Elana Freeland - Under an Ionized Sky - From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (2018)
Beyond embedded journalists, news blackouts, false flag events, blacklisted and disappeared Internet domains the plotline of America's "free press" there are now ISP-filtering programs subject to Homeland Security guidelines that sift through emails and toss some into a black hole. Insiders and the NSA-approved, however, can get around such protections of networks by means of the various hybrids of the PROM IS backdoor. The 1980s theA of the Prosecutor's Management Information System (PROMIS) software handed over the golden key that would grant most of the world to a handful of criminals. In fact, this one crime may have been the final deal with the devil that consigned the United States to its present shameful descent into moral turpitude. PROMIS began as a COBOL-based program designed to track multiple offenders through multiple databases like those of the DOJ, CIA, U.S. Attorney, IRS, etc. Its creator was a former NSA analyst named William Hamilton. About the time that the October Surprise Iranian hostage drama was stealing the election for former California governor Ronald Reagan and former CIA director George H.W. Bush in 1980, Hamilton was moving his Inslaw Inc. from non-profit to for-profit status.
His intention was to keep the upgraded version of PROM IS that Inslaw had paid for and earmark a public domain version funded by a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) grant for the government. With 570,000 lines of code, PROMIS was able to integrate innumerable databases without any reprogramming and thus turn mere data into information.
With Reagan in the White House, his California cronies at the DOJ offered Inslaw a $9.6 million contract to install public-domain PROMIS in prosecutors' offices, though it was really the enhanced PROM IS that the good-old-boy network had set its sights on. In February 1983, the chief of Israeli antiterrorism intelligence was sent to Inslaw under an alias to see for himself the DEC VAX enhanced version. He recognized immediately that this software would revolutionize Israeli intelligence and crush the Palestine Inti fada. Enhanced PROMIS could extrapolate nuclear submarine routes and destinations, track assets, trustees, and judges. Not only that, but the conspirators had a CIA genius named Michael Riconosciuto who could enhance the enhanced version one step further, once it was in their possession. To install public domain PROMIS in ninety-four U.S. Attorney offices as per contract, Inslaw had to utilize its enhanced PROMIS. The DOJ made its move, demanding temporary possession of enhanced PROMIS as collateral to ensure that all installations were completed and that only Inslaw money had gone into the enhancements. Na'ively, Hamilton agreed. The rest is history: the DOJ delayed payments on the $9.6 million and drove Inslaw into bankruptcy. With Edwin Meese III as Attorney General, the bankruptcy system was little more than a political patronage system, anyway.
The enhanced PROMIS was then passed to the brilliant multivalent computer and chemical genius Riconosciuto, son of CIA Agent Marshall Riconosciuto.5 Recruited at sixteen, Michael had studied with Nobel Prize-winning physicist and co-inventor of the laser Arthur Shallo. Michael was moved from Indio to Silver Springs to Miami as he worked to insert a chip that would broadcast the contents of whatever database was present to collection satellites and monitoring vans like the Google Street View van, using a digital spread spectrum to make the signal look like computer noise. This Trojan horse would grant key-club access to the backdoor of any person or institution that purchased PROM IS software as long as the backdoor could be kept secret.
Meanwhile, the drama between Hamilton and the conspirators at DOJ continued. A quiet offer to buy out Inslaw was proffered by the investment banking firm Allen & Co., British publisher (Daily Mirror) Robert Maxwell, the Arkansas corporation Systematics, and Arkansas lawyer (and Clinton family friend) Webb Hubbell. Hamilton refused and filed a $50 million lawsuit in bankruptcy court against the DOJ on June 9, 1986. Bankruptcy Judge George F. Bason, Jr. ruled that the DOJ had indeed stolen PROMIS through trickery, fraud, and deceit, and awarded Inslaw $6.8 million. He was unable to bring perjury charges against government officials but recommended to the House Judiciary Committee that it conduct a full investigation of the DOJ. The DOJ's appeal failed, but the Washington, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed everything on a technicality. Under then-President George H.W. Bush (1989 — 1993), Inslaw's petition to the Supreme Court in October 1991 was scorned. When the IRS lawyer requested that Inslaw be liquidated in such a way that the U.S. Trustee program (AG Meese's feeding trough between the DOJ and IRS) could name the trustee who would convert the assets, oversee the auction, and retain the appraisers, Judge Bason refused.
Under then-President William Jefferson Clinton (1993 — 2001), the Court of Federal Claims
whitewashed the DOJ's destruction of Inslaw and theA of PROMIS on July 31, 1997. Judge Christine Miller sent a 186-page advisory opinion to Congress claiming that Inslaw's complaint had no merit a somber message to software developers seeking to do business with Attorney Generals and their DOJ. For his integrity, Judge Bason lost his bench seat to the IRS lawyer. Throughout three administrations, the mainstream Mockingbird media obediently covered up the Inslaw affair, enhanced PROMIS being a master tool of inference extraction able to track and eavesdrop like nothing else. Once enhanced PROMIS was being sold domestically and abroad so as to steal data from individuals, government agencies, banks, and corporations everywhere, intelligence-connected Barry Kumnick~ turned PROMIS into an artificial intelligence (AI) tool called SMART (Special Management Artificial Reasoning Tool) that revolutionized surveillance. The DOJ promised Kumnick $25 million, then forced him into bankruptcy as it had Hamilton. (Unlike Hamilton, Kumnick settled for a high security clearance and work at military contractors Systematics and Northrop.) Five Eyes / Echelon and the FBI's Carnivore / Data Collection System 1000 were promptly armed with SMART, as was closed circuit satellite highdefinition (HD) television. With SMART, Five Eyes / Echelon intercepts for UKUSA agencies became breathtaking.
The next modification to Hamilton's PROMIS was Brainstorm, a behavioral recognition software, followed by the facial recognition soAware Flexible Research System (FRS); then Semantic Web, which looks not just for link words and embedded code but for what it means that this particular person is following this particular thread. Then came quantum modification. The Department of Defense paid Simulex, Inc. to develop Sentient World Simulation (SWS), a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information. The SEAS (Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations) soAware platform drives SWS to devour as many as five million nodes of breaking news census data, shiAing economic indicators, real world weather patterns, and social media data, then feeds it proprietary military intelligence and fictitious events to gauge their destabilizing impact. Research into how to maintain public cognitive dissonance and learned helplessness (psychologist Martin Seligman) help SEAS deduce human behavior.
SearchVoatBot ago
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PhilKDick ago
Thanks for this. Promis is still used all over the nation. Access varies. Users are TOLD not to misuse the data.
iamlegion ago
Is "HAMMER" another one you are aware of? PROMIS may have become PRISM and sold to advertising companies for ad targeting.
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derram ago
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morecrap ago
DHS is a black hole used by private companies like blackwater group