binrobinro ago

That's what I want. A Doctor who can't pass an entrance exam.

adolf_wilders ago

I don't know if it'll make much real difference. Businesses will take the resumes and smile, but interviews will go to people from other schools.

daskapitalist ago

No standardized test should = no accreditation.

performance ago

How to guarantee entrance: apply as Latrel DeSheeeeit then change your name back.

AlternateSelection ago

We cant get into NAACP so ban that shit too.

El_Syd ago

Title should read "Niggerfaggot cannot into title of post so Voat bans him".

How much of a douche do you have to be to criticize someone else's intellect and not even bother to re-read you title before posting?

SteffisCute ago

"reread YOU title"? First off, you kike fucker, the grammar is a homage to the "Polandball" meme, which obviously is too satirical for your fedora capped head. Second, it should be "your title before posting" not "you".

Go back to reddit you edgelord kike fucker.

blumen4alles ago

Goat your title is horrible, it seems like it is missing a word or something. I am familiar with the Polandball meme but I don't see how it connects to this title. Can you explain it for me?

Niggers cannot into SAT so College bans test

Seriously? Even if I add "get" in there and swap SAT & College it still doesn't make any sense. Starting from scratch: "Niggers can't do well on SAT to get into college, so college drops testing requirement"

SteffisCute ago

OMFG you humorless fat edgelord kike nigger fucker go back to reddit you tard

El_Syd ago

How many people have to tell you your title sucks before you take a step back and accept that this post wasn't one of your top 10? Don't turn into a pissy, name calling little bitch, just think what you'll do different going forward.

SteffisCute ago

the only thing that sucks around here is YOU on Black cock. go back to reddit edgelord

blumen4alles ago

How many Nuclear Warheads does Israel have?

Thataintbutter ago

It's finally become a match book education. Same as mailing it in, how can you be proud of your accomplishments when you have no work ethics or really have no achievement sad days.

skittlesforhair ago

I don't agree with the whole "increasing diversity" thing, but standardized testing is really dumb. Some people test much better than others, and if you have good grades, that should be proof enough. Glad they're making it optional, but their reasoning behind it is so, so dumb.

weezkitty ago

Don't worry, they'll lower the grade requirements for blacks too

HAESisalie ago

Niggers cannot into SAT so College bans test

Oy vey. They aren't the only ones who score low on SAT's.

blumen4alles ago

Hey now, you are talking about a collage student, she is going to help animals and become a veteran.

SteffisCute ago

You've never heard of "Polandball" have you? Fucking uncultured kike fucker.

udo ago

Blacks have such low IQs because they have the least of the 538 known and proven IQ enhancing genes. Most are still being studied for effect.

GENES 80% Predict your IQ!!!

538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) :

Not all are brain morphology genes. Some genes are birth canal size associated, some assuredly are delayed gratification, sit still, study, etc.

But most are brain morphology, and the most dramatic are the various genes that add wrinkles to the outer portion of a brain. This is called brain folding. BRAIN FOLDING genes exist in many additive enhancements, Marsupials have some, mammals added more, primates added more, hominids added another, neanderthal(Denisovian) added critical extra brain folding genes.

Of the 538 genes for above 100 IQ intelligence, west african Negroes and Australian aborigines LACK most of the smart genes!

Look at bottom of this list of IQ from composited science paper research :

Sri Lanka - 79 IQ !!!

Zambia - 79

Democratic Republic of the Congo - 78

Nepal - 78

Qatar - 78

Comoros - 77

South Africa - 77

Cape Verde - 76

Congo - 76

Mauritania - 76

Senegal - 76

Mali - 74

Namibia - 74

Ghana - 73

Tanzania - 72

Central African Republic - 71

Jamaica - 71

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 71

Sudan - 71

Antigua and Barbuda - 70

Benin - 70

Botswana - 70

Rwanda - 70

Togo - 70

Burundi - 69

Cote d'Ivoire - 69

Ethiopia - 69

Malawi - 69

Niger - 69

Angola - 68

Burkina Faso - 68

Chad - 68

Djibouti - 68

Somalia - 68

Swaziland - 68

Dominica - 67

Guinea - 67

Guinea-Bissau - 67

Haiti - 67

Lesotho - 67

Liberia - 67

Saint Kitts and Nevis - 67

Sao Tome and Principe - 67

The Gambia - 66

Cameroon - 64

Gabon - 64

Mozambique - 64

Saint Lucia - 62

Equatorial Guinea - 59 IQ !!!

The smartest countries all have the least brown or black skins.

The problem is that ALL humans on earth except blacks have brain folding genes from RECENT cross breeding with NEANDERTHALS (yes even everyone in south america), and the asians have these genes by breeding with DENISOVIANS (who also had bred earlier with NEANDERTHALS). And the SMARTEST asians bred at two points in history with DENISOVIANS, while the water-niggers and Thais only interbred one time.

Shocking quotes from PMC4947341 "Hominin interbreeding and the evolution of human variation":

one-fifth of the Neanderthal genome may lurk within modern humans... (but totally absent in Negroes)

SUBHUMAN! interbreeding between Sub-Saharan Africans and an as-yet-unknown hominin, such as H. heidelbergensis...

Niggers are subhuman.

AFRICAN IQ is closer to IQ 66, but AMERICAN NEGROES all have some white DNA (a few Neanderthal DNA genes).

The IQ of american blacks is closer to IQ 85 (the old definition of retardation in the 1970s). Thankfully that is better than IQ 62, but still too low to fit into society or maintain a democracy and civilization.

Medical schools for 40 years try to dress up talking ape negroes and try to make them doctors, but when pitted against the top asians , top jews, top whites, THREE STANDARD DEVIATIONS of IQ difference between a nigger medical school student and everyone else!


The solution? The US and Canadian government for over 40 years TOTALLY BANS the highest IQ candidates from ANY , yes ANY american or canadian medical school and uses a lottery system for high IQ candidates letting in only 30% or so, but 99% of feral negros of any normal IQ.

Asians and whites are routinely and systematically denied acceptance into USA medical schools DESPITE high GPA and High MCAT admission scores !

Its a system trying to uplift an impossible task of finding high IQ negroes to dress them up to play doctor.

The US gov web site admits it in its own data on who they deny and who they admit. All low achieving negroes are admitted, and native americans, and illegal alien hispanics, but the smartest whites and smartest asians make blacks look bad, so for them its a lottery system. They are barred !


Compare pdf table "A-24.2: MCAT and GPA Grid for Black or African American Applicants and Acceptees" vs

A-24.3: MCAT and GPA Grid for Asian Applicants and Acceptees

Notice that in the medical schools banned (first 13 attempts) asians with score of 27-29 on mcat and GPA of 3.40-3.59 an astounding 79.4 percent of the time, yet if a person submitted a photo depicting african black features and passed a in person 3 judge review of black ethnicity, the low iq negro was accepted for the SAME scores and only rejected 18.8%

79.4 vs 18.8 ! Goddamned unbelievable, but its right there in that data pdfs!

Christian Whites also dramatically blocked from entering medical schools in the USA under Obama regime similar to asian (consult chart. Abomination!


MCAT of 39 to 45 , and a GPA of 3.00 or higher !!!! Really !!!! Look at the far upper right columns. Black people NEVER DENIED MEDICAL SCHOOL if they have any spec of white-man brains at all.

Conversely 30% of Asians with flawless MCAT test score and 4.00 GPA are banned from usa medical schools for their first 13 attempts or less under racist Obama regime.


He is not ordering the racism to totally stop, but is ordering it to not be so much DEATH TO WHITEY

Sadly, the left is declaring TOTAL WAR on MATH AND SCIENCE, because MATH and PHYSICS are now termed RACIST in countless colleges and high school school boards because Negroes have not enough IQ to learn calculus or physics.


Try this search :

Feminists and Blacks both now across USA claim that MATH IS RACIST! :

Rochelle Gutierrez, female PROFESSOR at the University of Illinois: Math is Racist!:

math professor at Brooklyn College: Math is Racist!:

At Cal State, algebra is a civil rights issue:

SCIENCE is racist too! All STEM is sexist and racist and white male patriarchy!:

Watch Leftist Students Say Science Is Racist and Should Be Abolished:

Sorry, Girls! But The Smartest People In The World Are All Men :

Chess Grandmasters? Almost all are genetic males! I wonder why? Chess must be so sexist!

As you can see, once universities lowered entry standards for FEMALES , and medical colleges lowered entry standards for FEMALES, the revisions and tweaks to allow lower IQ hispanics and half-blacks soon followed.

The result : The highest possible IQ asians and whites and jews slipping in were two to three standard deviations above the IQ of the rape apes they let into universities and medical schools, so they then for 30 to 40 years started BANNING HIGHEST IQ candidates from universities!

The Governor of California did a live 30 minute TV telecast in the 1990s on how California unfairly uses a lottery to bar whites and asians from the California university system if their IQ was too high. he was petitioning the public to ammend the CA constitution to let all white people go to college if they had the right qualifications.

IQ is RAYYYYYYYYCISSSSST! SAT is RAYYYYYYYYCISSSSST! In california, some school disctricts make half (yes half) their students co-valedictorian and give 4.0 ave to half the students because NO OUT OF STATE UNIVERSITY wants a californian student. They then demanded CLASS RANK!!!! CLASS RANK in San Marino CA area schools was then tampered with so that half the students was rank 15th and 4.0 GPA!!! So then out of state universities retaliated by demanding SAT and SAT-II.

But SAT and SAT-II is rayyyyycist against spics, blacks , and water niggers (thai and polynesian), so SAT and SAT-II were ALTERRED and TWEAKED to tamper and got caught trying to hold back asians and whites with fake SAT SCORES.

Now its just a big mess because many states have CONSTITUTIONS that ban gender and race preferences to stop this shit. (((universities))) ignore the state courts for decades, but heed it a little and choose their battles to stop one single group of a few people...

... just a few... THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE IQ CANDIDATES are banned from any university or medical school, because it hurts the feelings of niggers.

TL/DR: **Nigger genetics prevent them from doing well on even the newest fluffy SAT, so College bans test for NIGGERS only. Mandatory for whitey.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

If you go to any professionals office or place of business and its a non-white, LEAVE.

TauCeti ago

And then when people admitted without the SAT start bombing out, they'll lower the pass requirements.

Step by step, they're turning their degrees into garbage.

MrTerry ago

Can't pass the dumbed down SAT? Learn to mow.

nm156 ago

So, going forward, every single degree held by a black, is immediately suspect at best. I am assuming within a few years itll be verboten to even discuss this.

ilikeskittles ago

Has anybody even heard of that College?

369693936 ago

All this means is that anytime you see a PoC or woman in a position of authority, you'd better be worried because that person is clueless at best. If it's your doctor, then you might have better odds of survival taking your chances with the illness.

moosethenoose ago

(((diversity))) is a sham.

It provides no useful measurable benefit. It only drags down those who have the capacity to excel.

1920-1930s France was a lovely place to visit, with a cohesive culture that was different from other areas with their own cohesive cultures.

Visit France now and it is a shitty melting pot of original inhabitants apologizing and funding the hoard of brown / black skin invaders who know they will get a free ride.

We need not feel guilty about low IQ people not succeeding at modern life.

thatguyiam ago

I rather like it when glowfags find news for me.

Good job, glofag, now come here, get your treat!

moosethenoose ago

"I rather like it." ?

That's about the faggiest thing I've heard in a while.

Okay Freddie Mercury.

Have fun making yourself feel better.

thatguyiam ago

Good booy!

SpreeFeech ago

Diversity is genocide.

SomeGuy ago

Diversity of professional backgrounds and experience can bring interesting perspectives to the table. Diversity of iq, orientation/ gender, and skin tone destroys group cohesion.

moosethenoose ago

I think you are talking about diversity of commitment to a common goal.

Yes, professionally, bringing in a diverse range of people with different experiences along the business continuum is helpful in connecting the C-Suite people with the workers. They are sharing experience.

Diversity simply by including a 'black' on the team regardless of experience is next-level stupid.

We agree.

SteffisCute ago

Boy I am so glad I busted my hot white ass to qualify to study to be a vet and help animals while NIGGERS (who are below animals) get a free pass to ook and eek and muh dik their way into college just because they are niggers.

fluhthreeex ago

hot white ass

dude, please dont faggot post. we all know you're a troll.

SteffisCute ago

stfu u kike loving nigger go back to reddit

fluhthreeex ago

you're such a faggot mind who you're talking to boy

fluhthreeex ago


Sum-of-Nun ago

When you do succeed (and you will) you will have earned your way into a comfortable, secure, and trusted position. Just walk the righteous path, avoid the groid, hike the kike, and never stop learning.

SteffisCute ago

I would rather eventually treat a Great Dane with explosive diarrhea than even talk to a nigger or kike.