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Dalai_Llama ago

forced to attend sex parties on luxury yachts and hotels

Ya, I'm sure it took a lot to force them into a glamorous luxury yacht sex party. Someone who is already destitute with no hope for the future would easily agree to it. Yes, the minor status disqualifies them from making rational decisions, but let's be honest with ourselves. The reason why they've been getting away with this sex trafficking for so long is because the victims are partially willing to go along with it to some degree.

think- ago

Idiot. They were poor, were lured in by promising them a better life, then they were raped frequently in order to break them, plied with drugs and alcohol, and taken to the parties whenever someone ordered 'underage girls'.

Usually, these girls get killed after a couple of years, when they become too 'old'.

Even in the US, sex trafficking victims on average only survive for seven years.


Dalai_Llama ago

So whenever there is an article that mentions "an accuser," how did they get out alive? If the situation is as desperate as you say it is, how do "survivors" come forward?

think- ago

If it's a case of girls or boys held in basements or in apartments, sometimes they are able to flee when the perps forgot to lock the door. I also know of cases where johns fell in love, and helped victims, sometimes by buying them from the perps.

Sometimes relatives are able to get them out. Sometimes the police bust a trafficking ring.

In the Epstein case, one of the ladies who sued him waited for years, then she fled when he took her to Thailand. She met a local resident who helped her, and she fled to Australia together with him.

And you don't always have to put victims in a basement, in order to intimidate them. Epstein threatened them, and told them he was connected to powerful people (which he was).

Another tactics perps use is to tell victims that they will kill their relatives if they don't comply.

SandHog ago

Yeah. I'm sure all those young girls knew exactly what they were getting involved with...what a tool.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

sadly women especially young women are always stupid when it comes to making decisioms

SandHog ago

Young people in general are pretty dumb due to lack of experience. I should know, I was young once too!