SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @expose.

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Obrez ago

Yeah it's "TOO"

heygeorge ago

I am aware of the joke, just seemed a bit off. ;D Enjoy your subverse, and thanks for the PM.

PuttItOut ago

Just log into Voat with the secret password I PMed you. Next to any user name is the following options:

  1. Edit users submissions/comments
  2. Shadownban User
  3. Report to Authorities
  4. Expose User as Shill

Select option #4. All done.

All joking aside (Clarification: The above is a joke and doesn't exist), I'm looking at these kinds of users in concerns to spam, so please ping me if they go into this territory so I can take a look. Copypasta spam is something we will begin cracking down if it gets worse.

In general though, outside of my concerns, users should know this info so they can be aware.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @TruthDefender.

Posted automatically (#46531) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

heygeorge ago

That’s not what a PM is.

heygeorge ago

Ok now PM me the name of your main acct and I’ll make you the subverse. Lol!

heygeorge ago

v/alt is already taken. Try again.

heygeorge ago

Lol nah you are definitely not me.

I’m half tempted to just make the subverse for you and give it to you. Do you have a good name picked out? Like v/altaccountalert

heygeorge ago

Are you going to out your main account as the first submission?

SandHog ago

I'm wondering this myself.

heygeorge ago

If it’s not @theoldones I’ll eat my hat.

theoldones ago

marinade it in barbecue sauce and spices. oven roast. post pics

Dortex ago

It's not. TOO is more of a paranoid loser. This one's up his own ass about how hard he protects "da truf".

heygeorge ago

Yeah, well, I made him a subverse to play in. And frankly, he has done a decent job so far, at least keeping up on things. And he hasn’t once begged for CP, to my knowledge!

Dortex ago

I went through all his posts. Worst thing about him would either have to be the people he hangs around, or that copypasta he spams. Time will tell if he begs for CP.

theoldones ago

I went through all his posts. Worst thing about him would either have to be the people he hangs around, or that copypasta he spams. Time will tell if he begs for CP.

did you just complain about having to deal with what you've previously dished out? can give it but can't take it?

Dortex ago

No. Remember last time you talked about something you have no knowledge of? You looked silly. It's happening again.

theoldones ago

any complaint you offer for spamming regardless of user, conflicts with you spamming shit, hypocrite

Dortex ago

theoldones ago

stick tu qooq up your various holes.

SandHog ago

That's a pretty good guess, I think.

heygeorge ago

Yeah, but seems a bit too... I don’t enjoy sounding like a jerk but here goes... with it.

SandHog ago



expose ago

ha, you weren't kidding about the vote manip. his account clocks on and bam, i'm -1 on every last post. hrcisdone, enjoy dving a shit alt you stupid glownigger.

expose ago

@Laurentius_the_pyro @captainstrange, look at this post. even puttitout is here with his eye on that spammy fucking shill. doesn't know when to quit.

captainstrange ago

I see it expose.

Of course I don't know you or if this is setting up a strawman so someone else can vote farm by effigy burning and pass voats shitcan filter, but by all means, fuck HRC.

expose ago

dunno what that means. i'm past the shitcan filter, i'm just sick of the spam and think hrc's a cunt. george put it to him all right. funny shit.

captainstrange ago

by the way who made the massive image file documenting his faggotry?

expose ago

cool, got it.

glassuser ago

I'm glad to have been some small part of this. Thanks for the hard work.

ex-redd ago

'm just some guy who likes to defend the truth.

I heard that in the Christian Bale scruffy Batman voice--smoke bomb

expose ago

wow, he's even worse than i realized. what a fraudulent piece of shit.

permission to link this under everything he says? don't want to get vote manipulated so i made a shit alt

ex-redd ago


"this guy" here

{present without even a user mention}.

I just don''t know what to think of you, T.D.:

I just find it curious inspiring that you are making such grand waves, such admirable leaps, like finding teen-Jesus teaching at the Temple -- such dedication -- yet so bizarrely young .

@PuttitOut is even impressed {I asked him for an autograph once--for posterity, for the next generation; he just spat on my kid and starred at me uncomfortably until I said with forced smile "Thanks Putt" (truth is, first, when I used his human name, he looked with royal indignation; then, when I called him by his full handle he impatiently sneered)} [it's all in fun Putt, just a larp]

so come on wit it, u/TruthDefender: doxx yourself [I gotta know: who is Bruce Wayne?] the suspense is killing me [ps. and no DM'ing chess pieces around like a kike).

I love this site

Salicaz ago

Glad to be part of the immune response. Good work.

SandHog ago

That's impressive. Nice job!

PuttItOut ago

You put a lot of effort into it, that is for sure.

PuttItOut ago

Hey, curious, why'd you go to the effort to remove vote counts on some of those comment grabs?

PuttItOut ago

Goats see so much that I miss. Impressed.

offender ago

Goats see


M80TheMan ago

Glad to have you.

heygeorge ago

Gotta weaponize that autism into 21,000 pixels of infographic.

@PuttItOut should see this. Puttsy, it’s like an epic monument to Truth on Voat. @PeaceSeeker may want to check it out, too.

PuttItOut ago

@Cynabuns, look at this post.

heygeorge ago

I try looking at what they do instead of what they say

@zyklon_b this autistic autist knows the real secret, could be 1990 fo lyfe. Check out OP if you haven’t seen it yet.

CantDentTheBrent ago

I said this a long time ago, a spam button should be implemented. It would be abused, Im sure. Thats why it hasnt

heygeorge ago

There is a report button, but if you are the older user I might be thinking of (forget the handle) then I think the idea was that enough reports would auto-hide the comment or post, eventually ban.

Themooninthesky ago

Quick question as an outsider and complete dick. What can the jew defense team back in the Middle East actually do to indoctrinate? I get it that shills are out there and this guy is definitely paid to promote jibber jabber, I don’t see how that’s gonna change any views I have. I believe if you’re on voat, you’re definitely red pilled and full of cynicism. So why would they think they could change the behavior of voat?

M80TheMan ago

The level of autism put in to this post is phenomenal. Well done, goat.

ANC3 ago

Yep, pretty epic. Well done to TruthDefender.

CantDentTheBrent ago

He may be a lie spammer, but we need better defense against this.

The Chinese/Mexican spammers did the same thing for the last year, and now it's a dog/cat funny stories bot.

Doesnt matter if you can only comment once and hour if you have 10 account doing it.

That waste more of our goats time than it does some silly bot.

finix_666 ago

Quick JIDF shill test: Ask them if jews deserve to be gassed.

SparklingWiggle ago

We need more fact-backed truth on this site.

Merchant_Menace ago

If you hate being wrong then just admit that you were incorrect and immediately change your position on the facts and you'll be right asap.

BrokenCanary ago

There is no reason to lie when you have the truth on your side. I posted this before, and I am sure I am not the first, but I will post it again:
Excalibur - Greatest Virtue
And yes, I live my life in a fairy tale dream. It is better than this shit we call reality.