zerozen77 ago

And they all made bail and have been released.

beesmeesmonies ago

what is this "jihad" crap?......the monster in the photo is a grey-african-subsaharan-cannibal!!?

Goys-R-Us ago

A bit of a pattern here.

Dr_LeeroyJenkins ago

I thought they bulldozed the evidence? Sloppy schlomo.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

They bulldozed the New Mexico site. Apparently the Alabama site avoided their notice until now.

waucka ago

Whoa. Deja vu.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

now i remember where i saw that guys face before

dirt_reynolds ago

Have they let them go free yet?

Witsend ago

Don't worry Jihadist campers, they really seem to look the other way with regard to that sort of thing. Kind of a rite of passage among those who should look to punish you. If they do cast a stern look your way, (don't tell them I told you this) tell them it was for Moloch.

Adminstrater ago

Is there any reason to not apply the death penalty to these sick animals?

reject_kikery ago

Starting to see a pattern....

BlowjaySimpson ago

What are you, a bigot?

reject_kikery ago

Oh no Mr. Lemon don't judge me! I care so much what your kind thinks! Don't take away my shitty 9 ta ta ta 5 job! /s

theHubrisOfMan ago

Are there any job opening for state executioners? I've got some free time.

stonewallphysics ago

What's up with these little kids? Seems they can't seem to muster the rigors of jihad camp!

B3bomber ago

That's the followers of pisslam's main MO. Attack the weakest possible targets (children, women, pussified men). Show any real resistance that involves injuring them, they tend to flee.

Shotinthedark ago

I wonder how many charges a white guy would get if they found dead child remains in his compound?

Landrictree ago

If you're white, you're fucked the second the media starts calling your property a compound.

ChaosCrusader ago

They call your farm a “compound” and your God given right to bears arms your “stockpile”.

dundundunnnnn ago

Look what's going on with the Turpin family despite 0 dead children.

Shotinthedark ago

They deserve it.

dundundunnnnn ago

Well, yeah but what I was getting at is...

I wonder how many charges a white guy would get if they found dead child remains in his compound?

The Turpins would never have been allowed to leave town, for starters.

Shotinthedark ago

Ok I see what mean now.

waterniggas ago

none if he was running in this crowd

Cat-hax ago

Inb4 memory holed

JimSoddell ago

The kid in New Mexico they killed him and buried him because they believed he was going to be resurrected after 3 days as Jesus and then lead them in the apocalypse that they saw as a global jihad killing spree against all non-muslims.

So this must be some other kid they had who was never registered in the system (since he's never been reported missing) who they wer practicing this scenario with.

Have ANY of these people been charged with murder yet? Answer is still NO! And New Mexico never laid a single charge against them. They have just a much of a chance of being charged with murder in New Mexico as muslims have of ever being charged of rape in Sweden.

ephesians5_11 ago

Muslims deny the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.

JimSoddell ago

3-year-old boy found buried at a New Mexico desert compound died in a ritual to “cast out demonic spirits,” but his extended family believed he would “return as Jesus” to identify “corrupt” targets for them to attack, prosecutors said in court on Monday.

Shotinthedark ago

That didn't happen. The kid had a disease and they tried to haji pray away the demons.

JimSoddell ago

Interesting that you know more about this case than the prosecutors do. Are you involved in the case to have this knowledge?

3-year-old boy found buried at a New Mexico desert compound died in a ritual to “cast out demonic spirits,” but** his extended family believed he would “return as Jesus” to identify “corrupt” targets for them to attack**, prosecutors said in court on Monday.

Shotinthedark ago

Your first example says what I did.

JimSoddell ago

You are the prosecutor? Interesting. News has reported that you missing a filing deadline on the case which meant New Mexico had to drop the charges. Is that true? Did you miss that deadline? Why? Was someone paying you? Do they have leverage? Or did you just want to let the family go free to commit terrorist crimes because you support that?

Shotinthedark ago

You are the fag interesting! You sound like you are all for this sort of thing maybe go elsewhere and spout your shit.

JimSoddell ago

You posted absolute bullshit that was factually incorrect and I corrected it with multiple sources.

You're ignorant, you're a liar, you're a troll, and you are a pedophile.

Shotinthedark ago

The fag thing touched a nerve didn't it. I didn't post anything and I was correct. A therapist could help with the closet homosexual tendencies you have buddy.

polygeek ago

Shit article. Doesn't say if it was a formal grave.

Either way, we would probably be better off dropping all of those adults in a hole and throwing dirt over 'em...

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Here comes the bulldozer.

onezeno ago


JimSoddell ago

It's a relevant comment. The authorities couldn't get out fast enough with bulldozers to completely destroy the crime scene and all evidence in the New Mexico compound.

