Crawdaddy ago

Are there that many Chosen people in Sweden? Do they dominate the government? What gives?

AmbrosiaGalt ago

The last phase of the Zionist playbook and the ultimate goal.

Teledildonicist ago

I think it’s a combination of Christians not studying the Bible thoroughly enough and also certain people spreading lies to make us think protecting our families is wrong b

elchupanibre5 ago

Funny how athiestfags complain that christians select verses out of convenience, yet they hypcritically do the same thing.

feli00 ago

All the banks in the countries are privately owned by Jews and the Jews send over the political clowns you see on TV. The Jews make the agenda of the right and left. People do not do it. Wake up.

boekanier ago

Weird people in sweden, very strange.

phillyjoe ago

Pretty sure Sharia schools will be deemed appropriate soon enough.

plagueship ago

Nope. Swedish politicians have said immigration is good for the country, now when people can plainly see it's a disaster they have to try to make it work. So this is an attempt to integrate the muslims by teaching them like Swedes already as kids, rather then let them be brainwashed.

phillyjoe ago

Nope. Once they have sufficient numbers, they will push and get their separate schools. And the cucks will roll over. It's already happening in the cUcK, where Sharia kids are not attending any gay shit.

ndrsrd ago

sweden is a craphole and deserves everything that is coming to it. Burn in hell. Boycott swedish products

TheDonaldTrump ago

Archive Link:

IndigoElectric ago

However, there may be one notable exception. Jewish schools are to be exempted from the ban, fellow Social Democrat Civilian Minister Ardalan Shekarabi assured following the criticism from the Jewish Central Council.

Guys, I just want to apologize again for being a boomer tier civic nationalist for so long. I'm really glad I asked you all to help change my view to something that was readily apparent if I just opened my eyes.

AlternateSelection ago

This cannot be true. No damn way. If this is indeed true then Sweden has been conquered and is no longer a European country.

speedisavirus ago

Whatever you say Putin

CarthOSassy ago

How is there no higher law in Sweden that could prevent this? How do you run a country without some kind of basic contract to prevent unfair prejudice like this? What the fuck are you doing, Sweden? What the fuck have you been doing?

The only Swedish voice I regularly hear is, and it's hard to imagine anyone like him would accept this. Swedes need to get their shit together.

Patriotic_Legend ago

This is fucking crazy. Everytime I visit voat I get closer and closer to naming the Jew. It is just so difficult do believe Hitler was a good guy with the education that wqs fed to me. Fuck, there has to be a way to prove this shit.

getshanked ago

You need to read David Irving. Hitler wasn’t an angel, but he wasn’t a devil. Most of the popular character traits associated with Hitler — purity of German blood, eugenics, Aryanism, Jewish annihilation — were more likely taken from Himmler, whose extremism even Hitler had to clamp down on, especially when people from the Nordic states, the Slavic states, Turkey and even India wanted to volunteer in the German SS.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Barbra Spectre is a cunt

dassaer ago

There is a special corner in hell where all the women call their cunt's 'Barbra' ....

CheeseboogerHimself ago

heh heh

dassaer ago

Shaddup Barbara !! ...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Berba, why are you bleeding from yer leeps?

dassaer ago

"Tis but a rash from my ingrown taint, and it's Cunt to yeh mister ...."

BernieT ago

Sweden is quickly becoming a s***-hole country. That is okay, no one will miss them. As a nation, they are already dead.

novictim ago

And we know that Islamic schools will go untouched, don't we? Basically, Sweden outlawed Christianity-based schools.

plagueship ago

Actually no, the law will stop new religious schools being started, existing ones aren't affected. This includes islamic schools. The reason is, of course, that religious schools don't follow the guidelines, they don't teach things like evolution, sex education among other things. Some schools (islamic) were separating boys and girls.

Jewish schools are exempted though.

SubhumanTorch ago

"But goyim are jewish schools really religious? Judaism is only to be considered religion when it is beneficial, otherwise it's an ethnic group, if that doesn't work it's a culture. Don't think about it too hard goy." - Dr GoldBerg, fellow white man.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

This is a pretty low blow for those guys

NJAnon ago

There are only 20 thousand Jews in Sweden, out of a population of 9 million. There are 500 times more Muslims, at almost 10% of the total population. Sweden is a mostly secular country so if this article is true, which I doubt, it would involve a handful of schools.

