pandorasboxxy ago

The United States should be cultivating and creating it's own opioids, and all drugs really, that'd boost the economy too.

Lucky12B ago

We need China for cheap products that break 10 minutes after using them.

GumbyTM ago


China can economically destroy us because they own so.much of our debt.

It's an economic nuke.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

That's really not how it works, though. The market for US Treasuries is such that China could dump their holdings and it at best only depress the price temporarily and have virtually no effect on the ability to issue more. It wouldn't change the US dollar's position as the reserve currency for most of the world. Pous, what would they replace it with? It is one thing for them to diversify their reserves. It is another to craft a viable plan which eschews the dollar. They'd harm themselves and the value of the yuan far more than they'd harm the US economy.

Butterbread ago

Not really true. It's only 1 trillion. Not much in the grand scheme of things.

GumbyTM ago

You're right that China "only" holds 1 Trillion-ish of our debt.

They are however the largest holder of our debt and their refusing to purchase more coupled with unloading much of what they have would cause all the other nations who purchase our debt to reconsider.

This would likely trigger a downgrade or our credit rating, increase the difficulty in borrowing which would reduce liquidity for domestic businesses and likely trigger a recession. A new recession with downgraded worthless money is a perfect storm for hyper-inflation.

Fuck the fed but we need to get off the tit in a way that doesn't crush people. That can't happen without public understanding and info. Step 1 is an audit. Sunlight kills Jew trickery.

Butterbread ago

I agree with much or all you wrote, I'm just not certain a recession would result.

Phantom42 ago

And our economic nuke is "It's not enforceable,".

Jewed ago

The Chinese can't even buy a port, so I think they are rapidly coming to that realization that they've been conned.

YouAreASlave ago

Who is going to collect, dickhead?

GumbyTM ago

You don't understand anything about economics you imbicile.

If you don't pay you don't get new worthless money.

So unless you plan on getting the us to balance it's budget....

You ignorant fool.

YouAreASlave ago

We will print our own money from now on, thanks kike.

GumbyTM ago

God damn your so fucking dumb you cant tell the difference between someone explaining the flaw in your stupid idea vs advocating for something.

You make leftist look smart.

Keep trying to prove how alpha you are you two month old wet-behind-the-ears virtue signaling child.

YouAreASlave ago

No more federal reserve. Dissolve ZOG of the United States. = Good luck collecting from an entity that no longer exists. Come at me, kike. You've got sweet fuck all once no one plays your rigged game any longer and that day is coming.

GumbyTM ago

So we can't get the wall built, and we can't audit the fed but you're going to dissolve the fed?

Lofty goal, got a step by step plan for that when the two easier tasks I've mentioned have proved virtually impossible?

YouAreASlave ago

If you think the country is going to be bankrupted by jewish subhumans via a massive increase in taxation (the only way those IOUs are getting repaid) without every last kike being slaughtered then it is you who needs to get in touch with the mindset among the millions with guns ready who are waiting in earnest for such a move to be made.

We're waiting, jew.

DukeofAnarchy ago

the country is going to be bankrupted by jewish subhumans via a massive increase in taxation

100% probability.

every last kike being slaughtered

0% probability.

YouAreASlave ago

Then what are you waiting for, jew? You cowards are shitting your pants at the thought of taxing Americans any further while hundreds of millions of them are armed. Not so easy this time around is it, you piece of jewish dogshit?

DukeofAnarchy ago

I'm not Jewish, idiot. But the Jews have absolutely raped and killed America.

YouAreASlave ago

You're as good as one, pedophile maggot.

GumbyTM ago

So lets recap:

I've pointed out the logical flaws in your argument, given examples of lesser milestones which have not been bet due to obstruction and instead of replying like a white man with conversation and logic you reply with kvetching shrieking, emotion and name calling.

Who's the kike again?

LARP some more niggerfaggot.

YouAreASlave ago

Drop the fellow white man schtick, shylock. It took all of two seconds browsing through your pro kike posts to know what you are.

GumbyTM ago

Have you considered the possibility that all the personal problems you have in life come from your unearned over inflated ego and wild misjudgement of your intellect?

Do you actually think anyone gives your opinions enough weight to insult them?

How broke in the head are you?

I knew Jews were suffered from mental issues at a high rate but this is sad.

YouAreASlave ago

(((It's not the jews, goy, it's you.)))

