VoatIsForKikes ago


Hektik ago

They have been doing that with Nazis and Fascism and trying to direct it to Donald Trump. Don't use wikipedia as a source. It is clearly biased by power mods.

my5thaccountnow ago

Fellow white people , her parents were jewish holohoax , sorry holocaust survivors but she is one of us , um white people we must support her in her fight and send shek ,dollars yes send dollars

SearchVoatBot ago

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watts2db ago

To ne fair to jews I don't think they want to claim this one

SlyerSoul ago

Wikipedia loves hiding jewishness on various famous/rich kikes with jewish names/faces.

BurqaFart ago

Not real jews. Just jew-ish.

Goys-R-Us ago

Some eighteen year old kike in Tel Aviv is being paid with US tax money to manipulate SpookPedia. What a world we live in.

EyeOfHorus ago

Similar to IMDB.

libman ago

I like Wikipedia as a reader, but this is why I never donate funds and (almost) never contribute content.

We need a Wikipedia overlay wiki which corrects leftist bias. It's only a time fraction of 1% of their articles that need it...

Lord_Kristopf ago

A decade or so ago I enjoyed creating content on the wiki, even wrote a couple more major articles I now see copied to other areas of the Internet (much to my amusement). The wiki can be greatly manipulated by a very small number of folks, particularly if you can find an admin aligned with your agenda. You have to be dedicated and good at rules-lawyering to win these battles, citing existing (sometimes obscure) policies and guidelines. Ultimately however, this kind of stuff is less reflective of a grand conspiracy, and more about some regular douchebags enforcing their own perspectives.

Approved ago

Losers and shut-ins with no jobs and an entire lifetime of free time will inevitably rise to the top of any unpaid volunteer web monitoring that requires no real skills.

They, in turn, are easily manipulated by any small group with sufficiently solid in-group preference using social praise/social ostracism as carrot and stick, even without the less savory methods if control available.

It's almost like a natural law of the universe.

Lord_Kristopf ago

Well said.

RCMike_CHS ago

She's still a fucking nutbag!

SubhumanTorch ago

Fight lies by destroying evidence! Present opinion as truth. Postmodernism!

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Trying to hide their jewishness just proves (((they))) know it's becoming dangerous to be a known jew. The ovens are coming up to temperature...

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Oy Vey!!!

Well, we can't have the goyim knowing now can we, have to shut it down.

Landrictree ago

Longnose tribe are not to be trusted.

scoopadoop ago

They are adapting

Zanbato ago


AlphaOmega ago

Wow, holy shit. Commie Jew hit job live and in living in color.

Durm ago

Children. Same as Wallmart tantrum throwers. Get what want at all costs. No shame.

TwooPsy ago

I've noticed this on Wiki as well.

Many people who used to be "born to a Jewish family" are no longer so. I think they noticed that the goyim noticed.

TwooPsy ago


^Why you would want to use Infogalactic.

7e62ce85 ago

Doesn't seem so bad to me?

TwooPsy ago

I'm not complaining. Trying to show the merit of InfoG to others.

Maybe I worded it strangely?

kingdomhearts123 ago

Lol jews on both sides... this is theater

veteran88 ago

There is a thread on 4chan full of her victims. She has allegedly raped at least 20 anons and at least 2 dogs.

virge ago

So, wait. Wikipedia is claiming there is a difference between American Jews and all the other Jews?

lovehate123 ago

I think This whole all jews are evil thing is getting out of hand. It would benefit JIDF by Making Whites look like they hate everybody While Zionists use the opportunity to use harmless jews basically as Human Shields.

The Point Im trying to make here is, I think JIDF is Openly defiling White Culture (Knowledge, Pride...) to Gain Control of White Man through anger.

I think its important to Openly Humiliate Zionism by calling out the fact that they hide behind Civilians of religion.

carlip ago

I think it's partially due to the nationalist/globalist Jew schism growing wider.

Schreiber ago

I'm sure these "nationalist" jews would realize that if they couldn't rein the globalist jews, holocaust might become real this time.

antiliberalsociety ago

Like a maggot in a rotting corpse with the light suddenly shined upon it, you find a Jew.

tanukihat ago

It's also locked now, to prevent any unapproved facts from appearing. "The encyclopedia anyone* can edit".

*Anyone meaning your masters only.

invisiblephrend ago

i tried editing an article on my phone and was told that i was banned despite the fact that it was the absolute first time i'd ever tried to make an edit.

antiliberalsociety ago

They can ban blocks of IPs, so it could have been someone else with a similar IP.

WilliamCutting ago

unapproved facts

That is Voat in a nutshell

TopTierCIAShill ago

wat da fuk did u just say about us u niggerfaggot

tanukihat ago

Stand down soldier, he says we tend to host facts that die Juden find inconvenient.

TopTierCIAShill ago

aye aye el kapitano, my jewdar has been working overtime so much it broke so I'm using gut feeling

WilliamCutting ago

Everyone needs to be on constant vigil against jewish subversion. Feel free to read my post history if you're worried about that.

Caliope ago

Every. Single. Time.

Oglop ago

and a Mason Girl Frat house, Masonic Apparel, Clothing, Regalia, Hats, Gifts and Shirts this 'Pi Beta Phi' a sorority club for blackmailing the females and Without a doubt they say research into 322, Yale, Bush Kerry Skull n Bones and all the other Bankers, Jews, British and all secret clubs, they say the research will be extremely "fruitful".

carlip ago

Don't forget about the Quill and Dagger society out of Cornell. They have had and still have very influential control. I would argue they are the seat if the seat of the PNAC plan.

Hanzo-Hasashi ago

@John_B_14 regarding comment.

NiggerGuy ago

I have noticed this bot has been working overtime.

So many jews are now gentiles for some strange reason.

Its just a cohencidence though. Nothing to see.

Ocelot ago

Because it's so easy to just zip to Wiki and confirm someone's Jewishness. They've finally wised up and are purging the info.

zyklon_b ago

makes you wondwr why @clamhurt_legbeard does free CSS and mods the biggest pro israel sub on voat.

look at his comment and post history and laugh your ass off . the epitome of incel

NiggerGuy ago

Holy shit!

Submissions: This user has upvoted 142796.

Comments: This user has upvoted 60648

It sounds like a team of incels.

Kalergi ago

Shape; shifted.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

There are probably a good 250,Million Jewish Halfbreeds in the world and 50 million pure breed jews world wide

Leonidas4Q ago

I gave you a downvoat simply because I think you have overstated the number of Jews in the world. Please provide some documentation. Be well.

Goys-R-Us ago

No, no, goy, there's only 15 million of us. We're just a small persecuted minority that dindunuffin.

AngelofDeath ago

"Pure breed" Jew?? They're "children of the Devil" because they are mongrels.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The inbreed ones are considered purebreeds