Hanzo-Hasashi ago

Judiska Centralrådet (Jewish Central Council)

The Jewish community in Sweden is represented by the Judiska Centralrådet (The Jewish Central Council) – the Swedish affiliate of the World Jewish Congress.

  • Telephone: +46 8 58 78 58 00

  • Fax: +46 8 58 78 58 58

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Website:

  • President: Aron Verständig

  • CEO: Isak Reichel

Source: World Jewish Congress

NJAnon ago

Ok, I didn't see that. Thanks.

NJAnon ago

There is no such thing as a " Jewish Central Council " in Sweden. Or anywhere I have ever heard of., Or the fake Rabbi. This is Neo Nazi Propaganda. Even if it were true, which it isn't, there are only 20,000 Jews in Sweden, a country of 9 million. Most of them are probably secular as Sweden is a mostly secular country. However there are 500 times that many Muslims. Almost 10% of Sweden's Population.

dassaer ago

I think you're full of shit, i just googled "Jewish Central Council " and it comes up in the very first link, and is the Swedish affiliate of the 'World Jewish Congress'.

How can you be so sure there isn't a Rabbi with that name, do you know every single dick-sucking Rabbi in Sweden ??.

Finally who gives a shit how many joo's are in Sweden. What's your point ??. Numbers mean little when it concerns the influence or power they can exert - In the US only some 300+ representatives pass the rules and regulations that impact on the other 365 million. See what I did there ??....

NJAnon ago

Why do you think the Jews have so much power? There are only 12 million in the world, a little over 6 million in Israel and 4 to 5 million in USA and the rest scattered around the world and there is no central organization. The Jewish Agency was established after ww2 to help the survivors of ww2 because there was no central organization for Jews. It does hardly anything now. I know this because I am Jewish.

SearchVoatBot ago

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dassaer ago

Doesn't alter the fact you're still wrong.

Why are you now claiming there is a joo-ish agency - you earlier said there was no such thing. Why would you be any more credible about the Rabbi or religious joo's in sweden ??.

Commiserations on calling yourself joo-ish. One of my ex's is Swedish, small world blah blah. Polite enough for you now, don't have a lot of time for word-salad deceivers ....

NJAnon ago

I have never heard of a " Central Jewish Council " I have heard of the Jewish Agency. There may some other Jewish organizations out there but they aren't what you think they are. They are not out there trying to take over countries.There is no Hierarchical structure in Jewish culture or Religion, that would enable us to run the world or do a the things you accuse us of. Has it occurred to you that the Jews are being blamed for something that someone else is doing who is able to pull off these things? I don't expect to change your mind but that is the truth. I believe the Q people know this too. Check out this guy... He is 95 and was Minister of Defense for Canada.

parrygrin ago

You don't need a conspiracy, dude. All you need is normal human bullshit, like nepotism and groupthink.

That, and a strong narrative that you can use to deflect such accusations and perpetually avoid introspection.

How do you think the rabbis in New York ended up fucking the little kids in the mikvahs? Do you really think it's that different from the Catholic priests? Do you really think you're automatically innocent of human bullshit that has occurred across times and across cultures because you're so fucking special?

Oh. Right. That's your whole fucking thing.

NJAnon ago

No, I don't think we are special. There are good and bad people of all religions and persuasions.

dassaer ago

Simple internet search showed your original post to be wrong.

Why continue without acknowledging your error and lack of veracity in your original post ??. Clear sign to me, you are not completely honest and therefore assume you're purposely deceptive.

Even now, trying to draw me into a peripheral conversation about topics and things not relevant to my answer.

Very joo-ish of you. Bye bye שַׁקרָן ....

Hanzo-Hasashi ago

Judiska Centralrådet (Jewish Central Council)

The Jewish community in Sweden is represented by the Judiska Centralrådet (The Jewish Central Council) – the Swedish affiliate of the World Jewish Congress.

  • Telephone: +46 8 58 78 58 00

  • Fax: +46 8 58 78 58 58

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Website:

  • President: Aron Verständig

  • CEO: Isak Reichel

Source: World Jewish Congress

LibertarianForChrist ago

Let Sweden be an example to the rest of the west. Damn shame.

ViperCarbz ago

I thought NZ was bad. Sweden is being raped.

American-Patriot ago

You have got to give credit to the Jews. They really know how to game the system. So why don't we game the system? It is our system after all.

