eronburr ago

If Q is correct they were spying on Trump since 2012 and on the campaign since 2015 at the same time watching Cruz. Both forerunners for the opposition. All to catch them in something to blackmail into place or pull this conspiracy theory. We'll see if the declas brings any of this public

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

The Democratic Party, and the philosophy it espouses, must never be allowed into power ever again.

Steinmacher ago

I've been saying for a while... deep state idiots will through the deep state nogs under the bus in the hopes it will placate us... it will be funny, but it won't placate.

THEx1138 ago

Clapper will lie to anyone including the US Congress.

16tons ago

We've known this, or at least suspected this. Unfortunately, the money's on the other side & Obama, Hilary & the rest of (((their))) most well know drones, will Never be held accountable.

Pointyball ago

International Banksters

gazillions ago

Because elections have become nothing more than selling a product with advertising money. Vodka is made to be odorless and flavorless, yet there are people who are convinced beyond a doubt that they can tell the difference and need to buy the expensive brands because advertising said so.

Jehoshaphat ago

That Obama completely underestimated Trump and team gives me pleasure. He was so pompous, and still is for some reason.

crazy_eyes ago

Obama figured the Cabal had his back. He had nothing to fear. They had an insurance policy if Trump somehow won

petevoat ago

I called it. i knew Clapper would puss out first and blame Obama.

Smokybubbles ago

Well, that only took 3 years of all out battle. In another 3 years, someone might implicate Killary.

kevo7777 ago

This is why the Democrats can never be allowed back in power. As bad as the Republicans are, we will flat out lose our civilization the next time they get in. There won't be an election if Biden wins. Sure, you'll "vote", but they'll just throw your ballot in the trash and count illegal votes x3, all while importing them at an exponentially higher rate than they are now.

BillDenbrough ago

And then call you racist and ruin your life for questioning it.

carlip ago

It's never been higher since trump! MAGA amirite?!?!111!!?!

Bigdickedelf ago

KYS you leftist demon

kevo7777 ago

I don't have to worship him like a God to realize he's infinitely better than any Democrat on the ballot.

alakai ago

Demoralization tactics ^

carlip ago

yea i really hate when the truth is demoralizing.

Doglegwarrior ago

Clopper a jew whistle blower admits circumcision is an evil blood ritual that has zero medical purpose and this revelation never made national news. See for your self.


Clapper, the ex-NSA director who was caught on tape lying to congress about eavesdropping on all American phone calls by vehemently stating they denied NSA was not doing that at all, but it was.. Clapper an obongo apointee.

newoldwave ago

Can't trust a nigger

Pointyball ago

First black President, tries to steal the Presidency.

BigFatDaddy ago

Every man for himself!

Turkeypotato ago

Because they know the alternative is suecide by door nob.

Pointyball ago

Rats trying to dessert the sinking ship.

QanadaHere ago

mmmm......sinking ships for dessert. Delicious!

Pointyball ago

I like mine extra spicy.