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new4now ago

Google has been working for Deep State since the begining ....

Google, The Clowns and Censorship Is this what Q was talking about?


Ashton Kutcher: Technology Ambassador to Russia .....What were they really doing over there?


Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems


Comments have more info

Google is kicking up their game

Remember when Eric Braverman was missing from the Clinton Foundation?

Chelsea Clinton gripe against Doug Band

Doug Band who rode on Epsteins plane many many times, with or without the president, showed up here

They brought in Eric Braverman to clean up and he quit and supposevily disappeared

The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream

Well guess where he was found

Hillary has been with Google from the start

Think someones should be talking to Band and Braverman

combatveteran ago

Hmmm. Is there any other country besides China who has unusually close ties to Google?

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

So is 'fire'

FEMAcampsforever ago


think- ago

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the ping .. I'm going to give you a reply now that might seem out of left field but I need to record this.. don't know if it will make sense to you now but here goes...

Something is really going on with Google ..

From the article: Peter Thiel Opens a New Window. , the billionaire founder of PayPal and Facebook Opens a New Window. board member, is warning that Google Opens a New Window. sharing its DeepMind artifical intelligence with China is bad news for America.

You recently reminded me about Comet Trust.. I went looking for more info and found some people who may be linked.. I can't say yet who they are because I'm monitoring some social media accounts until I have a clearer picture. But I can tell you that most of those accounts are people who are very involved in the tech industry. One in particular works with DeepMind.. so with that in mind.. I googled DeepMind and Comet Trust..

Now stay with me here..(when you're dealing with tech geeks and AI you gotta think laterally ..)... these are the first few results I got

So, I'll first focus on the second result .. which is this guy : The Comet Is Coming - Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery ALBUM REVIEW I listened to this man speak and did not hear natural conversation. I hear lots of tag words (useful for an AI computer system - I know because i have a bit of an AI background myself) and then the references to military/nuclear fields.. So, i checked him out.. .. I'm sniffing the MIT Music Lab influences here... no proof yet but... onwards to his bio..

Anthony Fantano

Anthony Fantano (/fænˈtænoʊ/; born October 28, 1985) is an American music critic, video producer and journalist best known for creating The Needle Drop, a music-related video blog. He is self-described as "the internet's busiest music nerd"...Fantano grew up in Connecticut and spent his teenage years in Wolcott.[8] He is of Sicilian and French-Canadian descent.[9] As a child he had a desire to become a cartoonist, stating he was a fan of The Simpsons..Fantano had a cameo in Lil Nas X's "Old Town Raid" video for Old Town Road's Young Thug and Mason Ramsey remix, appearing as a worker for the Area 51 military installation...In order to earn enough money to pay his editor Austin Walsh, by November 2016 Fantano had recorded more regularly on a secondary YouTube channel, "thatistheplan", on which he reviewed memes and and recorded "often irreverent videos that don't fall into the record review format", according to SPIN.

In 2007, Fantano started working at Connecticut Public Radio in which he hosted The Needle Drop...

At the time, he was working on The Needle Drop at the college radio station, as well as at a pizza restaurant. [why mention that trivial detail?]


Spin is an American music magazine founded in 1985 by publisher Bob Guccione, Jr. (the eldest son of Penthouse founder Bob Guccione)

Connecticut Public Radio CEO

Contreras comes to Connecticut Public from his position as the Dean of Quinnipiac University’s School of Communications. ..Mark Contreras has led several media businesses through digital transformation. Contreras served as CEO of Calkins Media, a privately-held media company, which developed innovative strategies to maximize audience reach, engagement and revenue by embracing streaming media platforms such as Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV. The strategy also included providing journalists with new digital video tools and creating more locally focused content...In addition, he served in top volunteer leadership roles of news media organizations including the News Media Association and the American Press Institute. He is a Fellow of the Millennium Class of Henry Crown Fellows of the Aspen Institute. He serves on the Board of Directors of GFR Media in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Woodward Communications, Inc in Dubuque, Iowa.

Okay..jumping to the first result in my google search.. notice Comet.MI ..

Comet is doing for Machine Learning what GitHub did for code. We allow data science teams to automagically track their datasets, code changes, experimentation history and models creating efficiency, transparency, and reproducibility. Our vision is to allow every company to harness the power of AI.

co-founders Gideon Mendels and Nimrod Lahav

Gideon is also the founder of GoMatkot , Israel’s largest exporter for racquets (Matkot) sports goods.