Wiserman ago

I thought they should protect the majority instead of the minority. It is hard to see the point in this.

selpai ago

Is this real?

mudbear ago

to think only a few years ago sweden was one of the most christian countries on the planet. one hell of a wake up call isnt it...

Thogiker ago

Hasn't been christian since socialism took absolute control - state atheism has been enforced for almost 20 years now.

plagueship ago

Sweden dropped religion a long time ago, it's was 90% atheist.

Dumb fuck politicians have imported trouble from religious shit holes for 30 years now,

A country that was the safest on Earth in the 80's is now rocked by violence on a daily basis.

Blue333 ago

Not sure it's been truly Christian for a while - I'd say it hasn't been Christian for roughly 20 years now

Wiglaf ago

Don't they think this kind of thing is going to lead to resentment if they make special allowances for one group?

Alhambra ago

they're called "the eternal jew" for a reason, they just never learn. high-functioning autists.

Vidarr30000 ago

High functioning sociopaths rather.

Alhambra ago

they're not exclusive.

Saulspergmin ago

Honestly if I was a Jew in Sweden right now I'd feel pretty confident that the goy would do whatever the hell I want.

RealBiggly ago

The men there have long proven themselves to be weak cucks that won't stand up for themselves.

idle_voating ago

Jewish isn't really a religion, it's a tribe. Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish and has no religious beliefs, he's an atheist but he's still a Jew because it's a tribe.

Wooden_door ago

That concept is odd to me. If I said I was an atheist, I'd be classified as white, not Christian. They clearly fucking know jews aren't white.

Vidarr30000 ago

Say with me, a race. The jews are a race.

ilovejuices ago

Except there's two jewish races. The Ashkenazi race of jews are the khazarian / luciferian / canaanite / pedovores running the show. The sephardic jews do fuck all.

Vidarr30000 ago

All the same, even by their own admission? Fine, you all get the boot or die. The Khazars will never go to Israel though, they're not desert rats. They prefer the ghettos of Europe, now prime real estate. They're coming back, Poland is the only one stopping them (look up jew claims on real estate they owned before WW2). For now though, they're very comfy in the sewers of the US.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

It's part of shapeshifting; choose whatever version best suits the situation. They can be superior and downtrodden simultaneously.

HappyMealBullshit ago

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you!

WordCorrector ago

Christians will summarily ignore that and make their own parallel society then. Just how it is.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

there is no way that this would make Mohammeds happy...

Silencedmajor ago

I'm sure the Christians will choose not to notice and keep turning the cheek forever.

Until they don't.

hello_reddit ago

until they don’t

It’s been over 2000 years. People started laughing at the Q people after just two years

ginx2666 ago

Sweden is mostly secular though, at least the diminishing white part. They've picked their own poison.

Europe united under a true pope (not this traitorous son of a whore we have now) is the only way to stop judeomarxism and arab invasion.

ForTheUltimate ago

Until they don't.


Teledildonicist ago

Turning the other cheek refers to ignoring petty insults. Jesus was not about total pacifism. There is a very clear message to destroy evil in the Bivle. Just remember than vengeance is the Lord’s.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Just remember than vengeance is the Lord’s.

And it's our duty to send the sinners to Him.

varialus ago

All the Christians just need to declare themselves Messianic Jews.

expose ago

this guy lawyers.

Civil_Warrior ago

All christians simply need to mass murder any jews and traitors in the area.


Diom3Mind ago

Murder is wrong. Murder is killing of another person without justification or excuse. You would have every reason to annihilate, decimate, eradicate, extinguish, obliterate, slaughter, stamp out, wipe out, abolish, destroy, eliminate, erase, execute, extirpate, massacre, blot out, do away with, finish off, put an end to or rub out these fucking traitors.

SlyerSoul ago

If your definition of murder is correct, murder pretty much doesnt exist. Look up a better definition and you will see that murder isnt wrong.

Diom3Mind ago

What the fuck? Just run through liveleak and you'll find a ton of niggers killing people for literally no reason. That's murder and it's wrong. Fucking weird-o.


SlyerSoul ago

I would still say that its murder even with justification or excuse. And I do think niggers have some reason most of the time, someone owes them money, looked at their sheboon the wrong way, disrespected their gang, or just was white in monkey territory.