EdSnowden ago

And Sandy Hook

drstrangegov ago

And this guy walked, right?

Shotinthedark ago

Yep! Walked right to the next child jihadist camp to continue his work.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

FBI actually is protecting and serving the people!!!??? Must have been a Jewish kid who died

Wowbagger ago

Can we execute this guy twice?

Grunge ago

and every single politician that supports these savages living among us? And when I say us, of course I mean just regular peasant class people. The elite and everyone that shills for this will NEVER be in harms way, that's a risk only for us.

con77 ago

Another one!!!???

Kalergi ago

Get the bulldozer.

basedmangod2015 ago

dude its okay im sure they saved you some youre like their best customer.

con77 ago

what do you get when you combine the two worst things in the world? Nigger moslems.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yup. Same suspects, but this was a previous camp before they got busted in New Mexico (with remains of at least one other kid).

auchtung ago

Fml, i thought this was a joke at first.

theHubrisOfMan ago

weird sense of humor, but okay.

Dortex ago

You clearly don't spend much time here.

theHubrisOfMan ago

I spend enough time here to know that an Islamist terror group in Alabama with dead kids littered around, is probably not satire. I don’t understand what you mean

Dortex ago

We make darker jokes all the time.

theoldones ago


Dortex, i'm gatecrashing your comment to remind you've been asked nicely to stop being a dishonest shit. your repeated bullshit is inaccurate, slander and a manipulation of words. you're a lying snake.

here's the part you fucking ignore and omit from what i know you're about to say:

Dortex, i ask people to put their money where their mouth is. that test was failed, certain people WON'T put their money where their mouth is.

even other users notice you've been a fucking shit about this.

this reply from @TruthDefender blows your interpretation out of the water immediately, and mumbleberry doesn't like you.

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

remember that time you defended a pedophile who posted a video of raping children? your defense and deflection on this was hilarious and the dumbest shit ever

you lead petty downvoting campaigns against users you argue with after they drop the issue.

theHubrisOfMan ago

The real joke would be finding out that the child remains were a result of a domestic dispute.

Dortex ago

I like you.

theoldones ago

Dortex, i'm gatecrashing your comment to remind you've been asked nicely to stop being a dishonest shit. your repeated bullshit is inaccurate, slander and a manipulation of words. you're a lying snake.

here's the part you fucking ignore and omit from what i know you're about to say:

Dortex, i ask people to put their money where their mouth is. that test was failed, certain people WON'T put their money where their mouth is.

even other users notice you've been a fucking shit about this.

this reply from @TruthDefender blows your interpretation out of the water immediately, and mumbleberry doesn't like you.

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

remember that time you defended a pedophile who posted a video of raping children? your defense and deflection on this was hilarious and the dumbest shit ever

you lead petty downvoting campaigns against users you argue with after they drop the issue.

theHubrisOfMan ago

I knew we would find some middle-ground, fellow goat.

theoldones ago

Dortex is a pedophile defender

theHubrisOfMan ago

Majority of the porn in the internet is of underaged girls. It’s sick, sad and twisted but it’s true. And loli porn is technically legal, but definitely degenerate. I’m not sure what the clip is that you guys are talking about so I have no opinion. I think Dortex was just implying that if you don’t like the rules, change them. Butyou cant make butt-hurt over someone playing with the boundaries. In fact, we should encourage it. Let the pedos have a place to be open about their degeneracy so at least we can identify them and their behavior. That faggot that you guys are arguing about is for sure a pedo, but your arguments about what can or can’t be posted on a free speech site is a little more nuanced. I think pedos should be punished to the extent of the law but it’s tricky when we start going all minority report over someone posting drawings of anime faggotry. Also, homeschool your kids.

theoldones ago

context: he lies about the situation by making things seem one way, in order to stop people going after Aged

another user points out solid proof of him being a vote manipulator

theHubrisOfMan ago

What was the clip you guys were arguing over?

theoldones ago

a fetish clip of a child being raped from XYZ movie, but, it got posted to a porn sub, only for users to go "WTF why are you posting child pornography", after which it was very quickly deleted, since that clip would get the account hammered for peddling CP

the user who posted the clip, i should mention:

-is also known being a virulent pedophile

-has a penchant for pron involving literally murdering schoolgirls and fucking the corpse

