My10thaccount ago

You going to bother to give us any examples?

sunshine702 ago

Vegas here. Could be worse- they could just move along as of it meant nothing and find no motive and wall off the area and just keep shopping.

And call anyone who wonders what the hell happened an internet nutter.

ardvarcus ago

It's the Jew creed: never let a crisis go to waste.

DanielR ago

BLESS THIS GUY ! Every dead enemy leads us closer to victory ! If you you have a problem with us fighting and killing our enemy, you are either a pussy ass bitch or a jewish tool or just a regular jew. This aynt no "culture war" this aynt no "ideological war" GET YOUR STUPID BITCH ASS HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS! This is WAR!

ConservativeDev ago

"Use a tragedy as a crisis, or create a crisis where none exists."

beana707 ago

These people are sick.

Sharipie ago

In this new wave of shootings they are deliberately targeting CHILDREN!

blackguard19 ago

dead bodies? The shooting is probably fake like most high profile shootings.


Ban ASSAULT ear protection NAOOOW!

Ozzsanity ago

You just did the same fucking thing you cry about. Why are you instead not out somehow supporting the families instead of bleating your complaints about politicians you don't like.

hermes3xx ago

I am surprised nobody with the handgun license killed the shooter, oh wait this is El Paso, you have to be an American citizen to have a handgun license (which permits you to open / concealed carry a handgun.)

hermes3xx ago

I am surprised someone with a hand gun license didn't kill the shooter, oh wait it was in El Paso, you have to be a legal citizen to have a hand gun license (which permits concealed / open carry.)

selpai ago

Yuuup. Wake me when one of these guys kills someone important.

totallynotFBI ago

people already exploiting El Paso tragedy for politics

Commies that have infiltrated our nation

stray502 ago


BearDolphin1488 ago

OP, why do you care? Are you surprised? Why clutch Pearls?

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Gotta respect a dude who says he's gonna kill Mestizo garbage and then does it. The more dead Mexicans the better.

Chimaira92 ago

Is there a live thread with pictures of the shooter or anything? Plz link if so.

Landrictree ago

Beto too stupid to realize he's part of the problem.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

goyim to stupid to realize all of your politicians are jew shills

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

better yet why is no america concerned about violent shitskins

newoldwave ago

You never let a serious crisis go to waste.

Rahm Emanuel (Obama's nigger)

Witsend ago

You don't waste all of those months/years of psychological sabotage and experimental psychotropic drugs, take the time to wind up your killer, set him loose and then wait for the bodies to get cold.

Heartdisease ago

Warning from yesterday about a false flag in Texas.

Hatriot ago

If you won’t use a convenient weapon, your enemy will.

I hope this fag shot a few steezers off the welfare rolls.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

But it was totes ok to cheer Christchurch.


DerAngriff ago

lol shooter looks like a jid falseflag anyone?

xExekut3x ago

And where did you find that?

DerAngriff ago

look closely low iq niggerfaggot


The entire point and motive of this event was politics. All of them are. You’re talking about tragedies going to waste, I’m talking about tragedies being farmed.

QuickMafs ago


Honkpiller ago

Come on dude if a pack of niggars did this I would be exploiting it this minute

RandomFurryDude ago

Big difference, pack of niggers rape? Its the norm, it happens, its real.

Mass shootings? Mmmm, strange how each one has so many holes in it!

Honkpiller ago

Just look ay their faces. Something isnt right. They all look mind controlled

0rion ago

God I love Voat. Bless you sir, bless you!

surferspartacus ago

Culture wars require maximum political opportunism. We cannot arrive at a certain cognitive destination without building the linguistic roads required to get there. It is our narrative, art, expression, publicity, memetics, arguments, use of social media, and personal preparation that will win the struggle. Think about the art of war, if we have to physically fight then it is only because we failed at the proper use of language and art.

DanielR ago

you LOST the culture war cunt, you can only win the actual war

BlowjaySimpson ago


This is a fucking culture war, you delusional pussies.

Expect no less, and stop this fucking pussy victimization angle.

DanielR ago

This is an ACTUAL WAR, not a culture war you absolute jewish tool and idiot.

BlowjaySimpson ago

3rd generation warfare is dead.

Subversion is the highest form of warfare.

DanielR ago

We are currently fighting by the jew rules. We need to change it into our rules.

ketoll ago

Right.. because the way to win a divide and conquer strategy is to pick a side... keep doing that and see what utopia it builds.

Heer_me_roar ago

Yeah, but they’re allowed to exploit it without being called racist.

RebelJohnny ago

^ the only decent post in this pathetic thread.

Ozzsanity ago

No shit voat better ban this guy.

Honkpiller ago

Explain yourself

Ozzsanity ago

It was sarcasm I should try to remember this is voat.

Honkpiller ago

You said no shit!

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

At least the poster is honest, the rest is fake outrage.

PeacefulAssassin ago

only 3 friends on his facebook, twitter that has been inactive for years, yeah nothing suspicious here.

look away goyim

GalaxyDeity ago

They'll do anything for more gun control.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

If the suspect was a Muslim screaming allah akbar, people would be immediately going on and on about kicking out the Muslims. It goes both ways.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Nope, it would get memory holed tomorrow.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

"shoahed" from the internet

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

The time between shootings is getting a bit short. Still not as bad as the 70s.


As in the Postal shooting and the McDonalds massacre? Or were those in the 80’s?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Political terrorism was a big fad in the 1970s. Remember the Weather Underground or the Symbionese Army?

SirNiggsalot ago

The SLA. Death to the fascist insect.. Wtf did that even mean ?

HeebSlayer ago

Faggots also used terrorism to get themselves removed as a mental disorder.


I’m beginning to wonder if they ever really went away...

Heer_me_roar ago

Nah they just groomed a fucking president

CameraCode0 ago

They have never cared about any of the victims (obviously). They only care about what they can exploit for their own gains.

Gorillion ago

There was another prominent "33" news item this week too. Code for an upcoming FF.

Wish I could remember what it was....ah, saved it:

From wednesday:

"33,000 sq ft ranch where Epstein was planning on impregnating 20 women at a time."

BlowjaySimpson ago

I am becoming more convinced that these Kabbalistic gematria dog whistles in the media are legitimately a thing.

FreeBreivik ago

Seemed to be mostly Meximelts. Meh, not exactly a tragedy more like a "good start".

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Well these things aren't going to stop, they are only going to ramp up, and they are just going to keep on making these white supremacists false flags, there is absolutely no question about that. Gives them a gigantic excuse to get rid of white people, while immediately making anyone who defends whites a complete devil.

ardvarcus ago

A handful of white shooters, and we never stop hearing about them in the media. Meanwhile, niggers in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and other nigger cities just keep shooting and shooting and shooting and killing and killing and killing, without a peep about it in the media.


they are just going to keep on making these white supremacists false flags

Why would you assume this is a false flag? Half of Voat jerks itself off to fantasies of violence against minorities.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Deep State: "How many minorities do we have to kill before you give us your guns?"

ChickFlick ago

Don't ask because I am never going to surrender my Right to Ownership

GlowWorm ago

All of them?

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Unlikely to be a false flag. Everyone says these things are false flags when the perpetrator's background isn't favorable to their personal politics.

Have you met any white people recently? A lot of them are fookin' crazy these days.

BearDolphin1488 ago

If you're not white, I'd like you to stop culturally appropriating the white English language, please.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

oy vey goya these alt righter are everywhere!!!! only libtards are crazy


Unlikely how, exactly?

ViperCarbz ago

Everything is building up for a rifle ban in the US with registration for current owners. Shooting will continue. Then they'll want confiscation.

HAESisalie ago

Looks like a "white-ish" dude. I am guessing Antifa fag upset about "concentration camps" on border, but that won't stop MSM from giving impression he is RW, MAGA, white-supremacist.

Gorillion ago

"white-ish" dude

Looks exactly like McLovin from Superbad. ie: Jewish as fuck.

HAESisalie ago

He does look like he could quite well be jewish.

ketoll ago

Some of these could be MKUltra sleepers, and their handlers give them a signal to activate them.

jimibulgin ago

I thought the main take away of the MK Ultra program was that it is just easier to bribe or blackmail people.

ketoll ago

They learned that using trauma to create this disorder to create and control submissive personas. Also allowed them to exploit these alternate personas and activate them by using specific cues.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Why was he activated at that time? And for what?

ketoll ago

Good question. The top reasons seem to be Media distractions at convenient times, pushing gun legislation (or profiting from the increase in gun sales the fear of it produces), creating division and a fearful public in their communities..

ravensedgesom ago

hoax mass casualty drills with crisis actors.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Julian Assange case was dismissed or something, hard to miss on voat with about 30 articles about it on the front page. This is most likely a distraction to make sure the (((news))) jews have something else to divert the NPC's attention.

Tallest_Skil ago

Good. Doesn't matter. Guns will be banned and no one will do anything. Spit on their graves. The families don't care.

Aprioned ago

Sloppy Job Mossad.

Tallest_Skil ago

Doesn't matter, they still get what they want.