Civil_Warrior ago

Niggers need to be put down just for being niggers. You cant murder an animal.

Diom3Mind ago

Lol, this went in a weird direction. I was being sarcastic and overtly tenuous so I could list more explicitly descriptive words. Don't fucking worry about it.

It's not MY definition it's the fucking dictionary. Here are the links again: Murder The first word in my list: annihilate

Hebrew-Virus ago

Oftentimes, seemingly complex problems have simple solutions. Usually it just takes will and determination.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

The thing is that the majority of people aren't psychopaths and would have a hard time living with the fact they've killed people. I don't even like killing bugs

Pepper-theDoctor ago

Who said anything about killing people?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Literally two comments up..

Pepper-theDoctor ago

Just says Jews and traitors

hello_reddit ago

I let bugs come into my house and kill my family. At least I’m not a psychopath

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I capture bugs and relocate them to the outdoors where they belong. I don't like cleaning up bug guts but that's jsut me.

IsaacJan ago

He said, his limp wrists flailing around the keyboard, grasping desperately with fat, sweaty sausage fingers for his Soy Deluxe, gasping for air as he reels from the mere thought of ever hurting a precious nigger. If Harry Potter wouldn’t do it, how could he possibly?

No. It was best to never hurt anyone. Even if they hurt you. That way, you’re still the winner.


u_r_wat_u_eat ago

So what exactly are you doing to fight the immigration issue, besides posting comments online?

IsaacJan ago

Ah, the mental gymnastics of the kike.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

So you have no excuse?

Civil_Warrior ago

And you get free nigger buttsex!!! A soyboys final destination...

DayOfThePillow ago

You don't need to be a psychopath to kill people, just need a valid reason.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Okay so why haven't you started killing jews yet?

DayOfThePillow ago

Would you label me a psychopath if I did?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

You shouldn't worry about what I think.

I'm asking why you haven't started yet. You clearly have a valid reason, sooo..

DayOfThePillow ago

You seem in a bad mood, smile :)

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

My mood is irrelevant to the discussion.

I'm just asking why you haven't started killing jews yet.

DayOfThePillow ago

And I asked you a question that you refused to answer so why should I entertain you?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Because why would you care what I think?

Diom3Mind ago

Deus Vult??

Hebrew-Virus ago

...I don't even like killing bugs

It's not about liking or disliking; it's about doing what needs to be done regardless of one's feelings.

MrPim ago

Others like it when you set yourself apart from and above everyone else. Good job jews, everyone is sure to not want you dead. Keep up the good work.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

There is no way they told that so blatantly to let the goyim know... maybe swedes are cucked beyond recognition

iunno ago

Yeah, no way.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Pretentious garbage.

fastregister ago

the swedes have always absorbed foreign culture and media thats been forced on them, they basically suck your dick for it. they sucked americas dick, thats why theres a whole lot of hip hop and niggers in sweden. you have turned sweden into nigger cuckistan , by posing a bad example for the sweden cucks.

edgydude69 ago

I remember hearing 15 years ago that the reason my Swedish friend spoke English so well was that it’s ‘cool’ with the youth to speak English in Sweden. What a pathetic culture, soon it’ll be cool to speak Arabic.

admin2 ago

When countless laws need to be enacted worldwide to have people try to NOT HATE JEWS, it makes you wonder why Jews need so many laws on thoughts, words, and ideas about jews.

Hanzo-Hasashi ago

Jewish Exemption

Excerpt from article:

However, there may be one notable exception. Jewish schools are to be exempted from the ban, fellow Social Democrat Civilian Minister Ardalan Shekarabi assured following the criticism from the Jewish Central Council.

“There are special rules for the minorities we have in Sweden. The Jewish minority is protected in that legislation and this means that they will be able to maintain their structure with special training,” Shekarabi was quoted as saying by Aftonbladet daily.

gazillions ago

If the Swedes don't rise up, they should just fucking die already.

imthefox ago

They won't and they will indeed die. Sad but that's how it is. The question is which western country will go to civil war first? I can't believe that none did yet

WestsBest ago

Bring back the Swedish chef - but with a pot big enough for 6 gorillion

Kristov ago

Seriously they guy is named Shekel Rabbi?

expose ago

shekarabi but it sounds like it, funny shit.

TheDonaldTrump ago

NosebergShekelman ago


dassaer ago

In plain sight....

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Truth in advertising, I guess.