-once tried posting teen porn, then got offended people hated him for it, and tried to beg compensation votes

dortex thinks the source of the movie matters here, and some other user found the title, but regardless of where it came from, it got posted as porn and feature a child being raped

dortex defended the post saying "he broke no rules", when WTF that's CP

theHubrisOfMan ago

I know about fuark’s affinity for pedophilia from past users complaint about it. Morally I agree with you. In terms of on the site, loli isn’t illegal, saying you want to murder school girls isn’t illegal (because if it was saying you want to kill jewslims and spiggers would be too). As far as posting an out of context clip to a porn thread, that’s why we have downvoating. If it was against the subs guidelines then yeah, for sure, delete it. But otherwise, the entire reason for this website is for conversations like this. It’s a place for dissonant conversation. When the day of the rope comes, you and I will be on the right side of the gallows, but for now we kind of have to let the pedos expose themselves and just take note, in my opinion. If that’s the kind of person fuark is then his life is already probably living hell. Can you imagine being that degenerate? He knows what he’s doing is wrong and just wants company in misery. I think Dortex isn’t meaning to defend pedos, just the rights that all people have until convicted of crimes. Also one of the biggest reasons I stopped watching porn was I realized just HOW MUCH porn is underaged and allowed on sites like pornhub, motherless, Xnxx, etc. Even on voat we have a bunch of people talking about how some guy is going to be lucky to fuck that 14 year old Soph girl. It’s a fucked up time. But it makes it easier to know who is trying to resist and who is leaning into the degeneracy.

theoldones ago

this aint even the about that issue

it doesnt matter if dortex is right on that point or not one single bit, if he's being dishonest about shit. he presents context in a certain way under a certain claim, knowing damn well he's lying about it in effect. the shitskins a fucking snake

theHubrisOfMan ago

Yeah man it sounds like your much more interested in the dramatic details than of the overarching lesson to be learned. You can’t let other people’s actions, dishonest or not, weigh so heavily on you. If you’re discerning correctly then take solace in that. That’s all you can do.

theoldones ago

pedophiles need to hang, and i have to assume dortex is one given his actions.

the shitskin deserves the rope

theHubrisOfMan ago

Have you ever masturbated to a “Snapchat selfie”? Or any porn titled with the word “teen” in it?

SearchVoatBot ago

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theHubrisOfMan ago

Wow what a white knighting faggot. You should see if CNN is hiring. They love out of context quoting.

theoldones ago

no, that shits underage, why the fuck would do i that illegal shit?

if you actually fucked a teen you'd go to jail, dumbfuck.

i_scream_trucks ago


perfectly legal to fuck an 18/19 year old. as in eight-TEEN and nine-TEEN

theoldones ago

i have enough reservations about you to say that doesn't clear you

theHubrisOfMan ago

You know what. You’re so abrasive and defensive, you can’t even have a conversation with someone who agrees with you. Fuck off and enjoy your mental prison.

theoldones ago

you just attempted to claim masturbating to teenagers is normal behaviour

if we fucking searched your computer right now, would we find child pornography? yes or no

theHubrisOfMan ago

No. I don’t watch pornography and haven’t for over two years you self righteous retard. I was making the claim that a huge chunk of pornography is meant to simulate pedophilia. Jews are trying to fuck with our ability to discern. It’s up to you to discern, you can’t be mentally immature and just want some website to do all the work for you you weak minded faggot.

theoldones ago

can i offer the suggestion to you perhaps, that you worded something very badly here, and that let's hope "no" is a truthful answer?

theHubrisOfMan ago

Honestly, you’re so defensive, It makes me skeptical. Like the anti gay politician that gets caught blowing dudes at a truck stop.

theoldones ago

you suddenly attempting this type of projecting is making me suspicious.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Also I have never seen or interacted with that account before and this is my only account.

theHubrisOfMan ago

The classic “no u” argument. Cool bud. This conversation is fruitless. You just wanted someone to hate on random people on the internet with. My ability to empathize is a part of my armor. You want to combat an enemy? Know how he thinks.

theoldones ago

firstly fuck off and stop being unclear here, what does any of this have to do with anything?

would you like to clarify what you meant by asking:

Have you ever masturbated to a “Snapchat selfie”? Or any porn titled with the word “teen” in it?

what intent should i be reading in this question?

theHubrisOfMan ago

I explained it two replies ago.

theoldones ago

i'll delete my posts linking this, but perhaps you should have worded it slightly better, slightly sooner

theHubrisOfMan ago

I thought we were having a dialogue. Didn’t know I was on trial.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Pretty good talk though overall. All the best niggerfaggot

theoldones ago

a lot of users dont take kindly to certain types.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Yeah but there’s two kinds of people in that category, people who know why they hate (((them))) and people who just hate (((them))) because they are everyone else doing it.

speedisavirus ago

Pretty sure it's affiliated with the same people from the New Mexico one. Need to purge any follower of Islam from the US

con77 ago

Its the same owner

Tennis123 ago

They were both funded with dark money funneled through NXVIM... If Hillary got elected they would be shooting up schools everywhere