Intrixina ago

Why else do Instawhores have "For business enquiries: (email here)" on their accounts? It's for this reason, and/or to also be used as a prostitute themselves.

Xax ago

How many of those girls are dead because of this witch?

Herkules97 ago

If not dead, broken?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Makes me wonder about instagram. They have this cute narrative that instagram models make money, but they never explain why. It smelled fishy. They were then called "influencers". It really makes me wonder how much of that instagram money is human trafficking.

offender ago

The slightly more ethical influencers do stuff like promote overpriced makeup and MLM schemes.

Intrixina ago

By being prostitutes, or prostituting others out via their "For business enquiries: (email here)" spiel.

Scroobius ago

I have never used Instagram but they definitely get paid to push products. Some are surely high end escorts for saudi princes and the like.

Smallest_Skil ago

They should hang the lot of them in the town square allowing the locals to throw rocks at them before opening the hatch.

thebearfromstartrack ago

WTF is that? Also, how can you force someone into ANYTHING like that via the internet?

BentAxel ago

She looks like a smelly whore.

binrobinro ago

'Cause the money is good.

MDGAustin ago

Notice her towel? Compare to Ellen Degenerates stage motif. Compare to Epstein's temple paint. It's to communicate to each other.

binrobinro ago

As explained in the Guide, towels are “the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.” A towel has both practical value (can be used for warmth, as shelter, as a weapon, and, strangely, to dry one’s body) as well as psychological value (if a non-Hitchhiker sees you with a towel, they’ll assume you’re fully stocked with other necessities as well)

LargePeter ago

I dunno...if someone is stupid enough to follow an invitation to be a ‘model’...yeah, these are dumb kids but Jesus how fucking stupid is a 15 year old? Reminds me of the people who send their bank account information to a Nigerian prince.

Dalai_Llama ago

forced to attend sex parties on luxury yachts and hotels

Ya, I'm sure it took a lot to force them into a glamorous luxury yacht sex party. Someone who is already destitute with no hope for the future would easily agree to it. Yes, the minor status disqualifies them from making rational decisions, but let's be honest with ourselves. The reason why they've been getting away with this sex trafficking for so long is because the victims are partially willing to go along with it to some degree.

think- ago

Idiot. They were poor, were lured in by promising them a better life, then they were raped frequently in order to break them, plied with drugs and alcohol, and taken to the parties whenever someone ordered 'underage girls'.

Usually, these girls get killed after a couple of years, when they become too 'old'.

Even in the US, sex trafficking victims on average only survive for seven years.


Dalai_Llama ago

So whenever there is an article that mentions "an accuser," how did they get out alive? If the situation is as desperate as you say it is, how do "survivors" come forward?

think- ago

If it's a case of girls or boys held in basements or in apartments, sometimes they are able to flee when the perps forgot to lock the door. I also know of cases where johns fell in love, and helped victims, sometimes by buying them from the perps.

Sometimes relatives are able to get them out. Sometimes the police bust a trafficking ring.

In the Epstein case, one of the ladies who sued him waited for years, then she fled when he took her to Thailand. She met a local resident who helped her, and she fled to Australia together with him.

And you don't always have to put victims in a basement, in order to intimidate them. Epstein threatened them, and told them he was connected to powerful people (which he was).

Another tactics perps use is to tell victims that they will kill their relatives if they don't comply.

SandHog ago

Yeah. I'm sure all those young girls knew exactly what they were getting involved with...what a tool.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

sadly women especially young women are always stupid when it comes to making decisioms

SandHog ago

Young people in general are pretty dumb due to lack of experience. I should know, I was young once too!

Goys-R-Us ago

She should be summarily executed.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

We need a pic of that tattoo so we can avoid it.

Aprioned ago


Ins't that a little too old to be a thot?

Steinmacher ago

cougar thot

KosherHiveKicker ago


Lynch_Tree ago

Looks like a nigger

Steinmacher ago

definitely a coal burner...

CaptnObvius ago

We need to expatriate every fucking one of (((them))) to Israel and shut the door.

oneinchterror ago

Once they're all there we need to turn the entire middle east to glass and rid the world of our parasites once and for all.

Scroobius ago Israelis doing pedo shit in Colombia

uvulectomy ago


KosherHiveKicker ago

It's fucking worldwide.

The Jews literally have rings like this in almost every Western Nation.

Scroobius ago

Probably ties in well with their global organ trafficking scheme

Scroobius ago


She is Colombian and prostitution is legal there, however they bring in girls and strip them of their documents and force them into sex slavery. I'm sure there are Israelis involved in this somehow. 9 months ago Israelis were caught trafficking children in Colombia because they are santanic pedos

think- ago

It's actually the same case. The female pimp cooperated with the group of Israelis. She was arrested nine months ago, and now the trial has started.


Scroobius ago

Nice work. I didn't take the time to research if it was related. Thanks for doing it

think- ago

Thank you. :-)

There might a a Clinton connection here -

SandHog ago

Ah, ok that makes sense. This line in the above article really stood out to me:

She also has a record for heroin trafficking as well as for entering the United States illegally.

Odds are they were also getting the girls hooked on junk in order to assert more control over them.

think- ago

KosherHiveKicker ago

however they bring in girls and strip them of their documents and force them into sex slavery.

This is exactly what the the ((( Russian ))) Mafia do with Ukrainian, and other Slavic girls in Israel.

CrudOMatic ago

Israel - #1 in human trafficking

Liberty4thewin ago

From what list? Cant find one where they are even in the top ten.

anticlutch ago


jews were involved heavily as the organizers.

see here

therage96 ago

aren't they always involved in evil?

anticlutch ago

Yes. It's why the D&C kvetching going;

da j00s

To try and make pointing out jews involvement in nearly everything bad is hilarious. It kind of has the opposite effect because: yes, it is the jews, and it's kinda funny to read it with a retard voice.


Related Voat post at the time:

SandHog ago

I'm sure there are Israelis involved in this somehow. 9 months ago Israelis were caught trafficking children in Colombia because they are santanic pedos

That was the first thing I thought of when I read this.