Judasrope ago

Lol who pays for tariffs? The people do! Who gets rich bottlenecking resources, goods? The parasites on top!

YouAreASlave ago

Who pays for the massive trade deficit, dipshit?

AnthraxAlex ago

How the fuck are we going to buy anything when every service industry job is staffed with illegal niggers and every manufacturing job moved over seas 20 years ago to exploit slave labor and 0 regulation so Jews could achive an even higher profit margin. So yeah we are going to pay a higher price much nigger and that higher price will pull jobs back into the country as it becomes possible for US based workers to compete with nigger slaves that are fully owned by the parasites on top and are positioned perfectly to force us into slavery through this fucked up idea that slavery exploitation is an actual competitive market system.

Crikes ago

All any society needs to prosper is freedom.

hedgefundhog ago

Isolationism doesn't work in the modern world. This trade war isn't gonna last forever - China and Uncle Sam will flex on each other for a year or whatever, then figure out a deal and go back to trading with each other. The old deal was taking the piss out of the Yanquí

Jewed ago

With a country as large as the USA, isolation can easily work. It's the smaller countries that tend to only have a few things like oil and sandniggers that can't survive isolationism without reverting to dick-sucking camels for protein shakes.

hedgefundhog ago

No need to blow up global trade, which we know works and all our economies depend on, for something untested with no advantages besides the sentimental.

Maggotfeast ago

People think so much of our products are made in China, in fact it only accounts for 2%. Let China raise tarrifs, we can buy shit cheaper from Vietnam.

Simonsaysgoat ago

What I dont,understand is how on one hand they can claim the US is or will be the biggest supplier of oil in the world but on the other hand they say we need to rely on other countries for our energy. In,fact the us doesn't,really,need,much,of anything,from anyone,else. We could focus on growing,our,own,food, and forests,and developing,our own country. Instead we pay,Jews to tell us to send,our boys,to thisr territotmry because they are victims and gods chosen people. I'm so,fucking sick of non white nations. I want a white homogenous society. Every race deserves its own territory, our race is our nation.

ForTheUltimate ago

if ur listening to mainstream commentators, you are listening to fool's food.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I agree that they are,all,Jewish,controlled but its important to know what our enemies are feeding the normies. It helps to know how they got to their stance when bringing someone into the light.

As far as the oil that's,my point, they are always contradictory and peoples opinions are based on the last thing they heard rather than real information.

Mbailey63 ago

Fk it no more junk boats from Chinkina.

UdavidT ago

Well to be fair we're the ones that are sending junk over there.

It's a very common trash container scam.

Maggotfeast ago

People think so much of our products are made in China, in fact it only accounts for 2%. Let China raise tarrifs, we can buy shit cheaper from Vietnam.

Mbailey63 ago

How much China shit does Walmart sell?

Maggotfeast ago

No idea. I could be wrong but I feel like more clothes and junk come from Mexico, while China is more of the tech stuff

UdavidT ago

They own the factories in Vietnam as well.

Anything from Asia is wither made by Chinese or Indian. It's a fucking infestation.

Maggotfeast ago

Does the Chinese govt benefit as much from the factories in other countries?

UdavidT ago

Unfortunately it probably does. It shows the countries that Chinese owned factories are a positive thing to have in their countries.


No but we do need to return it to how the founding fathers intended it, a white ethnostate. The browner the skin the greater the burden on society and the white man.

The United States was founded as and always intended to be a European ethnostate. Immigration of anyone non European WAS NOT ALLOWED until the Immigration and Nationality act of 1965. The Jews played an outsized role in getting this legislation passed and ushering in the genocide of whites in America.

Don't believe me it was always designed as an ethnostate? Learn your history...

The Real History of the United States

Founding Fathers

Alexander Hamilton,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Ben Franklin,  Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

John Dickenson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Charles Pickney, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

James Madison, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on the white ethnostate

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, on immigration into the white ethnostate

Founding fathers compilation on the creation and maintenance of a white ethnostate

Founding fathers ethnostate compilation

US presidential compilation calling for racial exclusion and homogeneity

Westward Expansion

Oregon territory racial exclusion

The expansionist movement out west didn't want slavery, not because of its moral abhorrence, but because it was and the white homogeneity of the community

Later Presidents

Abraham Lincoln on racial separation

Abraham Lincoln wasn't anti slavery, he was anti separation.

Harry Truman on the ethnostate

14th Amendment

The intent of the 14th amendment, as told by its author.


Only whites could immigrate according to the first US congressional immigration law.

History of anti miscegenation laws in ALL States

The most prominent slavery abolitionist movement advocated for a white ethnostate

Who brought all these slaves here if the founding fathers were so opposed to them?

Only 1.6% of the population owned slaves at it's peak in 1860. Only .35% of these were white.

Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion. (Validity disputed)

At the height of the slave trade 78% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish. (Validity disputed)

75% of Jewish families in the major southern cities owned slaves. 40% of the total Jewish population in the US owned slaves.

The Jews have been THE central group in slave trading and owning throughout history.

The Jews were so dominant in the slave trade that slave auctions were not held on Jewish holidays because no-one would show up.

9 facts about slavery they don't want you to know

The first slave owner in the continental United States was a black man named Anthony Johnson.

Revolutionary War

The prime reason for the revolutionary war was that the Rothschild's Bank of England took away the colonys' ability to issue their own money.

speedisavirus ago

You know, except non white people came to the US long before the 60s. Like the Chinese in the 1800s.

expose ago

that faggot lies about fucking everything, he's a spamming fraud. proof:


How exactly does my post relate to what you are saying? I'm referring to the founding fathers not 1800s...

speedisavirus ago

You literally said the US had no non whites immigrating here until 1965. That is a lie.

expose ago

you debunk his bullshit and he treats you like you talk ridiculous. man, what a fag.


Holy Fuck. How many Chinese were there in the 1800s? I'll wait. Nowhere close to what it is today. Do you enjoy getting so enraged over what amounts essentially to semantics?

speedisavirus ago

In 1880 there were 100k.


And then what happened to them? They were booted out

speedisavirus ago

No they weren't. They had kids and started having American children and the American citizen Chinese numbers kept growing.

expose ago

you got actual sources and data, i respect it. other dude just spams fraud bullshit. proof:


Good read

Stopmotionhistory ago

I agree the past is important from a human studies perspective. The fact is we are talking about the USA today where poverty is overwhelming, The every day person is suffering while the people you quote are only the Elite. They are not like the average Joe. I am pretty sure Ben Franklin was a early founder of pedophilia rings. You are out of touch.

expose ago

the stuff he says about ben franklin is total bullshit. proof:


anonymous poster makes unsubstantiated claims

FatPanda ago

There are hundreds, of not thousands of US companies operating in China. If they don't need China, why are they there? I just at Pizza hut yesterday.

Jewed ago

By law businesses operating in China must be majority owned by Chinese citizens, so although many companies use international branding it's through license only and the Chinese company is a very different entity.

YouAreASlave ago

We have all the necessary resources to put a wall around the place and never deal with another chink every again. America has gone BACKWARDS in every conceivable manner post-globalization. If you want something outside the US be prepared to pay AT LEAST the market rate, plus tip. If you don't like that and you think the bugpeople do it better, fuck off there and see HOW they manage things. Hope you like your plastic trinkets because you won't be allowed back in.

cyclops1771 ago

They were operating in China due to the easy regulations, the cheapness of the rent and labor, and the ability to keep cash earned overseas without having to ever ever ever pay taxes on it.

Now that Trump has reduced the tax incentive, China's labor and land markets are not as cheap as they used to be, and regulations are starting to crop up in China, these incentives are lessening.

In the short term, it will affect manufacturing and retail margins as companies wean themselves out of China to new markets for their products, but the ability to withdraw and remove their equipment is shrinking as China nears itself to nationalizing all foreign property. Every Communist country ever has nationalized foreign property. It is China's last resort (the so-called "nuclear option") if the US keeps pushing.

Smart US companies should be looking to remove capital investments in China if they can, dismantle and ship equipment back to US for "maintenance" or claim "obsolescence", or even move it to Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, or South or Central America (my preference.)

Rich neighbors make good friends, and lessens them from sending their brat kids to our house for dinner.

Pwning4Ever ago

We need China right now because the government in the US strangleholds US manufacturing. The new Tesla factory in China was initiated then created in a few months. In the US, you need several years just to get past the Red Tape! Not to mention the Taxes, oh Lord, we need high taxes to support the welfare queens