thebearfromstartrack ago

Liberals have NOT credibility by the TIME they reach adulthood.

Dmgnde ago

Bearing false witness is not just breaking one of the ten commandments it is perhaps the most insidious. People have went to jail based on false accusations. People have been executed based on false witness. We need to treat lying as a serious crime since it can lead to serious repercussions. Jussie Smollet lie could have caused race wars and many deaths.

Lucifer is a liar. That is want he is best known for. His disciples are also liars. We need to bring charges and swift punishment. Lying is NOT something to ignore.

Dmgnde ago

She wrote a book about Hunter S Thompson? That illuminati snuff film producer? She really is in deep with the cabal. I wouldn't doubt she is MKULTRA.

SoyOrbison ago

trump wouldn't even rape her.

prairie ago

Every man's fantasy, amirite?

shawnfromnh69 ago

Even I wouldn't tap that. Damn looks like the classic spinster from the old days. Not married no relationships.

shitstartercarter ago


ALIENS2222 ago

This thing MUST be. A jew.

Mustard_Monkey ago

The world is a much better place because of that too.

Mustard_Monkey ago

What the hell. Are we sure that it is a woman?

MurkSquatch ago

"Can I have sex with my mother in law?"

I see Matt Heimbach is a fan of hers.

BentAxel ago

Holy fuck I thought this was some dated footage til I saw the iphone. What a fucking waste.

DontBeRacist ago

Trump is busy grabbing supermodels by the pussy, and then one day he decides to rape that thing? Yeah, sure.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Wait, people ask this lady for advice? How fucked up does your life have to be for you to think she would be able to improve it?

Durm ago

Nice post

Dauphin ago

No, seriously... I THINK THAT IS A MAN

Buff_Awesome ago

I thank god she doesn't have children either.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Is this a new accusation? Be funny if Melania called her out nigger style to fight on the white house lawn.

newoldwave ago

Another red hair crazy SJW feminist.

Oilguy55 ago

To quote George Carlin "not even with a stolen dick"

heywaitaminute ago

Let's accuse Trump shuffles deck ...rape

ideteststicks ago

Liberals and their lies cost me my job and put myself and my wife back into the shithole we were desperate to escape from, that cost us another 4 years in the same crap. Fuck all to do with accusations of rape or even rejection when I was genuinely hit on, they're just spiteful cunts if you don't agree with them.

My wife doesn't know it, but apart from being hit on by a manageress I was also ganged up upon by wimmin. I stood my ground didn't agree with most of their crap and they went crying to the male big boss. Paid off as simple as that. Not working out not a team player, all liberals being the pseudo two faced intellectuals they claim to be wanted to throw me a leaving party!

If you're going to accuse someone of anything back it up first with facts and proof. I'm this and that but they wanted to throw me a leaving party? I'm sure it was a great party but I wouldn't know because I fucked off as soon as they booked the local bar and bistro.

folgeyharry ago

So strong, so brave! So when does her book deal come out?

my5thaccountnow ago

Geezus Christ, did the democrats get a two for the price of one with this bitch and the Kavanaugh accuser ?
they both look like sisters that have escaped the same treatment facility.

con77 ago

Don told me she tried to suck his dick and he shoved her away

1Paydaddy ago

I think CNN and MSNBC will pass this Kook over.

Planetoftheclown ago

I see someone like that and all I can think of is a mentally ill narcissist.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

I don't think trump bagged this one.

American-Patriot ago

So basically a NUT job!

Hebrew-Virus ago

I thank my children I don't have any gods....

ldjafs45345 ago

that thing is a drunk


Artofchoke ago

Huge coincidence - she has a book coming out.

gazillions ago

"Carroll also runs the website, based on the Elle column, where users can type in questions and receive instant video answers on topics such as careers, beauty, sex, men, diet, "sticky situations", and friends."

oh Hahahahahahhahahaha. That's going to be fun for many.

Anam ago

Type Your Question Here and E. Jean Will Magically Answer.

Seems automated.

BernieT ago

I am concerned for the dog's safety. She is a wack job.

Kalergi ago

14 1/2 minutes of fame too much.

blumen4alles ago

Bet she had a nose job.

I am so very tired of these jews.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Yet another rape accusation, and just in time for the campaign season!

Serious question, how long until this kind of bullshit tactic becomes illegal?

Shotinthedark ago

We need to send nice letters to her asking advice . Like how to forget about a rape by the most famous person in America that I just remember before I release a book about it.

RM-Goetbbels ago

She's jewish isn't she. << It wasn't a question, I'm pretty sure.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Oy vey, not any more you anti-semite!

RM-Goetbbels ago

Shape shifters. Every. Single. Time.

Anam ago

It would have been best of all if her parents didn't have children.

Anam ago

How come [ORANGE MAN BAD!] only rapes crazy, fugly, leftist feminazis?

midnightblue1335 ago

Well, most of them want to be fucked by Chads like Trump. So there's that.

Anam ago

A feverish rape-fantasy becomes amplified by repetition until it becomes an accusation.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Another reason to IMPEACH!

worthlesshope ago

I wonder if any liberals actually believe her, I might check on various forums out of curiosity. But normally they're just spouting random trump hate no matter what the story is. They'd use any opportunity to take a dig at Trump.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama ago

Is that dog a clown? Honk Honk my furry brother.

goforkyourself ago

I played the video, I gag'ed. My wife literally went "I bet Trump has never heard of her..."