GoMatkot was acquired in 2017.

Racquets as in ping pong? Have a look:

Nimrod Lahav, along with Gideon founded GroupWize which analyses chat conversations from Whatsapp, Line, GroupMe and other group messaging platforms, and uses advanced NLP and AI algorithms to provide unique insights, metrics, and graphs.

The fourth result in my google search was this story : The Google-owned AI operation DeepMind is currently collaborating with the Royal Free NHS Trust to help medical professionals deal with patients, but new information on the deal has led to some privacy concerns. -

The UK healthcare system? Doesn't that make you think of Nicole Junkermann?

smedley8 ago

Did you just try to link Anthony "Melonhead" Fantano to Google AI?

Holy shit, that is the most far fetched conclusion I have seen anyone come to.

Maybe cut the "Lateral thinking" down a bit and focus on making some more solid connections

letsdothis3 ago

Did you just try to link Anthony "Melonhead" Fantano to Google AI?

No. Chill.

maurice1 ago

Do you understand how much social interactions on a daily basis are similar to quantum particle interactions?

Do you get the gist of string theory? The types of particles there are. Think of a busy intersection in Tokyo. All of the people. They interact like particles.

This is simplest way I can think to explain a main goal of AI capabilities being devised. To predict things. Control those predictions.

letsdothis3 ago

Santa Fe Institute is working on that type of swarm theory... See the article that @think- posted about Jeffrey boy dreaming of impregnanting women to build his super-race and all the other 'weird' ideas that he has been pushing with leading idiot scientists.

maurice1 ago

Google is a military institute. Privatized and civilian owned, but still a military institute.

ANYTHING the military creates is weaponized long before it makes it off the draft board. EVERYTHING is multipurpose.

maurice1 ago

I'm no soldier. BUT I do know special forces trains people to think in a way to see any and every object as having at least three applications. It's intended purpose. A weaponized factor. And a emergency response purpose, such as first aid. Most times have far more but that's the short of it. Every common day to day item is seen this way and many intentionally designed for such a fact.

Phantom42 ago

Huh. I just do that naturally.

maurice1 ago

I have been since I was around 11. I'm 40 now.

maurice1 ago

Case in point. Styrofoam cups have two lines on them. Plastic cups as well. Those lines are designed intentionally. One is a recommended ice level. The top one is recommended maximum liquid factor. Also, that bottom line and top line are measuring points. The material the cups are made from serve multipurpose as well. I'll leave it at that, due to many many reasons. But this simple fact is but one way special forces are trained to think.

maurice1 ago

I'm aware of swarm theory. The applications could be great and dangerous, like any technologies.

The social aspect, you get, I see.

maurice1 ago

'Swarm prediction' has been used in the context of forecasting problems.

maurice1 ago

Rat Utopia.

maurice1 ago

Sorry, I know I can be random at times and link tons of stuff most do not see the connections to but this is the only way I can think to show the simplest way it all connects.

Psychology models are developed off behavioral sink models and by studying swarm theory, the medial advances in AI, the brain initiative.........the RFID technology, the social credit score modeling..........Sooooooooo many things connect in an intentional way, but damn near everyone at the ground level developing this all are useful idiots.

maurice1 ago

I've been jokingly calling people following certain ideological models..........Borg, but for serious reasons.

think- ago

@maurice1, please see parent. Thanks.

think- ago

Fascinating, thank you.

@new4now @swordfish69

new4now ago

Thanks, I put up a little history of Google

letsdothis3 ago

And you know that event at Area 51 that many people are signing up for, to storm the place? One of the musicians Anthony Fantano is involved with will be performing there.... 'herding and manipulating the sheep'?

maurice1 ago

I personally think this is predictive programming and a trial run of staging the largest "flash mob" to date and using it to test government responses.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, definitely some sort of trial run.

think- ago

I vaguely remember reading about it. Why again are they doing this?

maurice1 ago

To clap alien ass!!! Of course. That's the so called reason.

letsdothis3 ago

I need to tackle the second result as well.. but i'm out of time for now ..remember Raniere's patents?

The Comet Group CEO recently stepped down