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El_Syd ago

Title should read "Niggerfaggot cannot into title of post so Voat bans him".

How much of a douche do you have to be to criticize someone else's intellect and not even bother to re-read you title before posting?

SteffisCute ago

"reread YOU title"? First off, you kike fucker, the grammar is a homage to the "Polandball" meme, which obviously is too satirical for your fedora capped head. Second, it should be "your title before posting" not "you".

Go back to reddit you edgelord kike fucker.

blumen4alles ago

Goat your title is horrible, it seems like it is missing a word or something. I am familiar with the Polandball meme but I don't see how it connects to this title. Can you explain it for me?

Niggers cannot into SAT so College bans test

Seriously? Even if I add "get" in there and swap SAT & College it still doesn't make any sense. Starting from scratch: "Niggers can't do well on SAT to get into college, so college drops testing requirement"

SteffisCute ago

OMFG you humorless fat edgelord kike nigger fucker go back to reddit you tard

El_Syd ago

How many people have to tell you your title sucks before you take a step back and accept that this post wasn't one of your top 10? Don't turn into a pissy, name calling little bitch, just think what you'll do different going forward.

SteffisCute ago

the only thing that sucks around here is YOU on Black cock. go back to reddit edgelord

blumen4alles ago

How many Nuclear Warheads does Israel have?