Holy shit this is stupid. I'd ask for bank account money.

kenlane ago

her story is not at all believable. This is just 2020 campaigning.

midnightblue1335 ago

Oh hey, she just released her newest book a few days ago. I hear that she details her many, many rapes at the hands of multiple Chads in said book.


sunshine702 ago


dontmindthemess ago

Sue her for libel. Fucking retard.

gazillions ago

Sued for libel yes, but sh should be criminally charged.

green_man ago

Anyone that dyes their dogs hair should probably be thrown into an asylum. Do we even have asylums anymore? The lack of such institutions would explain quite a bit.

DontBeRacist ago

We're all living in the asylum.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Asylums are a symptom of binary, White, CIS, male patriarchy. Didn't you get the memo?

Deplorablepoetry ago

You spelled university wrong

green_man ago

I get your point, but asylums were basically the opposite because they tried to contain the crazy not spread it like firehouse spewing GRID infected blood.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Containing crazy is not the solution

Drugged-up lunatics in an institution

Awaiting the dose that will finally end the processes defining the health of one’s brain

Frontal lobe surgery will never cure you or me it only takes away our self preservation

Determination insanity full-on front-hole profanity

Consideration communal six feet of rope

facepaint ago

She also started painting her trees blue & pink.

Shotinthedark ago

It used to be illegal to dye animals in Florida. Not sure if it is now.

slwsnowman40 ago

No, we don't have asylums. Mental health felt it would be more profitable and cheaper to not keep the crazies in one location, Reagan agreed. Yes, that Reagan.

parnellsUprising ago

Please read a bit of history before you make ignorant assertions like this.

slwsnowman40 ago

The Lanterman–Petris–Short (LPS) Act (Cal. Welf & Inst. Code, sec. 5000 et seq.) regulates involuntary civil commitment to a mental health institution in the state of California. The act set the precedent for modern mental health commitment procedures in the United States. The bipartisan bill was co-authored by California State Assemblyman Frank D. Lanterman (R) and California State Senators Nicholas C. Petris (D) and Alan Short (D), and signed into law in 1967 by Governor Ronald Reagan. The Act went into full effect on July 1, 1972. It cited seven articles of intent:

Oh, I have. Emphasis mine. Reagan enabled a lot of crazies to be out and about. They effectively have to ask for assistance now instead of being forced to get assistance.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Reagan, in the later years of his presidency, should have been institutionalized.

WetHen ago

That Reagon did it is just an urban legend. The nuthouses were being closed long before Reagan was elected..... 1955- first antipsychotics were invented....1965- Medacaid and Medicare were enacted....

gazillions ago

It wasn't the mental health professionals. It was the oligarchs that power the politicians and the media that decided that. It costs you at least 3 times as much to have them "in the community" where completely unqualified non profit and public servants score life long careers "working with them" If they need anything real like food and clothes, the workers refer them to a Christian charity.

There's no money to be made on falsely inflated medical technology made in Israel in psychiatric facilities.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You rarely fail..if ever, to impress me with your comments.

This example is no different. Up goated

I consider few goats on here to be my peer...., I would hesitate to butt horns with you.

Watch your ass, or don’t, .....

gazillions ago

either way, it's all good.

green_man ago

You bring up a good point, there was no profit in removing the crazies from society so they were released and now they're medicated which is highly profitable. Also fuck Reagan, he occasionally provided some decent sound bites but that asshole basically started the neo-con bullshit we have today.

parnellsUprising ago

I love how morons make accusations based upon something within their own narcissistic viewpoint, instead of actually looking at facts that have transpired through the years.

Better yet, look at mental health facilities during the great depression.

Hebrew-Virus ago

He didn't start the neocon fuckery, he simply went along with the kikery that was already in motion.

brandnewset ago

Nit acceptable adult behavior none the less.

Hebrew-Virus ago

True, but they did some kike black majik on his mind after they tried to kill him.

slwsnowman40 ago

At best, you'll be in a 5150 hold for 72 hours at a local hospital that has agreed to take 5150 cases. So they are getting shitty care because those hospitals live off government subsidies and contracts.

Reagan was mostly fine, his VP on the other hand...

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

Bitch has a Thanos jaw

OricaTonithos ago

This needs the widest distribution possible.

thatguyiam ago

YeA. Will this one finally be the one responsible for setting women's rights back 100 years?

OricaTonithos ago


edgydude69 ago

“Thank god I don’t have children!” had feeds blue haired dog

Pwning4Ever ago

Natural Selection works in mysterious ways. Conservatives are called anti-scientist, but it's the other way around, people on the right acknowledge that evolutionary biology IS real and it's still happening.

Mustard_Monkey ago

More like Natural devolving it was female at one time.

Pwning4Ever ago

The natural devolution will happen in Europe. Just like in Brazil, that was once all Portuguese people, mix in countless slaves and now you have one of the most violent nations on Earth. S.Africa is the same story.

Pronebone45 ago

I truly believed her too, because she yelled it loudly while shaking her arms.

derram ago :

All American 🇺🇸⭐️🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Meet the whack job accusing Trump of .....rape. Ah-k.


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