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No but we do need to return it to how the founding fathers intended it, a white ethnostate. The browner the skin the greater the burden on society and the white man.

The United States was founded as and always intended to be a European ethnostate. Immigration of anyone non European WAS NOT ALLOWED until the Immigration and Nationality act of 1965. The Jews played an outsized role in getting this legislation passed and ushering in the genocide of whites in America.

Don't believe me it was always designed as an ethnostate? Learn your history...

The Real History of the United States

Founding Fathers

Alexander Hamilton,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Ben Franklin,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

John Dickenson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Charles Pickney, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

James Madison, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on immigration into the white ethnostate

Founding fathers compilation on the creation and maintenance of a white ethnostate

Founding fathers ethnostate compilation

US presidential compilation calling for racial exclusion and homogeneity

Westward Expansion

Oregon territory racial exclusion

The expansionist movement out west didn't want slavery, not because of its moral abhorrence, but because it was and the white homogeneity of the community

Later Presidents

Abraham Lincoln on racial separation

Abraham Lincoln wasn't anti slavery, he was anti separation.

Harry Truman on the ethnostate

14th Amendment

The intent of the 14th amendment, as told by its author.


Only whites could immigrate according to the first US congressional immigration law.

History of anti miscegenation laws in ALL States

The most prominent slavery abolitionist movement advocated for a white ethnostate

Who brought all these slaves here if the founding fathers were so opposed to them?

Only 1.6% of the population owned slaves at it's peak in 1860. Only .35% of these were white.

Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion. (Validity disputed)

At the height of the slave trade 78% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish. (Validity disputed)

75% of Jewish families in the major southern cities owned slaves. 40% of the total Jewish population in the US owned slaves.

The Jews have been THE central group in slave trading and owning throughout history.

The Jews were so dominant in the slave trade that slave auctions were not held on Jewish holidays because no-one would show up.

9 facts about slavery they don't want you to know

The first slave owner in the continental United States was a black man named Anthony Johnson.

Revolutionary War

The prime reason for the revolutionary war was that the Rothschild's Bank of England took away the colonys' ability to issue their own money.

speedisavirus ago

You know, except non white people came to the US long before the 60s. Like the Chinese in the 1800s.

expose ago

that faggot lies about fucking everything, he's a spamming fraud. proof: