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HighEnergyLife ago

They all figured this was the break age. Everyone knows epstein raped boys and girls younger than 14, but the media couldn't cover for him with the prostitution angle so they don't cover it at all

uvulectomy ago

And you're right there with them in covering for him by claiming they're prostitutes.

Kill yourself.

HighEnergyLife ago

Lots of them were and they know it. They weren't all hunted down and kidnapped. Girls need to be educated on their responsibility too. Just because they're a minor does not absolve them of ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY. If they crash a car and kill someone are they just released?

Keep white knighting.

BordelonLoop ago

"just because they're a minor does not absolve them..."

i can see that you have no concept of law. or morality.

bitswitch ago

Get help. There is something wrong with you.

QBoomBoom ago

You fucking little bitch. Fuck you! One of my family was trafficked you filthy bastard. She was hit up with drugs. You bastard. She survived and thrived after years of therapy despite assholes like you. Bet you've fucked a child.

bitswitch ago

He doesn’t understand. He probably was raped when he was a child growing up in the suburbs.