you have has just been implanted. Just as plausible.

Goys-R-Us ago

Yep, could be a Sim. But everyone knows it would have been patched on Tuesday.

jthun2 ago

This is in the 'things that suprise absolutely no one except a Christian Zionist or white woman' category.

AlphaOmega ago

So, you really think there is a connection? I don’t know. I need more evidence....

jthun2 ago

'but jews aren't just a unified group'!!!

TheKalergiFan ago

sounds like a right wing anti-semitic conspiracy

TwistedSista ago

We're getting a lot of heat. If there was just some story we could run, hang out there you know, but in a limited fashion. Just enough to get everything back to normal....

Doglegwarrior ago

why are none of these girls filling civil lawsuits against abc? as a tescher if i knew a crime was tsking place i legaly had to report it? if these news agencys knew children where being raped and possibly murdered why are they not held accountsble

tokui ago

Maybe bc they weren't being raped or killed?

Doglegwarrior ago

shit i didnt think about it that way. epstien the hook nosed kike was probably just taking these girls to his island for make over weekends and baking classes.. ya that must be it. fuck you idiot

TJFash ago

lol they killed epstein, you think they wouldnt kill a few reporters? EVERYONE was saying epstein was going to be "suicided" to cover his connections to child abuse and those in power. They still did it basically while we all watched

Doglegwarrior ago

ya and the panama papers reporter who exposed that shit show was literaly blown up mafia style in her car... makes ya rethink being an investigative journalist these days. easier to make 6 figures and just say like a parrot what ever the kikes want you to say especialy if your a woman or a faggot those two groups dont give a fuck about civilization or a good society they only think whats good for them.

TJFash ago

between epstein and (((the finders))) I'm starting to believe demons may be real. These jews may LITERALLY be the synagogue of satan

SparklingWiggle ago

The main leaker was from many years ago which legally doesn't prove present activity. Also, you need money to sue and a lot of money to sue big companies.

You are right; people need to be held accountable. A well-armed militia could hold them accountable.

HighEnergyLife ago

Most of the girls should be arrested as prostitutes

bitswitch ago

You are a monster. A fucking monster.

SearchVoatBot ago

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killkillkill ago

found the incel

tokui ago

He could, so he did. Who wouldn't? Cucks.

jthun2 ago

a child cannot consent to being a prostitute, you fucking moron.

uvulectomy ago

"Most of the girls should be arrested as prostitutes. They knew exactly what they were doing."

They were underage children you disgusting fucking pedo.

Kill yourself, Shlomo. Slowly and painfully.

Hello_world88 ago

They were underage you faggot mongoloid. You must be a pedo

Barfin ago

they knew what they were doing, but when underage, that is considered statutory rape so epsetein and pals could get in trouble for that (in a non clown world)

jthun2 ago

no, that is contradicted by the testimony. These people have POWER.

A 15 year old girl who decides to give BJs to the older guy in her building might KNOW what she is doing. SHe's not afraid of him hunting her all over the world and killing her.

Barfin ago

no it isn't now I know women are complaining years later now for money, and they do have a case since it was underage, but they are shown in pics with epstein, bill clinton, prince andrew etc all smiling, so they were ok with it at the time. AWALT

o0shad0o ago

Might even be a lawsuit or three in it.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?time_continue=34&v=3lfwkTsJGYA :

VIDEO: Leaked ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup "We had Clinton, We had Everything" - YouTube

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